The Best and Worst Multivitamins of 2024

Jan 14, 2024

Whether you are eating a poor diet and trying to fill in the gaps with a multivitamin, or eating a balanced diet and taking a multivitamin for insurance against deficiency, dietary supplements in the form of a multivitamin are a part of more than 30 percent of an American’s diet.

Are multivitamins necessary? This is a common question for average humans and athletes alike, and a popular topic in the medical field. Below we will explain how we determined the best and worst multivitamins for 2022.

How Are Multivitamins Made?

You will find the following processes that are used to make a multivitamin: whole food, naturally derived and modified, synthesized from yeast or fermentation.

Typically there isn’t a multivitamin that doesn’t contain some synthesized or “scientifically formulated” nutrients since they cannot be reached to high enough levels from food to hit the target amounts. The best and worst multivitamins show that the best are moving more towards whole food sources.

The majority of “whole food multivitamins” actually use a nutrient-rich broth, added synthetic vitamins and the yeast saccharomyces to metabolize and convert them, then use small amounts of fruit or vegetable blends as filler. The difference is if those forms are in the biologically available and active form.

This is where the claims can fall in a gray area. There are certain synthetic dietary supplements like vitamin E and beta carotene that have performed poorly and at a detriment in studies, whereas L-ascorbic acid has performed very well. Magnesium citrate, malate, and glycinate show superior absorption over oxide or carbonate forms.

Folic acid may now be questionable due to gene variants like MTHFR, with methylfolate being the preferred form (very important during pregnancy and for subsequent generations).

The Major Studies on Multivitamins

1. A large randomized double placebo clinical trial in 2012 looking at 16,451 male doctors over 50 with a history of cancer followed for more than a decade found that those who took a multivitamin had an 8% lower incidence of cancer returning, however, it did not have any effect on prostate cancer or men without a history of cancer. It also did not show any reduction in heart attacks or strokes.

2. A 2006 study looked at the efficacy and safety of multivitamin and mineral supplement use to prevent cancer and chronic disease in adults. In a poorly nourished Chinese population, combined supplementation with beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, and selenium reduced the incidence of and mortality rate from gastric cancer and the overall mortality rate from cancer by 13% to 21%.

In a French trial, combined supplementation with vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, and zinc reduced the rate of cancer by 31% in men but not in women. Multivitamin and mineral supplements had no significant effect on cardiovascular disease or cataracts, except that combined beta carotene, selenium, alpha-tocopherol, retinol, and zinc supplementation reduced the mortality rate from stroke by 29%.

A combination of 7 vitamins and minerals stabilized visual acuity loss in a small trial, and combined zinc and antioxidants slowed the progression of advanced age-related macular degeneration in high-risk persons. No consistent adverse effects of multivitamin and mineral supplements were evident, and the conclusion was that it couldn’t be proven or disproven if multivitamins helped prevent cancer or chronic disease.

3. The study from JAMA looked at 68 trials with over 230,000 participants taking different varieties of antioxidants (A, C, E, beta carotene, selenium) and concluded that “treatment with beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E may increase mortality. The potential roles of vitamin C and selenium on mortality need further study.”

Anyone that has read numerous positive studies on vitamin C might have frowned at that conclusion. A closer inspection shows that the cherry picking of these studies looks like something Inspector Clouseau might have worked on.

According to Dr. Houston from Vanderbuilt Medical School, “from an original pool of 815 studies, the researchers excluded a whopping 747 of them (91.5%) for one reason or another, leaving just 8% on which to base their conclusions. Of the excluded studies, 405 were rejected simply because none of the participants in these studies had died.

How can the researchers possibly prove that antioxidants have no effect on mortality if they’ve eliminated almost half of the studies in the data pool specifically because there was no mortality?”

In all the final studies pooled, the antioxidants were synthetic and chronically ill people were mixed in with healthy people. Closer inspection shows a VERY wide dosage from only 60mg of vitamin C to 200,000 IU of vitamin E in a single day!

Professor Balz Frei, the Director of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University commented on the study saying “all the new study really demonstrates is a bias toward identifying studies or research that show harm caused by antioxidants, and selective removal of research that shows benefits.”

Do You Need a Multivitamin?

A better question is “do you need a multi-mineral?” A standardized daily allowance has created a skewed perception of our individual requirements and what is provided by the soil our food was grown in. Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes once said, “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

While I cannot find the document online, the chemist Raymond Francis in his book Never Fear Cancer Again states “a 1992 Earth Summit Report suggested that 99 percent of Americans are mineral deficient.”

What about vitamins? Water-soluble vitamins like all of the b-vitamins and vitamin C are what I see to be a major problem due to the lack of access to freshly picked foods. Both of these deplete quickly post-harvest, and the majority of clients I see are deficient in these nutrients.

Magnesium is also a major mineral lacking in our water and soil. On the other side, people may need to avoid folic acid (synthetic form) in fortified foods and in multivitamins because it blocks folate receptors. This has been indicated in breast cancer and autism studies. There is likely a genetic susceptibility based on variants in the DHFR enzyme MTHFR genes. However, be careful with isolated methylfolate dosage and don’t assume that more is always better.

Top 5 Arguments for Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

1. Chemical agriculture has depleted, polluted and destroyed the soil and our water supply. If the minerals are not in the soil, they are not in the food. If the water is stripped of its minerals and polluted, and crop rotation and composting is not practiced, then the food is in a sorry state to begin with.

  • Vitamins are highest when foods are freshly picked, and many decline rapidly post-harvest, both chemically and organically grown. Worldwide shipping and storage of fruits and vegetables give us further depleted food.
  • Glyphosphate (potent herbicide on GMO crops) blocks calcium, magnesium, manganese and iron from being absorbed in genetically modified grains, fruits, legumes and vegetables.
  • Spinach and asparagus lose 50-70 percent of their folate when kept at room temperature for three days.
  • Vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, and green beans typically lose 50 percent of their vitamin C before they reach the produce counter.
  • Potatoes lose as much as 78 percent of their vitamin C during long-term storage at 36 degrees.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers used in non-organic agriculture may lower vitamin C content in fruits and vegetables.
  • Blanching of vegetables prior to freezing can destroy half the vitamins.
  • Freezing meat can destroy up to 70 percent of its vitamins.

2. We are no longer growing our own food or collecting it from the wild fresh. Processed food has become a staple for a large percentage of the population, feeding people food that is calorie rich and nutrient poor. Very few people can obtain a daily diet based on our hunter-gatherer and farming ancestors.

3. Sugar, refined carbohydrates, stress, excess coffee, and excess alcohol consumption has created depletion on top of toxicity.

4. A highly chemical environment, diet, medications, and personal care products have put new demands on the human body that it has never had to deal with the history of mankind. Deficiencies of certain minerals increase the uptake of heavy metals. Lead will take the place of calcium, cadmium will take the place of zinc, aluminum will take the place of magnesium, and nickel will take the place of manganese.

5. An indoor, sedentary, high-stress environment puts additional demands on the body that increase the need for numerous vitamins and minerals that are also needed to offset the toxic byproducts of stress hormones.

Top 5 Arguments Against Multivitamins

1. They don’t work.

Answer: One standard formula for an entire population is bound to fail for those with individual biochemical needs where it may only take one nutrient or mineral needed in higher amounts to make the difference.

2. You can get all the RDA vitamins and minerals from food. Supplements are not necessary.

Answer: Remember that the RDA is the absolute minimum needed to prevent things like scurvy, not the amount required for optimal health. However, you can get above the RDA for certain vitamins and minerals with a good diet.

3. They cause more harm than good.

Answer: This could be true for formulas using food dyes, artificial sweeteners, toxic forms and high amounts of certain vitamins and minerals. Pharmaceuticals are connected to over 125,000 deaths per year. According to the U.S. National Poison Data System, there were zero deaths linked to supplementation as of 2010.

You can find thousands of clinical studies showing the efficacy of supplementation without side effects or toxicity. You cannot compare a cheap synthetic vitamin in the wrong form or toxic forms of antioxidants with the form found in nature and call them equivalent. Each time vitamin E and beta carotene is brought up to cause harm in studies, people fail to mention the ones used were synthetically made into the wrong form and have no biological activity.

4. Many people consume too many calories, and therefore are able to get the extra amount of vitamins and minerals required.

Answer: Not likely. We are a calorie rich and nutrient poor nation. We are creating more vitamin and mineral deficiencies due the depletion caused by sugar and refined flour based carbohydrates (depletes b-vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and calcium just to name a few).

5. If you need extra vitamins, you should eat fortified foods.

Answer: You will not find dieticians recommending supplements, but you will find them recommending fortified foods. Let the irony settle in for a minute. Why would they say not to take supplements, but to choose food with added poorly made synthetic vitamins? Because the American Dietetic Association is funded by processed food companies. This is how a diet of fortified cereal, fortified orange juice, low-fat dairy and artificial sweeteners became forced on the public. This is also why many will not use the dietician title now due to the loss of credibility.

How Nutrigenomic DNA Nutrition Testing Can Help

For some people, multivitamins may actually prevent them from choosing more nutrient-dense foods in their diet and continue bad eating habits, using a multivitamin as false insurance. How do you know which vitamins you are lacking? Check out the PhytoVest analysis.

The way you find out exactly which ones are most likely missing is going to be strictly due to the individual’s food choices, physical activity, soil mineral levels, cooking preparation, constitution, genetic biochemistry, stress, environmental pollutants and other factors.

In other words, challenging without a professional analysis. What we do know is that there are certain vitamins and minerals that are harder to get in today’s world and require a much higher need for the majority.

What do the majority of multivitamins lack? Calcium, magnesium, choline, enough vitamin C, K2, omega-3 fatty acids, sufficient iodine, b-vitamins in the active bioavailable form, vitamin E in all eight forms, true vitamin A (not just beta carotene) and enough vitamin D. 

If you are interested in determining where you have higher needs for certain vitamins, mineral and compounds at a genetic level, I spent years developing nutrigenomic software to help find these answers. It has been by far been the most life-changing testing I have done for myself and thousands of others. Check out Nutrition Genome.

The Worst Multivitamins

While supplements are immune from the death statistics, they are not without their problems. While it’s not proven that supplements were the main cause, Consumer Reports states that 6,300 serious adverse events were possibly associated with supplements.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some supplements are associated with adverse effects because without regulation and accountability, untested products are going to find their way in mainstream stores.

Everyone has different sensitivities, and certain additives and versions of vitamins can cause issues for some but not others. You need to do your homework on reputable companies that do purity tests and clinical studies backing up their claims.

One incident happened to Gary Null, who was almost killed by his own product when Gary Null’s Ultimate Power Meal almost became his last meal with an overdose of vitamin D (2 million instead of 2 thousand IU).

Another example occurred with a liquid multivitamin that had 200 times the amount of selenium (40,800mcg) that it should of, leading to acute selenium toxicity in chiropractor patients. For the best and worst multivitamins of 2022 list, you want to pay attention to why the worst were chosen, and use these guidelines if choosing a multivitamin not on the best list.

The following matched one or more of the previous criteria for my opinion of the worst multi-vitamins:

1. Flintstones Vitamins: When I was a child, my mom (also a nutritionist) would do lectures using Flintstones vitamins as an example of what not to buy. She would take a lighter to the vitamins and it would melt down to a mound resembling oil, from the coal based artificial colors.

The #1 children’s multivitamin in the US and the top vitamin recommended by Pediatricians is produced by the pharmaceutical company Bayer and contains the neurotoxin aspartame, cupric oxide (a potentially toxic form of copper), coal tar artificial colors, hydrogenated GMO soybean oil and GMO corn starch.

2. Centrum Multi-Vitamin/Mineral: Made by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, and brings in close to 1 billion in sales. Centrum uses synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol) and beta carotene, the same kind that has been found to cause detrimental health problems like prostate and lung cancer.

It uses the oxide form of magnesium, which only 4% is absorbed. It contains hydrogenated palm oil, a trans-fat highly correlated to heart disease, not to mention all the horrible artificial colors including FD#C Blue #2, Yellow #6 and Red #40 found to disrupt mitochondrial function (the power house of a cell).

study published in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology found that the dyes actually enter the bloodstream through the skin or digestive system, debunking previous expertise that the skin blocked it and the digestive system destroyed it first.

This is alarming because these dyes have already been linked to ADHD, allergies, and asthma, but due to the dye’s ability to inhibit cellular respiration, a whole cascade of health effects.

3. Bayer One a Day: Vitamin A is labeled (14% as beta carotene). When the source of the beta carotene is not listed, that means it may be synthetic.

Synthetic versions of beta carotene have been shown to increase the risk of cancer in heavy smokers and drinkers, and accelerated the death and shortened the life span of rats exposed to radiation.

The natural form of beta carotene decreased the death rate and significantly increased the life span of exposed rats. Synthetic vitamin E is used and seen as dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate. It has been shown to have little or no anticancer effectiveness, and may even increase prostate cancer. Magnesium oxide and zinc oxide are used, a poor choice for men especially.

4. Nutrilite™ Double X™ Vitamin/Mineral/Phytonutrient Supplement by Amway: The Nutrilite Double X multivitamin by Amway is priced at $87 for a 31-day supply, with a vitamin and mineral formulation that costs as little to make as possible.

The multivitamin uses a source of beta-carotene that is not listed, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, and synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol). There are a lot of additives in the other ingredient section like soybean oil, glucose syrup and sucrose as well.

While they did a lot of research on the plant concentrate section, they need to match the vitamin and mineral profile with the same quality and price it appropriately.

Here is the full list of non-medicinal ingredients: Acacia, Agar, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Calcium Stearate, Calcium Sulfate, Carnauba Wax, Corn Starch, Croscarmellose Sodium, Calcium Phosphate, Dibasic, dl-Alpha Tocopherol, Glucose Syrup, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Glycerin, Magnesium Stearate, Maltodextrin, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Mixed Tocopherol Concentrate, Unhydrogenated Palm Oil, Pea Starch, Silicon Dioxide, Sodium Alginate, Sodium Ascorbate, Soy protein isolate, Sucrose, Pectin, Soybean Oil, Dicalcium Phosphate, Corn Starch Modified, Powdered Cellulose, Gum Arabic.

5. GNC Ultra Mega Gold: This formula has many carbonate and oxide forms, and in particular copper, magnesium and zinc in oxide form in my book are considered “bad form.”

While this is detrimental for women and men for different reasons, men especially need good sources of magnesium and zinc for the heart and prostate. Make sure you are getting citrate, malate glycinate or picolinate forms.

There are many ingredients that look added for the wow factor, but almost all of them are so low that they are insignificant. While the tocotrienol complex is admirable, 900 micrograms is not going to do much when the effective dose starts at 375 milligrams or more according to A.C. Grace.

On the other ingredient section, it says “sucralose” while below it states “no artificial flavors.” Get the facts straight GNC. These should obviously be avoided, but why would you put artificial flavors in something that you are not even eating? It’s maddening.

6. PaleoBalance All in One WholeFoods Multi-Vitamin: You are probably shocked to hear me put a multi-vitamin with the name “Paleo” in it on the bad list. Well, thou shall not use the word Paleo in vain. As I have learned more about the manufacturing process, I have learned how to spot companies cutting corners to create a cheaper product.

If you look at the label closely, there is nothing impressive about the vitamin and mineral profile. The oxide and carbonate forms are the cheapest to use, and also the most poorly absorbed (only 10 percent of oxide forms are absorbed). Magnesium and zinc use the oxide forms in their formula (both important for neurotransmitter health) and the calcium used is carbonate.

Vitamin E should also be used with mixed tocopherols, not just d-alpha. The vitamin D is D2 (often synthetic) while D3 is considered to be much more effective. Iron is missing, so if you are female you will want something with iron. Vitamin K is missing, which is probably the first time I’ve seen a multi-vitamin missing vitamin K.

PaleoBalance uses cheap vitamins and minerals, and from what I can see non-organic blends. In general, blends are usually very small amounts, so I question how effective these are in the first place and I suspect they are added for marketing.

If you look at the omega 3 profile, it is plant-based (only 11mg of ALA, barely if any will convert to EPA and DHA where 200-300mg are usually standard). After receiving multiple emails about this product, I wanted to set the record straight that this isn’t what I would deem up to Paleo standards.

The Best Multivitamins and Multiminerals

After numerous comments and emails, I have been on the search for years to give a recommendation for a basic daily multivitamin supplement that is worth purchasing. 

Not only do you want the right formulation, but you want to see GMP certification and other documentation to assure the product produced has the identity, strength, composition, quality, and purity that it is represented on the label.

If you are looking for specific multivitamins for athletes, executives, children or seniors, I recommend the following articles:
The Best Multivitamins for Athletes and Executives
The Best Children’s Multivitamins
Best and Worst Multivitamins for Seniors

You can choose either a multivitamin or a multimineral based on your needs. The multivitamin contains both vitamins and minerals, while the multimineral only contains minerals, but higher amounts of calcium and magnesium.

If you can’t take a multivitamin due to sensitivity to any of the ingredients like methylfolate, the multimineral I recommend is Xymogen MinRex combined with Bio-B 100. The minerals selenium and iodine are especially important for the thyroid, breast, and prostate.

If you are looking for a multivitamin that gives a foundational amount of vitamins and minerals in the right form, I have narrowed it down to these four. Remember to take your multivitamin with food so that you absorb the carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

1. Primitive Scientific Multivitamin for Men and Primitive Scientific Multivitamin for Women 

Price: $48.99 for 30 servings

Primitive Scientific has proven to be a company willing to go the extra mile for the highest quality ingredients and intelligently sourced and dosed blends.  This product became PhytoVest Certified in 2024, surpassing the standards beyond organic, NSF and Non-GMO. 

  • Removed DHA because Primitive Scientific now offers a standalone fish roe oil
  • Removed a few ingredients and adjusted some minor quantities related to supply chain constraints
  • Updated Blend names and streamlined ingredients to increase quantity and potency of each
  • Now quantify active compounds in blends

Men’s Highlights

-All the correct forms of all vitamins and minerals for those looking for dosages found in food
-B12 Methylated B12 as Mecobalactive for optimal absorption at the right dosage.
-250mcg of lithium
-Contains Full-spectrum Vitamin K2 as all-trans MK7 and MK4
-Wild Alaskan rosehip blend
-Wild Alaskan wild blueberry complex
-Includes unique ingredients with cofactors, including Royal jelly, standardized organic propolis extract, fulvic acid complex and PQQ
-Brain and Eye support from bilberry extract, astaxanthin and premium choline from alpha-GPC; not cheap inferior forms like bitartrate
-Stress and Immunity support that includes holy basil and wild Chaga dual extract
-Testosterone and Energy support from cordyceps extract
-Heart support with from CoQ10, reishi extract and full-spectrum red wine grape extract (resveratrol)
-Non-GMO, gluten-free, preservative-free, vegetarian-friendly and proudly made in the USA in a cGMP and NSF certified facility.
-Tested to be exceeding low in heavy metals, aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A, pesticide residue and glyphosate.

Women’s Highlights

-All the correct forms of all vitamins and minerals for those looking for dosages found in food
-B12 Methylated B12 as Mecobalactive for optimal absorption at the right dosage.
-250mcg of lithium
-Highly bioavailable iron in a form that is gentle on the stomach
-Contains Full-spectrum Vitamin K2 as all-trans MK7 and MK4
-Wild Alaskan rosehip blend
-Wild Alaskan wild blueberry complex
-Includes unique ingredients with cofactors, including Royal jelly, standardized organic propolis extract, fulvic acid complex and PQQ
-Brain and Eye support from bilberry extract, astaxanthin and premium choline from alpha-GPC; not cheap inferior forms like bitartrate
-Stress and Immunity support that includes holy basil and wild Chaga dual extract
-Hormone support with standardized red clover and hops extracts
-Heart support with from CoQ10, reishi extract and full-spectrum red wine grape extract (resveratrol)
-Non-GMO, gluten-free, preservative-free, vegetarian-friendly and proudly made in the USA in a cGMP and NSF certified facility.
-Tested to be exceeding low in heavy metals, aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A, pesticide residue and glyphosate.

2. Primitive Scientific 2/Day Essentials for Adults and Seniors

Cost: $34.99 for 30 servings

Primitive Scientific has proven to be a company willing to go the extra mile for the highest quality ingredients and intelligently sourced and dosed blends. It has taken the top spot for seniors by casting a wider net with appropriate doses of various vitamins and minerals, and including incredible blends targeting the eyes, muscles, brain and gut. This product became PhytoVest Certified in 2024, surpassing the standards beyond organic, NSF and Non-GMO. 

This formula was updated in 2023:

  • Removed DHA because Primitive Scientific now offers a standalone fish roe oil
  • Removed a few ingredients and adjusted some minor quantities related to supply chain constraints
  • Calcium now from natural bone matrix
  • Removed proprietary blends to list each ingredient with amount


– Contains the correct forms of all vitamins and minerals
– Vitamin E as d-alpha tocopherol plus mixed tocopherols and mixed tocotrienols
– Comprehensive eye and heart support that contains wild alaskan blueberry, CoQ10, lutein, astaxanthin, zeaxanthin
– Unique brain and gut support that contains a high quality form of choline, uridine and lithium (read more about how this combo can heal the brain and gut)
– Unique muscle and cell support that includes tri-creatine malate, alpha-lipoic acid, and PQQ
– methylated folate
– Choline from the superior AlphaGPC and not inferior forms like bitartrate
– B12 in from MecobalActive (Spain) methylcobalamin
– 100 mcg K2 from B. Lichenformis MK-7 form and MK-4 form
– 250 mcg of Lithium for neuroprotection, mood and brain health
– Does not contain iron
– Non-GMO, gluten-free, preservative-free, vegetarian-friendly and proudly made in the USA in a cGMP and NSF certified facility

3. VitaminIQ Whole Food Multivitamin for Women and Vitamin IQ Whole Food Multivitamin for Men

Cost: $39.99 for 120 capsules (4 capsules daily)

The creators of this formula took very careful consideration to utilize whole food organic ingredients while also recognizing the research for including the optimal forms of certain vitamins and minerals that may not be stable or absorbed well from the plant kingdom.

If you are willing to pay more for an organic whole food based good multivitamin that targets different needs of men and women, this is an excellent choice. This product includes lithium, Gotu kola over the use of ginkgo (ginkgo can interact with medications), boron, and saw palmetto (for men). This formula also follows the standards for a vegan multivitamin.


      • The only multivitamin that has a 300mcg microdose of lithium orotate for folate and B12 transport, neuron protection, cognitive function, mood improvement, and inflammatory regulation
      • Beta carotene from D. salina, a superior source of full-spectrum carotenoids
      • Vitamin A palmitate – preformed vitamin A for healthy DNA, cell differentiation, lung health, immune function, skin and eye health and digestive tract lining. Helpful form for those who have a poor conversion of beta-carotene into this active form of vitamin A as seen in the Nutrition Genome Report.
      • Vitamin E as d-alpha-tocopherol succinate for lung health, skin health, and anti-inflammatory actions
      • Vitamin D3, K2, calcium, magnesium, and boron for bone health
      • K2 as Menaquinone-7 for cardiovascular health
      • B2 as R-5-P, B6 as P-5-P, folate as methylfolate and B12 as methylcobalamin for healthy methylation and homocysteine levels
      • A higher amount of magnesium (250mg) for heart health and energy (ATP) production
      • Iodine from Icelandic kelp
      • Correct dosing and use of mineral chelates (zinc 12mg, selenium 55mcg, manganese 2.3mg, copper 0.8mg) for a wider population
      • Digestive enzyme blend for better assimilation of nutrients
      • Gotu Kola for cognition, circulation and skin repair
      • The antioxidant blend (lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, grapeseed extract, bilberry, green tea leaf extract) and choline + fruit and vegetable blends provide some anti-inflammatory support through each decade of life
      • The men’s version contains saw palmetto for a healthy prostate
      • Made in FDA registered facility, GMP certified and third-party tested
      • No harmful additives or fillers
      • Capsules can be opened and added to smoothie, drink or food

What you may need in addition to this multivitamin: calcium and vitamin D depending on your blood work and medical situation.

4. Naturelo for Men and Naturelo for Women

Cost: $44.95 for 120 capsules (4 daily)

Budget-Friendly One-A-Day Foundation Version:

Naturelo One a Day for Men and Naturelo One a Day for Women

The Naturelo One-A-Day is a good multivitamin if you are looking for basic levels of vitamins and minerals on a budget.

Cost: $34.95 for 120 capsules (one capsule daily, 4 month supply)

The creators of this formula took very careful consideration to utilize whole food organic ingredients while also recognizing the research for including the optimal forms of certain vitamins and minerals that may not be stable or absorbed well from the plant kingdom. If you are willing to pay more for an organic whole food based good multivitamin that also provides the optimal sources and forms of each vitamin and mineral, this is the one. This formula also follows the standards for a vegan multivitamin.

What I like about the 4 capsule version:

      • Organic, GMP certified and third-party tested
      • No harmful additives or fillers
      • Beta carotene from D. salina, a superior source of full-spectrum carotenoids
      • Vitamin E as d-alpha-tocopherol and mixed tocopherols
      • K2 as a MK-7 from B-licheniformis
      • B6 as P-5-P, folate as methylfolate and B12 as methylcobalamin
      • A higher amount of magnesium (300mg) and the correct ratio to calcium (125mg)
      • Iodine from kelp
      • Correct dosing and use of mineral chelates (zinc 12mg, selenium 70mcg, manganese 2.3mg, copper 0.9mg) for a wider population
      • While small, the addition of rutin, lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, grapeseed extract, ginger, choline, and turmeric are a nice bonus. Fruit and vegetable blends are small, but provide co-factors.
      • Available to be shipped to the UK

What you may need in addition to this multivitamin: True vitamin A which can be obtained from the diet or cod liver oil. Beta carotene needs to be converted to vitamin A, which varies widely in the population. Vitamin C as L-ascorbic acid is more stable and has extensive research has shown it is not inferior to whole food vitamin C. *If you are taking medications, make sure that you do not have any interactions with any of the herbs in this formula (mainly Ginkgo).

5. Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2 a Day

Cost: $28.00 for 60 capsules (1-2 daily)

What I like about this one:

      • Contains the right form of B12, B6, and folate. The therapeutic dose is best for those taking medications that deplete certain vitamins and minerals, digestive disorders that affect absorption, seniors, and those treating certain disorders under the care of your health practitioner
      • Contains 15mg of highly absorbable zinc bisglycinate chelate
      • Contains the right doses of manganese, copper and boron
      • Uses the correct dosage of vitamin E in the mixed tocopherol form, not dl-alpha-tocopherol or isolated alpha-tocopherol
      • Uses natural mixed carotenes (including beta carotene) from the marigold flower
      • Uses K2 instead of just K1
      • Contains selenium as selenomethionine, not selenate and selenite
      • Contains iodine
      • Contains a higher dose of vitamin C from L-ascorbate
      • Contains 2,000IU of vitamin D instead of 800IU or less
      • It requires 2 capsules instead of the 6-8 capsules often required of higher quality multivitamins
      • It is affordable. A higher cost doesn’t always mean higher quality, and I try to seek these out for people. It does not contain any harmful fillers or food dyes. I have also found some clients to be sensitive to citrate forms, and this formula does not contain any.
      • They are conducting double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials
      • Certified by GMP, TGA from the Government of Australia (Australia’s FDA), as well as by the prestigious NSF International for quality control, purity, and manufacturing.

It should be noted that calcium, magnesium, vitamin C (although 250mg is better than most), choline and omega-3 fatty acids need to be higher in the diet or with supplementation, which is true of every multivitamin. You also may only need 1 a day, reducing the price considerably. While this one is not perfect (there isn’t one) and I still recommend a nutrient target approach along with diet, this will be the best choice for those who prefer a multivitamin.

The Guidelines for Designing Your Own Multivitamin

After doing thorough research on the vitamin and mineral ratios, dietary intake and learning more about the process of certain multivitamins from scientists, I believe the best approach is focusing on minerals and supplementing with a select few nutrients based on your needs while getting the rest from food.

Here is the new article explaining my analysis on how I arrived at this conclusion, how you can determine your needs, and a handy chart for what foods should be consumed for each nutrient: How to Create Your Own Multivitamin with Food.


Choose Gerolsteiner Mineral Water and Concentrace Trace Mineral Research drops for your regular water. You can see why I chose Gerolsteiner in my article Best and Worst Electrolyte Drinks.


See the article “How Have We Become So Magnesium Deficient?”


According to this review, when consumed in increasing amounts in food, six of these nutrients (folate, vitamin B12, niacin, vitamin E, retinol, and calcium) are associated with a reduction in DNA damage, whereas three others (riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and biotin) are associated with an increase in DNA damage to the same extent observed with occupational exposure to genotoxic and carcinogenic chemicals.

Increasing one’s calcium intake further enhanced the genome-protective effect of a high-folate diet whereas a high riboflavin intake further exacerbated genome damage associated with a low-folate diet.

This is consistent with epidemiologic studies showing that cancer rates tend to be higher among populations that consume more red meat (which is very high in riboflavin), more alcohol (which depletes folate), and fewer vegetables (a rich source of folate). It is the balance that is important.

MTHFR 677 and MTHFR 1298 Genes

If you have a homozygous MTHFR 677 or heterozygous MTHFR 1298 gene combined with a heterozygous MTHFR 677, you may require higher amounts of folate (600-800mcg in studies) to maintain healthy homocysteine (inflammation) levels and for balanced mental health.

Pregnancy and Folate Intake (Not Folic Acid!)

If you are pregnant, you want to make sure to get adequate folate daily to for a healthy pregnancy, but not too much. A new study from John’s Hopkins University looked at 1,391 mother-child pairs in the Boston Birth Cohort, a predominantly low-income minority population.

The researchers found that very high circulating folic acid doubled the risk of autism, and B12 levels that were very high tripled the risk of autism. If both levels are extremely high, the risk that a child develops the disorder increases 17.6 times.

Since folic acid (not folate) was highlighted, this most likely was due to a diet high in processed fortified foods along with supplements containing folic acid, a synthetic vitamin B that does not exist in food. I explain the mechanism behind how this can be problematic in this article.

How to Choose B12

Cyanocobalamin is the synthetic B12 form found in cheap multivitamins and fortified foods. Both folic acid and this form of B12 could be causing methylation issues, leading to high levels of folic acid and cyanocobalamin in the blood, blocking entry into the cell. Choose methylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin or adenosylcobalamin.


Zinc deficiency may affect 2 billion people, due to low levels in our food, the major drop in shellfish and organ meat consumption, and the high intake of grains that block zinc absorption.

Zinc is concentrated in the brain, adrenals, eyes and prostate, and disorders of these usually are connected to zinc deficiency. If you are older, diabetic, vegetarian, have low stomach acid or take certain medications, you are even more at risk.

I recommend Jarrow Zinc Balance. Vitamin A and D increase zinc absorption. “A sustained rise in plasma zinc concentration (and therefore its potential bioavailability) was obtained only when the zinc was augmented with both vitamins A and D (in RDA concentrations).” Another reason cod liver oil is awesome.


Research shows that nine out of 10 Americans don’t get enough choline. Choline is required for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter of the vagus nerve that enervates multiple organs including the lungs, heart, liver, stomach and temporal lobe of the brain. A deficiency could affect all of these.

One study found that women with higher choline intake have the lowest anxiety. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Syndrome occurs from a choline deficiency. PEMT gene polymorphisms are common in women and increase choline needs even further. Pregnant and nursing mothers require the highest amounts of choline, crucial for a baby’s brain development.

The recommended range keeps changing upward and is currently between 425-550mg for a daily intake up to 930mg for pregnant women in their third trimester.

Eggs and liver have the highest amount, followed by meat, fish and smaller amounts in nuts, seeds, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and collard greens. If you do not eat eggs or organ meats, you are likely deficient and may require Phosphatidylcholine.

Vitamin C

See the article Is Vitamin C the Most Important Nutrient for You?

Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and EPA and DHA

See the article The Best Fish Oil, Algae Oil, Cod Liver Oil and Salmon Oil


Further Reading:
The Best Multivitamins for Athletes and High Performing Executives
The Best Children’s Multivitamins
Best and Worst Prenatal Vitamins
Best and Worst Multivitamins for Seniors
How to Make Your Own Multivitamin with Diet
Best and Worst Electrolyte Drinks
Best and Worst Whey Protein Powders


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  1. Kaci

    I’m looking for a good prenatal vitamin… Any suggestions?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Brian,

          This product uses synthetic folic acid and is missing the P-5-P form of B6. I am not a big fan of dehydrated greens because their nutrient value depletes considerably. You also always want to see heavy metal testing with green powders because many products have had issues with higher metals.

          • Brian

            Thx Alex; it is very difficult to find the perfect formula!; I checked out Thorne Research Basic Nutrients that made your cut but can’t understand: Other Ingredients: Hypromellose (derived from cellulose) capsule, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Calcium Laurate, Silicon Dioxide. That lineup doesn’t seem to support a healthy product and unfortunately these extras have become the norms in many products!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Brian,

            The hypromellose capsule is made from the southern pine tree. The microcrystalline cellulose is also from the pine tree for the capsule. Calcium laurate is a salt of lauric acid, the fatty acid in coconut oil. Silicon dioxide is produced from the oxidation of silica, a natural element found in plants like horsetail that prevents clumping.

            If these are of concern to you, I would go with Naturelo which only has the vegetable cellulose.

          • devi

            Hi Alex,thanks for the info its very helpful .Does naturelo whole food mutiviatmi has methyl folate or just folate.ThankYou

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Devi,

            Naturelo contains methylfolate.

          • Debi

            What are your thoughts about the Calton’s Nutreince supplementation powder in conjunction with their Skinny Fat:MCT & Organic Oils?

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Debi,

            I’ve been asked about the Nutreince powder before, and it looks like a pretty good formula. If you are choosing any of the flavored options, I would get some clarity on what is used for the natural flavors because those can sometimes contain MSG.

            The MCT/coconut oil/olive oil blends also look fine.

        • Joms

          Are the garden of life vitamins (vitamin code 50&wiser) good enough? All that youve mentioned are not available here in the Philippines.

          • Alex Swanson

            Hi Joms,

            With Garden of Life, it really depends on the product. Vitamin Code product uses USP vitamins fed to yeast in a nutrient-rich broth. I think that product is a little misleading because many people are under the impression that it is just a powdered whole foods vitamin. There’s also currently no proof that this creates a more bioavailable product. Their myKind brand is the only one that uses nutrients directly from whole foods.

        • Susan

          I have early stage estrogen positive breast cancer. I am thinking of starting on the am & pm multivitamins Nutreince by Caltron. I like that it absorbs easily and is good for bone health too. Any advise? Is this a good one?

      • Shelby Ramirez

        Hey i wanted to know how you felt about mary Ruth’s liquid morning multivitamin

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Shelby,

          I think it is an okay product, mainly for the minerals. The carotenoids, vitamin C and B-vitamins are sensitive to light and oxygen, so it would be helpful to see stability testing after it has been opened.

          • Shelby Ramirez

            Thank you for your reply. I finally bought the naturelo for kids but i see she is still lacking vitmans in it also because my 5 year old is slowly turn vegetarian. Do you have any advice for me. I really want to make sure she doesn’t lack anything. What else would i need to get her? The most natural sufficient vitamins and minerals that are safe?

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Shelby,

            I’m sure that is very challenging. While getting enough B12, iron, zinc, omega-3’s and vitamin A in the retinal form and other nutrients is a concern with a vegetarian diet, another concern is that your 5-year-old will not get enough protein for healthy growth on a vegetarian diet, and other issues may show up like poor dental health if the diet is too high in grains. You want to make sure she is getting enough eggs, wild salmon oil or cod liver oil, goat and sheep yogurt, combining lentils or chickpeas and rice for a complete protein, and using plant-based protein powders, nuts and seeds, vegetables (including iron-rich spinach) and fruit. Be careful not to fall into the trap of a grain-based vegetarian diet.

          • Shelby

            Hello. Wanted to know your opinion on Dr. Ron’s ultra pure Docs Best the next generation optimals vitmans, minerals and antioxidants. If you have ever researched them? Also im going to purchase the cod liver oil you suggested but also wanted to know if its okay for my daughter to have the naturelo vitamins and oil but would it be okay to give that the oil has more vitamin A as so does her multivitamin. Is it too much of the same vitamins in naturelo for kids and the cod liver oil? Sorry so long i just been non stop researching and feel clueless!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Shelby,

            I would say Dr. Ron’s Ultra Pure is pretty well formulated and seems to be better suited for post-menopausal women, bone health (2:1 ratio of extra calcium/magnesium), eye health, and those in need of a stronger formula.

            As long as you dose the cod liver oil appropriately for her age/weight, it is fine in conjunction with Naturelo’s Children’s multivitamin because they use beta-carotene, not true vitamin A.

          • Deepti

            Hi Alex!
            Thank you so much for taking the time to write this article! Do you have one on the best calcium supplements? Thanks!

          • Jacoline

            Hi. Have you heard of the supplements “Truehope” for brain boost. I am thinking of buying it, but need advice?

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Jacoline,

            I took a look at the website and ingredient label, and what I’m seeing is a lot of marketing hype for a sub-par multivitamin. Based on the use of folic acid instead of methylfolate and cyanocobalamin instead of methylcobalamin alone would prevent me from recommending it. I would need to dig further into their studies to see how many are peer-reviewed and double-blind placebo-controlled. You have to see if companies are doing their own research on their products and then making claims.

          • Diana

            Hi! I have MTHFR and have been on Metanx for a while. Because I also take a multivitamin my B12 is usually higher than the recommended amounts. Because of the concern for autism with high B12 I’m looking for a multi without it as I’m trying to get pregnant but didn’t realize high amounts of folate could also cause autism. What’s the highest my amount should be as because of these supplements it is also on the higher end. Lastly, for some reason I have toxic levels of selenium and am trying to find a supplement that doesn’t include that as well.

          • Alex Swanson

            Hi Diana,

            The concern with folate and B12 come from higher levels of circulating synthetic folic acid and potentially the cyanocobalamin form of B12. I haven’t seen any evidence that methylfolate or folinic acid carries the same risks as folic acid. However, high B12 levels on blood work may deplete lithium levels, so you want B12 to be in range for general health.

            My opinion is that 800mcg (1,360 mcg DFE) for methylfolate is plenty for the top range of folate intake with the MTHFR 677 homozygous or MTHFR 677 and 1298 heterozygous combination.

            You are not likely going to find a multivitamin or prenatal that doesn’t have B12 or selenium. The best you will find is one with smaller amounts as you will find in food. If you haven’t seen the article yet, I would check out the Health Beat Prenatal article for recommendations with lower doses of B12 and selenium.

          • Diane

            Recommendation for a 65y/o woman and 67y/o man? We are so far healthy and would like to stay that way!

        • Mpleo

          There is a Costco organic multi vitamin. How is this compared to what has been discussed?

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Mpleo,

            The Costco organic multivitamin falls in the category of synthetic vitamins added to a nutrient-rich broth, and the yeast saccharomyces to metabolize and convert them, with small amounts of fruit or vegetable blends as filler. This is a questionable processing method that does not have any research behind it. In the folate section, you can see that synthetic folic acid is used, which isn’t a form I recommend. There may be other inferior forms of vitamins and minerals used as well within the blends.

        • Hazel Wykes

          .I live in the UK am 70 years old,been told that I shoukd not take a multivitamin containing copper or this correct? Can you also recommend me a good multivitamin/ min supplement that’s sold in the uk please

          • Alex Swanson

            Hi Hazel,

            There are multivitamins and multiminerals without copper and iron. Finding ones without iron is easy, but copper is a little more difficult. I can’t confirm if your recommendation is correct. This would depend on your health practitioner. I’m not as familiar with the UK market, but I would be happy to review any multivitamins that are available to you and give you my opinion.

      • Jamie Pope

        Hello, I’m trying to get healthier and pregnant. I’m currently mixed between my Melaleuca Prenatals, Melaleuca Peak Peerformance Nutrition Pack, Juice Plus Orchard Blend +, Juice Pluse Garden Blend+ and Juice Plus Vineyard Blend +. We give our son Juice Plus chewys and stays pretty healthy and does not get sick often. My husband takes all the juice plus and I’ve been taking my juice plus all three 2 a day every other day and do Melaleuca the opposite day but not sure if the peak pack is worth it. I was taking Melaleuca prenatals when I was pregnant with my son. Wondering if we can cut some costs and which products are best! I need to eat more fruits and veggies is why I like juice plus

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Jamie,

          Here is a response I gave previously regarding Juice Plus. If you are looking to cut costs, I think Juice Plus could be cut.

          I don’t think much of Juice Plus. It is just an expensive low dose of added vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, and folic acid (a cheap synthetic form I have talked about in depth) supplement with a little powdered fruit and vegetables.

          Juice Plus is not a multivitamin and is missing crucial nutrients like magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, selenium, iodine, folate in the right form, and all the other B-vitamins. Some of their research is questionable. Many that I have reviewed only show that antioxidant supplements work in higher dosages (6 capsules used daily in some studies, which would be really expensive to maintain).

          They also just had a study released (that they funded) that gave Juice Plus Orchard Blend, Garden Blend, and Berry Blend to 56 obese adults on a low fruit and vegetable diet for 8 weeks. The study found that JuicePlus did not cause significant improvements relative to placebo in CRP, cholesterol levels, weight, body mass index, waist circumference and quality of life. Yet the researchers claimed that Juice Plus improves the metabolic profile.

          • Mike Bohan


            I’m confused as to whether I should go with your recommendation for the mineral supplement or the vitamin and mineral supplement. I’m 60 and in good health and do like to work out with weights



          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Mike,

            For 60 and up, I would recommend using a multivitamin. Methylation goes down as we age, making the B-vitamins more important. I would also take a look at the article Best Multivitamins for Athletes and High Performing Executives if you want something more tailored to working out and recovery.

      • Sushma

        Hi Alex,

        I have been looking at Phosphatidyl Choline. I live in Canada and the supplements I look at have 1200mg soy leitchin in addition to 425mg of choline.

        Is it safe to take 1200mg of soy per day ? Are there any supplements that don’t have high amounts of soy ?

        Thank you for being very helpful !!

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Sushma,

          Ideally, you want to get choline from your diet. If that’s not possible, I would look for a phosphatidylcholine that uses sunflower lecithin instead of soy. I’m not sure what is available in Canada, but I do know of some in the US.

    • Travis

      Hey Alex,

      I have been taking Naturelo Men’s Multi and have my wife taken the pre-natal and we have enjoyed them so far. Thanks for those recommendations.

      I am an athletic performance coach for a college team and wanted to supply a multivitamin for the team they would take 5-6 days per week. In the past I had used a liquid multi (cost effectiveness and practicality – 1 shot in a cup).

      Do you have any recommendations for a cost effective and/or liquid multi? I just dont want to get a multi and supply it to the team if it is not effective. So if your recommendation is still the Naturelo, I can sell that to my head coach and see if he would be willing to spend the money on it vs getting a subpar product and wasting money.


      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        Hi Travis,

        Glad to hear it! I’m not aware of a liquid multivitamin that uses the right forms of vitamins. The biggest issue is often stability with the vitamins in a liquid form, but the minerals are stable. There are plenty of liquid multimineral products. I would say Naturelo is going to be the best quality for a full multivitamin/multimineral, especially due to the high need for magnesium for athletes.

    • Karen Trimble-Olson

      Hi Alex!
      You mention trace minerals in some of the comments below and I am currently taking Dr. Berg’s trace minerals and I am wondering if you recommend these.
      Thank you,

    • Jennifer

      What do you think of Mary Ruths?

      • Alex Swanson

        Hi Jennifer,

        It depends on the supplement. Is there a specific one you are interested in?

    • Tim

      What are your thoughts on ATP labs vitamin called Total Defense.

      • Alex Swanson

        Hi Tim,

        From a formulation standpoint, the correct forms of vitamins and minerals are used. From a dosage standpoint, I think many vitamins and minerals are dosed way too high like vitamin E, selenium, B12, niacin, B6, B5, and manganese. For men, I think this formulation could be problematic for those susceptible to prostate cancer based on what has been found with high doses of vitamin E and selenium. High doses of vitamin E have also been found to be inflammatory for those with certain genetic variants. The manganese dose is bordering on the upper limit at 11mg, which is really unnecessary and the first time I’ve seen this. I also don’t agree with isolating L-glutamic acid. When glutamic acid or aspartic acid are not protein bound, it raises levels of glutamate and aspartate in the body. This may be an issue for those sensitive to excitatory effects. Disorders that fall under the excitatory umbrella include anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, IBS, epilepsy, and others. In the greens and reds blend – while not necessarily harmful – I don’t agree with the use of cereal grasses for reasons I explain here.

  2. Diana

    How about Melaleuca vitamins? This company says it started out with vitamins and has patented Oligo for optimal absorption. Here is the link to the vitamins I’ve been taking and generally I feel better when taking these compared to cheaper vitamins.

    There are AM/PM packs and you would need to click on each individual one in order to see all the ingredients per supplement. I get the discount because I am a member. (Still expensive with the discount, but seems to be worth it in my opinion. I agree you get what you pay for.)

    Thanks for your help. And for your article. Very informative. 🙂

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Diana,

      Vitamin packs are typically in a separate category since they often combine multiple products like fish oil and probiotics. I should probably add this category to the article as well. But I looked at the multi for you.

      The oligofructose complex was tested against sulfate, gluconate, oxide and fumarate forms of iron, copper, manganese and zinc. These are typically poorly absorbed forms to begin with, so testing it against citrate, malate and picolinate forms would be a better measure of superior absorption. There is a fairly high focus on copper absorption, going as far as explaining its copper absorption vs. Centrum when copper toxicity is more of a concern now than deficiency. It doesn’t explain its source of beta-carotene (important it’s not synthetic), vitamin D is too low, vitamin E is isolated and should be with mixed tocopherols and B6 is best as its active form pyridoxal 5 phosphate (Beyond Health is one of the few). I don’t know what the price point is for this one, but I don’t see anything that justifies a higher than average price.

      • Diana

        OK, thanks for looking into that for me!

        • kyria

          I was looking at thier new product line and was left with a lot of questions. I wouldn’t have found this article with out searching for info on the brand, paleo, and bulletproof options. Here’s the new product line:

          and their price is $80-$100 for a monthly box.

          I don’t want to be like Dave of Bulletproof Exc taking 40 pill supplements a day. But I want the health and brain performance to be greatly improved. Is there a quality option?

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Kyria,

            I took a look at the Peak Performance Brain Health box, and from my understanding under the label tab, there are 9 products, and if you were taking the serving size of each it would 17 pills a day?

            Most of these type of all in one boxes usually range in the $80-$100 range, and are beyond a multivitamin. The fish oil and the probiotics are probably going to be of the most benefit. Herbal blends are always hard to determine their efficacy base on dosage, and sometimes using just one in the correct dose is much more effective.

            If you are looking for a more affordable/quality option for health and brain performance, I would recommend looking at my article on mental health and scrolling down to the diagram that shows what each neurotransmitter requires.

            For products that are marketed for brain health, you will always see a big dose of b-vitamins. B-vitamins are number #1, along with omega-3’s (I prefer cod liver oil and wild salmon oil for better synergy as a whole food vs. isolated EPA and DHA), magnesium, vitamin C and probiotics (from food or supplements). I would also recommend researching Lion’s Mane for memory (I actually took this to repair nerve damage and it worked, and I continue to take it).

      • Jessie

        I’ve read your comments about Melaleuca but was interested on your input about the Melaleuca Womens Brain Health supplement packs..

        Do you think any of the amounts are toxic from being too high? Are the Vitamin B12 and folate too high to where the chances of autism will go up? Thanks for all your research and information!!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Jessie,

          The Acuity AZ has 1,000mcg of cyanocobalamin and 800mcg of folic acid, and the multivitamin/multimineral has 800mcg of folic acid and 12mcg of cyanocobalamin. As you probably know, there are many risk factors associated with autism. Synthetic folic acid and cyanocobalamin are unnecessary risk factors that can be avoided. So yes, I think this supplement pack is too high in both folic acid and cyanocobalamin, and according to the study in this article, increases the risk.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Judah,

      I got the ingredients translated. It looks like this particular product contains just b-vitamins, calcium, C and E, so it falls short of being considered a multi-vitamin and mineral. I applaud that Europe specifies L-ascorbate on their labels, that is the source of vitamin C you want. In the US it is just listed as ascorbic acid, and you have to do some detective work to find out if it is 100 percent L-ascorbate. The vitamin E is listed as DL-α Tocopherylacetate. The “L” in DL is what tells you it is synthetic, and synthetic vitamin E is what has been continually found in studies to cause health issues. I would recommend that your girlfriend looks for a different one.

  3. William White

    Hello I am a 38 year old recovering drug addict who has been clean from drugs for over 1 year now. I have 2 little kids that are 2 and 5 years old. I don’t know the first about proper diet,supplements, vitamins or even what kind of tests i should take to see what i am lacking in. ( which should be most )

    Since my kids don’t do what their told but do what they see I am very concerned that they won’t have a great chance at life unless they start to feed their little body and minds wit the RIGHT kind of Food.

    I really want to get healthier and change my whole life from processed to organic but i honestly don’t know where to stat.

    Could you please direct me to some great websites or books or anything that can help put my family and I on the right track?

    I would also be grateful if you could make suggestions for vitamin and supplements for someone like myself and also great options for mental clarity ect.

    Thanks and I hope that someone has time to help direct me and my little ones.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi William,

      First, thank you for taking the time to reach out with the openness to make some changes and the foresight to think of your children’s health future. For yourself, I would recommend reading my latest article on mental health: This will give you a great background of diet and supplementation for mental clarity and brain health. Another article is, which lays out 10 steps towards choosing healthy food that has fitness in mind, but could easily be used for general health.

      I have also written many articles on our clinical nutrition website under “topics” and “health issues” as well has designed many healthy recipes you can use. Learning to make healthy food taste great is the first step for yourself and your kids to start making the transition.

      A book that comes to mind is Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. It is comprehensive, but it will give you a nutrition overview, shopping guidelines and more recipes than you will ever use (including many for children). I hope this helps!

    • Kim

      William White, congratulations on your sobriety! That is something to celebrate every day! If you’d like, please email me at and I will help you all that I can. I’m a mental health counselor with MS who eats properly and takes vitamins and supplements. Please put “supplements” in the subject line so I won’t delete it.

      • Miranda

        I would also like some info!!! I am a recovering addict who also struggles with ADHD and extreme mental fatigue/brain fog . I’m learning about nutrition, but I have a very low income and am a young single mother of two. My 8 yr old daughter Also suffers from ADHD symptoms as well.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Miranda,

          Addiction and ADHD share some similarities in that it is about balancing dopamine and adrenaline levels. The very first step is focusing on your diet. You can see some general guidelines here: It is important for you and your daughter to have steady blood sugar with well-rounded meals. If your blood sugar goes up and down due to too much sugar and flour-based/boxed foods, addictive cravings and poor concentration follow. It is especially important to avoid anything with food dyes.

          If you do have money available for supplementation, magnesium, zinc and vitamin C are all helpful for ADHD and balancing dopamine. DHA is also a major one, but more expensive. These are also the three least expensive supplements. Magnesium deficiency has been found in 72% of children with ADHD, and 95% in another study. Approximately 66% of those with ADHD were found to be deficient in zinc and 23% in copper. Vitamin C may perform an action similar to Adderall by producing and maintaining proper dopamine and norepinephrine levels.

  4. Heather Lei

    Do you have information on children’s vitamins? I’m more concerned about them than myself. (They are 5, 3, and 9 mo. The baby does not get any, though) A friend gave us some Usana children’s vitamins but I have only her word they are good quality.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Heather,

      I would recommend using Dr. Mercola’s Children’s Chewable Multi-Vitamin combined with Nordic Naturals Children’s DHA.

      EDIT: I now recommend Thorne Research Children’s Basic Nutrients for children 4 and older, and fermented cod liver oil.

      • Leenie

        I read that there is the Prop 65 warning on Mercola’s Childrens Vitamins, would you kindly confirm? Do you still recommend these?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Leenie,

          You are correct. I found out about this over a year ago, and since then I do not recommend the Mercola Children’s Multivitamin.

          • Carolina

            Hi Alex,

            Thank you for a great article. What is your input on Garden Of Life Vitamin Code kids?

            “The Food-Created Nutrients in Vitamin Code formulas are cultivated with their unique Code Factors intact, enabling natural recognition of nutrients by your body.
            The Fruits & Vegetables in Vitamin Code Kids are organically grown.
            Vegetarian – Gluten Free”

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Carolina,

            Thanks for the feedback. I think calcium, magnesium, zinc and DHA are some of the most important nutrients for a growing child. The Garden of Life Vitamin Code Kids formula is lacking all of these.

          • Alison

            Hi Alex, What is your opinion of Nature’s Way Alive! Multi-Vitamin Citrus Flavor Liquid

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Alison,

            This product has the right idea in many ways, but they made a few mistakes. It uses synthetic folic acid and cyanocobalamin for B12, so it isn’t one I recommend. Flaxseed powder should not be used because it goes rancid quickly. They also need to take out the isolated fructose.

      • Liz

        Thank you so much for all of this information, this article was so helpful! I got the chewable Naturelo kids multivitamin for my kids. What are your thoughts on that one? Or should I switch them to the Thorn version?
        Also, as a 41 yo woman, I am currently taking the Naturelo Whole Food multivitamin for women, an omega 3, and raw probiotics. Should I add an additional magnesium, D3 and calcium vitamin or are those covered? I am concerned about taking too much of things like magnesium, I’ve heard it can be dangerous. Your input is greatly appreciated. Liz

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Liz,

          I think the Naturelo kids multivitamin is a great choice. No need to switch.

          If you are using the 4 capsule version of Naturelo then you are getting 300mg of magnesium. The need for more magnesium would depend on a lot of factors and symptoms like poor sleep, high coffee intake, leg cramps, intense training, etc. A typical target for magnesium is 400-600mg. The amount of vitamin D would depend on your current vitamin D level. You are getting 200mg of calcium from Naturelo and if your diet contains calcium-rich vegetables, this should be sufficient.

      • Paula

        Backstory- I have a toddler & I have allergies to trees, grass, molds, basically the air! Looking for something healthy & relatively allergen free for my child.

        I was reading how you recommend Naturelo Prenatal vitamins…..I see they also have a children’s vitamin. What is your opinion on the child’s & would you recommend it?

        • Paula

          Addendum: I noticed the Naturelo Children’s chewable showed daily values that seemed a little low for calcium, zinc, and B12? I was surprised by the 3mcg/50% B12.

          Appreciate your help! ?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Paula,

          I do recommend the Naturelo children’s multivitamin and wrote a multivitamin for children article here.

          In regards to calcium, zinc and B12 in Naturelo children’s multivitamin, I agree and wish the zinc was higher. Calcium will always be low in a multivitamin because it takes up a lot of room in the capsule. B12 is easy to get from food, and I think supplement companies go overboard on B12 which has negative consequences. However, if your family is vegan, you will want something with more B12.

          I have not seen many children’s multivitamins that reach my expectations, so if you come across one, please let me know.

          • Fedelia

            Hello, what are your thoughts on Intramax 2.0 by Druckers Lab?

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Fedelia,

            I remember this product from a few years ago, and the issue then was it used sodium benzoate. Benzoic acid (preservative) and vitamin C, which when exposed to heat to create benzene, a known carcinogen. It looks like they changed this to potassium sorbate now.

            This product has pretty much every ingredient known to man in it. The amounts of each, however, are minuscule. My philosophy is that it is more effective to choose a smaller number of ingredients dosed at the right level. The question I would ask the company is if they have had stability testing done after a few months for the carotenoids, vitamin C, and B-vitamins. From what I have seen in other liquid formulas, these vitamins can degrade quite a bit depending on the conditions. The formula does not contain K2, which may or may not be important to you. It also includes flaxseed oil, which goes rancid quickly when exposed to oxygen. I’m not sure how well potassium sorbate protects against that.

      • Kalua Rhody

        Is it now true, based on your article about kids’ multivitamins, that your most recent too recommendation is Naturello for kids?

  5. Nita Caffrey

    Thanks for the information on Paleo Balance. I have been taking it for couple of months and really felt better on them so disappointed that they are not a better vitamin. I have a question concerning the label on the bottle that says contains milk and wheat ingredients. Should that be contains NO since it is Paleo or does it really have those ingredients in it.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Nita,

      Yes based on the ingredient list (and being Paleo) you would think it wouldn’t have milk or wheat. The wheat may be from the wheat grass used, and the dairy is most likely due to the probiotics being derived from milk, even though it says “green source.”

  6. Doreen

    How would you compare Nutrilite supplements? I’ve been taking their Daily multi-vitamin, Calcium Magnesium and B-Complex but I’ve recently decided to try the Paleo diet to address some digestive issues. Is there something else I should replace these with?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Doreen,

      I wanted to update this because I must have been looking at a different label than I just reviewed. I think there are better products out there. I’m not sure what exactly you are working on for digestion, but probiotics (like VSL#3) and bone broth are very helpful for healing the gut lining along with taking out grains and sugar.

  7. Heather

    It is my understanding that some whole foods vitamin manufacturers feed conventional vitamins to yeast, then use that to fortify their product. Do you know which companies do that and which don’t? What do you think about MegaFood vitamins? How does MegaFood compare to Garden of Life? Which is better? I am looking for a good women’s multivitamin. Thanks!!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Heather,

      I want to thank you for pointing this out because I was aware of this process, however I thought Vitamin Code did not do this due to their literature and the way the product is marketed. If you look at the label of Megafood, you can see next to the vitamins the yeast “saccharomyces cerevisiae.” That is the yeast used for bread and beer. However it is also the yeast that is fed isolated, synthetic vitamins that then produce vitamins that are synthesized with the “co-factors.” The fruit and vegetable mixture is just a tiny filler. I called Garden of Life today and it turns out they use the exact same process but do not label the yeast as their medium, and instead the impression is that the vitamins and minerals are from their organic fruits and vegetables. At least, that’s how I perceived the product.

      Your timing couldn’t be better because I have been working on how to create your own multivitamin with food, and how to fill in the gaps. I will be posting it this week with a link under this article.

      • Heather

        Thank you so much! Is there any vitamin company that does not use synthetics at all? Do the yeasts actually make the nutrients bio-available, or is the whole idea of a whole foods multivitamin just a ploy? Thank you once again! I look forward to reading the article when it comes out!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Heather,

          This may be more than you ever want to know, but here is the new article on how to make your own multivitamin with food:

          To answer your question, no I don’t believe there are companies that do not modify ranging from whole food, yeast, naturally derived to technically “synthetic,”, however the difference is the vitamin in question and bioavailability of the final form (like methylated b-vitamins i.e. folate which is the correct form). The yeast medium makes sense for b-vitamins, which is why the yeast sediment in unfiltered beer or wine is so rich in b-vitamins. I’m not however convinced it is a good idea to use for metals and minerals based on the starting material. The answer to your last question may be best answered in the article.

        • Kim

          Melaleuca does not use any synthetic products. All their products are 100% natural and all ingredients are research based.

          • Megan

            Hi Kim,

            If you view the ingredients list on many of their “snacks” and “weight loss” bars, shakes, electrolyte drinks, powders, etc. they contain soy, corn syrup solids, and sucralose; there may be more, but those are what I’ve read so far. I recently became a member on behalf of a family member who referred me, but due to these ingredients, I don’t see myself purchasing monthly items from them unfortunately. That doesn’t mean they’re horrible by any means, but I’d prefer to invest my finances elsewhere.

            I think Melaleuca is still a decent company; they have great household cleaning products, their compensation plan is decent, and they seem to truly care about people, the environment, where people spend their money, etc. Just wanted to share fair information regarding consumer products, and clarify that not all their products are guaranteed 100% natural; not all ingredients are research based in context.

    • Monika

      Greetings Alex-

      What is your opinion about designs for health “Twice Daily Multi”? It look very similar to Thorne “Basic Nutrients 2/Day”?

      Designs for Health Twice Daily Multi – Iron-Free Multivitamin with Active Folate + Chelated Minerals

      Thank you very much!



      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        Hi Monika,

        I think the Twice Daily Multi by Designs for Health is a well-made product. I would prefer the B12 to be a lower dose (I have the same criticism for Thorne) and it is overpriced (in my opinion). What’s strange is that on their website, they show a full spectrum vitamin K2, which is my favorite part of the formula. But on Amazon, the K2 isn’t listed at all.

  8. Tammy

    Hi Alex,

    Could you critique Pure Synergy’s Pure Prenatal vitamins? I am trying to prepare my body for pregnancy and am getting contradictory advice regarding vitamins (to take or not to take). Thank you for your time -Tammy

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Tammy,

      I looked at the label, and there are a few things they did right. It contains K2 and the food based form of folate, B6 and B12. However, it is missing calcium and magnesium. Two major minerals that you want in adequate supply. I decided to call them to see why these were omitted. The reason was that calcium and magnesium take up a lot of space in a capsule, and if they added them people would need to take possibly triple the amount of capsules.

      I also asked about the starting material for the vitamins and minerals because “whole food vitamin” has not been entirely accurate in my last two calls with other companies. Synergy uses the same process as Garden of Life and MegaFood. They start with a nutrient rich broth and added synthetic vitamins, then use the yeast saccharomyces to metabolize and convert them. I asked if I were to explain these to people could I say “yeast based vitamins with small amounts of whole food blends,” and they said “yes that would be accurate.” So you have to ask the question, are these really whole food vitamins? I think it is misleading for people who think they are just getting blended fruits and vegetables in a capsule. The premium cost really doesn’t seem justified since yeast and synthetic starting material are both pretty cheap.

      Just in case you didn’t see it, I made a multivitamin food chart:

      • Tammy

        Thank you very much for looking into this, I really appreciate the information

      • Amelia

        I was reading all these answers….I use vitamines from the Synergy company and in their website they are saying that they are not using synthetic ingredients…Is this true?
        This is what I found:
        Ingredients from Nature—Nothing Synthetic
        We would challenge anyone to find a supplement company that is as fanatical as we are about using pure and natural ingredients. We don’t mess with Mother Nature! As such, you will not find a single synthetic ingredient in our formulas. That includes our organic whole food vitamins and minerals, our solvent-safe extracted herbs and everything else. We are 100% committed to using pure ingredients from nature, capturing the “life force” that makes each one so special.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Amelia,

          Synergy uses a process like MegaFood and Garden of Life, where they make a nutrient rich broth, add yeast and feed synthetic vitamins to the yeast to get the standardized target amounts of each nutrient. So in my opinion, their claims aren’t necessarily true. There also are not any scientific studies that I have seen the proves that this process is superior for absorption.

          I think the important thing to understand with the word “synthetic” and “synthesized” is that the source and end product is what’s important. For example, synthetic beta-carotene is inferior to a natural synthesized beta-carotene from the seaweed D. Salinas. Dl-alpha-tocopherol is a synthetic E that is inferior to the natural synthesized form from soy which is d-alpha-tocopherol with mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols. All of vitamin C as ascorbic acid is synthetic, however 100 percent L-ascorbate is superior to 50 percent D-ascorbate. And the list keeps going. Then you match up clinical research with the absorption, results and safety of each one. Good multivitamins will be a blend of synthetic in the right bioavailable form, and natural forms synthesized from plants. This is how I arrived at the Thorne Basic Nutrients recommendation.

      • Lori

        What do you think about Metagenics multi-vitamins? They have methylated B vitamins as well.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Lori,

          My main criticism of Metagenics is that their formulations are often very strong and overpriced. In terms of the Multigenics and Phytoproduct multivitamins, there is an inherent issue I have with the formulations. They use an aspartate complex for a few minerals like selenium and molybdenum. I talked about this concern on the Best Electrolyte Drinks article regarding the product Ultima, and this concern was confirmed by a reader who’s child was using it daily. Essentially, when glutamic acid or aspartic acid are not protein-bound, it raises levels of glutamate and aspartate in the body. This may be an issue for those sensitive to excitatory effects.
          I would also prefer the P-5-P form of B6 used instead of pyridoxine hydrochloride.

  9. Nita Caffrey

    I bought the Shaklee Vita Lee and it is making me constipated, what could be doing that? Also what was the other one that you listed as your favorite?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Nita,

      Is it the one with iron? Sometimes iron can do that. The company will refund you if you have any problem with the product so I would contact them. I changed my recommendations based on the ratios in multivitamins and the manufacturing process, and instead recommend targeting specific nutrients needed. I have been researching the best fit for minerals, and I still think that it is Citramins II by Thorne Research with or without copper and iron based on your needs. It is also a great deal, easy on the stomach and can be used as a multimineral.

  10. Nita Caffrey

    Thanks for the comment, no I bought the one without iron, so that is not the problem, can Vit K cause that problem? I see you have Shaklee for sale on your site is that still your favorite?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      I haven’t heard of vitamin K causing a problem. I checked with my office and we haven’t had anyone report that problem with the non-iron formula. We do have carry it in our office, (EDIT)but we are phasing it out. As I am learning more, I would say that I am more likely to recommend the Citramins now if someone just wanted to take one supplement. The most common deficiency I see is magnesium, and a formula that is lacking that is missing one of the most important nutrients.

      • Nita Caffrey

        Thanks for your response but looking at the Citramins it has magnesium citrate and I understand that it is the one the body can’t digest that is why it is taken for a laxative. Can you help me with that?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Magnesium citrate is actually a very good form of absorbable magnesium. Magnesium oxide is the one that you only absorb 4% from, and has a strong laxative effect. Magnesium citrate is one that Dr. Carolyn Dean, the author of Magnesium Miracle (excellent book) recommends. Magnesium citrate can be used for constipation, but you need to take a lot more of it to get that effect. The amount in Citramins (270mg) most likely would not be enough to be a laxative.

  11. Dylan

    Hey, what is your opinion on Dr. Mercola whole food plus vital minerals? that is the one I am currently taking, although I will probably go with xtend life total balance because It seems so highly recommend. Could u explain to me what makes shaklee any better than any other multivitamin all of the b vitamins are in the isolated forms and the b12 is in the form u recommended not to take the cyanocobalamin. Could u please explain this to me

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Dylan,

      I think Dr. Mercola does a good job with some of his products, but I have reservations about the sourcing of the multivitamin. First, you need to take 8 pills, so it is similar to making your own combination of different nutrients. Second, we ordered the children’s multivitamin to carry in our office after a long wait, only to see the Prop 65 warning on the label regarding lead. I called customer service and they said this is common with multivitamins and that they wanted to be honest with their product by labeling it. That is unacceptable, especially for children. There is a review on Amazon that is claiming that the company revealed a lot of the ingredients in the Mercola multivitamin are from China. So while a lot of the right forms of the nutrients are used, the sourcing sounds problematic. In terms of Shaklee, this is the one we have used for decades based on the raw materials used, safety testing and clinical studies. However, we are seeing that the different forms of b-vitamins need to be used due to increased gene mutations, and higher amounts of the right form of magnesium are crucial for example. Vitamin A and D may also need to be higher, or other minerals, but to try to apply one standard formula to everyone just doesn’t make sense. Especially poorly made ones. So we are currently using specific nutrients based on the client and phasing out multivitamins. This is why I created the multivitamin food chart in the other article so you can be more accurate with your exact needs.

      • Dylan

        Thanks for responding back to me. What is the prop 65? Mercola is made by Douglas labs do they contain the same warning? One other thing, what is your opinion on xtend life? Looking at there ingredient profile and costumer service they seem top notch to me.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Prop 65 is a warning to customers in California that a product may contain chemicals above a certain threshold known to cause cancer, birth defects and reproductive harm. I’m not sure if Douglas Labs contains the same warning. It would depend on the product. I would put Xtend life on a similar level as Perque. Higher quality that are most suitable for those requiring higher dosages of specific nutrients, like older populations or those on multiple medications. General health would be on the lower end of dosing. You have to be careful with high dosages of certain nutrients when combined with your diet. The multivitamin is too low in magnesium and magnesium would need to be added. But as stated in the article, individual nutrient targeting may be more effective (and affordable) based on your needs and diet.

  12. Keynen


    What do you think about total balance from xtendlife product’s?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kenyen,

      I think it has a lot of beneficial extracts, but with soooo many in this formula, you are bound to have some things that work for some, and potentially detrimental for others. For example, it contains folic acid, a synthetic form which is showing to be problematic in studies, especially with people who have certain gene mutations like MTHFR. Cobamamide (B12) may also not be the best form of B12 depending on the person. Green tea extract can be positive for one person, but a potential problem for another if they have trouble eliminating catechols or sensitive to caffeine. Magnesium (68mg) is way too low for everyone, especially for a 7 pill serving size. I prefer simplicity and the correct dosages with certain nutrients based on the individual for the best results.

  13. Kaleb

    Cyanocobalamin is not used in xtend life, but that is what shaklee uses. I agree with u Dylan I don’t understand the shaklee hype they use oxide as the form of magnesium, and all the b vitamins are isolated as well as synthetic folic acid. in my opionion I think source naturals in way better then shaklee and 1/3 of the price. Xtend life is the best overall in my opinion. Jigsaw makes a pretty good multivitamin also.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hey Kaleb,

      I agree which is why I updated this article and created the new one How to Make Your Own Multivitamin with Food with ways to target needed nutrients. The Xtend Life product I reviewed however also uses folic acid and is a poor source of magnesium. That should have said cobamamide not cyanocobalamin, I edited it. Source Naturals makes some excellent products.

      In my opinion, a standard formula for everyone who’s needs may vary dramatically while missing one of the major common deficiencies (magnesium) isn’t the best the approach. It’s not a popular opinion because every vitamin and mineral you need in one pill is appealing, but I can tell you from clinical experience that giving someone a $12 dollar magnesium supplement or cod liver oil based on needs will outperform a multivitamin with results every time.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hey Kevin,

      Thanks for the feedback. Heed would probably be the best one to use for everything. Personally I like to dilute it more during lifting and use the regular serving size for sports.

  14. Mike

    The sad truth is that these days nearly 100% of ingredients used to manufacture vitamins (even the so-called natural and expensive ones) come from China and Mexico and are rife with contaminants and improper potency. As a result, your supplements may be doing more harm than good. A recent study found that people taking supplements have a higher incidence of cancer. I feel it is very likely that this is from all the carcinogens that are contaminating our vitamins from Chinese and Mexican based source materials. It’s nice that you gave people some advice, but the best advice would be a recipe to make your own supplements from organic and locally grown and raised plants, herbs, and animal sources.

    • Jeannette

      Mike: I’m interested in the study to which you allude. Can you name or link it? Thank you!

  15. Dylan

    Hey, what do u think of Douglas labs ultra preventive x?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Dylan,

      I think the raw materials and many forms of the vitamins and minerals are excellent. I agree with the dosages of vitamin C, iodine, folate, vitamin D and magnesium. However, this is at the dosage of 8 capsules. The amounts of niacin, manganese and B6 are – in my opinion – way too high and risk potential problems at that level. I would recommend using 1/4 of this dose for most people (2 capsules), which unfortunately reduces the amounts of all of the vitamins and minerals. It is also missing vitamin K and iron; good for people taking blood thinners due to the lack of K, but many people will want to focus on K1, K2 and iron rich foods. Overall if you felt more comfortable taking a multivitamin, this would be one of the better choices. Hope this helps!

  16. Dylan

    How would u rank 1-5 out of source naturals life force, Douglas labs ultra preventive x, xtend life total balance, garden of life kind organics, and dr mercola whole food plus? And do these companies make there own vitamins through chemical reactions or buy already made from other pharmaceutical companies?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Granted, this is coming from someone who wrote an article about why you should make your own multivitamin.

      Source Naturals: 3
      Douglas Labs: 3
      Xtend Life: 3
      Garden of Life MyKind: 3, 4 if you add vitamin C and magnesium to it and they can prove the vitamin potency and amount is retained after storage.
      Dr. Mercola Whole Food Plus: 2, questionable sourcing.

      I don’t know the complete answer to your last question. The best thing to do is call the companies you are interested in and ask.

  17. Kaleb

    Hello, what companies do not make there b vitamins with petroleum by products or coal tar? Does Douglas labs? If they do not use petroleum by products then what is used? Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      There are a lot of companies that use yeast derived/bacterial fermentation versions of b-vitamins including Thorne Research, Pure Encapsulations and Douglas Labs.

  18. Kathy Higgins

    I was wondering how you would rate Nutrilite (Amway Daily Multi-vitamin)? I have taken the Women’s Pack for over 10 years but am just now learning a lot about nutrition and Paleo and making a lot of changes to my diet. Turning 50 has made me think twice about a lot of nutritional choices. I am also curious about Dr. Axe multi-vitamin. He is newer on the market and there for I don’t see any research or comparisons to other supplements.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kathy,

      I would put the Nutrilite multivitamin is a similar category as the others. I have reservations about folic acid, magnesium oxide (only 4% is absorbed), zinc oxide (poor absorption) and certain types of calcium. There are also a lot of other additives (sucrose, dextrose, corn starch, carnuba wax) that I think you could do with out.

      The Dr. Axe multi-vitamin is very similar to the Garden of Life Vitamin Code and Megafood. They use synthetic vitamins fed to yeast plus a broth to reach levels of different vitamins and minerals. I think your money would be better spent on your Paleo grocery list with lots of leafy greens.

    • Darci Reyes

      Only multivitamin I’ve found that doesn’t make me nauseous is dr. Axe ancient nutrition fermented womens multivitamin. Have you an opinion? Here’s where I got it Ancient Nutrition Women’s Multivitamin Supplement, Made with Real Food and Fermented Herbs, Hormonal Health, Energy, Digestive Support, 90 Capsules…

      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        Hi Darci,

        It looks like the Amazon label on Dr. Axe multivitamin is outdated, so I went directly to the website. While many correct forms are used, I think there are levels of certain nutrients that are way too high. These include selenium, biotin, B12, B6, and methylfolate, while others are way too low like magnesium and calcium.

        For the multivitamins that made you nauseous, were you taking them with food or on an empty stomach?

  19. miriam

    Hi Alex! Iam a pregnant mama with 7 other children.I have been searching for years for a good vitamin source for our children.I prefer to buy a ready made vitamin n mineral source due to the fact that my time is full caring for and educating our children.we have previously used a product called Reliv but due to the expense we quit using it;as I did not have time to work the buisness side of this product.I did feel alot better on this product but when I’m pregnant i have a really hard time taking enough of this product. have you heard of this product and what is your opinion of it?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Miriam,

      I would be happy to research it. Could you provide a link with the exact product you would like me to look into?

  20. Miriam

    Sure I can give you a website. I’m pretty new to internet use so I’m not sure about a link. The website is are 2 products to look at that I used to take together.One is called “Now with LunaRich” and the other is called “Fibrestore” I hope this is enough information.This company has many other products;some I have taken and some I have not.The company’s number for information is 636 537 9822.thank you for taking the time to look into this product for me!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Miriam,

      Regarding “Now with LunaRich,” there are a lot of conflicting opinions about the benefits/detriments of soy. Traditionally, soy has always been consumed in the fermented form (miso, tempeh, natto) due to the many anti-nutrients it contains. This is where I believe soy has a place in some diets. However, I don’t agree with the use of a daily shake containing isolated soy protein. This product contains “artificial flavor,” which I would avoid. It also contains synthetic folic acid, when methylfolate is the preferred version, especially for pregnancy. I would recommend looking at Dr. Ben Lynch’s Optimal Prenatal Protein Powder from Seeking Health to take the place of this one.

      The Fibrestore also contains artificial flavor, which is a reason I would avoid it. There are a lot of good fiber products out there to choose from that could easily take the place of this one.

  21. Katherine

    I am curious on your thoughts on Calton Nutrition, their new book about Micronutrients and their liquid multi? Lots of Paleo authors are pushing their book and I am currently reading it. Lots of good diet advice but not certain about their multi.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Katherine,

      I haven’t read their book, but I have read others on micronutrients and I agree that they are extremely important. That is why I outlined how to get each nutrient with food on the follow-up article, because it is easy to be deficient in some very key micronutrients.

      Regarding their multivitamin, I think they have done a lot of things right. My only critique would be that their calcium is part carbonate, their magnesium is carbonate and the ratio is wrong. It is generally accepted by practitioners that carbonate is poorly absorbed compared to others like glycinate, citrate, malate and taurate (which are all used for different reasons), however I can’t find research backing that up. Dr. Hyman also recommended their book, but he also makes a point on his website to avoid magnesium carbonate.

      I think magnesium is one of the most important micronutrients missing for even those following a very healthy diet, so I am very particular about it. The ratio of magnesium/calcium should be the same or higher than calcium (Nutrience is 600mg calcium to 400mg magnesium). This is especially true for men, coffee drinkers or those with elevated calcification scores.

      I think you can take the concepts you learn from the the book and apply them to your diet. If you find yourself missing certain key micronutrients, that’s where you can fill in the gaps with supplementation.

  22. miriam

    Thank you for looking into that for me! I wondered about all the soy but I didn’t know what to believe because I’d heard so many conflicting opinions on soy.

  23. Dylan

    Hey alex, is the synergy company’s multivitamins made through yeast cultivation like garden of life vitamin code? Or is it actually from the food source like kind organics from garden of life? Thanks you

  24. Kaleb

    Hey Alex, i know u are mostly against multivitamins and creating our own probably is best, but in your opinion what is the best one on the market? Thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kaleb,

      I only recommend products I use myself or recommend clients use. Therefore the best multivitamin I recommend is a multi-mineral like Citramins II as posted in the article. You are more likely to get the vitamins from your food, but if the trace minerals are depleted in the soil, they are not in your food. Our fish and seaweed consumption has dropped dramatically, so iodine and selenium are a major priority. Magnesium has dropped off the charts, is practically non-existant in multivitamins, and is the most important mineral in my opinion. Molybdenum is starting to become clinically relevant.

      I know many people here want a multivitamin with everything, but until I see one that is up to my standards and I would use myself, a multi-mineral is the best and most affordable approach.

    • Hasnain Yusufali

      Have you looked into brain health from Dr Amen?

      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        Hi Hasnain,

        I have read Making a Good Brain Great, so I am familiar with his work, but not his supplement line. Do you have a link to the exact product you are thinking of?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kaleb,

      This one looks better than most. Note that you need to take 6 capsules to get the amounts labeled on the back.

  25. Dylan

    Alex, I asked xtend life about the folic acid in there supplements and they said this The folic acid used by Xtend-Life is the form of folate that is generally used in food fortification and in nutritional supplements. This form is also known as pteroylglutamic acid (PGA).

    This form of folate is absorbed more efficiently than the naturally occurring 5-MTHF and 5-FTHF (also known as pteroylpolyglutamates (PPG), because these forms must be hydrolyzed prior to absorption by the small intestines. So they say one thing and everyone else says something different. I don’t know what to believe anymore. Could u clear this up?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Dylan,

      Folic acid must go through various steps to enter the folate cycle, including the enzyme FOL2 and DHFR. As you can see from this diagram, folic is actually taking two extra steps, while folate can enter with one less step. What can happen – especially with people with a decreased DHFR activity- is that folic acid can end up bottlenecking, and blocking folate receptors.

      The main form of folate from leafy greens and other vegetables is 5-MTHF. It is also important to know that certain probiotics in the gut produce folate as well. It is true that folate exists mainly in the polyglutamate form and must be hydrolyzed to the monoglutamate form before absorption. Absorption of folate monoglutamates then proceeds via a specialized, carrier mediated system mainly in the proximal part of the small intestine. Unless the person has a damaged intestinal system, this process shouldn’t be a problem. If it is, then green juicing is an alternative because it supplies folate in the monoglutamyl form.

      It can get even more complicated when understanding the importance of minerals and nitrates from vegetables in the balance of folate for healthy nitric oxide levels. This is why my research has lead me to the conclusion that food is superior in many instances.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hey Dylan and Kaleb,

      EDIT: Just wanted to update you guys that I decided on the Thorne Basic Nutrients 2 a Day as our recommendation at Swanson Health Center for those who still want a multivitamin. This was even better than the Ortho multi with less pills, less money and people noticed a difference. My approach is still the same as stated in the article, but for people who make the decision to take a multivitamin as a base, this is better than most.

      • Brandie Laseter

        Can you take the Thorne Basic Nutrients 2 a Day with the Citramins II without iron or copper?
        Thank you

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Brandie,

          No, you wouldn’t want to take both because you would be getting too much selenium and manganese. It would be better to combine calcium and magnesium with the Basic Nutrients 2 a day.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Sandra,

      There is way too much going on in this product, while being overpriced. With that many vegetables, herbs, grasses and roots, it is a recipe for numerous people to react poorly to it. Especially with the addition of SAMe. It also uses sodium benzoate while combining vitamin C, and in warm storage conditions can create benzene (carcinogen). I wouldn’t recommend it.

  26. Amy

    I have just purchased Jigsaw Health’s Jigsaw Basic mainly because of the Magnesium that is time released. My husband has had some heart issues so I researched what vitamins he should be taking and this came up. I’m now wondering how they manufacture their products after reading this. We are both 40 and want to make sure we are getting enough nutrients and a supplement seemed like a good option.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Amy,

      The vitamin packets are typically designed better than a standard multivitamin, with more vitamin C, magnesium, a probiotic and fish oil often used. There are 11 pills total with this packet, so this is much like creating your own combination. Based on the versions of the vitamins and minerals used, these appear to be designed well and there isn’t anything negative that is standing out to me. However I am not familiar with the company.

      You and your husband might be interested in an article I wrote on heart health, including a food and supplement chart at the end.

  27. Shaazia

    Hi Alex. Thank you so much for the great article. Please can you look into the following wholefood multivitamins: Mineralife wholefood Multivitamin and Viridian organic multivitamins.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Shaazia,

      I contacted Mineralife to find out the source of their seaweed and if they do heavy metal testing, and I am still waiting for their reply. The vitamins A, D, E, C and b-vitamins are most likely very low and I question the stability of the B’s and vitamin C. For minerals, I think this is comparable to Concentrace by Trace Mineral Research as a liquid multi-mineral, which is about half the price.

      The Viridian Organic seems to do a good job on raw materials, but has very low calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin A, uses a form of molybdenum that is attached to ammonia (which isn’t good for people sensitive to high ammonia levels), cyanaocombalamin in some of the formulas and methylcobalamin (the right form) in others, but each one uses folic acid when it should be methylfolate.

      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        Hi Shaazia,

        I received an email back and the seaweed comes from Ireland, with heavy metal testing for mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. As a multi-mineral, this is most likely a good source.

        • Shaazia

          Thanks so much Alex!!.. I have been using the Mineralife one, and felt a huge difference in my all around energy levels but it is abit pricey.
          .I Have one more query,theres a local wholefood multivitamin here in South Africa, It’s called Amorganic superfood multi nutrient dose…it’s a mix of hydrilla, camu camu, kelp, moringa and blue-green algae . Apparently high in B Vitamins , vitamin C as well as iron and plant based calcium. Would you recommend taking a superfood dose like that would it be a waste of time?

          • Shaazia

            Sorry, last one. Metagenics phyto-Multi , also abit’s fairly a new one to come into south africa but supposed to be very good.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Shaazia,

            Metagenics makes some quality products. It could be improved by having mixed tocopherols for vitamin E at a lower dose, vitamin D at a higher dose, including K2 with K1, selenium in the form of selenomethionine not aspartate, molybdenum as a glycinate chelate not aspartic acid, and containing at least some calcium (does not contain any). Vitamin D is best absorbed with magnesium, calcium, K2 and vitamin A. Another note is that 800mcg of methylfolate may be too high for some people, and can cause anxiety/inflammation as I have found doing genetic analysis programs at Nutrition Genome. I prefer 400mcg. I do like the phytonutrient extract profile, which is a nice addition. I think the Thorne Basic Nutrients is a better formula at a better price, if available for you.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            I think the dehydrated superfood mixes can be good for mineral sources, but are poor sources of the water soluble B-vitamins, vitamin C, and compounds like polyphenols and anthocyanin because they degrade quickly during processing. This is why many dehydrated mixes often add b-vitamins and vitamin C back to it as seen in the ingredients. If you have unique superfood plants in South Africa that you can get fresh, that would be best! Something you may have access to fresh or dried is Baobab, which is an excellent source of minerals including calcium.

          • Shaazia

            Thanks a ton
            Will see if I can get Thorne this side

  28. Denise Cohen

    I have a double polymorphism (MTHFR) and although simplistic, I was searching for a multivitamin not for me but for my family because I assume they have inherited 1 or both mutations. Im just looking for something balanced, bio available high quality and addresses the b vitamin mutations. Can you recommend a multi ?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      The homozygous MTHFR 677 or heterozygous 677 and 1298 responds best to 600-800mcg folate, along with methyl-B12, B6, zinc, magnesium and riboflavin. I created a diagram on Nutrition Genome to better illustrate it found here.

      I finally updated this article with the multivitamin recommendation after researching, comparing and testing it. As you will see above in the article, Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2/Day is the best foundational multivitamin.

      • denise cohen

        After my research, Thorne was one of my final considerations and now will be my choice….thank you!

  29. Neal

    Hello Sir Alex.
    While I do admire your diet protocol, as it’s seems effective, the reality is that given the relatively hectic lifestyle of humans today, finding the time to consistently organise and consume this potentially effective diet is limited.
    While Thorne Research seems reputable, I don’t believe their formulations are as thorough compared to Xtend Life’s products. Xtend Life’s basic multivitamin called Multi-Xtra seems more comprehensive in the ingredients than the Thorne Research version you recommended, and their Total Balance range are pratically in a league of their own at this time. Their website is extremely informative as to the quality of raw materials and various processes used to create their products, among other extensive info. Unmatched in my opinion.
    My personal recommendation for a practical balanced nutrition base is their Total Balance range combined with their omega 3 products and a greens powder from the Macrolife company called Macro greens. I have personally used this combo and the experience is better than words could ever describe.
    Supplements can provide a solid nutrient foundation if the best combos are implemented with a highest quality and comprehensive ingredients approach, which usually takes the form of a less is more mantra; as in individual products.
    A dietary protocol such as yours would be complementary; like icing on a cake so to speak. If a busy lifestyle causes one to miss the icing sometimes, the cake is there as a foundational backup. Great supplements may be a bit costly, but the convenience, consistency and benefits are strongly worth it.
    Good article man.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Neil,

      Thank you for taking the time to give your input and experience. I have researched Xtend Life’s basic multivitamin (Multi-Extra) and conversed with them regarding the formulation. I agree with you that it is a fairly good formulation, however I picked Thorne’s Basic Nutrients over Xtend for a few reasons.
      -Xtend uses folic acid instead of methylfolate. I wrote an article in more detail at Nutrition Genome on why folic acid should be avoided.
      -Vitamin D is 2,000IU vs. 500IU in Xtend. This is significant since many people are low in D.
      -Vitamin E is 20IU vs. 103IU in Xtend. When you look at vitamin E content in food, it is naturally very low and is regenerated by C. I think this particular fat soluble vitamin should be in the 20-30 range. Xtend does have the right idea of going lower than other formulas and makes a note of it.
      -The use of lecithin in Xtend is from soy, which many people try and avoid.

      If they can keep their price point and make these few changes (esp. folic acid), they would have a very competitive multi. Thanks again for the feedback, and glad you have a system that is working well for you.

  30. Dylan

    Hey Alex, the vitamin a in the basic nutrients 2 day seems to be synthetic. Is that correct? I was thinking that was linked to birth defects and cancer. Thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Dylan,

      I discussed this very question with a research doctor at Thorne. The vitamin A palmitate is synthesized into a bio-identical vitamin A compound attached to the saturated fatty acid palmitic acid, and is not linked to birth defects or cancer. The dose is also very low (2000IU), and many multivitamins that only use beta-carotene as vitamin A, are not really providing vitamin A. The beta-carotene needs to be converted to vitamin A, and this ability varies quite a bit based on people’s biochemistry and may be not be providing much vitamin A at all. Accutane as an example however, is a derivative of vitamin A (isotretinoin) and has been linked to birth defects which is why there is a warning not to use it while pregnant.

      If this is still a concern for you, I would recommend using the virgin cod liver oil for vitamin A and supplementing with other targeted nutrients.

      • Dylan

        Alex, what about the beta carotene in it? Is that synthetic to?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          They are mixed carotenes (not just beta-carotene) and are not synthetic.

  31. Kaleb

    Hello, I’m curious as to why u choose Thorne basic 2/day over garden of life my kind organics, considering all of the kind organics comes from food. Thank u!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kaleb,

      I think MyKind Organics is a solid choice for many people, but not for those with histamine and/or sulfur sensitivities may have reactions to it due to the daily dose of the blend (cruciferous vegetables, garlic, onion, spinach and tomato). Stomach aches and skin rashes can occur for example. I work with a lot of these types of clients, so it isn’t one I can utilize. I also question the stabilization of the vitamin C and the bioavailability of the zinc, that may need to be higher for many people. But if your body responds well to this one, then I think it is fine.

  32. Dylan

    Hey Alex, thank you for always replying to our questions and all the info u provide us with! I seen this posted on another website about what synthetic vitamins are made from. I wish u would take a look at this and tell me if its true and if Thorne and others use chemicals like these. Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      I didn’t see any cited sources backing up any of the statements on the page. I agree that nutrients from food (fresh) is preferable. I would disagree with many of the claims made however without citations, as the process, purity, final form and therefore safety varies manufacturer to manufactuer. The only citation I did see was when someone questioned the crystalline vitamins claim, and it was an article only about folic acid (which I have addressed why to avoid).

      The ascorbic acid studies alone negates the argument that these forms are all harmful or ineffective. The one company sponsored product that is recommended at the end to be “raw and without synthetics” uses methylcobalamin, which is a synthesized form of B12. Nothing wrong with it, but their claim isn’t accurate.

      Remember that the b-vitamins, vitamin C, carotenoids, polyphenols and other compounds from dehydrated foods deplete after processing, storage, light and temperature. That’s a fact. This is why you often see folic acid, ascorbic acid and carotenoids added in the ingredient section to many dehydrated greens or fruit powders. Also remember this article is written on a supplement company website with only one product in mind. If you have more questions, I recommend contacting Thorne Research regarding their manufacturing.

  33. Katie

    Great website, I’m glad I stumbled across it! I did read the article on making your own vitamins, but I did have a question about Usana Mega Antioxidents and their Chelated Minerals. I have a friend who found research that showed studies that proved Usana supplies the best vitamins to take, especially for athletes. That I guess for whatever reason, it has the right amounts and the body absorbs it best, or something like that. I tried looking around for product reviews and mostly found articles about their selling issues, not the vitamins themselves. Is Usana a good brand? Thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Katie,

      I think the Usana Mega Antioxidants is overpriced and underwhelming. It uses folic acid/cyanocoboalamin, poor form of B6, only K1, and the beta carotene source is not labeled. The Chelated Minerals seems okay, but also does not have anything that would set it apart from many other mineral products. I’m not crazy about the added soy, which can be allergenic.

  34. Tony Jameson

    Hi, I’m a heart patient age 50, had 2 stents inserted last year. I also have macular degeneration (not advanced stage). I need a good multivitamin recommendation without beta carotene. Which do you recommend?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Tony,

      Great question. I don’t know of a multivitamin that doesn’t contain beta-carotene, since every one I have seen uses it as part of vitamin A. With your combination of health issues, b-vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, selenium and fish oil are most needed. You would most likely need to get a multi-mineral like Citramins II without copper and iron by Thorne Research, and add other nutrients like B-complex, vitamin C and fish oil depending on the rest of your blood work. Dark greens and bright colored fruits and vegetables are also key.

      Heart issues and macular degeneration have been found to be connected in studies. A Rotterdam Study performed in the Netherlands found that plaques in the carotid bifurcation were associated with a 4.7 times increased risk of macular degeneration, and lower extremity arterial disease increased the risk by 2.5 times. I added this in because it shows the important of vitamin C, zinc and magnesium in both disorders, two of which are too low in multivitamins. Here is an article I wrote on macular degeneration.

      This is probably more than you were looking for in an answer, but I felt like might benefit from this information. Hope this helps!

      • Ashwin

        Hi Alex, i was reading your replays. thanks for the information. however, is it really required to do supplement?? and in current market many brands says they are herbal and natural. which one you recommend ? do you think garden of life and megafood are safe? or similar like other brands. appreciate your replay.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Ashwin,

          Excellent question, and a contemplation of mine that resulted in two related articles. The short answer is yes, everyone has different requirements, but we share common deficiencies that we all face. If we were all growing our own food, eating it fresh and had mineral rich water and soil, you most likely would not need to. However a young farmer in Washington I talked to was eating 100 percent off his farm and still ended up with a very bad magnesium deficiency. Simply put, if it is depleted in the soil and water, it is depleted in the food. The farther a food has to travel and longer it sits in the store or at home, the less vitamin rich it becomes.

          Companies like Garden of Life and Megafood use a process that involves a broth and feeding yeast synthetic vitamins. My opinion is that this is misleading because many people purchase these thinking they are just getting powdered fruits and vegetables. Whether these yeast versions are better or more bioavailable is debatable. We need more rigorous studies looking at the safety, purity and bioavailability to determine this. What I like about Thorne Research is that they use natural sources and plant extracts, and starting this year are in the process of doing double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials.

      • Lena

        Hi Alex and Tony – I’m also looking for a Multi without beta carotene and I’ve found one (so far)
        Unfortunately the recommended dose will be at least 100mcg vitamin K2 MK-7 and I’m one of those reacting to MK-7 (heart palpations) if taking more than 50mcg. There is always something wrong… Sigh. Alex what do you think about this one?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Lena,

          Nice find! This is a good company, and their formula is well designed for those needing one without beta carotene. Sorry to here that the K2 MK-7 isn’t a fit for you, otherwise this would be a great match.

  35. Shaazia

    Hi Alex, Unfortunately I cannot fet Thorne multi vit this side… my options are the mineralife liquid, the viridian range and one more, Patrick Holford optimum nutrition. Would you please check out the Patrick Holford range and let me know. I know with the Viridian, a separate calcium/mag supplement would hav to be taken but this supplement seems to stand out to me since they don’t use any fillers. I have read alot about the harms of magnesium stearate, which is commonly used in multivitamins so thought it would be better stay clear. Would love to hear your thoughts.
    Thank you

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Shaazia,

      If I was in your position, I would choose the Minerallife Liquid. I checked out the Patrick Holford product and wasn’t that impressed. As I talked about in this article, I think a good multi-mineral is more important than a multi-vitamin. Liquid natural sources like this one absorb well, and therefore are more effective.

      • Shaazia

        I am starting up a health store, so Wanted to keep both the liquid and a pill form.. but might just stick to the liquid. Thank you so much.

  36. Keri keating

    Ok, I read every post, plus the article above. I have learned so much that my head is now spinning. Anyway, I am sure that I am lacking in vitamins and minerals. I am not overweight and am still pretty limber and strong at 47. Reality is what it is though and getting older is not kind. What would you recommend for me? I have 7 children, from 9 yrs to 28 yrs. I am pretty active. People always peg my age at around 35 to 37. I know we cannot stop the aging process but we can slow it down. I have no desire to just stop living or to become weaker simply due to my age. What can I take to maintain inner health and skin and eye health? Also, I have fybromyalgia and EB due to an adult case of mono about 8 years ago. Both of these bring on chronic fatigue. My budget is limited and I live in the mountains of WV so there are not a lot of shopping options. Thanks for any advice you may have !

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Keri,

      My head is still spinning from writing it, so we are in this together. That is wonderful to hear that you already appear to be slowing the aging process. With seven children, that can’t be easy! The 96 year old fitness buff Jack Lalanne once said “Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you have the kingdom.” Being active plays a major role for slowing the aging process.

      West Virginia is actually known for having some of the lowest levels of calcium and magnesium in their soil in the United States. Skin and eye health requires mainly vitamin A, C, E, zinc and carotenoids. Patients with fibromyalgia have responded very well to magnesium malate in studies, and EB responds well to vitamin A and C since they are both anti-viral.

      In case you didn’t see it, I created a food/vitamin and mineral chart. This also has the magnesium map of the US. It would depend on your budget, but I would make calcium, magnesium, vitamin A and C a priority.

      • Suzy McCormick

        You probably did state this but can you please say how much of calcium, magnesium, Vit A & C should be taken daily?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Suzy,

          There are a lot of variables, like genetics, age, pregnancy and health status that change the optimal amount, person to person. The most up to date RDA chart and The Health Beat’s own general RDA chart can be found here.

  37. himan

    Hi, thank you for the information on this great article. Can you please evaluate and let me know how are the NUTRILITE Double X multivitamins? They come in 3 tablet forms (Gold, Silver and 1 phytonutrient) – are they worth taking or do we have better supplements in the market? Please suggest and advise thank you

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Himan,

      Nutrilite uses synthetic folic acid, while the preferred form is methylfolate. The magnesium used is oxide, which only 4% is absorbed. Calcium carbonate is also poorly absorbed. B12 is cyanocobalamin, and is best as methyl of hydroxo. B6 should be P-5-P. The vitamin D is only 200IU, and should be 1,000-2,000IU. Corn starch, magnesium stearate and soy protein isolate in the other ingredients is also not ideal. I’m also not impressed by the added fruit and vegetable powders/extracts because they are very small and can deplete quickly.

      My conclusion has been that the Thorne Basic Nutrients is the best version of a multivitamin, or that you should target the main potential deficiencies separately based on your individual needs.

  38. Dylan

    Alex, do u know much about MPB and does natural supplements like saw palmetto, beta sitosterol, stinging nettle and reishi mushroom work well in your opionion? What is your thoughts on propecia? Do u think natural supplements work just as good? Thanks

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Dylan,

      Good question. If I had a consistent successful natural regime for MPB, I would be a billionaire. As you have probably read, saw palmetto/beta sitosterol and Propecia both use the same mechanism of action, which is blocking 5-alpha-reductase from converting 5% of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) targeting the hair follicles and prostate. Reishi and nettle also inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, along with many other plants and minerals like zinc. Propecia and other drugs like it are more potent versions, and seem to be more successful than natural solutions for men’s hair growth. Propecia however has some potential side effects that seem concerning to me like sexual dysfunction and high grade prostate cancer, but perhaps only occurs in a low percentage.

      This is curious because natural 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors are beneficial for prostate health, and even the drugs showed a reduction in low grade prostate cancer in studies, yet they also found a higher percentage of high grade prostate cancer. Low grade really isn’t something to be concerned about, since 70% of men over 70 have it, and only a very small percentage will actually die from it. High grade however is aggressive, and that is something to consider.

  39. Erica

    Have you looked into prenatal vitamins at all? And brand you might be able to recommend?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Erica,

      I currently do not have a recommendation, and I am considering dedicating a whole article to the subject. If you have any you would like me to review, I would be happy to give you feedback. Main tips to look for are 600-800mcg methyfolate, 4000IU vitamin D, choline, DHA and EPA from fish, K2, sufficient calcium and magnesium and probiotics. Make sure it does not contain food dyes, synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopoherol), synthetic beta carotene, artificial sweeteners and has been tested free of PCB’s/heavy metals for the fish oil, and tested free of lead.

  40. Deb

    Could you please recommend the best B complex?
    Thanks Alex

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Deb,

      Yes, I recommend the B-Complex Plus by Pure Encapsulations.

  41. Kaleb

    Alex, i am taken Thorne research 2/day now, if I take cod liver oil also will that be two much vitamin a palmitate? I was thinking of just getting Carlson liquid fish oil. Do u recommend a certain brand of fish oil or only cod liver oil?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hey Kaleb,

      If you are taking the Thorne Multi, yes you would be better off doing isolated fish oil on its own. If you already bought the cod liver oil, you can keep it on hand if you start to catch a cold/flu for extra vitamin A and D. I think Carlson is a good brand for fish oil.

  42. Sam Barbary

    Two of the best supplement companies are
    1. The Synergy Company – tablet form Vitamin/ mineral/herb complex. They have other completely organic and 100% natural. There are men’s and women’s formulas. About $47 for a month’s supply.
    2 Mother Earth Labs- liquid based and 100% organic with no synthetics. A great addition is fulvic and humic acid. About $38/ month if you buy a gallon. This whole food complex lacks iodine and copper. That was disappointing. They are working to fix this. Both companies give good support.

    • Andrew Muse

      Your suggestion of mother earth labs is fantastic. I’ve never stumbled across them until this comment section here. i also wish they’d include the iodine and copper, as well as more %’s of the other ingredients.

  43. Lena

    Alex Swanson Thank You So Much for doing all this work & sharing this info and for replying to all questions !!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Lena,

      I appreciate that! It is the inquisitive and appreciative community here that makes it well worth it.

  44. Kaleb

    Hey Alex, my sister struggles with anxiety and she said at night it sounds like her heart is beating in her ear and blood pressure goes up. She was on medication but wants to get off of it. What are some natural ways beside like magnesium glycinate to help her. Thank you so much.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kaleb,

      It is always best to figure out the source of anxiety first, since they are many and multiple ways it can occur biochemically. Since her blood pressure goes up, this shows the dopamine/adrenaline pathway is affected. Take a look at the diagram here:

      The adrenaline pathway requires vitamin C to modulate dopamine (racing mind), and magnesium to breakdown dopamine and adrenaline. Heavy metals can affect this pathway, especially lead. Vitamin C helps lower lead. This is just one way at how anxiety can be occurring based on your sister’s description. Depending on her medications, serotonin, estrogen and progesterone levels may also be off. I wrote an overview on anxiety that you can read here:

      I highly recommend having your sister check out and consider genetic testing. It is one of the most accurate ways to figure out why anxiety is occurring biochemically.

  45. Erika F

    Dear Alex,
    Thank you for your dedication and all the effort you invest into helping people to be healthier! I’m so impressed and appreciative of your work. I live in York County, Pennsylvania. I just looked over the geographical map of average concentrations of elements in the soil and I am concerned to see we have the potential for some extremely high lead levels in the soil (maximum 147.95, Mean 27.9). I am currently trying to improve my health and have been trying my best to find supplements that will help reduce anxiety, increasive cognitive function and increase energy, I have been very lethargic. I am 45 years old and when I was 28 I had cervical cancer resulting in a hysterectomy, radiation treatement and chemotherapy (cisplatin and 5FU). Secondary to the radiation I had a bowel obstruction which resulted in a bowel resection removing 12 inches of small intestine and 6 inches of the large ( My apologies if this is too much information, I have never been accused of being succinct 🙂
    Unfortunately the result of this surgery has made it very difficult to eat the foods that I had always loved the most-fruits and vegetables! My Doctor told me that the part of the bowel that was removed is responsible for absorbing vitamin B12 and that I would need to supplement this vitamin. While I know the best way to get the B vitamins is from leafy greens, these foods result in diarrhea (as it is I have to take 4 lomotil everyday for the past 17 years to slow down my system, without it I would be doomed). Can you please give me any feedback on MacroLife Macro Greens? I have read everything I can unearth here on the internet about it and the reviews are wonderful. But what concerns me is that it states “Warning-ths product contains lead”, something I am sure I do not need more of due to the nature of our soil in York, PA. I have not been able to discover any heavy metals analysis of the product online. Is it true that most “Green Super Food Products” will contain some lead due to it being in the soil? For the past many years I have been taking lots of vitamins, especially B12. But to my horror I am now discovering that the “cheap” vitamins I have been consuming (mostly Nature Made vitamins) contain arsenic and other harmful ingredients and I am now increasing my budget to allow for a better quality vitamin. I have made note of the Thorne basic nutrients2 vitamins that you recommend and I thought a Greens product would be a good idea for me to take due to my issues with eating vegetables and greens. Im so sorry for the lengthy posting. Thank you so much, Erika 🙂

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Erika,

      Wow you have been through a lot! Let’s start with anxiety, cognitive function and energy. I recently posted a new article with a diagram of the energy cycle here. From here you can see that b-vitamins and magnesium are the big ones. Due to the bowel reconstruction, absorption of b-vitamins would be compromised and I assume magnesium has been avoided since it can act as a laxative. Both play a major role in anxiety, and B’s especially for cognitive function. Liquids, powders and lozenges are going to be preferable for each, and I wouldn’t recommend spending money on capsules since you most likely will not absorb much. I am testing out a liquid magnesium right now that you may want to look into called ReMag that is not suppose to have any laxative effect.

      For the MacroLife Macro Greens, lead is going to be in whole foods from the soil. As you saw from the soil chart, it is hard to avoid. The company actually did a good job of explaining Prop 65. Since you are in an area with higher levels of lead, you do want to be cognizant of your overall intake as you mentioned. This makes calcium and vitamin C very important, since calcium blocks lead and vitamin C lowers blood lead levels. I would take a look at the powdered buffered vitamin C I have listed here.

      It looks like the only b-vitamins you are going to get is a little B12 as added methylcobalamin. The reason you don’t see the other b’s is because the water soluble b-vitamins and vitamin C deplete very quickly after dehydrating powders. Overall it looks worth trying to see if your body likes it. But you will still need more B’s from other sources.

  46. Erika F

    Dear Alex,

    A big thank you for taking the time to reply. I have been busy reading articles that you have authored all morning and I am learning so much from them. Your article “Mental Health Starts in the Gut …” has been is a big eye opener! I am reading and taking notes. I have a list of products that you recommend and it is growing. Very thankful that I stumbled upon your website and I will be following your advice to the letter! Blessings to you and yours~ Erika

  47. Bernadette

    I read your article and the entire comments section on this page. I’m learning so many new things about vitamins and minerals. I’m 35 and trying to get pregnant. I’m currently taking Fertiligreens powder, Pure Encapsulations Nutrient 950, and Royal Jelly and bee pollen in raw honey. I’m especially curious of your opinion on Fertiligreens. It’s pricy and it upsets my stomach a bit but I want to do everything I can to become healthier and get pregnant. I know fertility is not your field of expertise but do you think Fertiligreens is worth taking for my overall health? Also, I see that you advise the Thorne supplements, are Pure Encapsulations very inferior or are they ok? Thanks so much for all the info on your website.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Bernadette,

      That sounds like a great combo! Royal jelly and bee pollen are amazing foods. I think Pure Encapsulations is a very good company, and I recommend their B-complex. The reason I chose Thorne over the Pure Encapsulations Nutrient 950, was that it was 2 capsules vs. 6 for the same month supply, and less expensive for a pretty similar profile.

      Make sure you are eating vitamin A rich food (esp. pastured eggs), because Pure only contains the carotenoids. I do some work with fertility, and based on your genetics (work I do at Nutrition Genome), you may or may not be converting beta carotene to vitamin A due to the BCOM1 gene. I began writing a full article on vitamin A to clarify the confusion in relation to pregnancy, but it turned out to be very long and I may not publish it. Let me know if you would like more info. Also, only 10-15 percent of women are getting enough choline, which is in Royal Jelly but you need much more. In my opinion, choline should be at the same level of importance as folate. Egg yolks are the best source.

      In terms of Fertiligreens, water soluble vitamins and antioxidants are not going to hold up well unless added back in. It it worth taking for the fiber because that helps SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) for estrogen, and it is a good broad source of minerals.

      • Bernadette


        Wow, thanks so much for the comprehensive reply! I really appreciate your input. I didn’t know anything about problems converting beta carotene into vitamin A. I just assumed I was getting plenty. I just now did some quick searching and read some articles about beta carotene conversion. Both recommended cod liver oil, though I see that some sources say it should not be taken during pregnancy because it contains retinol. Would you advise taking cod liver oil while trying to conceive? I have a three year old daughter who was born via emergency c-section. I have suffered from frequent bouts of indigestion and bloating since she was born though I could not figure out the connection. Two months ago, I went to the emergency room with severe stomach pain and was diagnosed with a small bowel obstruction which the doctor told me must be due to scar tissue from the c-section. Surgery is not advisable so this problem will persist indefinitely. Anyway, I’m a little concerned that I’m not absorbing nutrients properly and that’s why I have frequent indigestion, though maybe my logic is flawed. I don’t understand much about digestion and nutrition. Sorry for the rambling. I guess my question is would you advise cod liver oil and do you think I might have difficulty absorbing nutrients and therefore need additional supplementation (I’m taking the Pure Encapsulations Nutrient 950 plus Fertiligreens and Royal Jelly/bee pollen)? Thanks again for your time!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Bernadette,

          I do think cod liver oil is a good addition when trying to conceive. It contains A, D, EPA and DHA in a liquid form, which is why I recommend it throughout my articles. It is possible your absorption is somewhat impaired, but hard for me to know for sure. If it is, the best approach is to get extra nutrients through liquids, powders, lozenges and gels since our digestion begins in the mouth.

  48. Lisa

    HI Alex! Wow, how kind of you to research all this! My doctor reccomended I start pure encapsulation women’s pure pack as we found out I have the mthfr 667 mutation. I also have hypothyroidism and take wp thyroid, a natural dessicated thyroid. I am curious as to your thoughts on this vitamin pack, particularly the amount of minerals. Could a seperate multi mineral also be take along with the pure women’s pack, like the one your reccomend from Thorne? Is there anything else you would reccomend for hypothyroidism? Thank you! Lisa

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Lisa,

      I’m glad people are finding it helpful! I would agree with your doctor that it is a good choice in terms of vitamin packs, however it may come up short for magnesium, vitamin A and zinc. You will definitely require more magnesium. The conversion from beta-carotene to vitamin A ranges quite a bit per individual, and zinc would be better at 15mg not 7.5mg. The main needs of the thyroid include iodine, selenium, riboflavin, magnesium, zinc and vitamin A. If choosing this pack, I would consider adding a separate magnesium supplement and focusing on vitamin A rich food. Adding sea vegetables to your diet helps boost your overall iodine intake.

      MTHFR C677T requires adequate riboflavin, and enzymatic function is normalized with 400-800mcg of methylfolate, depending on whether it is heterozygous or homozygous, and other factors in the methylation cycle. Both Thorne and the Pure pack provide 400mcg. Your homocysteine levels and other symptoms determine if you need to be on the upper end as well.

      The Pure Pack with extra magnesium may be sufficent depending on the factors listed. Otherwise Thorne Basic Nutrients, extra magnesium and fish oil would be a good similar combination. I wouldn’t however take another multi-mineral on top of the Pure Pack since you could get too high of certain minerals like selenium and manganese which can be toxic in high amounts.

  49. Cam

    Awesome information! I just wanted to get your opinion on Standard Process and Medi Herb. I have used their immune products with good results and B complex as well. However, their recommended joint supplement seems to have ultra high doses of manganese. What are your thoughts on this?
    Thanks for all the great info.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Cam,

      It would depend on the product in question. I think that Standard Process and Medi Herb have some quality herbal and mushroom products. There are certain formulations that Standard Process uses that I do not agree with, and one of them is the high dose of manganese used for the B12/Manganese and Ligaplex product. My opinion is that a daily dose at that level is potentially problematic long term.

  50. Dylan

    Hey Alex, is the vitamin k in Thorne research 2day in the mk-4 or mk-7 form? Which one of the two is better? Thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Dylan,

      Thorne uses mk-4. Mk-4 and mk-7 are both vitamin K2, but mk-4 is absorbed quickly and lasts for a few hours, while mk-7 remains bioavailable for up to 72 hours. Both have reported health benefits. For the general population in my opinion, mk-4 is sufficient, while people with extensive calcification or bone loss may want to consider both mk-4 and mk-7.

      • Dylan

        Thanks you Alex!

  51. Bob

    Hi Alex,
    First off thank you for the work you do in terms of helping people live truly healthy lives.
    I have a question since I’m new to the whole vitamin/mineral supplement thing.

    Is there a multi mineral that I could take which would give me the minerals I need? There probably isn’t one that would have everything but I’m looking for something that meets basic needs for the body. The rest I know would be built up via diet.
    Would it be one or multiple ones for specific things?

    Thanks again.


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Bob,

      Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. There are two that I know of and have used. The first one is Citramins II without Iron and Copper by Thorne Research. It is affordable and effective. The second one I have been testing is called ReMyte, and it is a liquid pico-ionic multi-mineral, but twice the cost of the Citramins II. Both of these would cover most of your mineral requirements, however ReMyte is low in calcium and magnesium and you would require another source for these.

      • bill


        i see you talked about magnesium:calcium ratio, but what about zinc:copper ratio, or is that just unimportant? i am a serious athlete who works out for 3 hours on some days. i read that the zinc:copper ratio is important, and noticed that some companies like Nature’s Life sells the zinc-copper in the 15:1 ratio, while others like PURE, provide the two independently (although in the same ratio) as separate products. Any feedback from you would be appreciated by every one here, for sure, because some sites make a big deal about the ratio.

        • bill

          i think i know the answer to my question: most foods are pretty high in copper, especially nuts and seeds, which i consume daily. however, unless i eat more red meat and eggs (which i currently dont), my diet would be relatively deficient in zinc, definitely higher in copper. therefore, i dont think i need any more copper, just zinc by itself would suffice. others’ needs may differ of course

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Bill,

            You beat me to it. The zinc/copper ratio is very important. There are many factors involved for higher copper and low zinc levels including diet, copper pipes in homes, women using IUD’s/low progesterone, etc. Vitamin C helps chelate excess copper and zinc pushes excess copper down. Of course, low copper can also be an issue for some people. So it depends on the person.

  52. Bob

    Hi Alex,
    ReMyte seems good, I’ll try them and see. What would you recommend for calcium and magnesium? I read your article on magnesium and had a look at the one you recommend by Thorne research, but was a little put off by some Amazon reviewers who mentioned the lack of any information on the bottle suggesting it was not exactly authentic. Any thoughts on this?

    Many thanks.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Bob,

      I have never heard anyone discussing that the Thorne Magnesium Citramate was not authentic. I looked on the US and UK Amazon for those reviews and couldn’t find them. Thorne is one of the most respected companies for purity and testing. Magnesium Glycinate by Pure Encapsulations is my second favorite. The liquid ReMag is good, but has a pretty strong taste and I’m not sure is most people would like it. Or if you want something straight from the source, use the transdermal magnesium oil spray.

      For calcium, I recommend getting it from food and mineral water like Gerolsteiner. Unlike magnesium, it is much easier to obtain from the diet and most people end up having a ratio that is too high in favor of calcium over magnesium.

  53. Bob

    Hi Alex,
    Perhaps I was reading the wrong product reviews. Anyway, thanks for clarifying that up.
    Two more questions if I may. Firstly, what is better to take, Cod liver oil or Omega 3 fish oil? Secondly, which brand/s would you recommend?
    Once again, thank you so much for helping. It’s great to have someone who can give truly honest professional advice, especially in this day and age.

    Stay Healthy!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Bob,

      Happy to help. That is a question where the answer ranges based on the goal. For the purpose of this site, I recommend cod liver oil over fish oil because along with omega-3’s, vitamin A and D play a special role in testosterone, zinc absorption and immunity. Vitamin A is also depleted by heavy exercise and high protein diets common in athletes. Vitamin A in particular is needed by those who do not convert beta-carotene to vitamin A well, avoid eating liver and eggs, and have skin (eczema), lung (asthma) or eye issues. In the cod liver oil I recommend (Virgin Cod Liver Oil and Rosita) there is approximately 3,000-5,000IU per tsp. of vitamin A. This isn’t an amount where people start getting concerned about high vitamin A intake. They also haven’t been tampered with it by refining the oil and tinkering with added vitamins like other cod liver oils. Both also have a higher DHA content than many fish oils.

      Fish oil also has its place for those who are getting vitamin A and D elsewhere, are more interested in the properties of EPA/DHA, may want to dose higher, and can’t stomach cod liver oil. Both cod liver oil and fish oil should have very strict standards on heavy metal and PCB testing, and use natural vitamin E to protect oxidation. Carlson and Nordic Naturals are two brands that have a good reputation in this department for fish oil.

  54. Bob

    Hi Alex,
    Appreciate the information.


  55. Kim

    Hi Alex. My husband and I currently take the Melaleuca Vitamins. He takes the Vitality Multivitamin and Mineral. I take the Prenatal Pack which includes the Vitality Multivitamin and Mineral, Prenatal Omega 3, and Calcium. We both take the Florify Probiotic. What do you think of Melaleuca vitamins? We were thinking about switching to something else where we’re not required to order every month if we don’t need to or want to. And plus we were wondering if they were really that good. I was looking at Solgar Vitamins. What do you think about these? It seems hard trying to choose what’s “best”!
    Male Multiple Tablets (
    Prenatal Nutrient Tablets (
    Omega 3 *they have 3 different types*
    Probiotics *they have several different types, but here’s 2 that I was looking at*

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kim,

      I’ll see what I can do! It absolutley is hard to find the best. In terms of Melaleuca, there isn’t anything that you can’t find from other companies if you are wishing to switch. If you want me to look at a specific formula from them, let me know.

      1. Male Multiple: Contains folic acid and cyanocobalamin. Best as methylfolate and methylcobalamin.

      2. Prenatal: Same issue. This can be a problem with a slow DHFR and MTHFR 677 gene. This can be known through genetic testing.

      3. Each fish oil product is molecularly distilled, contains natural vitamin E and doesn’t have any additives. These are all fine.

      4. With probiotics, the types of strains, diversity and refrigeration are important. It is difficult to say how potent any probiotics are that aren’t refrigerated. The Advanced Multi-Billion Dophilus looks like the best of the three.

      • Kim

        Hi Alex, thanks for your input!

  56. Kaleb

    Alex, could u please recommend me what u believe is the best probiotic. Thank u!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kaleb,

      The best ones that I have experience with are VSL#3, Ultimate Flora and Seeking Health Probiota 12.

      • Kaleb

        Thanks Alex! What about bio-kult? Have u tried that one

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Yes, also a good one.

  57. Catherine Cass

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you so much for the information. Do you recommend taking Thorne’s Basic Nutrients 2/Day together with Citramins II® without Copper & Iron?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Catherine,

      No, I would choose one or the other. The Basic Nutrients is a multivitamin and mineral, but is low in calcium and magnesium. All multivitamins are due to both of them taking up a lot of room in a capsule. Citramins II is just a multimineral, and contains higher amounts of calcium and magnesium. The choice depends on your diet and supplement (or medication) regiment.

  58. Catherine Cass

    Thank you for your reply. I was wondering if you’ve reviewed Thorne’s EXOS Multivitamin Elite? Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Catherine,

      If you put the Basic Nutrients II next to the EXOS Multivitamin, they are almost identical except for green tea, curcumin, 150mcg of choline (equivalent to 1 large egg), lutein (can get it from your leafy greens) and bark extract in the PM dose. You are paying $32 more for those additions. The AM is to promote energy and the PM is to promote recovery. I like Thorne, but I think the EXOS is overhyped and too expensive, and you would be better off purchasing a bottle of magnesium in addition to the Basic Nutrients for recovery, sleep and a whole lot more.

  59. Catherine Cass

    Thank you so much!!!

  60. Adil

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you for taking time to help so many people and the wealth of information on this vital subject. Wanted to know your considered opinion of the Beyond Health multivitamins, in terms of purity, efficacy and composition please.
    Many thanks,

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Adil,

      I have tried the Beyond Health multivitamin, and while it is high quality, I’m fairly certain it is made by Perque and re-labeled. If I’m wrong, someone let me know. But Perque would be the less expensive version. I think the purity, efficacy and composition is excellent, however I don’t think the price is justified.

      • Adil

        Thank you for your reply. I’m 51 and have been taking the Beyond Health multivitamins for almost 2 years now because of its reported purity and potency, but also and equally important for me, because it is free from the common allergens (dairy, wheat, gluten, corn and soy). I’m on the highest allowable dosage of statins (my LDL is around 380 before medication due to heterozygous familial hyperlipidemia) with LDL reduction to around 190 after statins, diet and exercise. I suffer from regular muscle pain after exercising. Do you think there will be better options (multivitamins with powerful anti-oxidative properties) for me considering my condition? I have a sensitive stomach and can only tolerate the buffered form of vitamin C. I take aspirin daily (100 mcg) for anticoagulation (2 heart stents in 2009) and not sure if vitamin K would negate the anticoagulation benefits of the aspirin?
        I would highly appreciate your views and recommendation.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Adil,

          The regular muscle pain after exercising is most likely due to CoQ10 deficiency that is induced by statins, and low levels of magnesium. Vitamin K is usually only a concern if you are taking coumadin, and shouldn’t be an issue with aspirin. I would run CoQ10 and magnesium supplementation by your doctor and see if that relieves your muscle pain. Also don’t forget to stay hydrated with electrolytes during your workouts, because statins affect mineral homeostasis as well.

          • Adil

            Hi Alex,

            Thank you very much for the your reply and suggestion; most appreciated. I will try that, but the problem with CoQ10 supplements here is that they almost invariably either contain soy (the soft gel form) or corn (the capsules), which I’m allergic to – unless there are other brands that you can recommend. Can magnesium be taken alone or have to be together with calcium? I should obviously avoid calcium supplementation due to calcification.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Adil,

            I know there are soy free CoQ10 formulas, but I’m not sure about corn free with the capsules. The precursors to CoQ10 include the b-vitamins and magnesium. The main ways calcification occurs is from low magnesium (since it is a natural calcium channel blocker), low K2, high sugar, high caffeine and high glutamate/low GABA. Calcium intake isn’t the problem; it is the balance with the other factors. So since magnesium is low in our soils (and deficient in up to 80% of people), supplementing helps keep a 1:1 to 2:1 ratio in favor of magnesium to calcium in the diet.

      • Melissa

        Hi Alex
        Which Perque multivitamin do you think is the equivalent of Beyond Health’s multivitamin? I see that Perque offers a “Life Guard” and figured that’s it, but wanted to get your opinion.

        I’ve been taking the Beyond Health multi for about six months and have really liked it, but the price seems a bit ridiculous – I’m taking 2/day which costs about $1/day. Looks like Perque’s Life Guard would be closer to $0.66/day.


        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Melissa,

          Yes, Perque’s Life Gaurd is the similar product. I haven’t looked at these two formulas in a while, and it looks like Beyond Health changed their formula. Believe it or not, the Beyond Health Multivitamin was over $100 when I was testing it out. So at least the price has come down, but still expensive. It looks like Beyond Health removed the active co-factors, added copper, and tweaked the dosage of certain vitamins and minerals. I believe both of these come from the same manufacturer, so it really comes down to cost and the differences between the two on deciding which is a better fit.

  61. Rachel

    Hi Alex,
    I stumbled upon this post while trying to find the seemingly impossible ‘perfect’ multivitamin for my son. He has sensory processing disorder (and possible adhd, but he’s only 4 so only time will tell) and we have found success with eliminating casein from his diet, fish oil (we use barlean’s high potency omega swirl) and epsom salt baths most days. He also gets a probiotic (NOW! Foods berrydophilus) and calcium (blue bonnet super earth rainforest animals). We notice behavioral issues if he doesn’t get his fish oil, epsom salt baths (we originally tried naturally calm powder but he refused it), and his multivitamin – currently natures plus animal parade. He takes all his vitamins easily except the multivitamin so I’m on the hunt for a better one that isn’t such a fight to get him to take. Because of his sensory issues, he gets few vegetables, so we feel he needs it; because we’ve noticed behavior issues if he doesn’t take it, we know there is something in it that’s helping him beyond nutrition (zinc? B vitamins?). I looked at Thorne research’s children’s multivitamin, but it’s not chewable and he’s not ready to swallow a pill – any recommendations of a children’s chewable multivitamin? We were thinking of trying Douglas laboratories children’s ultra preventative – what do you think of this one? Also, which probiotic for children do you recommend?
    Also, any recommendations of a multivitamin for adults that doesn’t have iodine (it causes major skin issues for me)? I currently take natures made multi for her.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Rachel,

      I haven’t seen a chewable that I would recommend. The Douglas Labs multi uses folic acid, and this may be an issue with your son’s methylation cycle. The best approach would be to use Thorne or Seeking Health’s children’s multi starting with small amounts, and open the capsules into food so he doesn’t notice it is there. I learned recently of a probiotic called Inner-Eco, which is a liquid coconut water probiotic that appears awesome for kids. If you are sensitive to iodine, you may be having issues with sodium/iodide symporters. This can be due to low vitamin C levels. It may be worth looking into so that you can absorb iodine. Otherwise, Perque Life Guard is one high quality multivitamin that does not have iodine, but expensive.

      • Rachel

        Thank you so much for the suggestions and quick reply! I just read your article about making your own multivitamin and think I’ll go that route (I have no issue with taking multiple pills and overall lead a healthy lifestyle – exercise 5/6 days a week, homemade food, lots of organic fruits and vegetables, etc. – but I know I’m not getting everything I need and I feel better when taking supplements). Very interesting about the iodine/vitamin c – I’ve always just avoided iodine as it causes horrible inflamed acne for me, I will definitely look into it (as well add try the probiotic you suggested).
        You said that folic acid isn’t great for my son due to his methylation issue – I’ve never heard of this? Could you point me to some information on this? I want to do everything I can to help him be his best self. Also, due to my son’s oral sensory issues, what do you think about juicing for him? It kills me that he won’t eat anything green and would obviously love to get him his nutrients through his diet if I could.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Rachel,

          Of course! Traveling for work and waiting in airports gives me a good chunk of time to get back to everyone. Yes, iodine is an important mineral for the thyroid and breast tissue, so it would be wise to understand why your body is reacting to it.

          There is folic acid and there is methylfolate. Folic acid is a synthetic version of folate that does not exist in nature. Methylfolate is the food form. Genetics play a role in the importance of methylfolate supplementation. Here is some info on both. Folic acid and methylfolate.

          Juicing is an excellent idea, especially folate rich greens. Make sure it is low sugar and he is getting enough fiber in his diet. A good combo would be romaine lettuce, parsley, lemon, apple, carrot and ginger.

          • Rachel

            Thank you so much for the info! Good news is that my four year old was able to swallow the thorne children’s multivitamin- he struggled with the six capsules though (and because he’s just leaning to swallow a pill, sometimes he only takes four or five because he’s ‘all done’). Would taking three in the morning and three after dinner work?
            Also, while trying to find vitamins that don’t contain iodine, I came across Thorne basic nutrients V – if I also took an iron supplement, calcium/magnesium, fish oil, and probiotic would that cover the basics?

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Rachel,

            Glad to hear the capsules are working for your son! Based on his age and the dosage, I would say it is perfectly fine if gets 2-3 a day total.

            Yes, that combination would cover everything. I recommend getting iron from your diet, unless you do not eat red meat.

  62. Adil

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you so much for your reply and enlightening feedback. Most appreciated.

  63. Sarah Watts

    Hi Alex!

    Just randomly stumbled across your site (and SO glad I did – vitamin research can be so overwhelming!) while looking for new multi-vitamins (I was taking New Chapter’s Organic Whole Food Women’s One a Day). I guess I’m curious to hear on how those stack up as well as your thoughts on Dr. Weil’s vitamin packs – not much ingredient info is provided from what I can see on their website.

    Also, I have a child with food allergies (dairy, wheat, gluten, egg, peanut, treenut – as well as seasonal allergies) and he currently takes Yummi Bear Organic chewables – any thoughts on those or what you would recommend and any additional supplements you’d recommend? Furthermore, I’ve been reading a ton on how gut-health is key to your overall health but many probiotic supplements are dairy-sourced which my son cannot have – what would you suggest?

    One last question (for my mom). How do Nature Made vitamins stack up?

    Best regards,

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Sarah,

      New Chapter was sold to Proctor and Gamble, so it’s not a company I’m excited about. But bias aside, like Garden of Life, they put yeast into a nutrient rich broth, add synthetic vitamins to the broth for the yeast, then synthesize the final product. The question with this process that I would like to know is, if it is more, less or the same absorption rate than comparable vitamin and mineral forms? And how stable is the final product against degradation? New Chapter also uses very small amounts of herbs for marketing purposes that are most likely not doing much. If you can find the Dr. Weil’s Vitamin Packs ingredient list, I would be happy to look at it.

      The Yummi Bear Organic chewables seem fine from a clean ingredient standpoint, but is missing some key players. Certain people do not do well with folic acid, and should use methylfolate (which is the food form). Most kids are not getting enough DHA, zinc, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium, which this product is lacking. Gut health is a major one for health and allergies. Seeking Health makes dairy free probiotics.

      I see a lot of older clients using Nature Made for some reason. I recommend avoiding them due to the use of synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopherol), folic acid, a poor form of zinc, and some undesirables in the other ingredients section.

      • Sarah

        Thanks, Alex! Do you still think Thorne is the best all around multi vitamin? Also, I see a lot of people commenting on their various conditions or genetic mutations (not sure if I’m describing that correctly or not). But is it common to get tested and if so, is this something a PCP would offer?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Sarah,

          Yes, I do think Thorne is the best all around multi-vitamin. It is becoming much more common to get genetic testing done, and I highly recommend it. The genes people are referencing here are MTHFR C677T and MTHFR A1298C, and your PCP might offer it. These can help establish folate requirements, however it is best to get more genes in the methylation cycle tested to see how it is working as a whole. PEMT is another one that can tell you if you require more choline for example. If your PCP does not offer it, I do a genetic analysis through Nutrition Genome using the DNA file from 23andme or

          • Sarah

            Hi Alex,

            In reviewing the Seeking Health probiotics that are dairy-free, I see that the strains of probiotics are primarily “lacto”, “lacti” or “casei” based? This does not appear to be dairy-friendly but defer to your nutrition expertise – kindly advise.
            Also, the cal-mag levels in Thorne vitamins do not appear to have 1:1 ratio, but Seeking Health’s do? Thoughts?
            Thanks, Sarah

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Sarah,

            The Probiota 12 is the dairy free one. The bacteria all have the same name, however how they are cultured are different. For example, sauerkraut contains lactobacillus, but it does not contain any dairy. The Probiota 12 is not cultured with dairy, and therefore is dairy free. The Thorne Calcium/Magnesium CitraMate 90’s by Thorne is a 1:1 ratio (80mg of each per capsule). The Seeking Health one that I am looking at is not a 1:1 ratio. I’m seeing the opposite, so let me know if I am mistaken.

  64. Kristen

    Do you think that Seeking Health’s optimal brands of multivitamins are as superior to Thornes? In both brands prenatals, Thornes had less vitamin d, calcium and magnesium and no k2. In your opinion, which prenatal is better? And what else should I supplement along with a prenatal? Thanks for your input!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kristin,

      I think they are both very high quality. I have had more positive feedback for the Seeking Health Prenatal, both the powder and multi. The challenge is taking 8 capsules, which is why the powder may be a better option. Like multivitamins, most prenatals are lacking omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, probiotics and choline. The Seeking Health Prenatal however is covering most of these fairly well except fish oil and probiotics. Increased calcium/magnesium may be needed starting the second trimester. Dietary choline should also be increased for the entire pregnancy. This should all be reviewed by your health care practitioner since these are general guidelines.

      • Elm

        Hello Alex,

        What vitamins and supplements would you suggest for a women with PCOS and irregular periods who for many years has taken birth control pills which means many vitamins and minerals might have been depleted. Also stress and very poor concentration and procastination is part of my daily routine. Please I need help.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Elm,

          I am so sorry you have been struggling! There is definitely a lot more to answer there to help you beyond supplements. To start, oral contraceptives deplete folate, vitamins B2, B6, B12, vitamin C and E, magnesium, selenium, and zinc. All the multivitamins listed here cover these nutrients.

          There was a book recommended to me for research in this area that I haven’t read yet called Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten. This is where I would start and hopefully helps you get back on track.

  65. Pauline

    Hello Alex,
    I, like many other, are overwhelmed with the amount of multi-vitamin choices that are available out there. I was recently informed that I should not be taking a mulit-vitamin with Vitamin A as beta carotene because I am a smoker–although a light smoker–one pack a week. I was really shocked to hear this information. I have been taking Rainbow Light for women- which I purchase from Whole Foods- for many, many years. So now I’m panicked I have been taking Vitamin A as beta carotene for so many year and have now increased my chances of getting lung cancer even more so.
    On the label it states Vitamin A (as natural mixed carotenoids from D. salina) 5,000 IUs on the Rejuvinage 40+ I was thinking of getting today. On the Women’s One Multi-Vitamin it states Vitamin A (as Beta-Carotene, Palmitate) 5,000 IUs.

    I also have Hypothyroid (Hashimoto’s Disease) and am currently on a low dosage of the generic for synthroid.

    Other than that I am a pretty healthy at the age of 45, but confused as to what I should be taking for vitamins.

    I have been taking Olive Leaf extract every day now for a few months and notice a real improvement in my energy level. I read it is really helpful in keeping up the immune system.

    So, knowing this much, what would you suggest? I have not been able to find a multi-vitamin that does not contain Vitamin A at all so I’m wondering which Vitamin A would be ok for someone like me with a smoking history.’

    Thank you for your time.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Pauline,

      Based on wanting a multivitamin without beta-carotene, I would look at ProThrivers Wellness Multivitamin. Vitamin C is a big one for smokers. One study found that supplements of vitamin C can largely stop the serious depletion of vitamin E that occurs in smokers, which is a possible mechanism by which smoking can cause cancer. Vitamin C is also important for the thyroid, along with magnesium, selenium, B2 and iodine. Vitamin C recommendations are found here.

  66. Sarah

    Hi Alex,

    Sorry should’ve been more specific – I was researching the Thorne and Seeking Health basic multivitamins thinking I would supplement with magnesium (although there’s 3 or 4 different kinds?), pro-bio 12 and cod liver oil with oil butter. It appears what’s already in the basics is not the 1:1 ratio (but I’m sure very low levels as well)?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Sarah,

      Ah, now I see. The calcium/magnesium in Thorne is small, so that ratio not being precisely 1:1 isn’t as important because I factor in people getting these outside of it. The Seeking Health is 1:1 for 250mg of each, but you are taking 8 capsules and paying twice as much. If that works for you, then yes it is a good choice. However, magnesium and calcium are optimally in the 400-600mg range when factoring in diet and supplementation. I have found calcium easier to obtain from the diet, and magnesium much harder, so magnesium supplementation with calcium rich foods in the diet tend to balance out.

      • Sarah

        Awesome! Thank you so much for all of your answers/help! I feel like I could pick your brain all day! 🙂

  67. Melannie

    I loved your article as I am in the midst of a huge research effort to find adequate supplementation due to my special needs because of Celiac disease and hypothyrodism. I would like maybe to do a create your own vitamin pack as the dosages I need are quite different from just maintenance supplementation and just taking two or three of a multi isn’t a great idea because then I would go WAY over on things like vitamin E and A that should not be over supplemented. Do you know of any companies that use good quality ingrediants meaning: gluten free, all the “good forms” (for example: methylcobalamine instead of cycanobalamine, K2 instead of K1, zinc picolonate, mixed tochopherals etc.) and no artificial colorings etc? I would like to dictate the dosages so that I could create something that would include the high doses I need but in a flexible format but don’t know what companies are good quality. I would just buy it all seperatly myself but that is such a HUGE investement in time and money and means having tons of bottles all over the place so I prefer to have a vitamin pack made that would be a 3 time per day dosage.

    For example I would like to do something along the lines of: (I don’t have all my doses worked out yet as I haven’t got all the research figured out and all my labs back yet but this is my general idea).

    -2000 IU vit D: 1000 am: 1000 pm
    -3000 mcg methylcobalamine B12 3 times per day
    -400 mcg selenium 2 times per day so that I can start at 200 and work to 400 if necessary( treating immune problems)
    -150 to 200 mg of heme iron dosed 3 times per day
    -L- ascorbate 3000 – 4,000 mg vit C
    -Folate (don’t know yet how much still working on that but probably a therapeutic dose)
    -600 mg combined magneisum malate et glyconate
    -good probiotics (where I can shoose the strains known to treat IBS)
    -Digestive enzymes
    -of course all the minerals you talked about in the correct forms
    -the basics that need supplementing like A, E and K2 but in their good forms (though i was unclear from your article if A and E in their good forms should be supplemented or not. I am inclined to say yes since our food quality is sooooo poor and FRESH from the garden eaten immediatly food is not really available)

    so do you know of anyone or heard of anyone who could put this together for me so that i can just keep reordering?

    thanks for your help and for the great article!!!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Melannie,

      Glad you liked the article! If I’m understanding you correctly, you are looking to have something custom made? I’m not sure if that is available, and you will most likely need to combine several products. You can have custom probiotics made, and the company is called Custom Probiotics.

      Since you have Celiac, I would get lozenges, liquids and powders due to poor absorption. For the majority of what you are looking for, I would consider Thorne Research, Pure Encapsulations and Seeking Health. For vitamin C, I would use C-Salts. I would look into cod liver oil for fish oil and vitamin A (contains small amounts of E) with extra liquid D. For liquid minerals, I would also check out ReMyte.

      Let me know if I can be more of help.

      • Melannie

        Thanks so much for the advice. I will check all those out as I agree that to get the best quality, i would need to just improvise my own. I have seen some companies that will do the packs of vitamins, but i have NO idea if their quality is up to snuff, so best to go with what we know is good I think. Thanks for taking time to reply 🙂

  68. Alex Swanson M.S.

    I just wanted to update everyone that I just included a new John’s Hopkins study in this article that found high folic acid levels from supplements and processed fortified foods doubled the risk of autism. Evidence keeps mounting on how problematic synthetic folic acid may be. It also appears that cyanocobalamin could be as well. You can see it under the B-vitamin section.

  69. Sandra

    Hello, is seeking health multivitamin made by Douglas labs? The profile looks the exact same. I see u recommend Thorne basic 2/day as for as multivitamin goes and it’s the one I am currently taking, but just out of curiosity what multivitamin would u rank second? Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Sandra,

      No, I don’t think Seeking Health is made by Douglas Labs. Seeking Health, Perque and Douglas Labs do have very similar formulas though. The Thorne Basic Nutrients 2 a day is currently the only recommendation I have for a multivitamin, and I am still looking for other options. I will let you know as soon as I find another multivitamin option that fit the guidelines.

  70. Felipe

    Hi Alex,

    Great information here. I have spent several months looking for the best (high quality and bio-available) multivitamin/mineral I can get in my hands and found your recommendations regarding Thorne Research 2/day basic nutrients, which I found very sound after reading the arguments for it. I got curious and look into the company and found a variety of products and multivitamins/minerals there. I noted that Thorne Research has a performance nutrition line (called Exos), and being me someone who weigh train I got curious about the multivitamin-elite (AM and PM capsules). Those are NSF certified by the way. My long search for multivitamins resumed into these 4 and I would love your thoughts:
    1) Thorse Research 2/day (the ones you recommended)
    2) Thorne Research (Exos multivitamin Elite)
    3) Biovite (by RSP nutrition):
    4) Garden of Life, myKind Organic (Men 40+)

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Felipe,

      I like the Thorne Basic Nutrients II for the reasons listed, but also because it gives you a solid base (without breaking the bank) to add on magnesium, fish oil and vitamin C for example, to hit all the targets at the right dosage in conjunction with your diet.

      EXOS is formulated very close to Basic Nutrients II, but with higher amounts. More may seem better, but you can go too high with certain vitamins and minerals. This combination contains 1,000mcg of folate, and this may be too high for certain people. I recommend 800mcg of folate for people with a homozygous MTHFR 677, and they require the most. Too much can push certain pathways too hard. It also contains choline (equivalent to about 2 eggs), green tea extract, curcumin and bark extracts. Since the magnesium target for most people (esp. athletes) is in the 400-600mg range, this formula falls short at 170mg. If you wanted to use this one, I would still take extra magnesium to hit the 500mg magnesium target found in studies to optimize testosterone.

      Biovite looks like it is decently formulated, but has a few issues. It is missing K2, missing mixed tocopherols for vitamin E and uses caramel coloring (potential carcinogen). Ignore the dehydrated food blends. It is very small, they deplete quickly and are most likely for marketing purposes.

      I like the philosophy and intention behind the myKind line. The issue I have with it is that there are many potential digestive sensitivities from cruciferous vegetables, high histamine foods, and fruits/vegetables together in the mix. Since this is a whole food mix (one of the few), I would like to see how well the water soluble vitamin and carotenoid profile retains its value after packaging. Just like real food, the nutrient profile can decrease quite a bit after harvest, processing and storage. I have been reaching out to companies to test their product weeks and months after storage to ensure potency, but I haven’t seen any results yet.

      • Felipe

        Hi Alex,

        Thanks for your fast response! I will certainly now look to buy the Thorne Basic Nutrients II with more confidence. The argument you made about the possibility of going too high on certain vitamins/minerals made me rethink about Exos since my diet is far from being poor. And because I already supplement with magnesium and fish oils the Thorne basic nutrients II seems to fit better into my daily needs.

        Again, thanks for your response and congratulations for your excellent website. BTW, during last year I went into the same long search for the best whey protein I can get and now I realized I found the information needed here in your site (Promix was a great choice).

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          I appreciate the feedback and glad I could be of help.

  71. Dylan

    Alex, I am in the sun a lot, especially since it is summer time now. I am taking Thorne basic 2 day am I getting to much vitamin d u think? Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Dylan,

      No 2,000IU is not an issue if you are getting a lot of sun. The vitamin A also protects against excess vitamin D, and your folate requirements go up with more sun exposure, provided by the Basic Nutrients.

  72. se jong

    Hi felipe .
    what is the best whole food vitamin do you think
    i dont want synthetic.

  73. navya


    Can you suggest me multivitamins without Vitamin E, please. I have retinal issues and cant have vitamin E in the supplements.


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Navya,

      I’m not aware of a multivitamin without vitamin E. The Basic Nutrients has one of the lowest doses of E since many have 400IU. I would recommend using a multimineral, and supplementing vitamins (like vitamin C and D) separately as needed.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Navya,

      I have one listed by Thorne in the article called Citramins II. I have been talking with the company you linked back and forth the last few months because I have been considering recommending it. My only criticism would be that they make the calcium to magnesium ratio 1:1 instead of favoring calcium, and I’m looking into the absorption of calcium from coral.

  74. Megan Van Oudenaren

    Hi again, Alex!

    I screenshotted the last response you gave me in my initial comment; I can’t seem to locate where I originally posted it. I wanted to keep it within the same thread, but instead, I’ll briefly review. In response to my inquiry regarding previous (regretful) experimentation with SSRIs a few years back, hormonal birth control, hypothyroidism, and post-op laprascopy from stage 3 endometriosis, you recommended taking basic nutrients by Thorne, Ashwagandha, magnesium, and answered your preferences regarding probiotics and fish oil.

    I am trying to develop a supplement regiment to combat/improve the health complications it seems have suddenly flooded my body (Hypothyroidism, endometriosis, 2 different types of horrific eczema) at 29 years old. I’m quite active and intend to stay that way (running, swimming, Crossfit, yoga). Ultimately I would like a consultation, but I’m in a rather large transition time at the moment prepping for graduate school and temporarily getting out of the Army. I will return upon completion of the program.

    My thyroid bloodwork (finally) came back normal after taking 75 mcg of Synthroid for about 5 weeks. My TSH level is now at 1.05, so that’s good news. However, is it possible to utilize a certain dose of Ashwagandha, or substitutional herbal equivalent every day as opposed to taking a synthetic medication? What are your thoughts on this? I really don’t want to be on this pill for the rest of my life, but so be it if necessary. It doesn’t seem like many conventional doctors are willing to explore or even listen to me regarding this.

    Does the thyroid medication effect birth control? Vice versa?

    It has been 40+ days since I’ve had the mirena IUD put in, and it is awful. I am removing it today. I don’t want to be on any hormonal oral contraceptives of any kind, but doctors have warned me that this is concerning because the endometriosis is bound to return with a vengeance (although there is no guarantee when or how severe). There doesn’t seem to be any scientific support that proves OCs prevent it’s return; it simply slows it down. It is still there microscopically. If there is no cure, what is the point of me suffering all these other side effects while I wait for it to “come back” (i.e. completely absent libido, depression, weight stall/gain, horrific skin issues, etc.) I just want to be in my own body and be left alone. I understand that the purpose of these treatments are to prevent the estrogen from further aggravating the condition, but I’ve also read that OCs can raise estrogen levels. I am tired of experimentation. I just want to be in my own, natural body.

    I know that a plant based, whole food, minimally processed/refined diet aids a great deal in this, and I do my best to follow it, but life without an occasional glass of red wine or chocolate is a bit sad. 🙂 Do you recommend anything to regulate hormones, estrogen, etc. in regards to this situation? Is there a holistic/naturopathic doctor you recommend either near DC/Winchester, VA area or online that would hear my case? Perhaps that is something to consider?

    Thanks for reading.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Megan,

      I want to make sure that I am able to answer all of your questions accurately and thoroughly, so let me know when you have some free time to sit down for a consultation. I can go over all of your health history and blood work, and help you devise a plan to meet your goals.

  75. Archa

    Hi Alex,
    Stumbled upon your blog by chance and I am soo glad I did. All this is soo overwhelming.
    So I have been facing an imbalance in my hormones (my lh(11) fsh(6) to be precise).After doing a lot of research I realised I will need some vitamins and minerals to balance the hormones. Can you suggest a multi vitamin or multi mineral which can help achieve that balance. Also I read that you suggest Citramins but which is low in magnesium and calcium. so in which case do I need a magnesium supplement as well. Also do I need a multivitamin and multi mineral. I have a decently rich diet of fruits, veggies, curds and pulses but I am a vegetarian.

    Also can you suggest a natural herb for hormonal balance.

    My symptoms and deficiencies:
    low D3 B12
    lh to fsh ratio 2:1
    massive hair thinning inspite a good diet
    Facial hair
    Low energy
    thin skin on face
    looking dull and pale

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Archa,

      I would be happy to help you, but it would require doing a consultation to gather more information before making any suggestions. I would especially need to know what is causing the imbalance of your hormones.

      • Archa

        I think its stress.. i have been going through some stuff personally.. my gyneac tested me for symptoms of everythin came normal ny ultrasound, testesterone, thyroid..only the lh fsh values. Even my periods are regular.
        I am based out of india..i dont know how to go about the consultation except write to you here. Suggest alternate options.

        Thanks Alex.

        • Archa

          I am 30 yrs old..

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Archa,

          If you are just looking for a multivitamin, the Thorne Research Basic Nutrients II along with calcium and magnesium is going to help you achieve nutritional balance. If you are interested in digging deeper, we could always do an email consultation through Swanson Health Center. You can use the contact form on PaleoEdge or Swanson Health Center for us to talk further.

  76. Pat B.

    Hello Alex,
    Like many here I stumbled upon your site when performing a search on non-synthetic vitamins. Your information is exactly what I am looking for. Someone to do all the research… thank you for that!
    My dh is 69 (acts like 30) and has short term memory loss – probably a 10 to 15 min retention then it is lost. We are thinking it is related to moderate/severe sleep apnea that he has had his whole life. We are attempting to address this – but it could also be something more menacing such as frontal lobe dementia – he was heavy into sports when he was younger and got knocked around a lot. In saying this his family physician started him on B12 shots each week for 8 weeks, then supplementation which we are on our own for – just finished a bottle of High Energy Solutions D-3 and K-2 Chewables and Seeking Health Active B12 with L-5-MTHF. In reading some of your articles I believe he needs a multi such as Basic nutrients II supplemented by the Life Extension Magnesium which you suggested for memory on your magnesium page. I was also thinking we need to get him on a probiotic such as the VSL#3 or the Seeking Health again suggested in your articles. I did have him on Lion’s Mane just because I read it somewhere else that it is good for memory support, but probably need to keep it going as well. Can you let me know if you think this should do it for him – maybe a fish oil as well Carlson? – problem is he is also on an anti-anxiety Lexapro – which I would love to get him off – it was the replacement for him to get off Paxil which he was on for 10 yrs (lot’s of side effects if you don’t do it slow). Lexapro was suggested by the memory loss clinic, because someone years ago said he may have adult attention deficit disorder with some ocd which I can see a bit, but I don’t think it’s off the charts.
    I am intrigued by your nutritiongenome and may contact you in future to discuss this further. We were on Paleo several years ago and both lost a considerable amount of weight and felt wonderful, but life changes and stress took a hold and garbage food came back into our life and now we are back if not heavier then previously and feel like ‘poop’. Anyways if you could review my husband’s suggested supps then I will be able to get him going on them – problem is he doesn’t remember to take them so it’s up to me 🙂

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Pat,

      I finished an article last week titled Best and Worst Multivitamins for Seniors that goes in depth on supplementation for memory. I have also provided evidence for prescription drugs that may cause memory loss (or make it worse) in that article including anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications. You are right on target with the Basic Nutrients, magnesium, probiotics, fish oil and Lion’s Mane. You may be interested in the research on Ashwagandha as well. Take a look at that article and if you still have questions let me know.

      • Pat B.

        Thank you so much – seems I’m on the right track with DH – just need to add the Ashwagandha Root Extract. I’m glad to see the Lions Mane I have is the one you recommend.

        BTW, what is your take on melatonin? I have since a child been somewhat of an insomniac – I know magnesium will help – is there anything else to supplement this with?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Pat,

          If B12, folate, B6 (all precursors to melatonin production) and magnesium do not work, then melatonin supplementation can be very helpful. There is another product called Kavinace that is basically B6 and taurine that people have had a lot of success using.

  77. Catherine

    Hi Alex,
    In addition to the Thorne Basics 2/day, I’m taking additional magnesium (Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops), calcium (Douglas Laboratories Calcium Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite), fish oil, (Carlsons EcoSmart Omega 3), and probiotics.

    However, I’m also taking CoQ10, B-Complex (Life Extension BioActive Complete B-Complex), and Chromium Picolinate. I was also thinking about buying Alpha Lipoic Acid and ECGC. I’m not sure if this is all overkill. Your thoughts?
    Thank you so much!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Catherine,

      Your base program in your first paragraph is very good. I don’t think CoQ10 is necessary unless you are on a statin drug or there is some mitochondrial dysfunction because b-vitamins, magnesium and manganese all help produce CoQ10 endogenously. Your B-complex is covered in the Basic Nutrients, so an extra B-complex may be overkill. Chromium is also covered in the Basic Nutrients. I don’t think ALA or ECGC is necessary unless you are working with a health care practitioner that has more information than I do and has suggested it.

  78. Lorene Grinberg

    Hi Alex,

    This is a really great, informative article. Thank you so much for sharing!

    I apologize if you’ve answered this already- I’m wondering if it would be ok to take both of the recommends you listed (the multi-mineral plus the multi-vitamin by Thorne Research), or is it best to just choose one or the other? I’m not sure if you can over do it or not.


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Lorene,

      Not a problem! I think I need to clarify that part of the article better. You would choose one or the other. The Basic Nutrients includes both vitamins and minerals. The Citramins II is just the minerals, but higher amounts of calcium and magnesium. The Citramins II would be for people who want to dose their vitamins and minerals separately.

  79. Antonio

    Hi Alex,

    Thank you for the great article.

    My question is, does the Synergy company use Saccharomyces? Do you have that confirmed? In your answers so far first you mentioned they used yeast, then an unnamed micro-plant, so I’m bit confused. Why wouldn’t they state like others if they used Saccharomyces?

    Also, what do you think about the multivitamin from Sunwarrior, Daily Multivitamin For Him? The company that supplies them is Orgenetics, and on their website it says:

    “Orgenetics pioneered a revolutionary and innovative new concept in the nutraceutical industry: 100% USDA Certified Organic and All Natural vitamins and minerals from water based extracts of fruits, vegetables, and botanicals (along with naturally occurring co-factors and co-nutrients of the same plants).

    That means no synthetic vitamins or minerals are added. No fermentation of any sort is used, and no solvents/excipients/carriers are used in the process, giving rise to Orgen® brand functional ingredients.”

    Are they hiding something as well? You have to take 3 pills and for that you get some pretty low scores in certain areas (esp. minreals), but if the vitamins are legit…

    Thank you for your insight.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Antonio,

      Good questions. Yes, Synergy uses saccharomyces and I had it confirmed over the phone. It is the same process as Garden of Life and MegaFood. Their literature states they use a micro-plant, but that is actually brewer’s yeast. Why they wouldn’t just state they use brewer’s yeast is a good question because it appears that some of these companies don’t want people to know that it isn’t just powdered whole foods. To be fair, powdered whole foods do not hold up their nutrient value well after harvest, processing and storage, and some concentrated greens powders have been found to have higher amounts of lead. But I have yet to see any clinical evidence showing an advantage to the feeding yeast USP vitamins/minerals in a broth process in comparison to other supplements.

      I have reached out to Sunwarrior multiple times and have yet to get clear answers. Another reader attached a link to a blog article on their site that made a lot of claims that didn’t have any sources to back it up. The formula appears to come from plant extracts except for the b-vitamins which must come from yeast at those levels. I like the blend of adaptogens, but it doesn’t say how much of each. Typically these blends are very small. The formula is missing boron and molybdenum, very low amount of K2, low amount of zinc, low amount of vitamin C, and low calcium/magnesium. It does use synthesized methylcobalamin (B12), but nothing wrong with that. The questions I would like answered are:

      Is the folate methylfolate or folic acid?
      How much of each adaptogen is used? What is the total amount in milligrams of each blend?
      Is any of the formula derived from yeast?
      If the formula is from whole foods, have you tested the product after weeks or months for stability?
      Is the maca root raw? (Maca shouldn’t be consumed raw)
      Any clinical blood tests for absorption?

      If I could get more answers, I could give a better overall assessment.

      • Antonio

        Thank you for the reply. I guess the jury is still out on the Sunwarrior, but the fact they don’t reply or provide explanations doesn’t bode well.

        I’ve ordered a bottle so I’ll see if i feel any effect. The lack of minerals doesn’t really bother me as i use Thorne’s Trace Minerals anyway. Somehow the idea of synthetic vitamins just makes me sick. So far I’ve been taking a combo of Sonne’s natural vitamin C, brewer’s yeast for B’s, D from lanolin and A from cod liver, but it’s a lot of pills and a bit to pricey for long term. The search continues i guess!

  80. Paul

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you for your in-depth article. I have been looking for information similar to this that would be of interest to the readers on my alcoholism website.

  81. Jackie

    HI Alex,
    Concentrate Trace Mineral Research Drops contains Fluoride and isn’t it bad for health??

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jackie,

      When I originally inquired about this to the company, I was assured that it was very minute. The same with other less desirable metals. But upon further investigation, I think that there are better products out there that just have the major trace minerals without any fluoride. However, I would need to see a full profile of mineral water to see if the same minerals and metals are present in minute amounts, and if they are indeed a problem at those levels. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and I’ll keep digging.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jackie,

      I did my homework on fluoride thanks to your question and wrote an article on it:

      Trace Minerals Research sent me their specs on Concentrace, and the fluoride content does fall way below what is in our water, and is comparable to what we would get naturally in food. In a full serving for a gallon of water, you are getting 5-10.75 micrograms. In food, you will find it below .1 milligram per liter (mg/L). Black tea is a high source and has 3-4 milligrams/L. In the US water supply, the range is .07 milligrams to 1.2 milligrams per liter, with some sources being potentially higher. So I think Concentrace remains a good source of minerals with a profile similar to food, but is a special source of lithium. This is lacking in our water supply (also found in mineral water) and is an important B12 carrier.

  82. Jackie

    Thank you

  83. Tracey

    Hi Alex, You are definitely a wealth of information, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading your articles! I had Gastric Bypass RNY 4 years ago, and a side effect of the surgery is malabsorption. Because of the malabsorption issues, I need to take vitamins/supplements for the rest of my life. I’ve been searching for a chewable multi vitamin, and just can’t seem to find a good one. I know that you recommend the Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/Day, but that is in capsule form (I don’t see a chewable or liquid option), and my body won’t absorb it as well. I’m not opposed to taking a kids chewable, and just doubling or tripling the dosage as required (price isn’t an issue for me – as I just want to be able to find a really good chewable, and feel that the cost will justify itself with the right vitamin). I’m also anemic (have needed several IV iron infusions), and even though it’s not the greatest, I currently take Feramax.
    I know that you don’t promote many vitamins other than the Thorne Basic Nutrients, but, at this point, I really need to take a chewable multi, and I am just at a loss as to where to begin. At this point, I am not taking a multi vitamin, and I’m afraid that not taking one is doing more harm than good, as with my malabsorption issues, I can become quite deficient very fast. What is your recommendation in my case? Should I just be looking for separate chewables for each vitamin that I need, or would that be way too many pills per day? Thanks so much, and looking forward to your response!!!!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Tracey,

      Glad to hear it! Sure, I would be happy to give you some options. My standards are extremely high, which is why you don’t see a lot of other options. But I can give you alternatives that will be better than most.

      Since you have been anemic, B12, folate, vitamin A, iron and vitamin C should be priorities. Vitamin A helps mobilize iron from its storage sites, so a deficiency of vitamin A limits the body’s ability to use stored iron.

      For a chewable, the Seeking Health Chewable Multivitamin is one of the only good options that I am aware of. For a liquid, I am still vetting the Organic Liquid Multivitamin and Multimineral by Mary Ruth. I have been talking with them and waiting to see the stability tests of the b-vitamins and vitamin C. While it isn’t complete, you are getting most major nutrients. I don’t have a recommendation for a good chewable or liquid iron supplement, but this would need to be added and shouldn’t be too hard to find.

      Let me know if this helps answer your questions. If you come across others that you are interested in, post them here and I’ll research them for you.

  84. Deborah Hladek

    Please give your opinion on puregenomics multivitamin by pure encapsulations. I am homozygous for the mthfr c677t mutation. I took this vitamin before, switched to methyl -life multi but did not feel as well as when using puregenomics. I did note however, that it has been reformulated since last year and no longer contains lithium orotate. Do you still recommend The Thorne multi to the puregenomics when mthfr definitely comes into play? Thank you for your knowledgeable and most informative articles.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Deborah,

      Thank you for reaching out and letting me know that the PureGenomics has been updated. For a homozygous MTHFR 677, 800mcg is the dosage used in studies to reduce homocysteine. So yes, I think the PureGenomics is a preferable choice when 800mcg of methylfolate is needed, as is the case for many with a homozygous MTHFR 677. However, it is important to look at the other pathways of the methylation cycle to see how BHMT/choline, CBS and MTR/MTRR/B12 are functioning because sometimes the alternate routes are working well and 400mcg may be enough. Care needs to be taken that you aren’t taking too much methylfolate as well, and you can get a good amount in your diet. It is important to look at your homocysteine levels first along with the other genes.

      Lithium is a B12 carrier and plays an important role in transportation and for mood. High doses of B12 can lower lithium levels. Supplementing with it is a little more challenging and my preference is to get it from mineral water and certain foods if possible. Variants in the gene TCN1 and TCN2 are both related to B12 transportation, and may provide a clue for lithium needs.

      • Deborah Hladek

        Thank you so much for your response. I am familiar with too much methyl folate beng too much of a good thing. I was placed Ina compounded vitamin when I was first diagnosed and got better slowly over a year but then started to feel extremely anxious and agitated. That is when I began trying a multi that would keep me leveled out. However I just had a hormone panel run and my estrone levels had increased and my progesterone was very low. My dr feels I may not be methylating adequately again, I had a full hysterectomy when I was 42 and use a hormone pellet and progesterone supplement . I do feel I may have a cbs mutation as I have reactions to sulfa drugs and too many sulfur foods make me feel horrible. I was only tested for mthfr though so I don’t know for sure – just going by symptoms. I think I am going to try the Thorne vitamin. Thank you so much for your help and really quick response. People like you are a godsend to so many trying to muddle our way through so much info .

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Deborah,

          That is very kind of you to say, thank you. Another strategy is to only take it 2-3 times a week. I have seen this work for people who are sensitive to methylfolate.

          If you are ever interested in getting a full genetic panel done, I do a comprehensive analysis at Nutrition Genome. There are also articles there that are focused more on nutrigenomics.

          • Deborah Hladek

            Thank you for all the great information Alex. I have alternated days with my methylation vitamins in the past and it has helped with the over-methylation side effects. If I continue to have issues with my estrone, I am going to run my 23&me. If I do this, I will definitely run my numbers through your site. Thank you again for helping with my health questions, and requiring nothing in return. You are a rarity!!!!!

  85. Dylan

    Hey Alex, I was going to buy the life extension 2/day because it is more widely available, but I called them and they told me the beta-carotene is synthetic and I thought that was a not good. What do u think about that? Thanks

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hey Dylan,

      Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Life Extension has more research articles than any other company I have come across, and I am shocked that they do not use a natural beta carotene. The lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene are from plant extracts, so this is strange. I got on the phone with them this morning and their explanation was that the studies have been mixed, the raw materials for the product may make it too expensive, and their dosage is well below what was used in the negative findings. I brought up the study I linked and my own explanation, and they are sending it to their research and development team and clinical team to review. I will be removing the Life Extension product from Best and Worst Multivitamins for Seniors article and will only add it back if the formula is changed. I will need to find a new one without vitamin K.

  86. Jill

    Hi Alex,
    I am in awe of your research and the time you take to actually respond to all of us searching the complicated world of supplements. My mother was a patient at the Pottenger/(Price) Clinic as a young woman so I was raised with that paradigm – and raised four grown sons without ever needing to see a doctor. The gospel of organic gardening, raw milk, cod liver oil etc. So now entering into non food supplements seems counter intuitive and having read all the comments here I see I’m not alone. Everyone seems to be disappointed that “whole food” supplements are like the wizard behind the curtain in OZ!
    The only thing I ever took was the Pure Synergy green drink until I started taking their multi and B’s. I’m very grateful to reading your explanation of how Synergy’s vitamins are actually yeast based.
    Last year I had a health crisis of near death from a strangulated femoral hernia and surgery. That was my first experience with any doctors, drugs or medical tests except for giving birth four times and each birth was completely non intervention – no IV’s or drugs. Now am restoring my digestive system; make my own kefir (grass milk low temp.pasteurization) and Einkorn bread with my kefir starter, we live in Alaska so lots of salmon, some grass fed meat, pretty good organic produce, and I love my grass fed ghee. Am taking OrthoMolecular Methyl CpG, Reacted Magnesium and Vit.K2wD3. You suggested ProThrivers Wellness Multi instead of the Thorne for people not wanting beta carotene. Do you think the retinyl acetate is ok in the ProThrivers? And is the Annatto Seed Mixed Tocotrienols vitamin E? And it doesn’t have any Choline – maybe I get enough in my diet…(?) It would be great to just take a Multi and Magnesium. I like the OrthoMolecular Magnesium because it uses Malate, Citrate and Glycinate and I’ve been unable to find another Magnesium that has all three. Thank you so much for reading this….to sign up for a consultation do I just go to “Contact” on the consultation page?
    One more thing, it seems strange that Nutraceutical Corp. has bought SO many companies up and all within the last few years, maybe it’s ok, but what do you think?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jill,

      Sorry for the late reply. I didn’t receive an alert that I had comments waiting. I am very sorry to hear about your scary experience with the strangulated femoral hernia. It sounds like your diet is very ideal, especially having access to all that salmon! As for the Pro-Thrivers, it was the only one I could find that didn’t have beta carotene and used methylated b-vitamins. The majority of formulas will use a mix of beta-carotene and retinyl palmitate or retinyl acetate. There is a lot of conflicting research and disagreement with these forms. From my interpretation of the studies, it appears that vitamin A in the form of supplements given at a large dose, during a time of key embryonic development is the key understanding of toxicity. Most supplements only use 2500IU, and the potential toxicity may be 10,000-25,000IU.

      To give you a reference from food, approximately 3.5 oz. of liver has 52,000 IU of vitamin A and was consumed once a week by many generations, even during pregnancy. Taking 1 tsp. of virgin cod liver oil daily would be equivalent to approximately 3,000-5,000IU per day. Three bright orange pastured eggs per day could give you up to 3,000IU per day.

      I think choline is best from the diet when possible, and salmon does contain choline. Some people do not respond well to choline supplementation and it affects their sleep. If you have access to caribou in Alaska, 3.5oz of shoulder meat has 130mg. Yes, the annato seed mixed tocotrienols is vitamin E.

      With your diet and food access, I wouldn’t see the need for a multivitamin. Great find on the magnesium, I will have to check that out. As for Nutraceutical Corp., I think you do always have to pay extra attention to the quality when it switches hands. New Chapter being bought by Proctor and Gamble comes to mind.

      If you are interested in a consultation, you can send me a note through the contact form. Look forward to speaking with you.

  87. Rosemary

    Thank you so much for this information! I appreciate all of the work you put in.

    Have you had a chance to examine the (0 for Life, Youngevity products? The Healthy Body Pak formulated by Dr. Joel Wallach has the 90 nutrients our bodies need. This is the claim and I was wondering if you have any evidence. They say the supplements are organic, natural and made with whole foods.

    I look forward to your answer.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Rosemary,

      Thank you! I wasn’t able to find a lable on the products to analyze. Do you have a lable I can look at?

  88. Rosemary

    90 for Life …sorry about the typo

  89. Mark

    Hi Alex,

    I was looking for a multivitamins and came across your site and it was very helpful. Can you give your thoughts on Supreme Multivitamins by NBI Health?
    Thank you.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Mark,

      The Supreme Multivitamins by NBI Health has some pros and cons. The pro is that it has 1,000mg of vitamin C, 1000mg of vitamin D, methylcobalamin and a 1:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium in a higher amount than usual (150mg each). The con is that it only contains vitamin K1 (K2 is best), folate is in the form of folic acid (best as methylfolate), B6 is not in the form of P-5-P combined with pyridoxine hydrochloride, and iodine is very low (25mg, should be 100-150mg). With these improvements, it would be a good one.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kaleb,

      I considered the Pure Encapsulations O.N.E. for the senior’s multivitamin article because it doesn’t have vitamin K, but decided against it because the beta-carotene is synthetic from Blakeslea trispora. I had to call four companies to confirm that is a synthetic source.

      I spent a lot of time on the Whole Earth Sea multivitamin because it looks like it has potential. You are bridging the best of both worlds by including organic food while also using the right forms of synthesized vitamins and minerals. I spoke with the company at length this morning, and found out that the organic plant mixture is dehydrated, not from yeast-fed vitamins like others we have discussed. The amounts that you see on the label are “topped off” with extra vitamins and minerals to hit the target on the label which is why you see other forms beyond food. That is a point to remember when looking at whole food vitamins, because they have to hit consistent amounts for each batch. In reality, each label would range quite a bit based on the soil, season and harvest if it was truly just dehydrated food. My only hesitancy with this one is that they use folic acid, and once again for people with sulfur issues or any other allergies that may be in the mix. But I told them that if they would change the folic acid to 400mcg of methylfolate, it would be a good product. We will see if they do it.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kaleb,

      I got an update from Pure Encapsulations. They now use D. salina for the beta carotene, and the spec sheet on the website hasn’t been updated. So that is good. This formula also only has B6 as pyridoxine HCL and is missing P-5-P, and the vitamin E would be best with mixed tocopherols, however it has many other strengths that make it a good fit for the senior multivitamin article.

      • Kaleb

        Thanks Alex! I know there old formula had P-5 P. I guess they took it out because my bottle had 2.5mg of it.

  90. Siscokid

    I was wondering if MegaFoods one daily is okay? I have a bit lower iron levels due to IBS and Megafoods was the supplement I saw that was popular among people who have anemia. But I did further research because when I looked at the ingredient list I always make sure to look at the Folic acid, Mangesiam, and B12 types used, and the only thing listed was something like a yeast. They didn’t even list what type of iron was used.

    A lot of these so called whole food vitamins and expensive ones all contain the bad forms of folic acid, magnesium and b12.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi SiscoKid,

      I had to do some investigating because the MegaFood formula has changed. I talked with the company for a while, and it turns out as of June 14th 2016, they have changed their formula to include methylated B12, methylfolate and active B6. They do use a delivery system of feeding USP vitamins to yeast in a food matrix that creates a yeast bound vitamin or mineral. Some of it is directly from whole foods like the beta-carotene in carrots. The choline is synthesized. It does not contain any calcium or magnesium, but that is common because they are bulky and take up too much room in the capsule. They could not give me any of the original forms of iron or other minerals used because they are altered by the yeast.

      There is no research on yeast-bound vitamins or minerals being superior for absorption or utilization to other forms. If we had clinical trials, it would be extremely helpful. I think the MegaFoods formula would be the superior one to try now that they are using the right form of the b-vitamins and do not contain high sulfur or histamine dehydrated mixes. It ranges in methylfolate (100-400mcg), however for people that are sensitive to methylfolate or do not have variants in MTHFR that create a higher need, a lower amount is sufficent. The 200mg of choline could be very beneficial for those with multiple PEMT gene variants or do not eat choline rich foods. Everything in general is a lower dose, which could make it a good alternative multivitamin to the more potent Thorne Basic 2 a Day. I will consider adding it to the article now for those seeking another option.

  91. Janet

    What do you think of balance of nature fruits and veggies. They claim they are real food flash dried to retain all the nutrients and it’s like getting at least 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day from a total of 3 capsules each.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Janet,

      I spoke with a doctor at the company who was very pleasant and helpful. They claim that their flash-drying process retains 99% of the nutrient value which is impressive. The fruits and vegetables are organic and they do testing for heavy metals. My question for them is when the testing occurs and if they hold their value weeks or months later. Also how the b-vitamins and vitamin C remain stable since the water is removed. He said they would email me back with answers to those questions.

      The other issue to consider (at least with the veggies) is that you haven numerous high sulfur foods (broccoli, garlic, onion), soybeans, cayenne and spinach among others. While these are all beneficial, these can be hard on the digestive system at once in a dehydrated, raw state for some people. So it is up to you how well you tolerate the mixes.

      • Janet

        Thank you Alex. I look forward to hearing their response to your questions. Thank you for the info on the sulfur issue that could be a problem for some. I have done a lot of reading and research on supplements and health but haven’t come across anyone with the knowledge and actual true facts as you. Most are very uninformed and just repeat what another website said whether it is right or wrong. Thank you and I look forward to reading more of your articles.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Janet,

          I really appreciate that, thank you. There is so much misinformation online and my goal has been to be a reliable source.

          I still haven’t heard back from Balance of Nature. I will call again on Monday. I have asked this question to multiple companies, and often times I do not receive an answer back. It is very important that testing takes place weeks or months after a dehydrated whole foods product has been processed to ensure its stability. Since they do not have a label but have done testing, I think that the consumer should see what they are getting in a sample batch even if it changes batch to batch. Liquid formulas are also vulnerable, and the latest Consumer Lab report found that a Pure Encapsulations liquid multivitamin only contained 17% of the folic acid listed (same has been true of methylfolate).

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Janet,

          I received an email back on Monday and have been waiting to hear back regarding a test batch to verify the amounts of b-vitamins and vitamin C. Here is the email.

          “The stability of our fruits and veggies is due to the process we use of what is called flash drying and sublimation. We do no use any heat or air drying that can destroy nutrients. The nutrients are preserved through the freeze drying process. There is a difference between a chemical and more of a physical process like we use. The flash drying creates a vacuum where the water acts differently creating a change from a solid to a gas called sublimation. Water in it’s liquid phase acts as a solvent and insures that their are no chemical changes in the Fruit and veggies.
          It’s interesting that in the initial research we did freeze drying of a pea and it actually sprouted following the process.”

          I thought this was very interesting and hope to see the data from a test batch.

          • Janet

            That is extremely interesting. If I am understanding this right they have sent a batch to be tested and will be letting you know the results. If this is true I have to say I am impressed with their willingness to follow thru. I am looking forward to their results. Thanks for the update.

  92. Cannelle

    Dear Alex,

    I am trying to conceive and wanted to start taking prenatal (1st pregnancy). I started taking My kind Organic Prenatal Once Daily with Nordic Naturals ultimate omega for a week at bedtime and got terrible headaches. I am not used to taking multivitamins as they usually make me feel shaky. What do you think of Actif Prenatal? What prenatal would you recommend for someone sensitive like myself.
    Thank you in advance for your help!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Cannelle,

      Do you know what your sensitivites are? You may be sensitive to b-vitamin supplements if they are making you feel shaky. The Mykind Prenatal has a lot of potential allergens for people due so many different foods in the blend. If you can help me narrow down what you might be reacting to, I can help you navigate the best options.

      The Actif Prenatal has a lot of good things going for it. I’m curious why they used cyanocobalamin instead of methylcobalamin since they are using methylfolate. I sent them an email with that question. Also, vitamin D2 is also not absorbed as well as vitmain D3.

      • Amanda

        Did you find anything out? I’m researching this brand, are they legitimate?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Amanda,

          I can’t get them to return my emails and they don’t have a phone number. Try to reach out as well and see if you can get a response.

      • Cannelle

        Hi Alex,
        Sorry never saw your answer 🙁 I am intolerant to lactose but I know they do not contain any. What about the synergy company prenatal? I did a blood test and I have very high level of folate which is a good thing I guess 🙂
        Just wondering the healthiest and easy to digest prenatal in your opinion. I am also pretty light weight so that might be relevant not sure.
        Thank you so much for your help so appreciated! There’s so many information out there it’s hard to figure out what’s best.

        • Cannelle

          I got an answer from Actif when I wrote on amazon. Also any opinions on Frontrunners health prenatal?
          Thanks again!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Cannelle,

            It looks better than most. The only issue I can see is that the B6 is not in the active P-5-P form. B6 needs go up during pregnancy, and B6 is what prevents nausea. I am also curious about the interaction of the iron being used with the other nutrients. I called the company and they said they would get back to me with answers from their lab. I have a backlog of articles that I need to complete, but I think I need to make a best/worst prenatal article post-haste! It is definitely a challenge to find a good one.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Cannelle,

          Synergy has done a poor job of being transparent with their formulation and testing, so it isn’t a company I currently recommend. Most B12 and folate blood tests don’t reveal intracellular absorption, so it can be difficult to know without genetic testing of the methylation cycle. But if you eat a lot of folate rich food, it is definitely possible to get sufficient folate.

          I get this question a lot and will get to work researching prenatal vitamins for you and others.

          • Cannelle

            Thank you so much Alex for your prompt answer and your help. It will be wonderful if you could do a prenatal article, I’m sure a lot of women out there (including myself) will benefit from it. I won’t be ordering the synergy one then and I will wait to hear back from you concerning Frontrunner Health.
            Thank you!

          • Cannelle

            Hi again Alex,

            So sorry about all the questions. What about Pure Encapsulations Prenatal Nutrients?
            Thank you!!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Cannelle,

            Looks like a similar formula to Front Runners, however, for some reason they decided to use 40% as folic acid. I would say that if you like the Front Runners product, it is worth trying to see how you feel. I have seen women do fine with that form of B6, while others do better with P-5-P to prevent nausea. I don’t see anything harmful and it is one of the better formulas I have come across.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Cannelle,

            Just wanted to follow-up and let you know I just got off the phone with the company. I was very happy with their customer service and answers to my questions. The iron is a good form and they are going to forward my P-5-P suggestion to their lab. This is your best option that I can see so far.

          • Cannelle

            Oh amazing thank you so much for the follow-up Alex. So helpful!! I will go ahead and order their prenatal right now then.
            Last question I promise 🙂 do you have any suggestion on a DHA supplement for pregnancy. Are Nordic Naturals a reliable one?
            THANK YOU!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            No problem, happy to help. Yes, Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega is a good one.

  93. Scott

    Hi – I was taking Dr. Mercola’s Wholefoid Multivitamin but after cintacting the company I cannot get a Certificate of Authenticity and also sone of the ingredients are from China! I feel cheated and misled! Dr. Mercola stresses purity and transparency si it is a bit frustrating. What do you know about Dr Mercola’s products? Do they cut the grade on Consumers Labs? Also I am going to switch to Garden Of Life nens multivitamin whuch is an all organic multivitamin. They have a once a day and also a mens 40+ multi. Garden of life is a very highly rated company. They also will not provide a Certificate If Authenticity. Is Garden Of Life a good honest company? Thank you

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Scott,

      I came across the same problem with Dr. Mercola’s multivitamin. Originally I had an issue with his children’s multivitamin due to the lead content, then discovered the sourcing of the multivitamin and was surprised. I think some of his products are very good like the Pure Power whey protein, but I don’t know why he would formulate his multivitamin product with ingredients from China. In terms of Consumer Labs, according to the last report in July/2016, his multivitamin did pass the heavy metals and contaminants test.

      For Garden of Life, the Vitamin Code product uses USP vitamins fed to yeast in a nutrient rich broth. I think that product is a little misleading because many people are under the impression that it is just a powdered whole foods vitamin. I tried Vitamin Code myself for a few months and wasn’t impressed. Their myKind brand is the only one that uses nutrients directly from whole foods. As long as you do not have digestive sensitivities due to the high amount of sulfur-rich food, this one should be okay. I think they strive to be an honest company, but they need to do a better job of formulation transparancy.

  94. Lea

    Can you please recommend a multivitamin for small children? Would seeking health be a good choice? Thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Lea,

      I haven’t had a chance to due any thorough research yet for children’s multivitamins and prenatal multivitamins, but I would say that Seeking Health is a good choice for both.

  95. Chuck

    I am 46 have trigeminal neuralgia with lots of pain…. I am looking for a multiple vitiman to address nutritional needs and help with any deficiencies I have. Im thinking probiotics for overall health, fish oil for joints, saw palmetto, ginseng and mood and immune support all in one. Is that possible?
    Please advise as to recomendations.

    Thank you so much …. I almost spent a bunch of money on the wrong products. Your information is a great find for many.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Chuck,

      I’m very sorry to hear about being in lots of pain. Since I am not your doctor and do not know your health history/medications, I can only share the research that I have and I would check with him or her first. The focus for trigeminal neuralgia is to build the myelin sheath of the nerve and to keep the muscles relaxed. Vitamin B12 is involved in the maintenance of the myelin sheath and appears to be a major player for those with TN. New research has found that gut flora plays a role in expressing genes for myelin construction and formation for never fibers. Choline has also been researched to enhance myelin repair, as well as Lion’s Mane for generating Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). However I am not aware of any research with choline or Lion’s Mane for TN. I credit Lion’s Mane to fixing a damaged nerve in my back. Magnesium is the most important mineral, which has also been studied to show relief in pain for TN. Essentially, B12 at the needed dosage, probiotics and magnesium would be the place to start.

      • Chuck

        Thank you sooo much for your help and sharing your knowledge. I really appreciate it.

  96. Rebekah Ash

    I am looking between Plexus multivitamin and probiotic and shaklee ‘s multivitamin and probiotic. Which company would be better?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Rebekah,

      I looked at the Plexus XFactor and it uses methylfolate and methylcobalamin which is good. However, it is a strange multivitamin formula because it doesn’t contain any minerals, beta carotene, vitamin A or K. It just contains b-vitamins, C, D and E. So I wouldn’t qualify this as a multivitamin if you are looking to get foundational amount of vitamins and minerals. Vita Lea is more complete, but they need to update their formula to use methylfolate, methylcobalamin and K2. I would choose the Basic Nutrients 2 a Day over both of them.

      Both the probiotic by Plexus and the probiotic by Shaklee are too low in diversity and quantitiy of probiotics.

  97. Rebecca

    Hi there, as I continue to look into Juice Plus I specifically wanted to ask a prefessional as yourself WHY does this company have the backing of so many physicians?
    If the research is mostly from the added vitamins which until I was not even aware of then why the big push from the health care industry? They seem to have backing by some pretty big names like MD Anderson as well. However it can be a very costly supplementation for a family. Thanks

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Rebecca,

      Good question. It is a multi-level marketing company and perhaps the ones promoting it heavily are also selling it? They may also not realize that the vitamins are added because it isn’t that obvious upon first glance. I have heard doctors claim supplements don’t work, but then sell Juice Plus. That’s when I like to highlight what is actually in the formula and what the Juice Plus studies are really saying. As far as I’m concerned, it is just an expensive low dose vitamin C, E, beta carotene and folic acid (a cheap synthetic form I have talked about in depth) supplement with a little powdered fruits and vegetables.

      Juice Plus is not a multivitamin and is missing crucial nutrients like magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, selenium, iodine, folate in the right form, and all the other b-vitamins. All their research really shows is that antioxidant supplements work in higher dosages (6 capsules used daily in some studies, which would be really expensive to maintain). These type of companies also need to be transparent about testing weeks and months after processing to see the intial nutrient profile from the plants, and how the compounds holds up weeks and months later on the shelf.

      • John

        With the 16/8 fast does that mean I am unble to tale my mulivitmin in the morning due to some vitamin being fat soluble as I break my fast at 12pm

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi John,

          It would depend if there is starch or any type of carbohydrate in the multivitamin you are taking. I would wait to take it at noon to play it safe.

  98. John

    Thank you Alex,
    One last qeustion can you recommend a brand of HMB to take before exercising during fast or would you just take Leucine.
    The multivitamin is the Thorne basic nutrients 2 a day.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi John,

      I would use the BCAA’s with a slightly higher ratio of leucine. And yeah, I would wait to take the multi with your meal for absorption reasons as well.

  99. Steph

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you for writing such an informative article. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. My husband and I are in preparation for starting a family and I have been recommended Thorne – Basic Prenatal (1x day) as well as the Ethical Nutrients Fish Oil Capsules (2x day). I have been taking these for about a month in preparation. I was just wondering what your thoughts are on staying with the same pre-natal vitamin and dose once I do fall pregnant or switching to something different? I am concerned that they have folic acid instead of folate which, if I understand your article correctly, isn’t proper? If you have any other recommendations I would love to look into them further. Thanks for your help!!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Steph,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the article. If we are looking at the same Thorne Basic Prenatal, then it actually uses methylfolate, not folic acid. It looks like a good product to me to continue if it works well for you. It is a good idea to focus on choline rich food (eggs), since prenatals do not provide this and your needs for it will go up with pregnancy. Extra magnesium and calcium may also be necessary.

  100. Chris Pearson

    Thank you in advance for your help, it’s awesome you providing your knowledge to others. I used to take solgar multi nutrient but they have changed they’re formula and now I am considering Rainbowlight one a day,Garden of life, Vitamin code for men I also plan on taking Fish oil or krill oil and a B complex as well as a probiotic but have no idea which ones are good ones. I had a drinking problem for a while and I’m sure my body could greatly use supplements how ever I have not drank in 5 months. Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Chris,

      Congrats on 5 months! Heavy alcohol use depletes B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, glutathione, B12, vitamin C, zinc and disrupts gut flora. I have many recommendations for these on my article Mental Health Starts in the Gut, Not the Brain. Let me know if I can answer any other questions.

  101. Robin

    Hi Alex,

    After reading your article I would like to start taking Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2 a Day together with the following:
    1 big spoon of cod liver(for omega 3) and Vitamin D3 5000ui(Extra).
    You also recommend taking extra calcium, magnesium, vitamin C. Do you recommend this supplement, Thorne Research, Cal-Mag Citrate, to supplement the multivitamin?

    This was my supplement plan before reading you article, dosing per day: 1 big spoon of cod liver(for omega 3), Vitamin D3 5000ui, vitamin k2 as MK-7 200mcg, magnesium 600mg chelated,

    For dosing, I’m a guy at 90kg, and 26 years old.

    What do you recommend as a supplement plan for me?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Robin,

      My opinion is that calcium can be adequately obtained by a diet that has dark greens, mineral water, nuts, and dairy (although dairy isn’t necessary). Calcium is tightly regulated and magnesium is more likely to be too low. If you do not eat these foods or drink a lot of coffee, then supplementation may be necessary. In that case, the Thorne 1:1 Citramate product is a good one. You can read more about calcium if you are interested in the article How Much Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D Should You Take?

      As a young guy, you most likely do not need to take vitamin K2 outside of the Basic Nutrients product. Check your vitamin D level periodically so you can adjust your vitamin D as necessary since 2,000IU in the Basic Nutrients may be sufficient as well. Typically, you can take less during the summer and fall. 500-600mg of magnesium is the right target. Overall, that is a pretty complete program.

  102. Robin

    Great! Thank you so much for the reply Alex:)

  103. Lisa

    I noticed in the Nordic cod liver oil there is vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol from soy). Having soy in it concerns me. I also want to give my daughter the Nordic omega 3 gummies. What are you thoughts on taking this daily on the paleo diet? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Lisa,

      Vitamin E is derived from soy, however, the soy oil and soy proteins are removed and there shouldn’t be any soy in the final product. I can’t speak for every company making vitamin E from soy, but higher quality E is produced this way. It is different from ingredients like soy lecithin or soy oil. Vitamin E is used in fish oil and cod liver oil to prevent rancidity and the amount used is extremely small. Rosemary extract is also often used.

      The Nordic gummies have tapioca syrup and sugar, which isn’t ideal, but taste can be an issue for kids and these ingredients are standard for gummies. I think the pros outweigh the cons and this would be a fine choice.

      • Lisa

        Thanks you so much for your prompt reply. Very informative and exactly what I needed to know to make a good decision for my family and I. So, I checked the ingredients for the Nordic naturals omega 3 for kids and the list of ingredients don’t contain sugar or tapioca syrup. The ingredients are
        Cod liver oil, gelatin (calf), water, glycerol, D-Alpha Tocopherol, rosemary extract, strawberry flavor.

  104. Aglaia Galata

    Dear Mr. Swanson
    I am a greek woman 48 years old and my way of living leads me to start taking multivitamins. I would like to ask you what multivitamin to choose and if it is necessary to take some extra metals or omega 3-6-9 caps. I also want to give some vitamin or cod liver oil to my kids 7 and 10 years old. Thank you very much

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Agalia,

      I would need to know more about you to make an informed decision, but either one of the multivitamins listed on this article would be a good foundational choice. Extra minerals like calcium and magnesium are beneficial, and the amounts of each would depend on your health needs. Fish oil is important if you are not eating much fish, have inflammation, or have markers on your blood work that show a higher need. The virgin cod liver oil listed on this article is a superior product for kids and adults, and the taste is better than any other cod liver oil I’ve tried.

  105. Aleksandr

    I’m 28 years old and I do gym 3 times a week for 1 hour. And I got to thinking about the multivitamins and found Thorne Extra Nutrients, my weight 38 lb.
    Thorne Extra Nutrients good choise or better Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2 a Day? And i think that for my weight 6 capsules per day don’t big dosage, maybe enough 3-4 capsules per day?

    And i want to ask about multivitamins for my mom( 50+ age) and dad (50+ age) i see Thorne Research Meta-Fem 40+ (but use 4 Capsules , not 8 Capsules per day) for mom and Thorne Research Al’s Formula 40+ (but use 4 Capsules , not 8 Capsules per day) for dad will be better than Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2/Day?

    I will be very glad to have your help. Thanks.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Aleksandr,

      The Thorne Extra Nutrients is going to give you more antioxidant support in the form of 50mg of CoQ10, 100mg of choline citrate, 100mg of hesperidin, 50mg of reduced glutathione and 5mg of R-Lipoic Acid on top of the Basic Nutrients 2 a day formula. You are also getting higher doses of certain vitamins and minerals and a blend of methylcobalamin/adenosylcobalamin for B12 for those that really have a hard time absorbing B12. Vitamin D, however, is lower than the Basic Nutrients 2, with only 1,000IU in the full 6 capsule dosage.

      My opinion is that if you are willing to take another 2 capsules, I think you would be better off using the Basic Nutrients 2 a day and adding more vitamin C for antioxidant support. The Thorne Vitamin C capsules also include hesperidin. Your body will produce enough CoQ10 at 28 and vitamin C will boost glutathione. Choline is sufficient from eggs, and lipoic acid from meat.

      I have outlined multivitamins for seniors in my article Best and Worst Multivitamins for Seniors. This also includes other supplementation that can be very beneficial based on their needs.

  106. Anita Hambrick

    If at all possible could you delete my comment after responding to me?? It just hit me that I was instructed to not share anything I was doing on social media. Thank you so much!!!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Anita,

      Not a problem. I removed the comment and will respond to you in private.

      • Anita Hambrick

        Thank you Alex. I appreciate it so much. I look forward to hearing from you.

  107. Aleksandr

    Can you help, if to choose between “MegaFood Multi for Men” and “Garden of Life MyKind Organics Men’s Multi” which will be better? Or they can be alternated among themselves?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Aleksandr,

      I think the MegaFood Multi for Men is superior to the Garden of Life MyKind multivitamin due to being higher in zinc, vitamin C, manganese and containing choline. MyKind may also cause digestive issues due to the high sulfur content if you are sensitive. But you could definitely alternate between the two.

  108. Aleksandr

    Also i want to know about Vitamin A in Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/Day: Basic Nutrients 2/Day – Vitamin A (3,000 IU from Beta Carotenes and 2,000 IU as Palmitate), Palmitate – synthetic vitamin?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Aleksandr,

      The vitamin A palmitate is synthesized into a bio-identical vitamin A compound attached to the saturated fatty acid palmitic acid and is not linked to birth defects or cancer. The dose is also very low and many multivitamins that only use beta-carotene as vitamin A, are not really providing vitamin A. The beta-carotene needs to be converted to vitamin A, and this ability varies quite a bit based on people’s biochemistry and may be not be providing much vitamin A at all. Accutane is an example of a derivative of vitamin A (isotretinoin) that has been linked to birth defects.

  109. Aleksandr

    Alex, Big thanks for help!
    I talk with “Garden of Life” by email and ask they which form vitamins they use for Vitamin Code, natural or synthetic and from which countries raw supplements?
    I got answer:
    “Thank you for your email and interest in Garden of Life’s products. We offer whole food supplements and do not use synthetics in our formulas. The vitamins and minerals included in our Vitamin Code formulas are delivered in a whole food form as RAW Food-Created Nutrients. The vitamins and minerals are produced through a fermentation process prior to going through Grows process as described below.

    We “grow” the vitamins via our proprietary dual cultivation process using yeast and probiotics. This process utilizes a single isolated vitamin or mineral that is fed to the yeast or probiotic. A specific peptide designed for that particular nutrient is then introduced in order to allow the nutrient to be metabolized (or absorbed) through the yeast’s cell wall.

    This process mimics nature, just like when a plant takes an inorganic mineral salt that is naturally occurring in the soil (selenium for example), and absorbs it into its roots, the plant becomes rich in selenium. This process is conducted with two distinct organisms – S. cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) and L. bulgaricus (probiotic culture used in traditional yogurt recipes which is non-dairy). RAW Food-Created Nutrients are delivered “body ready”.

    I apologize, however we do not have a list of the forms/sources of each of our vitamins and minerals unless otherwise stated on the label. The isolates that are used are transformed into RAW Food-Created nutrients, which is why we do list the sources.

    All of the ingredients that are included in our Vitamin Code formulas (aside from AlgaeCal RAW and Red Algae) are sourced and manufactured in the USA. AlgaeCal RAW washes up on the pristine shores of South America and the Red Algae is sourced in Ireland.”

    True or False it, i don’t know because they don’t show forms of vitamins on label.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Aleksandr,

      The MyKind multivitamin is the only true whole food multivjtamin from Garden of Life. Vitamin Code starts with USP vitamins – of which some are synthetically made – and given to yeast in a nutrient rich broth. As I have mentioned in other comments, the finished metabolized product qualifying as a “whole food vitamin” is debatable.

  110. kevin

    I’m looking for a good multivitamin, I’m 59 years old male. Have used Shaklee Vita Lee in the past. Was informed to use Shaklee Gold, I want to make sure I have something with very little filler and additives. Shaklee reps always say they have the best product. If there is something else out there I would appreciate you assistance. When I try and compare it just gets confusing. Thank You

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kevin,

      You have come to the right place! The two multivitamins I recommend are listed in this article. If you want to do a side by side comparision with the Thorne Basic Nutrients and Shaklee, you will see that the vitamin and mineral forms used in Thorne are superior without any fillers or additives.

  111. Aleksandr

    I read that once any food has been heated above 118 degrees, the heat begins to destroy vital enzymes–a major benefit in consuming whole foods in the first place. Tablets are pressed under big temperature.
    Does it mean that the vitamins in tablets will be worst than capsules?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Aleksander,

      It is true that enzymes are destroyed with heat over 118 degrees. I can’t confirm the exact heat used with tablets, but when it was explained to me by a manufacturer it seemed clear that capsules are superior.

      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        I also wanted to add that the water soluble vitamins (B-vitamins, vitamin C, and carotenoids) in whole foods degrade post-harvest. So a major criticism of mine is that I do not see testing on MyKind months later to confirm the true amounts of these vitamins.

  112. Terrance

    Hello, I am looking to get my health back in order, I am 22, 5’9″, and currently weigh 215 lbs. At the beginning of 2013 I was 304 lbs and at risk for diabetes (I have not yet been checked since :[ ). I went pescatarian for that whole year and would workout occasionally. At the beginning of 2014, I began taking in more whole foods, supplements, but I picked up meat again (very hard to break for me but working on it) I also began working out more consistently. These 2 years helped me remove alot of the body weight I had and I noticed my overall quality of life begin to elevate. The year 2015 consisted of very long work hours and not much sleep, compounded with maintaining a social life. This caused me to sleep less, eat less, and work out less. The weight I lost this year was not due to good nutrition and regular activity but simply because I went from eating 3-4 times a day to 1 or 2 times a day. I feel this has caused me to lose more than just weight but depleted a large amount of the nutrients stored in my body. In 2016 I began cutting out dairy, processed foods, and sugars. I also began juice extraction and using supplements, like the Full Body Cleanse by DHerbs, I’ve also started taking B-Complex because a deficiency caused a spur of anxiety for a while. For the 20 days of DHerbs supplementation, I was required to change my diet to raw foods only. This was extremely effective. In 2016 I am still learning about ways to increase my vitamin/mineral intake. While searching for whole, adequate supplements I stumbled upon this amazing source of information. The only supplements I user are B-Complex by Garden of Life, Alkaline Formula and Anti-Viral Formula. I use a variety of Dherbs products but those two are my current choices. Could you review some of DHerbs products and tell me if you think its an adequate choice. I’ve also started using VegaOne All-In-One Shake – French Vanilla and I would like your insight on this product also.

    Thank you so much for your time!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Terrance,

      Congrats on your hard work! It takes a lot of discipline and drive to make those changes. I looked at the Alkaline Formula and Anti-Viral Formula, and both look like good whole food products. Since the Anti-Viral Formula contains St. John’s Wort, you always want to make sure you aren’t taking any medications that may be contraindicated with this herb.

      I just finished an article on the best plant-based protein powders. You can find it here:
      The VegaOne All-In-One-Shake has a lot of quality ingredients. My criticism – as described in the article linked – is that milled flax seed can go rancid quickly. I spoke with Vega and they said that they flash pasteurize the milled flax seeds to prevent oxidation. To my knowledge, this does not prevent oxidation of an oil and simply reduces the microbial count.

      • Terrance

        Thanks a lot, it definitely is not easy but I try to take it 1 step at a time. I did not know that about milled flax seed oxidation, I do grind and eat flax with other dishes so replacing the VegaOne shake with one that does not have milled hemp seeds instead sounds like a plan.

        • Terrance

          does not have milled flax seeds**

  113. Stanislav

    Dear Alex,

    I regard your articles very informative and useful, but one thought disturbs me. I find repeatedly at various websites on the internet some of the information about structural comparison between synthetic vitamins and whole food vitamins – extracts. From perspective writed by the autor, only vitamins from whole foods are considered as helpful, whereas synthetic isolated vitamins are useless and sometimes even harmful. Therefore, the autor reccomend only a few supplements from multivitamin category, e.g. Garden of LIfe mykind Multi, Whole Earth & Sea Multi. Dear Sir, based on your professional and personal experience, what do you think about it? Where is the truth?

    Thank you very much for your opinion.

    Link here:

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Stanislav,

      Great question and thank you for the link. The article is well written and cited. The author of the blog is selling a product he created that provides a whole food form of vitamin E and carotenoids, and therefore the focus of the article is on the negative consequences of using the synthetic versions of these two. This includes synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol), isolated alpha-tocopherol without the mixed tocopherols and synthetic isolated beta-carotene. Synthetic vitamin E and synthetic beta-carotene have performed very poorly in studies.

      These are also the synthetic forms I have highlighted in this article to avoid and are commonly used in poorly made multivitamins. You will see that both the Basic Nutrients and MegaFood product use vitamin E in the mixed tocopherol form and natural mixed carotenoids. So I am in agreement with him with those two ingredients.

      Folic acid is another example of a synthetic nutrient that isn’t found nature and has performed poorly in studies, yet continues to be used in most multivitamins. However, methylfolate is often synthetically made but is the bioidentical form found in food like broccoli and has been performing well in studies and in clinical practice.

      Vitamin C as L-ascorbic acid is another example of an isolated synthetic bioidentical nutrient that has performed overwhelmingly well in studies with dosages over 500mg. Extremely high dosages have been used without any negative effects and thousands of studies have reported a positive benefit. I have personally and professionally seen the amazing benefits of vitamin C supplementation. However, the isomer which is D-isoascorbic acid has very little biological activity and perhaps at larger dosages could be harmful.

      So to answer your question, my opinion is that you have to look at the form of every vitamin and mineral and the research behind it to find the truth. This is how I arrived at the conclusions in this article and the recommended formulas. If you prefer to try and get most of your vitamin and minerals from food while just supplementing the gaps, I would check out the article How to Make Your Own Multivitamin with Food.

  114. Caroline Dextraze


    I was wondering if you did some research about the best/safe vitamins for children ?

    I am reading a lot about it but it still very difficult to choose …

    Thank you so much !!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Caroline,

      I haven’t done an in-depth analysis yet for children’s multivitamins. I’ll make sure to add it to the queue for articles to write. If you any you would like me to review, I’m happy to do it.

  115. Caroline Dextraze

    Hi Alex,

    thank you so much !

    I just found this comparison of 88 Multivitamins designed for Kids. We can see that three vitamins win the battle, but I am curious to know your opinion and I am sure that many parents would like too !

    Thank you a lot ! 🙂


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Caroline,

      I don’t see a link. Could you try posting it again?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Caroline,

      The first product – Xtend – uses folic acid and A LOT of little extras that are unnecessary and may even cause issues (like SAMe). Mercola’s children’s multivitamin has had problems with lead levels and I’m not sure what the latest testing has found. It also requires 8 capsules. As for the third, I had a reader ask about the Garden of Life Vitamin Code Kids, and I pointed out that some of the most important nutrients for a growing child are vitamin A, vitamin D, DHA, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. If you look at the formulation, it does not contain any vitamin A (beta-carotene is not A) or DHA, has low levels of calcium/magnesium and only 1mg of zinc. I should note that all multivitamins are lacking calcium and magnesium.

      It looks like SmartyPants and the Thorne Children’s Basic Nutrients are probably the best choices. For the Thorne product, the dosing will need to be adjusted based on the age and weight of the child.

  116. Caroline Dextraze

    Hi Alex,

    Thank you VERY much for taking time out to read the multivitamins guide and for giving us a better understanding about what it’s important for children when we choose a multivitamin ((by the time I learn how to design our own !).

    Caroline 🙂

  117. Stanislav

    Hi Alex,

    thank you ounce again for the previous reply! Suppose that multivitamin use brings to the body certain benefits. Alex, I have last question for you. Why most multivitamins on the market contains so high amounts of some individual vitamins? I talked especially about B vitamins. As far as I know, these products belongs to the category of therapeutic supplements. Of cource, based on the studies, most of the B vitamins are found to be safe, even at high doses. Why? Simply because the excess vitamins are readily excreted from the body. Therefore, tolerable upper intake level for these vitamins hasn’t been established. But, it is really wise to take these supplements, especially long-term? I want to say, if would not be more advantagenous to take supplement, that contain amount of easch vitamin closest to 100% of the RDA? From this perspective, the philosophy of individual manufacturers differ significantly (e.g. MegaFood vs Thorne).

    I really appreciate your help. And thank you.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Stanislav,

      Another good question. Yes, the B-vitamins are in the therapeutic dosage range because they have been found in research at that level to be effective along with a high safety profile. I have not seen research showing any long-term issues with these levels. I have also had the unique experience of reviewing the long-term health of the clients from my mom’s 40-year nutrition practice, many who have used therapeutic dosages of supplements for decades. That being said, you are always going to find individual biochemical differences where one person thrives while another feels worse on any supplement. Some people feel a night and day difference with a therapeutic B-complex, while another may feel anxious. One person who has poor stomach acid, digestive issues or takes an acid blocker is going to require a therapeutic dose of B12 to get any benefit, while someone with good digestion and health will likely be able to get sufficient B12 from animal foods.

      To answer your main question, the RDA is set for a population to prevent severe deficiency and is never going to be an accurate marker for varying individual requirements. Your diet, environment, genetics, current health issues and stress levels play a role in the need for a therapeutic dosage or a lower dosage of certain vitamins and minerals. The great thing about the two options listed here is that it allows you to choose from either philosophy based on your needs. Or, you can use the target nutrient approach instead of a multivitamin. You should always notice a benefit from anything you take. If you don’t notice anything or it makes you feel worse, it is not a fit.

  118. Sarah

    Thank you for doing all this research! I recently got the bariatric sleeve and would like to take vitamins, but the ones I currently use, Melaleuca Vitality Essentials:, make me feel sick to my stomach. I’m wondering if you know of a good liquid or chewable vitamin to give me the extra nutrients I need without making me feel ill. I have always used the Melaleuca vitamins and have had great success with them. But I would prefer not getting the sensation to throw up every day.

    Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Sarah,

      Good liquid or chewable vitamin and minerals are hard to find. I don’t have recommendations for either that I can completely endorse, but Seeking Health makes a chewable and MaryRuth Organics has a liquid multivitamin and multimineral. I have talked with the MaryRuth Organics company on a few occasions regarding the stability of the B-vitamins, vitamin C and carotenoids in liquid when exposed to light and oxygen. I know they did testing but they never returned my emails for the results. Minerals, however, are stable in liquid.

      If you would come across any that you would like me to review, I would be happy to do so.

  119. Kay Brasington

    Based on your recommendation, I am ordering Thorne Basic. Could u take a look at Fulvimax by Epigenetic Labs. It has much lower amounts of everything, but has added Fulvic and Humic Acid to the formula. Also since their process is fermentation, does that mean the body might use the lower doses better (so the lower mcg’s and mg’s are not as important?). Should I purchase Fulvic Acid to add with Thorne Basic? My body does NOT assimilate vitamins properly and needs all the help I can give it. I’ve been battling yeast overgrowth, thyroid / adrenal exhaustion and fibromyalgia for years. Spent over a year on a yeast protocol and low carb/high protein diet. I’m 5′-8″ and barely hanging on to 100 lbs. Very active, eat healthy, have arsenal of supplements, goat whey protein, alkalized water, etc etc., but my body, especially muscles, are being eaten alive. Can’t keep up hiking with my friends anymore. I’m early 50’s and skin looks like an 80 yr old. Recently started back eating more carbs which helped energy level but feeds the yeast and parasites. At my wits end….friends tell me I look like a starved POW even though I’m constantly eating. Any other advice greatly appreciated.
    God Bless, Kay

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kay,

      The parasites need attention by a professional because the supplementation is going to be a waste of money if that isn’t addressed. Cortisol, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone levels need to be measured. If you are experiencing adrenal exhaustion, yeast overgrowth, and thyroid insufficiency, all of those pathways need support. The increased aging of your skin shows you that DHEA has been getting robbed by cortisol. Carbohydrates should not be avoided if you are muscle wasting.

      I looked at the multivitamin and it looks similar to Garden of Life’s formula but with fulvic and humic acid. I think you need much more support than a multivitamin and if you do not have a practitioner you are working with, you can send me a note through the contact form if you would like a consultation.

  120. Bianca

    Dear Alex, thank you so much for your research!
    I hope you can help me with the following: My mother is 73 and has Alzheimers disease and she starts to get a bit restless and anxious. I am sure she has quite a lot of shortages of vitamins and (trace) minerals. So I want to give her a good multivitamin. I myself prefer powders, because I dont like magnesium stearate, If the multivitamin doesn’t contain everything she needs, we could give her a few things extra, but not too many different things. I am thinking about a high dose of choline, D3, magnesium, Vitamin C…and probably she needs some more. What can you suggest, that is also affordable? I saw that Vitacost’s own brand sells choline in Phosphatidyl (840mg) and D3 in cholecalciferol (5000IU). I hope you can give me some good advice. Thank you very much for your reply!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Bianca,

      Glad you found it useful! Did you see the multivitamin article I wrote for seniors? It should answer your questions, especially research on Alzheimer’s disease. If it doesn’t, let me know. Here it is:

  121. Denise

    Alex, very great article. I have a couple of questions, if I may.
    I have a 13 year old son. Diagnosed ADHD. He is on Vyvanse and Clonidine for this.

    I give him 1000mg Omega 3 per day and 300mg magnesium. Both from Innovix Labs.

    I want to add a multivitamin. Would the Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2 a Day be appropriate? Is there any other suggestions? I saw in some of the comments about the selenium being too high. Is this a concern?
    I was going to get him the Hardy Nutritionals Daily Essential Nutrients marketed towards kids like my son, but cannot come up with $130.00/month for their product.

    I was considering adding Viva Labs Krill oil Capliques 2/day. Could I add this to the fish oil? Or would I replace the fish oil with the krill oil? Thank you in advance

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Denise,

      Studies have found low levels of copper, iron, zinc, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids in children with ADHD. I believe vitamin C is also very important because it modulates dopamine and adrenaline to the right levels, which is different from spiking both which is the case with Adderall. For boys, magnesium, omega-3’s, zinc and vitamin C are the most effective to supplement, while iron and copper are easier to get from the diet. I would be more inclined to supplement these separate instead of a multivitamin.

      There are a few comments on Amazon regarding the upper limit of selenium being lower for adults in Australia and that 200mcg is too high. The safe upper limit is the same in Australia is the same as the US, which is 400mcg, not 150mcg. 150-200mcg would be equivalent to 2-3 Brazil Nuts or 6 oz. of tuna. But, teenagers or people that are lighter in weight could take one capsule instead of two.

      Krill oil is naturally lower in EPA and DHA. Since DHA is the main nutrient needed in higher amounts, I don’t think it is necessary if taking fish oil.

      • Denise

        Alex, thank you.
        So, if I don’t give him the Thorne multi, do you have any specific doses you would recommend for the above supplements? It appeared that the Thorne multi had all the vitamins in the doses recommended for ADHD from what I’ve read. He’s already taking the magnesium and Omega, if the doses are ok.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Denise

      Yes, I was thinking mainly of the vitamin C, magnesium, and omegas that the multivitamin wouldn’t provide enough of (or any with omegas). The only other addition would be zinc. Depending on his weight, the zinc dosage would likely be 15mg. The magnesium is also by weight, 6-8mg per kilogram of body weight. Vitamin C ranges based on requirements, with 1000mg 2x a day a normal dose. The problem is that some nutrients are using shared pathways with the medications, so they don’t always work well together. Check with your doctor on any of these in conjunction with the medications.

      I think the Thorne Basic Nutrients dosage of the B-vitamins (and some other nutrients) may be too strong for a 13-year-old on Vyvanse and Clonidine due to pushing the shared pathways too hard. If it helps, here is a visual of the dopamine and epinephrine (adrenaline) pathway:

      • Denise

        Thanks for the info Alex. What would you think about the Naturelo
        Multi that Felipe was asking about for my son? Good option? I ask because I don’t know anything about whole food supplements.
        I’m sorry for all the follow up questions, and I appreciate your time so much.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Denise,

          Whole food supplements can mean a variety of things depending on the company. Some companies use yeast-fed USP vitamins in a nutrient broth, some use only dehydrated whole foods (which have problems with stability and poorly absorbed forms of certain minerals), while another may only have tiny fruit/vegetable blends and use poor forms of synthesized vitamins/minerals. All may be classified as “whole food based.” Naturelo uses 90% from whole foods and 10% for the vitamins that need to be in a methylated form or minerals in a chelated form. This is the superior version of the classification.

          The B6 and folate amounts are actually close to Thorne, with B12 being less (30mcg vs 600mcg). The zinc is less than Thorne (12mg vs. 15mg). I think there still runs a risk of interactions with the medications, especially with the addition of turmeric and green tea extract which influence MAO-A and COMT, two enzymes is the previously mentioned pathways. You can always check with your doctor and see if you can get the approval if you would prefer a multivitamin.

  122. Felipe

    Hi Alex,

    Have you heard about Naturelo (for Men) whole food multivitamins? they are ranked #1 on Would like to know your opinion..

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Felipe,

      I think we have a new winner. I have been vetting this one and your question prompted me to spend more time researching it and speaking with the company. It looks like a very good formula and they are GMP certified plus independent third party testing. It is about 90% whole food based, with synthesized B-vitamins in the right form (P-5-P, methylfolate, methylcobalamin) via bacterial fermentation and other additions like mineral chelates (similar to Thorne).

      I think people get a little too excited about the fruit and vegetable blends when the largest amount (250mg) is equivalent to .008 of an ounce. These are mainly for marketing purposes. The other blends, while small (choline is only 30mg), are well formulated and do not raise the price considerably like other supplements. It has 300mg of magnesium which I obviously like, but the total dose is 4 capsules. So this is just like adding 2 capsules of magnesium to a multivitamin.

      Overall, I think this is a superior formula. I will give it the new #1 place for this article.

      • Felipe

        Thanks for your fast response Alex..I suspected you were going to like these ones (Naturelo) but wanted your input to be sure before I tried them!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Happy to do it. Thank you for bringing it up. Let me know what you think after you have tried it.

          • Felipe

            Hi Alex, I have been using Naturelo (Multis for Men) for the past few months with no issues at all (feeling good and no stomach upsets of any kind). However, I noted the formulation recently changed with the following:
            1) Noted the B complex (B12 and others was significantly reduced, by 50% at least).
            2) Vitamin E source was changed, but also reduced by 50%.
            3) Magnesium reduced by 50%.
            4) Folate reduced from 550mcg to 400mcg
            5) Organic fruit and vegetable blend reduced from 250mg to 200mg
            6) Digestive enzyme blend (changed) and amino acids eliminated (overall milligrams reduced too).
            7) Brain health blend reduced from 170mg to 120mg.

            I did found some additions but I think they are relative minor compared to the reductions I just mentioned. Would like to know your opinion about it and if you can contact them and get some information then better.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Felipe,

            I contacted Naturelo to get some more details regarding the formula change. While I thought their formula was very good, they inquired a few months ago about any improvements that could be made. Some of these changes were based on suggestions I made then, including the B12, pantothenic acid, methylfolate, and vitamin E reduction and the increase in zinc (now 15mg from 12mg), vitamin C (now 300mg from 175mg) and iodine (now 150mcg from 100mcg). It looks like they changed more ingredients over to organic (vitamin E, iodine, green tea, ginkgo, ginger, turmeric, vanadium, grapeseed, and resveratrol) and added 50mg of organic cinnamon. The combination of curcumin and cinnamon is great for post-workout inflammation, and cinnamon helps blood sugar levels.

            1. The reason for the reduction in B12 was to provide a better ratio with the other B-vitamins in the formula closer to the ratio in food. I think something more people need to be aware of is that B12 stores in the liver, and if they have high B12 levels out of range on their blood work, they are getting too much B12 and depleting lithium. Lithium has numerous roles including B12 transport, nerve protection, and improved mood. Excessively high B12 has other ramifications as well, so I think people can get carried away. This new B12 amount provides a better target without tipping the scales for the average omnivore already getting B12 from food or for vegetarians.

            2. Like B12 and B6, vitamin E comes packaged in small amounts in food and therefore is our guide for supplement formulation. Research has found that for people with normal variants in a gene called GSTP1, higher amounts of vitamin E can actually be inflammatory. So 30IU is a balanced amount of vitamin E.

            3. Naturelo said the calcium and magnesium change will be reversed next month for the men’s formula. They said that was due to a temporary shortage.

            4. For folate, I see no reason to go over 400mcg since too much methylfolate can actually cause issues as well. Even those with a homozygous MTHFR 677 can keep homocysteine in range with 400mcg of folate along with the other B-vitamins and choline.

            5. The fruit and vegetable blend is a meaningless amount (picture a pinch of dehydrated fruits and vegetables), so I wouldn’t worry about that.

            6. The changes to the digestive enzyme blend make it look more complete, but I think they should add the bromelain and betaine HCL back. The amino acid part was flawed in my opinion, and shouldn’t contain isolates (especially L-glutamic acid).

            7. Very small reduction.

            Naturelo claims the changes increased their costs by 10%, so the formula change definitely wasn’t done to cut costs. Once the magnesium is brought back up to the previous level, I think the formula looks improved.

          • Felipe

            Hi Alex, Thanks for your detailed response. I now better understand the formulation changes. Also, knowing that Naturelo is listening to your recommendations is enough reason for me to continue using their product as I know your standards are very high.

          • Robin

            Where can I get the Naturelo (Multis for Men) with the new formula you are talking about?
            “Increase in zinc (now 15mg from 12mg), vitamin C (now 300mg from 175mg)”. This doesn’t fit the supplement fact on the amazon page.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Robin,

            I just checked the link and it is the updated formula. It shows zinc as 15mg. Sorry, I must have written down the vitamin C amount wrong. It is 180mg (300% of daily value).

          • Robin

            Thank you Alex for clarifying.

            Just wanting you to know, I’ve been in contacted with customer support and gotten some information you may like.
            Naturelo Multivitamin for men:
            Old formula: Magnesium was 350mg (some of our customers were experiencing side effects at this level of magnesium, so we decided to reduce the magnesium slightly)

            Current formula: Magnesium is 200mg (this is a temporary decrease due to supply chain issues)

            Future formula (available after June 1): Magnesium will be 300mg going forward

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Robin,

            Great! Thanks for the updated info.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.


      Yes, it can be challenging to find one that only uses hydroxocoblamin and adenosylcobalamin. I think that the Pure Genomics looks fine as long as you can tolerate 800mcg of methylfolate. I’m assuming you are having trouble clearing the excess methyl groups? It is important to also have niacin with methylcobalamin (like in a B-complex) to help prevent that reaction. I’m not a fan of taking high doses of isolated methyl-B12 for that reason.

      For the All in One product, I’m confused with the formulation. For folate, it uses a combination of folic acid, folinic acid and methylfolate, but only 23.5mcg total? Only 100IU of vitamin D and 3.75mg of zinc? It also uses SAMe, which really isn’t a good idea and commonly causes reactions.

  123. Mélanie Lemieux

    Hi Alex,

    I saw that Naturelo are ranked #1 on and you confirmed they are the new winners.
    It seems to be another story for the kids multivitamins. I have read on internet that mercola kids multivitamins have some issues. Idem for some of the first ranked multivitamins.

    Can we trust the multivitamin Guide for Kids ? Why the first one (first 10) are not necessarily the best ? Maybe it’s more complicated to classify kids multivitamins than adult multivitamins ?

    And I saw that you suggest Thorne (# 33) instead of the other. Why these one instead of the first 32 ?

    Thank you !


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Melanie,

      As you can probably gather from my article, my criteria and standards are extremely high. From what I can see, the multivitamin guide website does not factor in heavy metal testing (which has been a problem for Mercola’s Children’s multi and others), allows certain additives (#4 Solgar has fructose, sucrose, and carrageenan) allows the use of folic acid and cyanocobalamin vs. methylated forms, oxide forms of zinc etc. The first recommendation for children is Xtend life, which uses SAMe and an extract from a peanut shell. Many people react to SAMe, peanut allergies are rampant and folic acid is even used, so I would heavily disagree with this recommendation.

      I chose Thorne as a potential recommendation because I have thoroughly researched the company, trust the purity and forms of their products, and have used them in a clinical setting with success. The dosing has to be altered based on the weight and needs of the child, so it is likely it wasn’t ranked higher based on his criteria due to the full dose. This isn’t to say that others on that list aren’t acceptable, although some highly ranked ones are not.

      I have a “Best Prenatal Multivitamin” article coming out this month, but I will schedule the “Best Children’s Multivitamin” article for December. It is definitely is more complicated than the adult analysis.

  124. Dylan

    Hey Alex, do u know if the naturelo multivitamin is made pure encapsulations? I was thinking it probably was since they r basically the only ones that do not use any inactive ingredients. Thanks

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Dylan,

      No, they use an independent manufacturing facility.

  125. Mélanie Lemieux

    Thank you very much Alex !! 🙂

  126. Rosa

    Hi Alex. I’m looking for a vitamin for myself and mostly for my husband to help boost fertility. I have him taking Fertility Blend… not sure what your thoughts are on this particular brand, but would definitely love some feedback and insight. We’ve recently agreed that we’re going to try and get as much minerals and vitamins through our food; I’ve done some research and I know that from the over processed and conventional diet we have been on hasn’t been helping in any way shape or form. Do you have any suggestions on foods, vitamins for both myself and my husband. Also, I was just at the store and saw some Rainbow Light men’s multivitamin and My Kind organics multi…. they looked promising but in all honesty I have no clue. Please help. Thanks in advance!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Rosa,

      Fertility Blend uses synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) in the female blend only for some reason, cyanocobalamin (should be methylfolate), folic acid (should be methylfolate), magnesium oxide (only 4% absorption rate), and selenium in the form of sodium selenate, a form found to be toxic in studies. In the men’s formula, it is the L-carnitine, green tea extract and Dong Quai that is most likely responsible for the benefit due to the antioxidant action. In the women’s formula, it is likely the Vitex’s effect on progesterone. I think you can find a better formula of vitamins and minerals, and utilize Vitex separately (if progesterone is the issue) and antioxidant support for your husband. I just published a new article titled Best and Worst Prenatal Vitamins that also gives you a dietary chart.

      The short answer for infertility is that optimizing estrogen and progesterone in women (too low in both is an issue), cutting down chemical ingestion/exposure while increasing antioxidant support in men (important for women too) and addressing potential deficiencies linked to infertility in both are all important. Here is an article I wrote called How Nutrigenomics Can Help Infertility that I think will help. Precise suggestions would not be accurate without doing a full analysis.

  127. Laura

    Very informative article. I’ve been trying to research the best vitamins for my family for days. I am wondering what your opinions are on:
    Garden of Life – mykind Organics?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Laura,

      The Garden of Life myKind Organics is one of the only true 100% whole food multivitamins. There are pros and cons to this one. The pro is that you are getting everything directly from organic plants. The con is that certain minerals in this form are harder to absorb (zinc and iron for example), and zinc in this product is also low. Another issue I have is the stability of the water-soluble B-vitamins, carotenoids, and vitamin C directly from plants. These are known to degrade post-harvest in fruits and vegetables, and it would be helpful if the company tested their products months after production for customers to know how much the amounts are changing. They did add methylcobalamin from yeast, so the B12 should be stable. In the Organic Food Blend, there are also too many foods high in sulfur and histamine that may cause digestive issues in some.

      Naturelo basically took this concept and perfected it by doing a 90/10 split of whole foods and stable/higher absorbed forms, reducing the overall sulfur/histamine load while keeping the most nutrient dense ones.

      • Laura

        Wow Alex, I am learning so much here! Important info you pointed out for me. I love that the ones you recommend are not only cheaper, but you only have to take 1 a day, as opposed to 4! Now, I see they have different ones for men and women, so my question left is, what about for my triplet teens – 14 years old?
        I am assuming my 19 year old (girl) can take the women’s. But not sure about the triplets. I’ll wait on that answer.
        THANK YOU so much for your time and knowledge.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Laura,

          The Naturelo does require 4 capsules a day. The Basic Nutrients are 1-2 a day, and the MegaFood one is 2 daily. The extra capsules in Naturelo are giving you more important minerals like calcium and magnesium, missing in most multivitamins because they don’t fit in 1-2 capsules.

          Essentially, a 14-year-old can dose the same as an adult depending on their weight. However, based on the amounts, I think a half dosage for the triplets would still be very effective and would save money since you have four kids!

          • Laura

            Oh ok, I see. Thanks for the explanations and helping me so much to understand these things. I’ll have to figure out the best route here.

          • Laura

            Ok Alex, I see why I thought it was one a day. The link to the ‘Naturelo for Women’ up in your post brought me to their ‘One Daily MultiVitamin for Women’.
            So I would assume that one isn’t really an option, because it probably doesn’t include the minerals, etc?
            I’m sorry if I am turning into a pain. Just trying to figure out the best option with so many of us.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Laura,

            No worries! That one is on me. My link got changed somehow. I just fixed it. The One Daily Multivitamin for Women is too low in certain vitamins and minerals and uses folic acid instead of methylfolate. I’m here to help. Let me know if you have any more questions.

  128. Laura

    Thanks Alex, because you’re really helping me here! So if I went with the 4 a day one, I am already taking a natural supplement specifically for methylation. (It’s Vessel Care – Support for Healthy Methylation & Homocysteine Metabolism). I have bad genetic cholesterol. (So I also take a red east rice supplement and CoQ10). Any reason these multivitamins will conflict? (Just asking your opinion – I know you’ll probably say check with my doctor.).
    What I have been on that has been ok’d, is the doTERRA LifeLong Vitality supplements, if you know anything about those.
    You’ve been great. I’ll leave you alone eventually.LOL. Also, I understand if you delete much of our ongoing conversation for sake of clutter.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Laura,

      Yes, I can give you my opinion on that. Methylation supplements are going to contain methylfolate, methylcobalamin, B6, B2, choline and zinc; nutrients needed for the methylation cycle to lower homocysteine. In that case, I wouldn’t recommend using a multivitamin with more methylated B-vitamins. You can take too much methylfolate, and I don’t recommend taking more than 800 mcg, even with a homozygous MTHFR 677 gene (I do comprehensive genetic analysis programs at Nutrition Genome). You would be better off taking a multimineral without the B-vitamins if continuing the Vessel Care product.

      Happy to help :).

      • Laura

        Just a final HUGE thank you, Alex! You taking such time to share your knowledge, educate me and really help me think this through, has been invaluable and does not go unappreciated. Take care.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Laura,

          Of course! Take care as well.

  129. Martin

    Hi Alex,

    one of my friend told me about Usananimals for kids. I am curious … what is your opinion about this product ?

    Thank you !


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Martin,

      I do not recommend the Usanimals by Usana due to the use of folic acid, cyanocobalamin and crystalline fructose. It is also missing DHA, which is an important nutrient for kids.

      • Martin Betelu

        Thank you a lot Alex. I really appreciate these info.



    Hi Alex… wow I’m speechless. I just spent roughly 3 to 4 weeks researching about suppliments and then I come across your article.
    I have 3 kids. Two boys age 11 and 5 and my daughter is 6. I try to get our supplemental needs from whole foods but it gets hectic sometimes with picky eaters. We drink Raw cow milk and eggs from Pasture raised hens as well as organic fruits and vegetables and organic poultry and meat.
    I wanted to suppliment the kids just to cover the basis. I had been reading about the importance of vitamin D so I ordered vitamin D3 by Garden of Life, my kind of Organics spray. I try to give the kids roughly 2500 IUS per day with dinner.
    I understand that Vitamin D works better with vitamin K, A, magnesium and Calcium, hence my search for good clean suppliments.
    Can you please advise me on the best course of action to work with vitamin D as well as just boosting the overall health.
    I am thinking of getting
    Thorne Citramins ll
    Fermented Cod Liver oil by Green Pasture Blue Ice
    Is this good or the one you mentioned by Nutra-Pro International.
    I also wanted to get a probiotic for the holiday season whilst traveling. I was looking at these soil based probiotics
    What do you think of these? Or should I get the ones you mentioned by Inner-Eco.

    Will these work with Vitamin D? Do I need to get a seperate Vitamin K. Sometimes they don’t eat eggs, butter or cheese. If I need Vitamin K suppliment, what dosage will be necessary to work with 2500 IUs Vitamin D3.
    Sorry for such a long essay. As you can tell I’m extremely confused. Any guidance will be appreciated.
    Thank you

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Umber,

      It sounds like your children are eating very well! The vitamin D receptor needs calcium, magnesium, K2, vitamin A, boron and zinc. It is okay if they don’t always eat eggs, butter or cheese for vitamin K2. Our ability to absorb vitamin D and our requirements depend on our genetics and skin tone. I think vitamin D supplementation becomes necessary if you are in a deficient state (below 25 ng/ml), you live in a place with little sunlight, or most time is spent indoors. 1 serving cod liver oil and your current vitamin D supplementation is a good combination during the winter. I have been recommending the Virgin Cod Liver Oil by Nutra-Pro International because of the rancidity issues that have come up with Green Pastures, as well as potential histamine issues for some. The Virgin Cod Liver Oil flavor is also very palatable.

      I think that your kids can get the same benefit from putting their hands in the dirt and that the Prescript Assist isn’t necessary. Inner Eco is good, but you can also get the same benefits with yogurt, kefir, fermented drinks and fermented veggies. Supplemental probiotics have their place for certain digestive disorders, mental health issues or after using antibiotics, but I don’t think are necessary for those who are generally healthy.

      Any additional supplementation beyond the cod liver oil and vitamin D for your kids will depend on their needs, any health issues and diet. Everyone is a little different. The Citramins II would provide minerals for the 11-year-old (use a lower dose) but might be too strong for the 5 and 6-year-old.


    Thank you so much Alex for replying back. This really helps. Regarding Vitamin D, my whole family (mum, Sister, brothers, cousins etc) is deficient. We belong to South Asia and have medium skin tone. We live in HoustonTexas but still me and my husband are below 20 ng/ml. I wanted to get the kids blood tests done but their pediatrician was adamant that Vitamin D makes no difference. I know my daughter had low levels about 3 years ago and nothing was done for it. I didn’t know much about it back then either. So she probably still is deficient. That’s why I started the 2500IU regime to be on the safe side. I’m thinking of changing pediatrician who is on the same page as me and then get them all checked. My daughter has a few medical issues. She had mild hydrocephalus ay birth causing Charge Syndrome with hearing loss, hypotonia, ASD congenital heart disease (repaired). She’s developmentally delayed in terms of physically as well as learning. She’s 6, in KG and doing great considering the hurdles. She has acquired the B trait Thalassemia from me and on 37mcg Levothyroxine for Hyperthyroidism. She’s always lethargic and tired.
    I’m trying to help her to get more energy with whole foods but I don’t understand what the underlying problem is. She see about 12 different specialists but no one has figured out the problem. I’m currently searching for a holistic Doctor or a Naturopath. But not sure what the best approach would be. Any help in this matter would be highly appreciated. If u can please guide me towards the who I should see. She’s been in Thrust medicine since she was 6 months old but it makes no difference at all in terms of energy. Her iron panel was normal too, slightly anemic but due to Thalassemia trait.
    My 11 year old son seems to have genetically high cholesterol. He is not obese and eats healthy food but his Triglycerides levels are 207 mg/dl when it should be between 33-129mg/dl. The doctor just told us to make sure he eats the right foods and exercise. Also his hands get full of hair when he shampoos. They’re not falling out otherwise, but just when he shampoos. I’ve seen it myself too. It’s not the regular amount that naturally comes off when we take a shower. The doctor wasn’t concerned about that either. She said it’s probably a phase of stress. He is in a relugious program where he has to memorize big chunks of material and keep revising it. Maybe it’s due to theat mental strain or almost racing puberty. He also has acquired Thalassemia B trait. Are there any vitamins or food that he should be eating to help boost his mental power.
    I’m not sure if you’re able to help with this. But if u can just guide me like what type of doctor I should take my kids to and for myself. I want to go a different route from conventional medicine. So may be Auervedic, Chinese, Naturopath, Holistic??
    Sorry this is getting really long but I wanted to ask you about myself too. I just discovered yesterday that I also have hypothyroidism and doc told me to eat 25mcg Levothyroxine. I have Vitamin D deficiency with 19 mg/ dl and Thalassemia trait so slightly anemic due to it.
    What would you recommend for me?
    Thank-you again.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Umber,

      You and your family would be very good candidates for the nutrigenomic testing I do through Nutrition Genome. It tests 8 sections including Digestion, Methylation, Hormone Health (including Vitamin D metabolism), Neurotransmitters and Mental Health, Inflammation and Antioxidant Protection, Pharmacogenomics and Detoxification, DNA Damage, Protection, and Repair and Cardiovascular and Exercise Health. A large percentage of the clients I do programs for have been to numerous practitioners without any answers. The analysis will customize your vitamin and mineral needs and help discover underlining issues. Here is the website:


    I just received the Cod Liver oil and the kids took it without any problem. It doesn’t really have any taste. Thank you for the recommendation.
    You mentioned kids need Magnesium which is hard to get from food. Can I use the Ancient Mineral Magnesium oil and spray it on the children’s tummy. It’ll be one less pill to take. I also like your idea of using the trace minerals drops in water. What would be better for kids?
    One last thing and I’ll leave you alone. I mentioned in my last post that I have hypothyroidism. I met my Endocrinologist yesterday and she said that I don’t clinically have hypothyroidism. They found a nodule next to my right Thyroid gland which is benign. So she’s prescribed me 25mcg Levothyroxine to help shrink the nodule. I don’t know if this helps you in suggesting any suppliments for me. I’m currently taking 5000IUs of Vitamin D and will start one serving of Cod Liver Oil as of today.
    Thank you Alex!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Umber,

      Yes, the magnesium spray can work. I think the combination of the spray and liquid minerals is an easy way for kids to get more minerals.

      As for your thyroid, that is difficult for me to assess. I would need to know a lot more about the T3, reverse T3, T4 and TSH numbers. The thyroid gland requires iodine, selenium, magnesium, B2, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin A/D. There are a lot of factors that affect thyroid health, so it can get a little complicated.


    Thanks Alex. I will definitely look at the testing procedure.

  134. Bianca

    Dear Alex,

    What would you recommend to buy if I would want the following vitamins for my mother of 73 with Alzheimers (I did read your article about seniors):
    B1 (niaciamide)
    Omega 3 DHA en EPA
    Vitamine E

    I looked at the ones you say are best for seniors (Thorne), but they don’t contain everything if I’m right or not in the high dose I like. What would you advice?
    I prefer powders + the least capsules possible with the best (high) dose and best absorbent, because she really dislikes swallowing tablets + she lives in a nursing home and the only tablets they see over there are the chemical ones of the doctor. My mother already takes some vitamins and they look at us like if we live on the moon…. What they do now is open most of the capsules and then let my mother drink this with water.
    Thank you very much!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Bianca,

      I did some research and found a powdered one called Optimal Multivitamin Powder that I just added to the senior multivitamin article. This covers most of your list in and in a higher dose. You can read the summary about it on that article.

      Omega 3’s will need to be separate. You can get these in liquid form instead of capsules. Wiley’s Finest has some liquid versions.

      Choline and phosphatidylserine will also need to be separate for higher doses. The multivitamin powder does have 100mg of choline. Seeking Health makes a liquid phosphatidylcholine. I’m not sure about a liquid phosphatidylserine.

      • Bianca

        Thank you Alex! I just searched on google to see where I can buy it, but buying it from The Netherlands is quite expensive due to duty fees + shipment costs. And I am sure in The Netherlands there is no such powder with higher doses…such a pity! So, I have to figure out what I can do now. Anyway: I really appreciate your help! And I am happy you found a ‘new’ multi vitamin for your senior multivitamin article.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Bianca,

          That is a shame. I wish I could provide more options for people in Europe. If you need me to analyze any products you come across, just let me know.

  135. De

    I have been reading your comments, love and appreciate all that you do. I have Crohns Disease and suffer from a hormone imbalance. My energy is low and times I feel that my brain is foggy (if that makes sense). I have been I remission for over 10 years, but on the hunt for a multivitamin that will help with my hormone imbalance and every day vitamins that I need with Crohns. I guess I just do not know where to start. I’m so confused! I also know I need a good probiotic. Any advice?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi De,

      Thank you for that. In what ways are your hormones imbalanced? High estrogen and low progesterone? Low estrogen and low progesterone? Hypothyroidism?

      • De

        Excess of androgen and testosterone would be the case

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Di,

          VSL#3 is the best probiotic for digestive disorders along with daily fermented foods, and for some people including a good friend of mine, a prebiotic powder (Jarrow makes one) is key as well. I would need to know a lot more about your health history (including medications) to really understand what you need in terms of a multivitamin/multimineral. Your energy/mental fog is likely connected to B12, folate and iron malabsorption, and perhaps other minerals. It is best to get your iron levels tested by a practitioner and consider sublingual and liquid versions of vitamins and minerals. If you are interested in a consultation, send me an email through the contact form and I would be happy to help.

  136. Andleeb

    Thats is really helpful! I’d be very grateful if u tell me plz which will be the best multivitamins for my father and mother and myself ofcrs. My father is 49 years of history of heart disease or cvs malfunction.
    Mother is 47 years of age.with a history of stroke 2 years back. She feels tired n sleepy most of time and i assume some vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Both are a bit overweight too.
    I am 21 years of age and with a busy busy schedule.
    How will megafood men over 40 and women over 40 do with them? And megafood women one daily for me? Looking forward to your reply. Thankyou

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Andleeb,

      The Naturelo and MegaFood product would both be excellent choices. Magnesium is going to be important for your mother, so the Naturelo product would be a better fit for her. The Megafood for Women would be a great choice for you.

      • Andleeb

        Thankyouu so muchh!! And for father??

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Andleeb,

          If 4 pills daily and cost isn’t a factor, Naturelo is best. If he would prefer less capsules and a lower cost, Megafood is also an excellent choice.

          • Andleeb

            Thankyou so much!!

  137. Beverley

    Dear Alex. Thank you so much for your fantastic website which is a great resource to a novice like myself. My mum has advanced dementia, calcium deposits, peripheral neuropathy, chronic constipation and is type 2 diabetic. She was on an acid blocker, insulin and statins for last 30 years and her diet is mainly sugar and meat. I am sure she is massively deficient in so many things but I live in UK and can’t find any good products or practitioners with experience of helping dementia patients via nutrition. Dr Wallach suggests all chronic disease is a nutrient deficiency and recommends massive doses to correct but I am not so sure if his products are any good (See for beyond tangy tangerine and majestic minerals ingredients? Also considering intramax from Drucker Labs as it is combined with vulvic acid to make 100 absorbable but you said on a previous post had too many ingredients but if the body doesn’t need it, won’t it just flush away? Finally considering multivitamin supplement by Guardian of Eden who also makes hydrogen peroxide. It looks very basic but they say that is all you need together with their calcium, magnesium, vitamin D mix. I would have loved to see an article about your fathers progress. Any advice great fully received and thank you again.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Beverly,

      Thank you for the positive feedback and I would be happy to help.

      I’m sorry to hear about your mom. I see this comment is posted on the regular multivitamin article, but did you see the multivitamin article for seniors? There is information there about dementia.

      Intramax has every herb under the sun in it in small amounts. I don’t think this is a good idea because people react differently to all types of herbs, and when you include herbs like St. John’s Wort, licorice, different types of grasses etc., you risk interactions with medications and sensitivities. It is better to use a smaller diversity of herbs in meaningful amounts that are being used for a particular reason without any known interactions. This product also uses a synthetic vitamin E in the blend (dl-alpha-tocopherol).

      The Majestic Earth product actually comes from southern Utah in the US, which is likely the same source as products from Trace Minerals Research. Since the product does not list the mineral profile, it is hard to know the exact mineral profile.

      The Tangy Tangerine uses folic acid and you want methylfolate. Folic acid can block folate receptors and affect brain function.

      For Guardian of Eden, are you looking at the Mega Vitamins? This one has too much vitamin A and not enough vitamin D. Too much A will push D levels down, and as people age, the ratio needs to be closer together to help preserve bone health and cardiovascular health. Many people are low in vitamin D. This product is also lacking sufficient zinc, uses folic acid, and does not clarify the other forms of the B-vitamins.

      These probably weren’t the answers you were hoping for! Let me know if any of the ones listed on the senior multivitamin article are available in the UK. If not, I will start looking for UK options.

      • Beverley

        Thank you so much for such a speedy reply Alex and sorry if it would have been more appropriate for me to post under the other article.

        a) I was attracted to Youngevity’s product because of the large quantities and they claim high doses are needed to rectify a deficiency but I did not know about the Folic Acid. What is your view on doubling the dose from Thorne or Naturelo? I took Mum off all medications a year ago.

        b) I was interested in Intramax because it contains 415 ingredients (but had not considered interactions!) and because it is in a liquid with fulvic acid, it is supposed to be 100% absorbable. How absorbable are the capsules from Thorne or Naturelo as Mum has huge digestion problems being on acid blockers for the last 30 years?

        c) As of 2 weeks ago, Mum is now on a gluten free diet, 6 eggs and 1 glass of raw milk per day to try and restore cholesterol to the brain after years of statins. The rest of her diet is sadly just biscuits and a small amount of meat as she wont eat fruit or veg. The dietary change alone has given her more energy but do you think all this dairy may affect the quantities of vitamins I should be giving her?

        d) Within the last 2 weeks I have started her on Now omega 3-6-9 for EFA’s, Now Magnesium Citrate and a generic brand of Diamataceous earth – both of which for the first time ever appear to be helping her become regular as she only used to go once a week! What are your views on these products?

        e) I also trying to add a Selenium supplement (as she has Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers) and was considering Future Biotics Selenium chelate. Any views?

        f) I am interested in both the Ashwagandha and Lions Mane powder but cant appear to get that or the Naturelo product in the UK without it being three times the price! Your offer to try and find something similar in the UK would be fantastic as this is just such a huge learning curve for me as none of our family have ever used supplements before! I cannot express my gratitude for all your help Alex.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Beverley,

          a) I wouldn’t double the dosages of Thorne due to the levels of selenium and chromium. I’m also hesitant to recommend doubling the dose of Naturelo without knowing more about your mom.

          b) Yes, I would recommend using liquid, sublingual, or powder since she has been on acid blockers for such a long time. Capsules are going to be hard for her to absorb and digestion needs to start in the mouth.

          c) No, this wouldn’t alter the dosage of certain vitamins and minerals. But using high-quality raw milk and eggs like you are doing is going to be more effective than any capsule for her.

          d) Magnesium Citrate works wonders for constipation, and Diamateceous earth is beneficial for many reasons. ALA is poorly converted to EPA and DHA, so I would combine fish oil and GLA from borage seed oil or evening primrose oil for omega-3/6.

          e) This is the first time I have seen this product so I don’t have any research on it. If you use it, I wouldn’t go over 200mcg.

          f) You are very welcome! I am impressed with your approach, especially since your family has never used supplements before. I will see what I can find regarding Lion’s Mane and Ashwagandha in the UK.

        • Brittni J

          Hi Alex,

          I have tried reading through all the comments to see if you’ve answered but… There are a lot. I am wondering if there is a good liquid multivitamin or a kids vitamin (not in pill form) that you recommend. I know diet is most important but I really want a base multivitamin/mineral supplement but am really having issues with figuring out a good one and affordability :/ thank you

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Brittni,

            I’m getting close to finishing an article on the Best and Worst Children’s multivitamins. I haven’t found a good liquid multivitamin yet, but two good chewable ones include Naturelo and Smarty Pants.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jen,

      Happy to hear it! It looks like it is a similar formula to Garden of Life. I think one issue with it is that it only has 25mcg of iodine. It should be 150mcg, which is important for thyroid and breast health.

  138. Jen

    Thank you for the quick response!

  139. Roberta B

    Are Gundry Vital Reds recommended for seniors, age 73. Recent survivor of breast cancer? I was going to start taking a daily multivitamin supplement, and i came across the Dr Gundry vital reds video saying that this was the daily supplement to take.

  140. Rui Almeida

    Hi Alex,

    First of all, THANK YOU so much for being available and sharing your immense knowledge with everyone. Great work!

    I would like to get your opinion on the Life Extension Mix Capsules multivitamin (14 capsules a day). Here is the product page:

    Would you recommend this product? Is there any negative?

    For us living in Europe, it’s not so easy to get access to many products available in the US, either because they simply aren’t available, or cost a fortune. This LEF multivitamin is available, so I’d like to get your opinion.

    Thank You so much once again. Happy New Year!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Rui,

      Thank you for the positive feedback. I’m glad I can provide thorough answers for people.

      Life Extension does an amazing job with their research, but their formulas are often hit or miss and can be really strong. They use a synthetic beta carotene, and if you are taking a full dose, the B6 and zinc levels are very high. This isn’t a formula I would feel comfortable recommending. I don’t know if there are certain health issues you are trying to target or if this is for general health, which also determines the best formula for you. If you (or anyone else in Europe) can point me in the right direction on where to start looking for companies and their products sold there, I would be happy to do a European analysis. Happy New Year!

      • Rui Almeida

        Hi Alex!

        Thank You once again for being available and for sharing your knowledge!

        I would never even think of taking 14 capsules a day, nor do I need to take this much nutrients per day. My diet is quite good. I want supplements just to make sure I´m getting an extra help but not as the main source of my nutrients. Regarding this LEF multivitamin (14 capsules/day), my plan was to take just 4-6 a day.

        All the health issues I had in the past, were solved through diet. I have a high fiber diet, no meat, easy on the dairy (as little as possible), but I do eat fish and sea food 2-4 times per week. I am now 42, very healthy and active.

        In the spirit of sharing, here is my breakfast routine. After this healthy breakfast, I take it easy during the rest of the day and have a more carefree diet.

        Ingredients to blend:
        1 banana
        1 source of vitamin A (beta carotene): usually 1 carrot (preferably black, as they have more nutrients).
        1 source of vitamin C: kiwi/orange/persimmon/whatever is in season
        2 fats to absorve the liposoluble vitamins: 1 dessert spoon of coconut oil + 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil (Nigela Sativa)
        Omega 3: 1-2 tablespoons chia seeds + 1-2 tablespoons flaxseed (previously soaked)
        1-2 tablespoons sesame seeds
        1 Tablespoon clorela
        1 Dessertspoon Beer Yeast (innactive)

        This is the base. To this, I randomly add whatever is available at home (1-3 more things). Examples:
        Beet, celery, cilantro, parsley, turnips, grapes, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatos, etc…

        Regarding supplements in Europe: I´m a Portuguese native speaker but I make most of my online searches in English. As I also speak Spanish, French and Italian, I sometimes try to find products in those languages. So far, I havent´come across any brand that I find particulary interesting.

        For instance, I´m looking for Raw Organic Whey, but I could only find real raw organic whey in the UK (imported from the US). In all other European countries I checked, its either raw but not organic, organic but not raw, “pure” whey with soy lecithin, etc… Not much luck.

        My last hope would be to find this stuff in German speaking countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland), but unfortunately I don´t speak German.
        I´m sorry I can´t be of much help to you in this regard.

        Thank You again for your kindness and for sharing your knowledge.
        All the best, Live Long and Prosper! 🙂

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Rui,

          Thank you for sharing! Glad to hear you were able to resolve everything with diet, which looks nutrient dense. Nicely done with the use of black cumin seed oil, which has some impressive research.

          That is really incredible that you’re fluent in four languages. I wish I was! You are more than welcome. If you ever come across any products in Europe that you need me to analyze, just let me know.

          • Rui Almeida

            Thank You again! All the best Alex! 😉

  141. Diane

    Hi Alex,
    what an amazingly dedicated man you are to all your readers! Thank you for all your hard work! I have read through most of your website and also most of the questions on this article. I am just about to buy the naturelo product for women thanks to your advice and research. however, I am debating one thing. I have been feeling pretty crap for the past several years, I have never quite got back to my normal self after baby number 2 and I recently had a blood test done at 8 am in the morning on a 12hr fast. I wanted all my hormones tested and had to convince the doc to get cortisol levels tested. They were at the lowest end of the spectrum for that time of the morning, the doc glossed over it. but I have since been reading up on adrenal fatigue and think maybe I need some extra vitamin c. would you recommend taking naturelo and c-salts? Or should I rather take Thorne 2 a day with c-salts. Don’t want to overdo my daily intakes. Would appreciate your advice!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Diane,

      I appreciate that! It is common for the thyroid/adrenals to take a hit after a second pregnancy. You were smart to have your cortisol levels tested. I would recommend trying the Naturelo and C-Salts. That should be a good start to refill your reserves.

  142. Michael N.

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for the vast amounts of info. I really enjoyed the read during my lunch hour and the forum Q & A sections helps as well. I am generally a fit person looking to take some multi-vitamins now that I am in my mid-30s. I already take on a daily basis some Omega 3-6-9 supplements from Nature Made, Triple Flex from Nature Made (glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM to help with my joints for my marathon training) and one small 2000 IU Vitamin D3 capsule from Kirkland Signature (as I work in an office setting and don’t get much natural sunlight). I’m looking at the NATURELO Whole Food Multi but 4 capsules seems like overkill. There is a one-a-day version but not with as many vitamins and minerals. This may sound like a silly question, but would it be better to take 2 of the 4 capsules which would get me the benefits of the additional items, or go with something like NATURELO One Daily Multivitamin for Men (link here: May I defer to you and ask for a quick comparison of the two?

    Thank you so much!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Michael,

      Always helpful to know that people don’t mind reading a longer analysis. I don’t recommend the One-a-Day by Naturelo because that version uses synthetic folic acid. So 2 of the 4 capsules of the Naturelo listed in this article would be better. Alternatively, you could take just one capsule of the Thorne Basic Nutrients 2-a-Day. Since it is a stronger formula, one capsule is plenty for people who are generally healthy. It also makes it a great deal for a two month supply.

      • Michael

        Thanks Alex! I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to reply. A wealth of information to be had here. Keep up the good work!!!

      • Naveen

        Hi Alex,

        I noticed that Thorne Basic have only 3% calcium content vs. Naturelo One-a-day with 10% calcium. Also, Thorne has much lower Vitamin E content. Does that make a difference from your perspective? Debating to pick one between those two.


        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Naveen,

          The Naturelo One-A-Day isn’t the one I recommend because it uses folic acid. You want the Naturelo Whole Food Multivitamin that uses 4 capsules daily which is linked in the article. In terms of the vitamin E and calcium, no I don’t think it makes a difference.

          • Steph T

            Hi Alex, I noticed on the Amazon website today that the nutrition information for the Naturelo One Daily now lists the same form of folate as the Whole Foods version. Based on this information, would you change your recommendation? Since it is significantly cheaper and we have a tight budget, I am considering this as an option for our family.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Steph,

            They finally did it. Thank you for letting me know. Yes, this is now an excellent choice as a base level multivitamin.

  143. Nick


    About six months ago, I switched my multi from Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/Day to Naturelo Whole Food Multi due to availability. I take the multi in conjunction with a tsp of cod liver oil. First, do you think I’m taking too much Vitamin A? Second, a recent blood test showed that I’m low in Vitamin D and I was told to supplement with 1000 IU daily. Is liquid D3 the preferred form? Third, I was recommended to supplement with 100mg CoQ10, which I was told was good for everyone over 30 (there was no blood test showing deficiency). What do you think? I’m 31, 6′ 185 lbs, eat a Mediterranean diet and no processed foods, only form of exercise is briskly walking a few miles everyday, have slightly high cholesterol, and have a family history of high cholesterol (but no heart disease) and cancer.

    Also, I see that you recommend Thorne products. In theory, these should only be available for purchase from licensed health care practitioners (for others reading, Thorne has a policy of only selling to licensed practitioners). Is it safe to assume the Thorne products sold on Amazon are legit?

    Lastly, I’m sure you know how hard it is to research nutrition and health related topics without access to academic journals, the internet is full of advertisements masquerading as research, so I really thank you for maintaining this site.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Nick,

      If you are taking Naturelo and cod liver oil, no I wouldn’t be concerned about vitamin A since the Naturelo product contains beta-carotene, not vitamin A. How low was your vitamin D? If it is below 25ng/ml, then you would want to take a break from taking the cod liver oil because vitamin A pushes vitamin D levels down, but vitamin D can also push vitamin A levels down. It is a balance. This is why it is important to cycle cod liver oil. The liquid form of vitamin D is preferable, but capsules will work too. FYI, 1,000IU of vitamin D will not move vitamin D levels much at all.

      It is true that CoQ10 levels begin to decline after age 30. Your body produces CoQ10, and this process can be encouraged and preserved with diet and exercise. The circumstances by which CoQ10 supplementation is required is when medications like statin drugs are used or for certain disorders that disrupt mitochondrial function. I’m not convinced that CoQ10 supplementation is necessary for healthy, young people.

      Our office carries Thorne products and other products that are only sold to practitioners. These products should only be sold by practitioners that have an account with companies like Thorne. It is Thorne’s responsibility to verify these sellers on Amazon. So just like any third-party seller, you want to make sure the seller on Amazon has a good reputation. I prefer the direct sale method on Amazon where it comes directly from the company. However, I have not had any issues purchasing supplements on Amazon through third-party sellers.

      I appreciate the feedback. My major motivation is to provide people with unbiased research so that they can make informed decisions.

      • Nick


        Thank you for your insight. My vitamin D was measured at 31ng/ml, does 1000 IU sound like a reasonable dosage? I ask because I recently moved (new state and new job, less sun exposure) and just went to a new doctor for the first time, it also happened to be the first time I was told that I need to supplement vitamin D.

        Regarding cycling cod liver oil, I read somewhere else on your site that you recommend taking cod liver oil in the fall and winter and vitamin d in the spring and summer, why is this (I assume spring and summer are the sunny months)? I would have thought that it’s the other way around, supplement vitamin d when its cloudy and take cod liver oil when it’s more likely that you’ll get vitamin D from the sun.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hey Nick,

          Research on optimal levels of vitamin D (and dosing) is changing quickly as researchers understand the mechanisms better. The latest research is showing that vitamin D needs vitamin A and K2 to protect against vitamin D toxicity. The vitamin D receptor needs vitamin A, K2, boron, zinc, and magnesium to utilize circulating vitamin D. So a circulating level of 31 ng/ml may not be considered deficient depending on other factors. Very low vitamin D levels (below 25 ng/ml) and very high (possibly starting at 50 ng/ml) is where there is concern regarding calcification and other issues. I have seen many chronically ill people with very high vitamin D levels that they are proud of (50-70ng/ml), yet they are still sick and this may be causing more harm than good.

          Yes, I’ll give you my theory on this that may or may not change as more research comes out. Since vitamin A and D are fat-soluble and store in the body, my thought process was to store each equally by splitting the year based on the availability of natural vitamin D. Essentially following nature’s cycle. If you optimize vitamin D levels during the spring and summer, it is stored to make it through fall/winter. Adding cod liver oil in the fall/winter would help balance out vitamin A storage, utilizing vitamin D from storage and providing some dietary vitamin D.

          Vitamin A and D together provide the highest immunity against colds and flu’s, making cod liver oil more important during the winter. I think you could also make the argument that you could use cod liver oil year round and that it is important during the summer as well to protect against excess vitamin D. This would depend on how much vitamin A is in your diet and how much sun exposure you are getting. If you are going into fall/winter very vitamin D deficient, then supplementing vitamin D in addition to cod liver oil may be necessary.

          I hope that helps clarify it!

  144. Julie

    I am a 35 year old female. Single mom of two girls. The business I have worked the past 4 years has stressed me out. We have changed management and they hired someone who can’t even do basic math. I’ve gained 6lbs in two weeks. I’ve noticed that I have this lump under my chin on the left side. All my weight I know is stress related. I’m cold all the time, I am sick all the time, mostly sinus, I’m fatigue, my rosacea is constantly breaking out, weight gain in stomach area, nails breaking. I went on birth control lo loestrin fe 4 months ago and i havent been myself since. I get so mad at times. Ive even get so mad at work i broke out in a sweat. I also find myself crying a lot sometimes over nothing. The lack of energy is the worst thing for me. I used to love to exercise. I even wanted to be a personal trainer at one time. Now I’m 5’5.5 and weigh 156. My memory seems affected as well. I hate this. I read constantly on things that can help till i find a new job. I read I should take a adrenal supplement. My gyno says my vitamin levels are fine and doesn’t want to switch my birth control. I need help please tell me how I can feel better? I’ve read a lot of your articles and I know you can help guide me. Please help

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Julie,

      I’m very sorry to hear you are struggling. I would get a second opinion regarding the birth control. Between your stress levels and birth control, it sounds like you experiencing very high circulating estrogen levels, which will cause weight gain, fatigue, high histamines (sinus stuff), skin issues, anger, etc. Check out this chart I made so you can get the visual of what’s going on.

  145. Dara Glenn

    I found your site when researching more information about the safety of supplementing when it was brought to my attention that many supplements have Prop 65 warnings on them when sold in California even though the companies testify that they are safe. I am specifically interested in learning more about your opinions of the protein powders (profit and Shake), greens and It’s Vital Nutritional Pack carried by It Works Global. I have been using these products for 3 years and love them so much that I became a distributor. I would love to learn more from you – someone not connected with the company to ensure that what I am using and sharing with others is all that I think it is.
    Thanks is advance.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Dara,

      I wouldn’t recommend the ProFIT due to the use of soy protein isolate, soy extract and milled flaxseed (goes rancid quickly). The Vital Nutritional Pack looks well designed except for the use of folic acid.

  146. Linda

    Hi Alex, I’d like to get your opinion on Country Life Real food Organics Ultimate Daily nutrition. Forgive me if you’ve already answered, I couldn’t find it.

    Thank you,


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Linda,

      This product uses cyanocobalamin and folic acid, so it isn’t one I recommend. The trace minerals are also very low.

  147. Ajeet

    Hi Alex,

    My son(20 yrs) is taking Fludac(fluoxetine) 60 mg morning, 20 mg evening, Arip MT 30 (Aripiprazole) 30 mg daily,Parkin (Trihexyphenidyl Hydrochloride) 2 mg *2 , Risdone(Risperidone) 3 mg *2, Betacap(Propranolol Hydrochloride) 60 mg daily, Amcobal Plus(Methycobalamin 1500 mcg,Folic Acid 1.5 mg,Thiamine Mononitrate 10 mg, Pyridoxine HCL 3 mg, Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg) for OCD treatment since a year now(dosage increased steadily to the one mentioned above). He has recently started taking Thorne research Calcium Citramate and Magnesium Citramate 140 mg, 3 times each daily,. Also going to start Thorne Research Multivitamin Basic nutrients 2 /day , one tablet daily. Could you advise additional nutritional supplementation which could be helpful in this case or any modification required to the above?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Ajeet,

      Fluoxetine is a SSRI, which may deplete selenium, iodine, melatonin and folate. Aripiprazole and Risperidone deplete CoQ10, manganese, melatonin and vitamin B2. Trihexyphenidyl Hydrochloride is an anticholinergenic, which depletes choline. Propranolol Hydrochloride depletes CoQ10 and melatonin. The concern with antipsychotics and anticholinergics are the risk of tardive dyskinesia (TD). Atypical antipsychotics carry a lower risk, but still something to be aware of knowing. Melatonin can help offset the risk of TD, but it can also lower the SSRI function.

      This is a challenging combination of medications to supplement. Some medications are trying to offset the side effect of the others. You want to be careful that you are not competing with some of these pathways with higher doses of certain vitamins and minerals either, lowering the drug’s effect. The Ambocal Plus has 1.5mg of synthetic folic acid, which isn’t ideal. Methylfolate would be a better fit. I wouldn’t take two sources of B12/folate/B6 if you choose to use the Basic Nutrients. I would run CoQ10 and melatonin supplementation and doses by your doctor as possiblities, but too much supplementation may affect his treatment plan.

      • Ajeet

        Hi Alex,

        Thank you for the detailed explanation and response. Could you advise what particular products would be useful for CoQ10 and melatonin supplementation, and if it would be safe to use basic nutrients 1 tablet per day, along with calcium citramate and magnesium citramate(in reference to the article ” Mental health starts in the gut, not in the brain” .

        Ambicol plus has been discontinued now and the doctor has alternatively suggested Supradyn tablet (vitamin A acetate 10000 IU, vitamin D3 1000 IU, thiamine mononitrate 10 mg, riboflavine 10 mg, vitamin B6 3 mg, vitamin B12 15 mcg, nicotinamide 100 mg, calcium pantothenate 16.3 mg, ascorbic acid 150 mg, vitamin E acetate 25 mg, biotin 0.25 mg, tribasic calcium phosphate 129 mg, magnesium oxide, light 60 mg, ferrous sulphate, dried 32.04 mg, manganese sulphate monohydrate 2.03 mg, phosphorus 25.8 mg, copper sulphate 3.39 mg, zinc sulphate 2.2 mg, sodium molybdate dihydrate 0.25 mg, sodium borate 0.88 mg.)

        Major concern or hope is if either of these could actually help with the recovery. Would you consider supradyn useful or alternatively consider Basic nutrients?As per your advise, would run these by the doctor for doses and supplementation.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Ajeet,

          I have only used the Thorne Q-Best CoQ10 and Pure Encapsulations Melatonin. I’m sure there are other good products out there, but these are the only ones I can verify. I don’t see an issue with the Basic Nutrients if your doctor is suggesting the use of Supradyn. However, the amounts of zinc and copper are very different in Supradyn compared to Basic Nutrients. I can’t confirm which one is better since your doctor has more information and may have his or her reasons for this formula.

  148. Natacha Hardy

    Hi Alex,

    wow ! What an incredible and complete article !
    I have a question about children’s multivitamins. I read above that you recommended to a mom the Smarty Pants multivitamins. Still your first choice?
    Thank you very much !


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Natacha,

      Yes, SmartyPants and Naturelo’s children’s multivitamin both look like good choices.

  149. Natasha Elliott

    If you are a female endurance athlete with osteopenia close to osteoporosis would you recommend a 1:1 or 1:2 cal/mag supplement. I have IBS type issues with borderline hypothyrodism not treated. TSH 4.9, ft3 and ft4 low but normal. My gut can flare and make these numbers worse and diet can sometimes get my TSH to 3.0. I dont eat dairy or gluten or eggs. Some coconut yogurt has extra calcuim but other than that it would be from veggies. I also take iron on the side with b vitamins. Ferratin levels are usually under 20. Currently waiting on my second visist to an internist to figure out why my bones are so bad. I have bad stomach issues, hyperhydrosis since a child so things just dont add up. My bones were weak as a kid and it has nothing to do with being an athlete. I am wondering if the issues relate to magnesuim and the sweating issues but am confused how to supplement it and make sure I dont upset the balance of cal. to mag. I have looked at the natural vitatility brand calm with added calcuim. Seems like an option but would love your advice? Heart rate is really low at rest and training max and if i take too much magnesuim could it make it worse? Also for a multi how do pure encapsules O.N.E. a day rank? Would I still need to add calcuim, magnesium, fish oils, probiotics, iron and anything else to them?? Sometimes I think because I am so healthy as an athlete, eat too well, have 0 stress outside of training I present to good for doctors but I display some low grade issues either bacteria or virus or autoimmune disease but it hasnt fully came out yet as i am not pushing it in regular life. I always test low wbc 3.0 and neutrophills at 1.0 and just cant seem to get out of waves of digestive issues (severe bloating) and unnormal amounts of fatigue. Thanks for all the great articles, cant wait to hear your advice!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Natasha,

      You have to first address your thyroid and parathyroid function. If your thyroid isn’t working properly, your digestive system won’t work properly. Fatigue and very low resting heart rate can be a sign. If your parathyroid isn’t working correctly, this would affect calcium absorption from your diet and how much calcium is stored in your bones. So supplementing isn’t going to help unless those two glands are working optimally. Regarding the WBC and neutrophils, hard to say without further investigation.

      The Pure Encapsulations O.N.E is okay if zinc intake is very low, copper levels are higher, or macular degeneration is a concern due to a higher amount of zinc (25mg) versus other multivitamins (15mg). This could be a problem is copper levels are low in an individual. It also has a pretty high dose of B12. It is missing K1 and K2, so it is designed for people on blood thinners. In my opinion, O.N.E is better suited for an older population (over 65) with poor absorption and concerns about eye health.

  150. Natasha

    Thank you Alex for the response. Yes I agree about the thyroid. I had an ethical mind set of not starting treatment as because of the huge difference in views of doctors of when to treat or not. I kind of felt like I would be cheating if I took it for mild symptoms but I am starting to realize that no matter how healthy I try and get I am still not getting better most likely due to not treating the thyroid. I did try Synthyroid for a month and felt worse. I am wondering if natural thyroid/armour might be a better option? Interesting you mentioned PTH, my doctor ordered it before the referal to the internist doctor. It was 1.2 way below normal. Then the internist ordered it and it was normal in mid range. The first test I did an hour after training. Second one rested and fasted in the morning. Everything I read about hypoparathyroidism is unless damaged due to surgery (impossible for me) or low magnesuim. Could the magnesuim been the missing link or is the parathyroid levels related to the slight hypothyroidism? I will definitely have all these questions for my next visit with the specialist. Would love to hear your thoughts?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Natasha,

      There is something called the HPA axis that includes the thyroid, pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands. It is affected by all stressors including physical exertion. These stressors use up selenium and magnesium to name a few, both of which are critical for thyroid function. Your thyroid sounds like it has been an issue for most of your life, and excessive training (if this is the case) may possibly be taxing your body and affecting thyroid function more. Chronically elevated cortisol levels from psychological or physical stress increase TBG, which binds to the thyroid hormone and makes it inactive. This is why thyroid blood work can look normal, yet people exhibit hypothyroid symptoms. Low immunity is another sign that the HPA axis is under duress. I haven’t read a clear explanation of how T3 and T4 are related to bone health, but excess and deficiency are connected. So to answer your question, magnesium could be a major player, along with iodine, selenium and perhaps ashwagandha (helps convert T4 to T3). These are all things you can run by your doctor.

      If you do indeed need thyroid medication, natural thyroid is always better. Synthroid is synthetic T4, but not everyone converts from T4 to T3 well with elevated stress hormones being one reason. Armour contains natural T4 and T3.

  151. Jeff

    Hi Alex,

    What are you’re thoughts on the Synergy Companies vitamins I’m wondering on the vita-min-herb for men would this be good or should I stick with the Naturelo for Men or the Thorne 2 a day you’re information would be greatly appreciated thanks. 🙂

    • Jeff

      Oh and I’m also wondering you’re thoughts on the vitamin code for men would it be a good multivitamin to use or are the top three you recommend better I always see the vitamin code men’s ranked high on like any information would be great thanks

      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        Hi Jeff,

        There have been a lot of questions about Vitamin Code and Synergy, but they are buried now in the comments. Here is my opinion on both:

        Vitamin Code: Vitamin Code starts with USP vitamins – of which some are synthetically made – and given to yeast in a nutrient rich broth. The finished metabolized product qualifying as a “whole food vitamin” is debatable and there isn’t any research I am aware of that proves this to be advantageous for absorption.

        Synergy: Synergy uses a process like Garden of Life, where they make a nutrient rich broth, add yeast and feed synthetic vitamins to the yeast to get the standardized target amounts of each nutrient. Synergy has also not been very transparent about their process or the forms of their vitamins and minerals.

        My opinion is that Naturelo and Thorne are superior.

        • Jeff

          Ok thanks so much for the response 🙂 Now I’m trying to decide between the Naturelo, Thorne and Megafood. Which one do you think would be best I’m 30 years old and stick to a mostly organic healthy diet?

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Jeff,

            I would go with Naturelo because I think magnesium is one of the most important minerals to take. Naturelo is one of the few multivitamins that provides a higher amount of magnesium.

  152. Jeff

    Ok thanks for the information 🙂

  153. Jeff

    Alex I actually have a few other questions when taking zinc is the Garden of Life vitamin code zinc good or should I use a different kind and also for magnesium is the powdered kind from the Garden of Life Dr formulated line good or like Natural Calm or is there another better option? My last question is on vitamin C from garden of life’s vitamin code and mykind line would those be good options or the synergy companies whole food vitamin C. I’m still confused on if whole food vitamin C is the best option?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jeff,

      It is hard to comment on the zinc because the type isn’t specified due to being from the yeast/broth process. Zinc directly from plants is very poorly absorbed. Typically, zinc picolinate is one of the best absorbed, or zinc carnosine for digestive disorders. Each capsule is 15mg and that is the normal dose, so I’m not sure why they recommend 2 capsules and 30mg daily unless they are thinking of vegans who may be consuming too much copper and not enough zinc. The upper limit of zinc is 40mg per day, and there is a balance of zinc to copper that can be disrupted by daily high zinc supplementation. In food, zinc is always packaged with copper in a certain ratio. Elevated copper has become a problem for some women, in which case zinc without copper helps lower copper levels. For others, the ratio should be considered. That was probably more information than you wanted, but the takeaway is that I recommend 15mg daily of zinc for meat and fish eaters.

      The Natural Calm tastes better than the Garden of Life formula. Natural calm is a good one for sleep and constipation. If you want a magnesium more geared toward muscle recovery, malate and citramate capsules are better. You can see a longer analysis here:

      While I am all for whole food forms first, there are exceptions and vitamin C supplementation is one of them. Whole food vitamin C quickly disperses post-harvest and is sensitive to light and temperature like other water-soluble vitamins. Therefore it is an unstable form to be powdered and stored. Second, the amounts are often very low (under 200mg). While the RDA is 60mg (which is wrong), all of the research points towards over 500mg being effective. Since your body uses the amount of vitamin C is needs at any given time based on stress and toxins, modern living points towards a higher need than ever for vitamin C daily. It is important to choose 100% L-ascorbate for vitamin C. Here is the article in case you didn’t see it.

      • Brock

        Hello Dr.,

        I notice your recommended Zinc supplement (Jarrow) contains Zinc in the form Zinc L-Methionine Sulfate.) Thorne uses Zinc Picolinate as well as Zinc bisglycinate. I don’t see much information on the Jarrow form. Which should I take? I eat meat and fish by the way.


        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Brock,

          For zinc, it comes down to absorption levels and targets. Zinc oxide, sulfate and picolinate how lower absorption levels compared to bisglycinate and L-methionine. Zinc acetate and gluconate are best used as lozenges due to their activity in the nose and throat.

          There are conflicting opinions on picolinate – especially from Thorne – but a closer look at the research shows picolinate leads to higher zinc losses in the urine.

          Zinc L-methionine is a superior source because the biggest limiting factor for zinc absorption is phytate intake from plants, which L-methionine helps prevent. So when you take zinc L-methionine with a meal, it has a higher absorption rate. The mechanism of additional sulfate isn’t clearly described but appears to be beneficial in other research.

          You want to take a proper ratio of zinc and copper to keep balance in the body. Isolating zinc isn’t a good idea unless there are high copper levels in the body.

  154. Jeff

    Also what would be the best vitamin D supplement currently I take the garden of life mykind organic spray would that be good? 🙂

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jeff,

      Yes, the vitamin D spray you are using is fine.

  155. Jeff

    Ok thanks

  156. Jennifer

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to everyone’s questions! I apologize if this is too specific… if it is, maybe you can refer me to an appropriate expert you trust?

    My dad has pancreatic cancer and has had the Whipple surgery in which part of his pancreas, stomach, colon, intestines, and his gall bladder were removed. He is having major issues with diarrhea as a result of the surgery, and has recently started Creon to hopefully aid digestion. He eats a pretty good, whole foods diet. He hasn’t been able to stop losing weight, and he’s concerned he’s not absorbing nutrients properly between his shorter digestive track and diarrhea. Doctors typically recommend a Centrum-type vitamin if you’re not doing fortified packaged shakes. His nutritionist recommended against tablets, saying he probably can’t digest them well, and suggested he take a gummy vitamin instead. I’d like to get him something better. Through my research I had concluded the Naturelo capsules you recommend here would be the best, but then realized the herb issue. He’s on chemo with Gemzar and Xeloda currently, and I’m sure his doctor will say no to ginkgo even though it’s such a small amount and there doesn’t appear to be any research on interactions.

    He’s also lactose intolerant and extremely sensitive to MSG, but otherwise relatively healthy. With your vast knowledge of available supplements, what would you recommend as the best option for him?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jennifer,

      No worries, I am used to a lot of details! I’m sorry to hear about your dad. He is going to be better off with a sublingual, liquid or powder. If you want a multivitamin, I have one listed on the Senior Multivitamin article called Optimal Multivitamin Powder that I have recommended for people who have issues with absorption. It does not contain any herbs or lactose. You can read more about it on the article if you are interested. Let me know if you need more help.

      • Jennifer

        Thank you so much for your fast response! Their goal is to maintain a good diet and get most nutrients that way, but I believe a multivitamin is typically recommended as insurance after the Whipple due to the digestive challenges that go along with it.

        I know you have limited information, but are there other supplements you might consider for someone with cancer, someone on chemo, digestive challenges due to chemo and a surgically reduced digestive system, or with a compromised pancreas? Is there a particular probiotic you would recommend for these major digestive challenges? He already takes one, but I imagine it’s not the best. I apologize if you’ve covered these things elsewhere. I’m pretty new to this and trying to learn as much as I can as I go. The doctors and nutritionists they have access to all recommend products like Boost and Centrum and aren’t able to answer questions about the quality of different products so they don’t have a lot of help with trying to do better.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Jennifer,

          Of course, and I know how challenging it can be to navigate this field. Yes, there are vitamin IV’s and patches that may be more advantageous for your dad. If you are interested in reading more about how to supplement during chemo, I have written an article called Best Supplements During Chemotherapy. One of the best medical probiotics is called VSL#3.

      • Vera F

        Hi Alex, what is your opinion on Pharmanex/Nuskin Lifepak?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Vera,

          It contains synthetic folic acid and cyanocobalamin, so I wouldn’t recommend it.

  157. Ed

    I’ve read numerous articles about higher incidence of lung cancer in former smokers who take supplements containing beta-carotene. Can you address this as it related to the recommended products? Thanks.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Ed,

      The studies that found a higher incidence of lung cancer in smokers were looking at synthetic isolated beta-carotene. This has not been found from a diet high in beta-carotene rich fruits and vegetables. This is why it is important to make sure the beta-carotene is from a natural source like d. salina or carrots with mixed carotenoids. All of the multivitamins listed in the best section use a food source of beta-carotene with mixed carotenoids.

  158. Jennifer Etter

    This is all so very helpful! What do you think of Usana’s multi? I hope I didn’t miss it here! Also what do you think of Shizandra
    Lithium Orotate

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jennifer,

      The Usana multivitamin uses folic acid and cyanocobalamin, so this isn’t one I recommend. I think shisandra is awesome. It can increase glutathione and SOD, and it is in a liver formula I recommend on the air pollution article. For glutathione, I prefer to use the precursors and other vitamins/minerals/adaptogens to increase it naturally in the body, but I do think it can have clinical application when necessary. Lithium orotate can be life changing for some people, you just need to be careful with the dosage and have clear indications that you need it. A little bit goes a long way.

      • Odalis Jimenez

        Hi Alex! I have a 13 yr old son who has autism. A couple of years ago he had a troublesome school transition that completely threw him out of balance. We’ve never wanted to use medication, but rather thought that supplementing him could help. That’s when we started using Kirkman Labs Super Nu-Thera with 25mg P-5-P caplets. Ever since he has been doing great. But I wanted to know your thoughts about this formulation. Do you think we should continue this for the long run or is there anything else comparable ( or better) that you would recommend for him? Thank you so much!!


        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Odalis,

          That is wonderful to hear that he is doing great. This is an interesting formula because it uses folinic acid, which is upstream in the folate cycle from methylfolate. Some people respond well to this type of folate due to variants in a gene called MTHFD1 and sensitivities to methyl groups. The only thing I would say is that cyanocobalamin isn’t an ideal form of B12, but 5mcg is also a very small amount. If he is doing well, I wouldn’t change it. Perhaps later on as he gets older you can consider similar formulas that use hydroxocobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, folinic acid and P-5-P if he responds best to formulas without methyl groups. Seeking Health makes one called Optimal Multivitamin Minus One.

          • Odalis Jimenez

            Thank you! I appreciate your prompt response and I will look into it. But in general, what do you think of the Kirkman vitamins? It surprised me to read today in a list of best vitamins, that it’s not ranked higher. Is it a vitamin you would recommend? What other supplements do you recommend for kids on the spectrum? Thanks!!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Odalis,

            It would depend on the product. Some of their multivitamins use folic acid and cyanocobalamin, synthetic vitamin E and what looks like synthetic beta-carotene. These are the versions that have been found in studies to be problematic and I wouldn’t recommend. This may be why it wasn’t ranked higher on the list you reviewed.

            As for other recommended supplements for kids on the spectrum, I don’t think there is a good general answer. It really depends on their gut and mitochondrial health, and which pathways are causing the most inflammation. Each kid needs an individualized program to ensure results because what works well for one may not work for another. I wrote a short article called “Understanding Autism through Mitochondrial Dysfunction” here that you may find interesting.

      • Jennifer

        You are amazing! I am finding that the lithium orotate is really helping my moods. Thanks for your insight into the Usana Vitamins before I spent big bucks. Thanks for being so awesome!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Excellent! You made my day.

  159. Patapong

    Hi Alex

    First, I really am appreciated for very insightful review of the multivitamin. Right now, I am doing the multivitamin research for my parents. My father is 80 years old. He is on Hidil, Crestor and Prenolol. My mother is 76 years old. She is also on statin but I cannot remember which one. They both have good general health, never have heart disease symptoms. The doctor said they should have multivitamin supplements. Right now, they use Centrum silver 50+. They also take the omega3(fish oil), total of EPA+ DHA around 2 grams daily (Kirkland signature). After reading your recommendation, I plan to change their multivitamin. I wonder whether the Naturelo or the Optimal multivitamin powder is more suitable for them. I prefer the Naturelo since they are in capsule form. Also, do you recommend other supplements for them? And should they change the brand and doses of omega3? What do you think about the Naturelo omaga3 product. Thanks in advance.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Patapong,

      If they have a good digestive system, the Naturelo product is a good choice. I’m assuming you read the Best Multivitamin for Seniors article since you mentioned the Optimal Multivitamin Powder. I would recommend switching to Nordic Naturals for fish oil because they have a better EPA and DHA profile. I haven’t tried the Naturelo fish oil product, but it looks like it is high quality.

      As for other supplementation, that would be difficult for me to assess without knowing more about their health and diet. You can read the other recommendations I have for seniors on the other multivitamin page to see if any others would be a good fit.

  160. Luigi

    Hi Alex,
    So sorry to post a link to a page in Dutch but I was wondering what you think of this product Elke Dag (every day) , though luckily the ingredients are easy to read. It is very popular here in the Netherlands at the moment (if anything because of its price) and I was wondering what your thoughts on it would be?

    Based on your article, I could at least find some (seemingly) + points:
    – It is Soy/GMO-free,
    – contains folate and no folic acid
    – mix of natural beta carotene and Vitamin A as retinylacetate
    – Vitamin K2 instead of K1
    – most of the basic minerals (though most are citrates)
    – extra: Zeaxanthin/Lutein and CoQ10

    Is this a product you’d recommend?
    Thank you in advance.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Luigi,

      Yes, this is a good formulation. Great find for Europe!

      • Luigi

        Excellent, Thank you!

  161. Vitor

    I’m from Europe, Portugal, and many of the products you described as good products, simply are not available in europe and purchasing from the US its not safe because of the customs.

    I personally used twice the multivitamins MultiPro from Scitec. I attached an image of the nutritional facts in this email. Another good one is Opti-men by Optimum Nutrition.

    We often by this Multivitamins from these “sport” brands cause, its difficult to have access to the more “natural” products.

    We do have a “natural” local shop named “BIOFORMA” and they have their own brand in supplements but i can’t tell if they are better or worst.

    Me and my wife will try to make a baby, and we know that the doctor will prescribe some supplements, but we are a little afraid that the supplement will not be good enough or some bogus brand.

    The best site for supplements we buy is this one “”.

    If you could help us find a good daily, one per day(preferably), multivitamin for me, and a pre-natal one for my wife, that would be great.

    Sorry if my English is not correct.

    By the way we do have this water from Monchique, a natural water, that i will attach the image, so you can give your opinion, if its a good water to drink regularly. The label is in Portuguese, but i guess by the periodic table symbols, you can understand. Japan started to import this water and many other country are doing the same, maybe for the high Ph and mineralization.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Vitor,

      The MultiPro from Scitec contains folic acid. If you can find one like this that contains methylfolate, that is preferred. The same is true of
      Opti-Men from Optimum Nutrition which also uses cyanocobalamin (you want methylcobalamin).

      The Monchique water looks great, good find.

      I would be happy to help you find a good multivitamin for you and a prenatal for your wife. Send me some more options that contain both methylfolate and methylcobalamin and I will analyze the rest of the formula. Typically if a company uses those forms, they use superior forms of other vitamins and minerals too.

  162. Sharla

    I just went through bariatric surgery and will have a vitamin regimen for the rest of my life. I am currently taking mostly Shaklee brand. They are more expensive, but worth it. If there’s any I should stay away from of that brand please let me know!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Sharla,

      They have a big catalog of products. If there are any products you are taking that you are concerned about, I would be happy to analyze them.

  163. Arti

    Hi Alex,
    First of all, thank for such an amazing post & all of your responses. I recently had 3rd baby (my first daughter) & had taken whole-food prenatals throughout. She is now almost 9 months old & I have been taking Seeking Health’s Optimal Prenatal Powder while nursing. I love it, but it is very expensive! The only reason why I turned to it was because I knew I was hypothyroid (happened when I first became pregnant with my 3rd), but I didn’t find out until after she was born that I have Hashimoto’s & also the MTHFR mutation. Boy was I in for a shock! Now, I am just about finished with nursing & am looking for the best multivitamin for me that hopefully has minerals & any other good ingredients in it. I have lots of stress, anxiety & lack of sleep in my life & have been dealing with panic attacks as well. Fun times! I would like something affordable, but quality that fits the bill. Is there anything you can recommend? I noticed that Seeking Health has lots of other products & also have been eyeing Mary Ruth Organics. I generally also drink Natural Calm plus Calcium at night & I take vitamin D3 & Prescript-Assist in the morning. I used to take CoQ10, Barlean’s Key Lime high potency Omega liquid, fermented cod liver oil, PodiaPN & astaxanthin. I take Nature-throid for my Hashimoto’s & have recently started acupuncture for it. The doctor has also put me on Trazodone 50mg for the panic attacks & Montelukast 10mg for allergies. I appreciate any help you can provide!

    • Arti

      Also, what do you think about Juice Plus vitamins. I took them for a long time & my husband & kids continue to take them.

      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        Hi Arti,

        I don’t think much of Juice Plus. It is just an expensive low dose of added vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, and folic acid (a cheap synthetic form I have talked about in depth) supplement with a little powdered fruit and vegetables.

        Juice Plus is not a multivitamin and is missing crucial nutrients like magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, selenium, iodine, folate in the right form, and all the other B-vitamins. Some of their research is questionable. Many that I have reviewed only show that antioxidant supplements work in higher dosages (6 capsules used daily in some studies, which would be really expensive to maintain).

        They also just had a study released (that they funded) that gave Juice Plus Orchard Blend, Garden Blend, and Berry Blend to 56 obese adults on a low fruit and vegetable diet for 8 weeks. The study found that JuicePlus did not cause significant improvements relative to placebo in CRP, cholesterol levels, weight, body mass index, waist circumference and quality of life. Yet the researchers claimed that Juice Plus improves the metabolic profile.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Arti,

      Thank you! You want to support your adrenals, liver, immune system, and thyroid gland. I’m not sure if you saw the last article I wrote, but it outlines exactly what you are experiencing.

      Naturelo is a good balance between affordability and high quality. Extra vitamin C helps the adrenal glands/liver detoxification, magnesium for anxiety/liver detoxification (Naturelo also contains magnesium), probiotics for the immune system/anxiety, and B2, methylfolate (MTHFR), selenium, iodine, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin A all support thyroid health.

      • Arti

        Hi Alex,
        Thank you so much for that information! I figured that Juice Plus was not exactly the supplement they claim it to be, but they have strong marketing instead! So misleading & expensive! We have many bottles to finish now, but stopped future orders. I appreciate that information!

        Just to clarify, does Naturelo have everything you mentioned there or are you saying that I should add in extra vitamin C, magnesium, probiotics, B2, methylfolate (MTHFR), selenium, iodine, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin A on top of taking Naturelo? I will be switching my husband to Naturelo for men as well. Thank you!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Arti,

          No problem. Naturelo will provide magnesium, B2, methylfolate, selenium, iodine, some vitamin D, carotenoids (conversion of beta-carotene to vitamin A ranges person to person and is affected by disrupted thyroid function). You can get adequate vitamin A from the diet if you eat eggs or use cod liver oil. Extra vitamin C may be needed for detoxification, vitamin D (the sun is free!) if your levels are low, and probiotics if you don’t eat fermented foods.

          • Arti

            Thank you for that information! I love eggs, fermented foods & sun so much better than swallowing any pill! Something I’ve been very curious about is when I can drink coffee & alcohol again. Can I have them now? If not, when can I drink them & what is best to have – beer, liquor or wine? Thank you!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Arti,

            I think it is best to hold off on coffee and alcohol until you are sleeping well and your energy increases during the day. There isn’t really an accurate timeline for it. Both exacerbate the tired and/or wired feeling.

            Some people are able to use Yerba Mate or green tea in place of coffee. White wine tends to be better than red wine or champagne in terms of affecting sleep. For beer, I have guidelines here. Hard liquor is pretty much all equivalent when used in moderation. Some people do better with tequila or gin over others.

          • Arti

            Thank you so much for all of this great information! I love your site. I really appreciate all you do & for sharing your knowledge with all of us. I have definitely used yerba mate & green tea, but figured it was best to stay away from caffeine in general. I just get so tired of drinking water & sometimes coconut water all of the time! Thanks, again!

  164. Hardeep

    Hi Alex, which supplements would you consider most essential for vegetarians, also if you could recommend a vegan supplement for choline.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Hardeep,

      If you are eating eggs and dairy, deficiencies aren’t as likely. If not, B12, iron, zinc, vitamin A, choline, EPA and DHA are common deficiencies.

      Choline is synthesized from sunflower seeds or soy, so they will all be vegan-friendly.

  165. Rajiv

    Hi Alex This is one of the most informative and Unbiased article have ever read on Multivitamins. great Job!! I wanted your opnion on what Multivitamin I should use. I am 42 year old with Diabetes from last 12 years on medication. I took Nutralite Daily from Amway in india. My Iron, VitD and B12 levels are also low. After reading you article I could gather that 100% Food based is mykind, Nutrelo is 90: natural and you had also recommed Thorne (is it 100% natural). I stay in india. Which one should I take badsed on my diabetes and also do i need to take any minerals separately or anything else? Thanks

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Rajiv,

      Naturelo would be a good choice due to the inclusion of magnesium. Magnesium is needed for healthy nerve function, heart rhythm, immunity, lowering oxidative stress, regulating blood sugar levels and preventing and managing hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

      Extra vitamin C and cordyceps mushrooms would be other supplements to run by your health care practitioner. One randomized, double-blind study found that after 12 weeks, vitamin C with metformin reduced fasting blood sugar, post-meal blood glucose and improved HbA1C compared to the placebo group. I usually discuss cordyceps in the context of athletes on this site, but they do a lot more including having a similar mechanism of action as Metformin that lowers blood sugar and increases an enzyme called AMPK, which mimics caloric restriction. Cordyceps have also been found to potentially to help prevent progressive deterioration of pancreatic β-cell function in patients with type 2 diabetes.

      • Rajiv

        Thanks a lot Alex, I really appreciate your quick response. the genetic test you have mentioned on your forum? ist it possible to get this done in India? will it be helpful for me finding m,y suitable diet/allegies? t Nowdays, i feel really tired. will Vit C and Naturelo along with Cordyceps will help in that matter. I have Hiatus Hernia because of which I had too much acidity. I was given 10 years Raberparazole to subside acidity. Hoever, doctor last year asked me to stop saying that my gut microflora has destroyed becuase of antaacid and that is why I had low abosprtion of nutrients? which also caused Fatty Liver (i don’t drink alochol) and I am vegetarian. He stopped the anatacid but I am having too much acidity everyday. Can you recommend something? should I take pre/probiotic? is Yakult good? Is there any Paleo diet for diabetics Vegaetarian you can recommend? Thanks in advance

        • Rajiv

          One morere question there are two Naturelo Multivitamin one is 4 cap and another one is 1 cap a day? which one you are referring to? which vitamin C and cordyceps ushrooms? should i buy? And I have two daughters age 12 and 13 for them can I use the same Naturelo 4 capusles/day? and vitamin C in same amount? or should i give them something? last but not least if cost is ther concer which could be the replacement for naturelo 4 cap/day? without compromising much in terms of nutrition?

          • Rajiv

            which brand of cordyceps mushrooms i should buy?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Rajiv,

          I’m not sure if 23andme is available in India. You will need to check with the company. If so, I can run the DNA file through Nutrition Genome. Yes, it is extremely helpful is customizing your diet for your exact needs.

          Raberparazole (PPI) severely depletes B12 and calcium over time. A common statement is that acid reflux is caused by excessive stomach acid production, however this is incorrect. What happens is that the acid actually comes out of the stomach, and the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes allowing acid flow back towards the esophagus. People often do not produce enough stomach acid to break food down. Low stomach acid causes bacterial overgrowth in the gut, which in turn produces gas that puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, causing it to open and inappropriately allow acid into the esophagus. This is why probiotics can often help relieve acid reflux. I’m not sure if it is available to you, but ChakraFood makes fermented herbal enzymes called Movement that I have seen work wonders on acid reflux.

          Non-alcohol fatty liver is often caused by a choline deficiency, and choline is found highest in certain animal foods. Diabetics benefit from a diet higher in protein and fiber, so it depends on how strict you are as a vegetarian. Sugar and grains are the two biggest dietary problems for diabetes.

      • Rajiv

        One re question there are two Naturelo Multivitamin one is 4 cap and another one is 1 cap a day? which one you are referring to? which vitamin C and cordyceps mushrooms? should i buy

  166. Rajiv

    Thanks very much Alex. Just an explanation what is 23andme? Genetic test? There are so many magnesium type written in the page you have given. Can pls suggest one based on the information I have given. I have e got in last 15 years kidney stone 3 times? Whic Mg form is best? You also believe that I should not take antacid at all? How to improve my gut microflora? You said grains. As a vegetarian in India. I eat roti made up of wheat and other grain floor or rice 3 times a day. Do I have e to give roti/wheat and other grains completely, what about milk or milk producrs? Yes I am a strict vegetarian? Pls suggest some way out to improve my gut flora? Control my diabetes.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Rajiv,

      I think it would be best to do a consultation so that you have a clear plan. If you are interested, you can use the contact form on PaleoEdge to email me directly.

      • Rajiv

        Thanks very much Alex I will do so

  167. Janet Bernstein

    Alex, what do you know about Dr. Axe and his line of multi vitamins? Thanks so much…

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Janet,

      I haven’t used his product or know of anyone that has used it. I have tried reaching out to customer service, but I still haven’t heard back. This is a good example of one that I would like to see tested after a few months on the shelf for its stability. It looks like they made it using a similar process to MyKind due to the low zinc amount (5mg) and added methylcobalamin. The iodine is also low (100mcg) and it only has 2mg of magnesium. The folate is labeled as folic acid, but then states it is derived from food, which is confusing and one of the questions I would like cleared up from customer service.

  168. Ruchi

    Hi Alex,
    very good information. I am 39 year old female. I saw you recommending Naturelo Multivitamin and Thorne basic Nutrient (whicch component in these are not natural). I am having thyroid (Hypothyroid) and my sister Hypersthyroid. can I use above multivitamin? any thing else which can help thyroid abnormailty? Can we use just two capsules of naturelo per day or 4 is must. Majority ofv the component are more than 100% RDA (will save us cost also). I also have lot of atigue, Backache, shoulder and knee pain? How about Mykind Organics Once a day (looks like 100% natural) and I take this along with magnesium supplement which is missing in this? for my daughter 10 yr and 15 yr what woould be the best multivitamin or any other most important multi.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Ruchi,

      I would take a look at my thyroid article:

      Yes, you could use Naturelo, however, your sister will need to avoid it due to the iodine. The Garden of Life myKind Organics is one of the only true 100% whole food multivitamins. There are pros and cons to this one. The pro is that you are getting everything directly from organic plants. The con is that certain minerals in this form are harder to absorb (zinc and iron for example), and zinc in this product is also low. Another issue I have is the stability of the water-soluble B-vitamins, carotenoids, and vitamin C directly from plants. These are known to degrade post-harvest in fruits and vegetables, and it would be helpful if the company tested their products months after production for customers to know how much the amounts are changing. They did add methylcobalamin from yeast, so the B12 should be stable. In the Organic Food Blend, there are also many foods high in sulfur and histamine that may cause digestive issues in some.

      Your 15-year-old daughter can use adult Naturelo, and your 10-year-old can use the Naturelo children’s multi.

  169. Ruchi
  170. Jennifer

    Hi Alex! What do you think of tumeric and curcumin for pain? Thanks in Advance!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jennifer,

      It depends on the type of pain, but I have seen curcumin used successfully for arthritis. CBD oil is another one that is starting to be used more for nerve pain.

  171. Margarita

    Hi Alex, i read through your articles and all of them are very helpful. I am a 35-yr-old Asian woman, and keen on maintaining youth and health. I just placed an order of Naturelo for Women after reading this article. Between, would you recommend “Barlean’s – Essential Woman” to be taken as well?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Margarita,

      I think flax oil has some incredible benefits – especially for breast health – but it should be used quickly once it is exposed to oxygen because it goes rancid quickly. If you are doing it for the omega-3 benefits, you would be better off using fish oil because the form of omega-3 in flax is ALA, which converts poorly in many people to EPA and DHA. I recommend grinding flax fresh to get all the benefits. Evening primrose and black cumin seed oil are both great sources of GLA for hormones that compliment fish oil and flaxseeds.

      • Margarita

        Hi Alex, thank you so much. It is very helpful. 😀

        • Margarita

          Hi Alex, i have been using Naturelo for 1 month ++ and noticing some results. I would like to give a try to “Beverlyhills MD – Dermal Repair Complex”, but i am worry if there is any side effects of vitamin A consumption. Would you mind to provide some reviews on this?

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Margarita,

            Could you send me a link to the ingredients? I’m having trouble finding one.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Margarita,

            Thank you. I wouldn’t worry about 1,000IU of vitamin A, but I wouldn’t use this product due to the 800mcg of synthetic folic acid.

          • Margarita

            Hi Alex, noted on that, and i am agreed with you. Thank you so much.
            Between, i read through your recommendations on Virgin Cod Liver Oil and Rosita. Wondering if there is any alternative in capsule formula instead of liquid?
            Thank you. 😀

  172. Ash

    Hi Alex, which of the top 3 multivitamins you chose do you take, and if you have tried all three did you have a different experience with each one or was it the same overall?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Ash,

      I am testing products out on myself all the time. I usually give a product 3 months before making a decision. Energy, mood, sleep, immunity and stress adaptation are all useful metrics. What I experience is not necessarily going to translate to other people. But I always say that if you don’t notice anything from what you are taking, discard it. You should always notice a difference. In this case, I noticed the most from Naturelo.

      • Ash

        Also with the multimineral Citramins and II, both are going to be discontinued, and will be replaced with Biomins and Biomins II that differ by not containing citrates but instead aspartates as the chelate attached to the minerals. Do you think it’s due to bioavailabilty of the minerals or some other reason? Thank you for replying and the useful information you provide.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Ash,

          Yes, I just saw this as well a few days ago. It looks like Citramins II is being replaced with Biomins using “Albion” chelates. I assume this change is due to better absorption and possibly a unique form of chelates from Thorne Research. As soon as I find out more about the Albion chelates I will let you know.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Ash,

          I spoke with a doctor from Thorne Research, and she said the Biomins will be changing to malate/bisglycinate forms of the minerals. These are the two best-absorbed forms, so this formula change will be excellent.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Aleksandr,

      The Solgar supplement uses folic acid and cyanocobalamin. I would choose the Basic Nutrients 2-a-day.

  173. Leila

    Hi Alex I have read few of your articles and they are FANTASTIC! informative, very educative and easy to read and to understand, which is important for my opinion. So I have question about my multivitamins that I take regulary. Vitacost Women’s Total Health with Fruit & Vegetable Blend what can you tell me about them, any good?
    Thank you for your answer in advance Alex.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Leila,

      Thank you! Due to the use of synthetic folic acid, I don’t recommend Vitacost.

  174. Leila

    I forgot to say that I take additional Vitacost Zinc Gluconate / Picolinate — 50 mg a day, Vitacost Selenium as l-selenomethionine 200 mcg a day, 21st Century Calcium citrate 630 mg a day, NOW Magnesium citrate powder 435 mg a day, Vitacost B-100 Complex one a day and Vitacost Folic Acid 3200 mcg a daya (because of repeated bad pap smear and I had cervix conization, so when I take so much of folic acid then my pap smear is normal and if I stop then my pap smear start to get worse and worse). I’m also breastfeeding still my youngest 2 year old and I have breasfeed my oldest for 4 years. Do you have any other recommendations for me about what to include more or take less?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Leila,

      I am not aware of your whole health history, so I can only give you general feedback based on those forms and doses. Zinc at 50mg a day is very high and can lead to copper deficiency. The safe upper limit of daily zinc is 40mg. Typically, 15mg of zinc supplementation plus your diet is adequate if there isn’t copper or cadmium toxicity.

      If you are using the Vitacost multivitamin plus the selenium product, you are getting 400mcg. That is right at the safe upper limit, but with your diet, you are going over 400mcg. I wouldn’t go over 200mcg for selenium supplementation.

      I think the question that should be asked is “why you are requiring so much folic acid to get a normal pap smear?” Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate. This means that folic acid has to go through multiple enzymes to get converted to folate. Many people have trouble with this conversion, so it bottlenecks. You will most likely require much less folate if you use methylfolate and folinic acid, which are naturally found in food (and supplementation) and enter directly into the folate cycle. Something to run by your practitioner.

  175. Alvin

    What is your opinion on Life Extension multi vitamins and supplements. Thank you.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Alvin,

      I think their products can be hit or miss. The Life Extension 2 a Day is mostly well-formulated. I would prefer that they didn’t use synthetic beta-carotene.

  176. nas

    Hi Alex, thank you for the very nice articles and detailed observations. I have a small question regarding choline. I encountered an article which describes a study (mentioned also on ConsumerLab review of choline, positive and negative effects) showing that choline from supplementation can cause higher risk for strokes and heart attacks: . They state it quite strictly: “Unless prescribed by your doctor, avoid supplements with choline.” I just ordered the Megafood multi for women and I consider to not take it due to added choline… What is your opinion on this matter?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Ni Nas,

      Great question. I saw that study a few days ago and unfortunately, you have to purchase it to get all the details. What I could find is that they used 500mg of phosphatidylcholine 2x a day with a small sample of people (18, both vegetarian and omnivore) for a month. The average daily intake is 302mg of choline, so this is a large dose.

      They found that blood levels of TMAO went up 10 times in everyone. When certain unfavorable gut bacteria are in higher amounts in the gut (from a poor diet), higher amounts of TMAO are produced. TMAO levels and cardiovascular disease have been brought up before in a study looking at L-carnitine, that was then generalized to red meat intake.

      The interesting part of this study is that “The ability of elevated TMAO levels to promote clot formation was reduced when subjects were also taking a daily baby aspirin (81 mg/day).” Omega-3 fatty acids will also prevent clot formation. If you look at pastured eggs, choline is packaged with DHA. Breast milk is high in choline and contains DHA. Fish is one of the highest sources of dietary TMAO and is high in DHA.

      I think this study is one to take notice of and the takeaway is that if you have poor gut health and you are not eating fish or taking fish oil, a high, isolated dose of isolated choline daily is a bad idea. I don’t believe the choline dose in MegaFood poses the same risk level of TMAO as 1,000mg (especially if you have a good digestive system and get enough DHA), but I do think that choline should be preferably from food sources if possible. Like many nutrients, too low and too high poses a risk.

      • Zahra

        Hello Alex
        What do you think of Beyond health supplemnts by Dr. Raymond Francis ? And which form of vitamin B12 is best absorbed by the body methylcobalamin or hydroxocobalamin ? Thank you for all the great information you give us. Keep up the good work

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Zahra,

          I believe the Beyond Health multivitamin is a private label of Perque. I think the quality is high, but the formula is way too strong.

          The answer is “it depends.” Methylcobalamin is a superior form of B12 for most people. However, not everyone responds well do it depending on their current health. Hydroxocobalamin is a form used if the body is inflamed due to elevated nitric oxide levels. So people with chronic inflammation may do better with hydroxocobalamin. The current state of the methylation process helps decide the best route.

          • Zahra

            Hi Alex
            Thank you for the reply..i was watching a clip where Reymond Francis mentioned that the body gets rid of methylcobalmin in 15 monutis where as hydroxocobalamin has long lasting effect. Do you do online consultation for cancer patients ? If not are there any vitamins you recommend for 70 years old man with prostate cancer stage 4

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Zahra,

            Very interesting. I know that Sweden has used hydroxocobalamin injections for quite some time while we mainly use cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin. Research has found that a combination of methyl and adenosyl or hydroxocobalamin to be the best for addressing B12 deficiency, which is why my #1 Senior multivitamin pick uses methyl and adenosyl. Methyl, hydroxo, and adenosyl are all found in food.

            If you react poorly to methylcobalamin (anxiety) and are low in B12, hydroxocobalamin is preferred. You will see this with methylfolate as well, where folinic acid is a better fit. As a general rule, I prefer lower dosages of B12 from supplementation for people with normal digestion so you do not disturb lithium levels and create neoplasms.

            Yes, I do online consultations for cancer patients. Please use the contact form and we can set up an appointment.

  177. Richard

    Since I have mthfr and also have numerous mutations that prevent beta carotene processing I needed a multi vitamin that satisfies both of these requirements. It may sound odd but the best vitamin I have found at a decent price is a bariatric vitamin….Essential Bariatric Surgery Vitamin Highly Bio-available Formula for Optimal Absorption 120 Capsules
    Being Well at Hillcrest can be found on Amazon $25

  178. Natalie

    Hi Alex,

    I have just ordered Naturelo whole food mulit for women online and am going to give it a shot. I eat very healthy, not paleo but no gluten grains and no dairy for digestive issue reasons. So would I be smart to additionally supplement with fish oils at 2000mg a day? I already use Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega x 2 day. And then same for Vitamin C, I take an extra 1000mg a day. I also take Calm with Calcuim at night (300mg of Magnesium and 200mg of Calcuim) as I have osteopenia. Would adding these 3 things be ok with the mulit and is there anything else I should considering doing? Looking forward to seeing if I notice a difference with the multi vitamin only the long run!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Natalie,

      That sounds like a great combination. It is hard for me to determine the right dosages or other products for you without knowing a detailed health history.

  179. Pam

    Can you recommend a multi for “senior” women. I am 67 yrs old and want one with little or no iron. Senior women are thru menopause and many of us have or will develop osteopenia and looking for bone support. Right now I’m considering Garden of Life Vitamin Code 50 and Wise. Also you recommended a Mega Food multi with stearic acid but isn’t stearic acid as bad as magnesium stearate? Thank-you for any help.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Pam,

      There is a multivitamin article just for seniors here:

      Stearic acid in this product is used from palm fruit oil as a flow agent. Magnesium stearate is actually an anion of it stearic acid and is used as a flow agent as well. Technically they are different but if you have any sensitivities to magnesium stearate, it would probably be best avoided. Despite Mega Food’s formula looking good, I have seen more than a few complaints regarding it and will be taking it off the list.

  180. Jeff

    Hey Alex,
    I noticed they reformulated the Naturelo multivitamin some of the vitamin values are different now.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jeff,

      I wrote a thorough response to the changes just a few comments up.

  181. Jeff

    Ok thanks I see that now.

  182. Rick

    Hello Alex, thanks for all this great information, could you tell me your opinion on this uk based multivit Im thinking its mostly synthetic so not very good, but it covers my copper, iodine, zinc and iron (im vegan) which the Thorne doesnt, also im a little put off by the high amounts of B12 Thiamin and niacin in Thornes, i would only take one tablet and it still looks high. I would get the Naturelo one a day but i know you dont reccomend it because of the folic acid. I will be taking magnesium and calcium as a seperate supplement. Thanks.

  183. Melissa Wright

    Hello! I’ve been researching and atudykng For awhile now and the more I know the more the more I realize that quality is so key.. especially since I am buying stuff for my whole family of four. But, I really don’t know much about what you, clearly, know SO MUCH! The amount of free advice you give has me in awe of your style and I’d love to work more I depth with you. Can you tell me an estimate for consultation and coaching?

  184. Melissa Wright

    On second thought I’m sure you’re out of my price range. I will try to ask questions here:
    My problem child won’t take pills.
    1) opinion on best chewable (would powder work for flavor disguising?)
    Best chewable multi
    Best liquid or chewable probiotic

    She has hives when she showers as I don’t know if it’s canadiadia overgrowth or the water but I just had a whole house diltration system and reverse osmosis under the counter for drinking – (sorry for all the typo-s.. this tiny box makes it hard to edit)
    She has had two urinart tract infections one year apart
    She has a history of stomach pain since early childhood – food sensitivities and is not as good as the rest of us with diet (gluten free but not sugar or dairy free)
    She is currently taking: Whole Foods 365 brand chewable omega 3 gummies (I got to this site trying to find a sugar free chewable)
    Natures Way Alive chewable women’s multi
    Biotics Research chewable B12
    Garden of life “my kind organics” chewable D 2000 IU
    Calm drinkable magnesium

    The rest of us take
    Garden of life K
    Pure magnesium powder
    Along with the chewable D and B12
    – just to give you an idea of what I’m trying to do for us that she is not on board with since I can’t find chewables or options for her in these supplements.
    I don’t want to suck you dry ofyour time for free.. maybe you could suggest a NP finding resource?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Melissa,

      Thank you for the kind words! I combine nutrition and genetics for consultations through Nutrition Genome. You can read more about the service and costs here:

      It is difficult to find high-quality chewable multivitamins. SmartyPants is probably the closest one. With vegetable capsules – like with Naturelo – you can open them up and mix them in a shake, applesauce, yogurt etc.

      For a liquid probiotic, there are lots of options in health food stores including fermented coconut water products, kefir, water kefir, Kombucha and “Gut Shots” which is the liquid brine from fermented vegetables.

      Hives are brought out by heat. So it could be an underlying food allergy and the heat from the shower causes the hives to come out. There are several factors involved in UTI’s.

      That is the best I can do with the information provided. If you are interested in the Nutrition Genome consultation, I would be happy to dig deeper with a full history and nutrigenomic information.

  185. Rebecca Fohrenkamm

    Hello, the world of vitamins is so confusing and it’s so hard to do al the research and with all the network marketing companies out there it is hard to know who is the best. I have Hypothyroidism and am looking for a multivitamin for myself as well as one for my girls ages 6,4 and 1. A friend recently recommended Plexus products but not sure if they are really that great or she’s just trying to make money?

  186. Brian

    Alex, I spent much of the weekend reviewing your site; I love the community aspect of it as we have so much to learn from one another and your insights facilitate that; I know Pure Encapsulations often make your recommended list but was wondering specifically about their Mens Nutrients multi formula It seems very well designed to me and although a bit more expensive than most the larger bottle basically equals 3 months for about $30 per month…not too shabby for top quality I think, you?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      Happy to hear you are enjoying the site! Yes, there is a great community of people here.

      I think the Men’s Pure Encapsulations formula is a good product. It is missing K2 and the mixed tocopherols for vitamin E, but other than that, well formulated.

  187. Laura

    What is your thought on the idea that was presented by the Caltons that when you take all of the vitamins at the same time, they are competing with each other for receptor sites, so that only part of the vitamins are being absorbed, thus the need for an am and a pm?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Laura,

      I subscribe to the idea that vitamins, minerals, and compounds are packaged a certain way for a reason in food, and that our body has tight regulations of how much is supposed to be absorbed at a time. So the correct ratios of the vitamins are more important to me than concerns of being taken together. You see this with calcium and magnesium, zinc and copper, sodium and potassium, etc, and this balance can be upset by supplementing with incorrect levels.

  188. Linda Clark

    Hi. I am looking for a good calcium supplement . I read all the ingredients and it scares me off. Any recommendations? Osteoporosis runs right up the family tree and I would like to avoid that if I can. I was advised to start taking a calcium supplement with D3.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Linda,

      I wrote an article on calcium, magnesium and vitamin D supplementation and levels in this article:

      Here is a part that you may find interesting:

      “Bone health is dependent on estrogen status in women, vitamin D levels, magnesium, calcium, boron, inositol, silicon, and K2. In post-menopausal women, estrogen levels that become too low drastically affect bone density. Vitamin D absorption and utilization goes down after age 50 and supplementation may be necessary based on your sun exposure. Research shows that the estrogenic qualities of hops in beer promote bone density in post-menopausal women. This shows that phytoestrogen-rich food may help promote bone density by enhancing estrogen activity.”

  189. Brian

    Alex, Does Naturelo’s formula include mixed tocopherols? It has such a small amount of E and doesn’t appear to specify tocopherols. For years I have taken Purity Products Super Greens I began taking it over 20 years ago in part due to mixed tocopherols among other things. Your thoughts about their formula? it doesn’t include any K (especially K2) which has me looking elsewhere (among other things). Thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      Naturelo’s vitamin E is from organic rice bran, so it is a full spectrum tocopherol and tocotrienol vitamin E in a whole food form. Did you see my response regarding the Purity product in my last reply?

  190. Laura

    This information has been so helpful. I am leaning towards taking the Thorne Basic or the Naturelo. Currently I take:
    Armour thyroid for hypothyroidism
    fluoextine 20 for moderate OCD
    Cymbalta for ocd & fibromyagia
    Calton Epa/DHA
    calton nutrience
    Thorne Research – Magnesium Citramate
    Thorne Research – Vitamin D-10,000 – for low Vitamin D3

    I also started taking Sam-e, Thorne Research – Meriva SF & Wobenzym N for pain associated with fbromyalgia and scoliosis. I have noticed a difference in my pain with these, but not sure all 3 are necessary.
    What are your thoughts on this? Am I overdoing it or missing something? Plus, I am spending a lot and would like to reduce the cost.

    My son also has moderated OCD and we have avoided having him take Fluoextine, but my psychologist suggested having him take inositol might help him. He is also on singular and Zyrtec for allergies. I have been having him take Smarty Pants as a multi, but am thinking I will try the naturelo or Thorne for kids. I also recently tired Zhou Calm Now to help him with his emotions. Amy thoughts you have would be so helpful. Thank you.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      In terms of your first question, magnesium produces SAMe, and therefore I don’t believe SAMe supplementation is necessary. Magnesium Malate is the type that has been studied with fibromyalgia. I have seen the Meriva SF work well for pain, so that is likely helping. I haven’t used Wobenzym N, but enzymes have also been found to help pain.

      I think this may be difficult to answer adequately for your son since there are a lot of variables. OCD has a serotonin, glutamate and GABA imbalance component. The glutamate system plays an important role in modulating response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in research, and I think this is why SSRI therapy fails on its own with OCD. I bet if the researchers did a neurotransmitter panel on OCD patients, they would see low serotonin, high glutamate, and low GABA.

      Inositol is an example of something that increases serotonin and controls intracellular calcium levels (high glutamate leads to a calcium influx in the cell, causing excitation). Glutamate is excitatory while GABA is calming. Gut flora is a major producer of GABA, so a healthy gut with plenty of bifidus is key. Sugar, wheat, low blood sugar, antibiotics and poor sleep are just a few things that spike glutamate levels. Magnesium and B6 help conversion of excess glutamate to GABA. Exercise also helps reduce excess glutamate in the brain while boosting serotonin.

  191. Brian

    Alex, Thank you for fielding my previous questions; I have “done my homework” a bit and see why you have Thorne Research 2/Day as one of your two top multis. However, everything about it makes a lot of sense except for the 400 mcg of Vit K. Given everything I have read that is way too high. I thought of only taking one capsule and then finding another lower dose formula to supplement with it since only 1 capsule of Thorne Research 2/Day won’t deliver enough in regards to other key ingredients. 1) What do you think of their high 400 mcg K? 2) Any thoughts on what might fit nicely with the Thorne Research formula if I only took 1 capsule. I was thinking 1 Thorne Research capsule in the AM and then something different to round out other key ingredients in PM but haven’t found a good counterpart. Maybe one of the whole food formulas that tend to have lower doses across the board to keep everything in a good range?? Thanks again Brian

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      I agree with you regarding the vitamin K amount. I have made requests to Thorne regarding the vitamin K dose and changing the selenium dosage between 75-100mcg instead of 200mcg. For this reason, I think that 1 capsule is adequate and makes it a very affordable, high-quality multivitamin. If you are eating a good diet, I don’t see a need for adding another low dose multivitamin. Magnesium or EPA/DHA would be a more important hole to fill.

  192. Sarah

    B-12 allergy (weird, I know) so any suggestions on a good multivitamin for a woman in her mid 30’s (with medical conditions involving general anxiety disorder w/ anxiety induced depression & degenerative disc disease) that doesn’t contain B-12 and that is under $30.00 a month? Also that I can guy from the internet.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Sarah,

      I can’t say I’ve ever come across a B12 allergy. You aren’t going to find a multivitamin without B12, so you would likely need to use a multimineral. There are B-vitamin products that omit B12 and folate. This combination would put you over $30. It is difficult to gauge what is best for you just based on those medical conditions. It is important to understand the etiology of the anxiety and anxiety induced depression. If it is connected to dysregulated estrogen/progesterone levels and a glutamate/GABA and serotonin imbalance, then your diet, hormones, medications, deficiencies, and toxicities need to be assessed to be accurate.

  193. Aneen

    Hi Alex, Thankyou so much for providing such a useful informations. I am 39, female with iron deficiency anemia,my hb is 10, iron is 6,iron saturation is 0.10 and my 25-hydroxyvotamin D is 29 which is low too.. I can’t take iron supplement due to umbilical hernia repair with mesh but from yesterday i started taking Feramax powder with minimum lower dose which is 15mg,so far so good so gradually i will increase it, plz help me as all the time i am lethargic, tired, depressed,poor concentration with shortness of breath 🙁 Can you plz guide me for the best organic multivitamin and vitamin D without animal by products.. And plz suggest best organic gmo free multivitamin for kids as well for height and overall good health. Thankyou so much.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Aneen,

      You are very welcome! If you are trying to avoid iron, you could use the Men’s Naturelo formula. The only difference with that product from the Women’s formula is that it doesn’t contain iron.

      Here is the article for children’s multivitamins:

  194. Trudi

    Hi Alex. I have two college athletes, a rower and football player. What supplements and brands do you recommend for their peak performance and over all health? Thank you so much!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Trudi,

      My approach for athletic supplementation includes a foundation of an electrolyte drink, a protein powder, multivitamin, and a rotation of adaptogens.

      For rowing and football, I would recommend the Heed electrolyte drink found here:

      I recommend any of the whey protein products found here:

      Here are the list of adaptogens I recommend:

      • Trudi

        Thank you! I will look into these!

      • Trudi

        Hi Alex- I understand that athletes should drink the electrolytes during and after workouts and they should drink the whey protein post workout, but what do you mean by rotating the adaptogens and when should they take them. I did buy the cordyceps and the ashwaganda root. Thank you.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Trudi,

          The adaptogens appear to work best when rotating new ones every 8 weeks. I have found that cordyceps can be continued throughout a rotation while cycling ashwagandha for 8 weeks and then eleuthero root for 8 weeks for example.

  195. Trudi

    Hi Alex,
    Do you have nutritional recommendations/ideas for college lightweight rowers who have to cut dramatic weight and have to row at their fullest capacity while practically starving themselves. Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Trudi,

      This is a challenging dilemma that rowers and wrestlers often have to balance. The short version is that you have to make sure you are getting enough protein so that you do not begin to burn through muscle while keeping your fat and carbohydrate ratio at a level that keeps energy output high while also dropping excess weight. Adaptogens, electrolyte drinks and whey protein powder help quite a bit.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi John,

      I think the Orthomolecular Alpha Base 4 capsule per day multivitamin is a good product, but overpriced. When compared to Thorne’s 2 a day, there are some differences. Thorne uses 2,000IU vs. 1,000IU of vitamin D, B6 in the form of P-5-P vs pyridoxine hydrochloride, 500mcg vs 200mcg of biotin (this is a low amount for a multivitamin with such high amounts of other B-vitamins) and 15mg of zinc versus 10mg. Alpha Base has a higher amount of calcium and magnesium in the right ratio (although still low, but I appreciate the research showing the superior absorption of albion chelates) and 112mcg vs 75mcg of iodine. Differences aside, I don’t see a justification of the $69.95 price tag of Alpha Base for a month supply based on this formula.

      • John

        Thank You for reply! I had turned my attention to Alpha Base because the Multi you propose have a formula that does not matter to me: the Naturelo Whole-Food 4 capsule per day would be perfect if it had higher B-complex levels (too weak 4 mg for B1, B2, B6;even increasing the dose at safe 6 cps per day or up 8 per day did not even reach half the required amount of 20-25 mg); theThorne Basic Nutrients 2 a Day instead has low Iodine level, a bad zinc/copper ratio for my needs (20:1 when i need at least a 10:1 zinc/copper ratio, better 7.5:1) and too much vitamin B3 (80mg too many for me, max 50mg). What do you think of this ? It has low Vitamn D but I think doubling the dose to 4 cps per day still remain on a safe level, 400IU of vitamin D in the summer time I think it can be fine…

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi John,

          I think this a good example of where creating your own multivitamin with multiple products may be a better approach. I would be more inclined to choose a B-complex with the dosages needed, a multi-mineral with the proper zinc/copper ratio for you, then other additions like vitamin C, E, D or K2 depending on what exactly you are trying to target. However, this can also get pricey. If you prefer the multivitamin route and you don’t mind the cost, I would say the Alpha Base is a better formula than the Terranova.

  196. PJ

    Alex, why do they not make paleo vitamins in gummy form?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi PJ,

      Likely because to create a gummy form may require some non-paleo ingredients and sweeteners. I am also not aware of researching showing the stability of vitamins in the gummy form.

  197. Jeff Mortensen

    Hey Alex,
    I was wondering if there are any green superfood powders that you recommend like amazing grass or the pure synergy superfood? I’m just wondering what you think of these types of supplements?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jeff,

      It may sound surprising, but I don’t think very highly of dehydrated fruit and vegetable powders. Their nutrient value depletes pretty quickly during processing and exposure to oxygen and light. Many of the companies add water-soluble vitamins and carotenoids back in to make up for the loss. You also want to see heavy metal and chemical testing with the green powders since you can get a concentrated dose of either if they are getting their raw materials from a poor source. I think that North American Herb and Spice’s wild greens or wild berry liquids are better preserved and much more potent. I reference both of them in my Best Foods to Prevent Skin Cancer article.

  198. Jeff Mortensen

    Ok thanks for the information I’ll take a look at those 🙂

  199. Brian

    Alex, I am currently taking Thorne Basic 2 but just one capsule per day; I have been taking the one capsule with one capsule of their Stress B-Complex; what do you think of the totals bs in that approach? I have been doing so to boost thiamin amount and get to 400 mcg folate; better off bagging the b complex? Also, with K being at 200mcg with one Basic 2 capsule, should there be concern that even that amount is too much? I’ve seen you have written about Berrimax and GreenFlush from North American Herbs& Spices; if I bag the b complex I might try taking these two formulas on alternating days (Berrimax with the multi one day and Greenflush the next); thoughts? My daily regime would be: 1 Basic 2 cap, 3 Pure Encapsulations Mag glycinate caps (1 cap am and 2 caps before bed); 2 grams Nordic Naturals Omega liquid oil; Berrimiax or Greenflush….that’s it for “building my own”. Thoughts? In building my own, might add choline if there is something you could point me to. Thanks for your insights in advance!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      I don’t think the extra B-complex is necessary, even if you are only taking 1 capsule of the Basic Nutrients. You can easily get an extra 200mcg of folate-rich foods on most days.

      No, I talked with Thorne and there isn’t any research showing that much vitamin K is harmful. In fact, much higher doses of K2 are being used for certain disorders without issues.

      Yes, I think the Berrimax and Greensflush are excellent wild products that are stable.

      If glycinate isn’t working well for you, I would try malate. The typical aim is 500-600mg of magnesium daily for anxiety.

      A probiotic would probably be better than choline, depending on your diet and digestive health. Also, higher doses of vitamin C help nourish the adrenal glands (dopamine and adrenaline pathway) and modulate the stress response. Adaptogens like ashwagandha can also benefit cortisol levels and balance the HPA axis, lowering anxiety.

  200. Brian

    Alex, Any recommended products or posts for anxiety? I already take Mag and increased fish oil to 2 grams. Thanks again!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      Did you see this article?

      I have found that it is very important to understand the source and type of anxiety because it can be different for everyone. For some people it is linked to the serotonin pathways, others it can be dopamine and adrenaline, high glutamate and low GABA, high estrogen/low progesterone in women or low testosterone and high estrogen in males, low choline intake, poor gut health, or a combination of these. Heavy metal toxicity and certain drugs/antibiotics can especially disrupt these pathways.

      • Brian

        Alex, Just read it …thank you! Not sure if you caught me previous post as well re: Thorne Basic + B Vites. Much appreciated. Be well, Brian

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Anselmo,

      Elite is formulated very close to Basic Nutrients II, but with higher amounts and is more than double the price. The Basic Nutrients is a potent formula to begin with. More may seem better, but you can go too high with certain vitamins and minerals. This combination contains 1,000mcg of folate, and this may be too high for certain people. It also contains choline (equivalent to about 2 eggs), green tea extract, curcumin and bark extracts. Since the magnesium target for most people (esp. athletes) is in the 400-600mg range, this formula falls short at 170mg. I would be more inclined to use the Basic Nutrients and buy extra magnesium, which would still be less than the price of Elite.

      • anselmo

        Thank You! Your considerations seem right to me…but…what are the risks of taking a high amount of folate (1.000 mcg or even more)? As it is methyl-folate and not synthetic folic acid. There are supplements provided by Thorne Research containing 5,000 mcg or 15,000 mcg of methyl-folate!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Anselmo,

          Some people can get severe anxiety, insomnia, headaches and other issues from higher levels of methylfolate. This is often negated by niacin, which is why it is better to take methylfolate with a B-complex instead of isolated. The belief is that there is an over-methylation process that occurs in some people, which affects the neurotransmitters and nitric oxide. Niacin is given to reduce this response, which works by quenching excess methyl groups. In my opinion, there isn’t a need to dose methylfolate that high and you risk adverse effects.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Mrs H.,

      You are very welcome. I remember someone from the UK asking about these products before, but I’m not sure if we got clear answers from the company. I would call and find out if the folate is in the form of folic acid and if the B12 is in the form of cyanocobalamin. Those were my main concerns and it isn’t clear in the ingredient section.

  201. Michael

    Omg I was going crazy for some reliable information that actually makes sense… ty so you take donations? I can donate 5 bucks help me have less of a headache ty so much

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Michael,

      That is very generous of you and I really appreciate the idea. Your timing is coincidental because PaleoEdge was originally funded by the Amazon Affiliate program, which helped cover the costs of the site and part of my time writing and answering questions. Changes were made to the Amazon program in March, and PaleoEdge can longer be funded this way. I want to keep the in-depth research and spend time answering each question personally, so I think an optional donation page is a great idea. Any small contribution helps! Here is the page and thank you for the offer.

  202. Tom Matusak

    Alex, Great site! I’m 56, push myself pretty hard from a fitness standpoint. primarily Crossfit workouts. I’ve been taking Controlled labs Orange Triad for years. Stopped all inflammation and soreness. However, I see very little in terms of reviews on it. Any comments? How would you rate it to Naturello?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Tom,

      It’s not a bad formula, and they did many things right with it. However, it uses folic acid and that would be my main criticism. This is a stronger formula, and I would say the Thorne Basic Nutrients 2 a day is the comparable one with a better profile.

  203. Katie

    I am so thrilled to have found you! What a blessing to read through all your information here! I was hoping you could help my husband and me with finding a decent vitamin/supplement for my husband to enhance his sperm count, morphology, and motility. I’m exhausted from searching for the “perfect” combination or product. I would really appreciate any help you could give us. Please include brands of the products you recommend as you know not all are created equal. Thank you so much!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Katie,

      That’s very nice of you to say. Finding the right combination really depends on what your husband needs most. Here is an article I wrote that has specific research for men’s fertility. Let me know if this helps narrow down his needs and I can be more specific on products and brands.

  204. Susan Myers

    Thanks for writing this great article about pros and cons of multivitamins. It is kind of a unique article as many other articles just write about benefits of multivitamins. What is your take about these multivitamins for pregnant women.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Susan,

      It looks like all three use synthetic folic acid, so I wouldn’t recommend using them.

  205. Meri

    I am a patient of Crohn’s Disease, and several of my friends have suggested that I try supplements from the popular direct selling brand, Plexus. They cite miracle testimonials and their own personal experiences. (It should be noted that some of these friends sell Plexus, others do not but have heard of its reputation for aiding gut health and recommend it based on its reputation.) I am a big believer in using a healthy lifestyle to combat chronic illness when possible, and even my doctor tells me that she believes that proper supplementation and diet control will one day be considered the “cure” for Crohn’s and UC. I would love to find a diet and supplementation plan powerful enough to get me off of the $100k per year biologic meds that are currently keeping in remission, but I’m hesitant to trust a direct selling supplement. Do you have any insight into the credibility of Plus brand supplements?

    • Meri

      Sorry for the typo at the end: I am inquiring as to the credibility of Plexus brand supplements, not Plus brand. Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Meri,

      I have analyzed their products before. The Plexus XFactor uses methylfolate and methylcobalamin which is good. However, it is a strange multivitamin formula because it doesn’t contain any minerals, beta-carotene, vitamin A or K. It just contains b-vitamins, C, D and E. So I wouldn’t qualify this as a multivitamin if you are looking to get the foundational amount of vitamins and minerals. The probiotic by Plexus is too low in diversity and quantity of probiotics.

      The problem with these type of companies is that their products are more expensive due to the multi-level marketing approach. I think there are plenty of reputable brands with better products and prices.

  206. Jane

    Hi. What do you think about these?
    I know they are a little low on some vitamins, but are the vitamin and mineral types okay? They do say mathylcolalamin and folate, but what about the others? EVERY SINGLE supplement i have been looking at, feed vitamins to yeast or plants, and then say that the vitamins then are good and natural, but i dont know what to think about it?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jane,

      My first thought is that these are very low in vitamins and minerals and you would be better off spending money on quality food. Folic acid as folate is a little confusing, so I’m not sure if it is folic acid or folate. I don’t think much of companies using USP vitamins fed to yeast until I see some research.

  207. Jane

    Thanks for the answer. I have also been looking at cytoplan, but im not sure how they are made. I have been using b complex from pure synergy, but found out they also feed usp vitamins to their yeast. But maybe naturelo is also made that way? I cant find anything on there webside about it.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jane,

      I just looked at the Cytoplan 50+ product and their formulation looks very good. Naturelo does not use the USP vitamin/yeast/culture process. They are very transparent about their ingredients and have good customer service if you have questions about the formulation.

  208. Brian

    Alex, I am very intrigued with a new formula that just hit market:;jsessionid=777C1A740A76776B07D7D6D4C297EFA1.jvm1?intcmp=drop-newatpurity . The Purity Products Mens formula offers 300 mg of magnesium in a decent form and has ideal amounts, in my opinion, of A,C,D, Zinc, Selenium, Chromium and Lutein; the research behind the included Spectra blend appears to be pretty solid for supporting and boosting nitric oxide; most intriguing, the B12, B6 and Folate amounts are based on Oxford University’s clinically tested and patented ratios; I would have like to see some mixed tocopherols in the multi formula but one can’t expect everything! Give it a look and let me know your thoughts. I know you always are continually reviewing and testing different formulas and think it could be a formula for you and your clients to try. I have used their Super Greens multi formula in the past; I have also tried MegaFood’s mens +40 formula, Garden of Life multis, Pure Encapsulations Mens Nutrients, and more recently Thorne’s basic 2 day for a couple months. This new offering seems impressive (even though a little pricey.)

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      It looks like they have followed the research and made the appropriate changes, especially for testosterone production. I’m not sure why they insist on using synthetic folic acid, omitting K2 and not including the full spectrum vitamin E. While the Spectra blend looks good, my argument is that when using only 100mg, it is better to use one really good ingredient at that amount versus tiny amounts of lots of ingredients that are not clinically relevant.

  209. Cathy

    Hi Alex, I am currently using Xtend Life Total Balance for Women Premium multivitamen and their Omega 3/QH Ultra fish oil soft gels. I have had excellent results with these products but they are very expensive at $4.33 per day. Is there a comparable brand that offers vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements that are more affordable?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Cathy,

      What results did you notice exactly? That could help me narrow down what is most important for you.

    • Mon

      Hi Alex,
      I’m looking for some multivitamin for myself and the kids. U have not be taking anything at all, but now o think I must do something. I live a quite stressful life. We have three young kids, I’m back to work which means I need to be up at night and at daytime too.. No much rest I can have during the day, altogether 6-7, but always have to get up once or twice at night to the kids. I think I have hormonal imbalance too… I’m 37 this year.
      I know I should look for some women vitamin maybe but I just interested in multivitamins first. Unfortunately your recommendation of Naturelo and Thorns vitamins ate experiensive for us to take on a everyday basis, so I’m looking for something cheaper. I know if it’s cheaper it comes with cheaper quality too sadly… But at the moment I can’t afford more.
      I’ve come across with the Doctor’s best multivitamin… Is that OK or not? I find that some B vitamins level are extremely high! Is that possible? I read some of your articles where you advice lower doses… Could you give your opinion on this please? Also what should I give to the children? I think in A, C, D3 vitamins mainly.. Something else?
      This is the link to the Doctor’s Best..
      Thank you

      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        Hi Mon,

        I can understand your dilemma. My recommendation would be to try the Basic Nutrients 2 a day, but only take 1 a day. This would make it much more affordable. The Doctor’s Best multi-vitamin looks mostly good, but yes, I think some of those B-vitamins are unnecessarily high. This can cause worse anxiety in some people.

        I have a children’s multivitamin article here:

        It can be challenging to find a quality multivitamin for less money than this, so my opinion is that it is better to lower the dose to make it last longer versus buying a cheaper multivitamin where the absorption is questionable.

    • Vijay

      Hi Cathy,

      I`m also using Xtend-life’s Total Balance Men’s Premium with Omega 3/QH ultra which makes me feel really good. But also looking for a cost efficient alternative.

      Please do let me know if you have found one, thank you

  210. LANCE

    Hello thank you for the informative article. I want to take my multi in powder form. Can you recommend a powder multi brand?

      • LANCE

        Hi Alex,
        Are all vitamins available today gonna be synthetic? I was told these are synthetics:
        or clues on your vitamin’s label that offer insight into the origin of the vitamin.

        Vitamin A: Retinyl Palmitate
        Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Thiamine Mononitrate, Thiamine Hydrochloride
        Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Riboflavin
        Pantothenic Acid: Calcium D-Pantothenate
        Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
        Vitamin B12: Cyanocobalamin
        PABA (Para-aminobenzoic Acid): Aminobenzoic Acid
        Folic Acid: Pteroylglutamic Acid
        Choline: Choline Chloride, Choline Bitartrate
        Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): Ascorbic Acid
        Vitamin D: Irradiated Ergosteral, Calciferol
        Vitamin E: dl-alpha tocopherol, dl-alpha tocopherol acetate or succinate
        I’m confused because these ‘synthetics’ I listed here are found in the top rated ‘natural’ vitamin products. So, it it impossible to avoid synthetics? I feel more confused every day. Thanks, Lance

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Lance,

          Excellent question. The answer is, it really depends on the vitamin. When you think of how something is “synthesized,” you see that the process and form are often one of the most important aspects in determining a truly synthetic form. I disagree with the “natural” label next to a vitamin because it is ambiguous.

          For example, vitamin C as L-ascorbate is technically synthetic but it is the bioidentical form found in the body with thousands of studies backing up its effectiveness and safety. Vitamin C as half D-ascorbate, however, is the inferior form and should be avoided. Sometimes this isn’t clear on the label and it will only say ascorbic acid, which is when I ask companies. Beta-carotene comes in a synthetic all-trans versus “natural” cis-trans isomeric carotenoid mixtures. I’m on the fence regarding retinyl palmitate because it is a bioidentical form and I haven’t seen any issues in research.

          Beta carotene is synthesized as a complete mixed carotenoid mixture in the natural form but is isolated as a different form in the synthetic form. In this case, the synthetic form is not accepted by the body. The same is true of vitamin E in the synthetic dl-alpha-tocopherol form, but the synthesized form that includes all the tocopherols and does not have the “dl” is the natural form.

          Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate that does not occur in nature and therefore should be avoided. Methylfolate and folinic acid is the form found in food. B6 as the P-5-P form is the form found in food, while pyridoxine hydrochloride has to be converted to P-5-P, much like how folic acid has to be converted in the folate cycle. Cyanocobalamin is the synthetic form while methylcobalamin is the food form. The other B’s get complicated with their production. Some are synthesized from food, but they have poor stability like food-based vitamin C. Many people avoid B’s that are produced by yeast, but yeast naturally produces B-vitamins and so do probiotics in your gut. That’s why fermented drinks like Kombucha are high in B’s due to the yeast. While I don’t agree with the USP-vitamins fed to yeast in a broth process, yeast produced B-vitamins makes sense to me over other productions.

          Choline is a complicated one and I am still trying to get clarity on all the different forms.

          The research on whether The Vitamin D as ergosterol is the form found in mushrooms known as D2 and is poorly absorbed. Cholecalciferol is the D3 form and best absorbed by the body.

          Hope this helps!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Thao,

      Unfortunately, this one has all the poor forms of vitamins and minerals. It uses synthetic vitamin E, folic acid, cyanocobalamin and oxide forms of minerals.

      • Thao Le

        Thanks for your information. This product is also quite popular in bodybuilding world, but I’m sure not many people know the bad effects in long run.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Thao,

          You’re right. It is ironic how many people in that community, who are focusing so hard on their body, are using numerous poorly made products with potentially harmful ingredients.

  211. Ash

    Hi Alex, I had been doing some research on mineral absorption and I came upon that garlic and onion helps with the absorption of minerals, is this true? Also, are there any other foods or supplements that may help, like bio-perine?; and should one eat minerals after food? I also came across that protein strips minerals from the human body and may negatively affect absorption of minerals. I wasn’t able to find much on how fat or carbs affect mineral absorption, with the research that you’ve done what’s your take on fats or carbs affecting mineral absorption?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Ash,

      Yes, there quite a few things that can help mineral absorption. The easy answer is to focus on mineral-rich foods because there are numerous co-factors involved in absorption. Bio-Perine has been found to increase selenium, vitamin B, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10 and beta-carotene. Salt and pepper on our food are appearing to have a design beyond taste.

      It terms of protein intake, calcium loss is usually what is discussed with high protein diets. Some studies have found that protein promotes urinary calcium loss, other studies have found that protein actually increases calcium absorption and decreases calcium secretion in the gastrointestinal tract to cause no change in total body calcium. Many protein foods are also high in phosphorus, which decreases calcium excretion. I think there is a checks and balances system already in place for us with real foods.

      There’s a lot of factors that are increasing and decreasing the absorption of minerals. I give some examples here:

      For fat and carbohydrates, it depends on the source. Essentially, a depleted nutrient source is going to deplete the body of nutrients to digest and metabolize it. For example, refined flour stripped of all its nutrients is going to lower nutrient levels in the body, while a sweet potato packed with vitamins and minerals will increase both. A nut is going to provide numerous minerals with fat, while refined vegetable oil is going to tax the system for detoxification.

  212. Ajeet

    Hi Alex, Could we use Thorne Research, O.P.C.-100 as a subtitute for Thorne Research, Phosphatidyl Choline as the former is completely vegeterian , thus avoiding the bovine gelatin in the latter.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Ajeet,

      Yes, absolutely.

  213. Hunter

    Had the good fortune to find your website about 3 weeks ago. Going to order the Thorne Basic Nutrient’s 2 A Day plus and Wiley’s Finest product. Went to there website and they have Fish Oil plus Plant Sterol (B Sitosterol). I have high cholesterol = Triglycerides + low HDL and my new Doctor wants me to start on Niacin. My Father did not do well at all on this so I’m initially reluctant. Would appreciate any thoughts on phytosterols & Niacin usage. Doctor said ‘cut out the carbs’ so i am looking into different eating modus operandi’s. I prefer 2nd shift work hours 3pm-11pm so bedtime for myself is 2 -3am. Yes i’ve always had a Midnight snack !!! Idea’s for ‘acceptable’ snacking at this Hour, barring to many carbs/sugar would be ………. DIVINE 🙂

    The late Robert Kowalski author of “8 week cholesterol Cure” endorsed a supplement company called Endurance Products in Sherwood, Oregon. Thought I would bring them to your attention for further research & your Follower’s. Also came across http://www.Kettle& last evening. All they do is make Bone Marrow broth + Chicken broth version ……. described/marketed as a ‘SuperFood’ in essence. Saw your recommendation for that exotic mineral water ( Deep Deep Pockets for that item IMO ) ……… you might find this a less expensive alternative perhaps. Appreciate any enlightenment you can send Hunter’s way !!!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Hunter,

      If your cholesterol profile is mainly weighted due to high triglycerides, then yes, the doctor’s recommendation is correct. Sugar and excess flour-based carbohydrates are the main drivers. John Hopkins did a review of 50 articles on raising HDL and found that exercise, body mass, omega-3 fatty acids and reducing high glycemic foods (sugar, flour foods) to be the most important. B-vitamins (esp. niacin) seems to be beneficial as well. B-vitamins are better tolerated as a complex versus an isolate. You may want to discuss using a B-complex first with your doctor if you are concerned about niacin on its own. Results with phytosterols are mixed.

      Fish oil does help lower triglycerides, but the response varies based on certain genes. Fish oil has also been found to increase HDL.

      In terms of late night snacks, high fiber foods are going to be the best. Think celery, carrots, and hummus or some Greek yogurt with freshly ground flax seeds and berries.

      Yes, we recommend Kettle and Fire at my Swanson Health Center practice, however it is a little pricey too. Ha, well the way I justify the cost of the mineral water is that I don’t drink coffee, so $1.49 for a liter of mineral water for energy is a pretty good deal :). At least that’s what I tell myself.

  214. Jeff

    Hey Alex,
    I was wondering what you thought of MaryRuth’s organic liquid multivitamin would it be a good liquid multivitamin option? How does a liquid multivitamin like this compare to Naturelo and Thorne’s multivitamin?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jeff,

      I think liquid is fine for minerals, but water-soluble vitamins like B-vitamins, carotenoids, and vitamin C may not be stable compared to Naturelo or Thorne.

      • Jeff

        Ok thanks for the information =)

  215. Kim

    Wow, I am super impressed at the time you take to answer people’s questions with such thought and research. I’ve never come across a comment section like this – you are amazing.
    I decided to go with Naturelo for myself and my children, ages 3 and 5. We are transitioning to becoming vegans, and the Naturelo B12 dose is low (3mcg in the children’s). Is it necessary (and safe) to supplement with additional B12 on top of the multivitamin? I was looking for the natural B12 (methylcobalamin) and it was very difficult to find in a vegan multivitamin, but Naturelo provides it (same with Vit.D from lichen). I am quite impressed with their ingredient list.
    Thoughts on further supplementation of B12 (and any recommendations) or is what they provide enough? We do consume it in our daily diet but probably not enough to meet the RDA.
    Thank you.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kim,

      Thank you, I appreciate that.

      Yes, it is safe to supplement with additional methylcobalamin. Whether or not if it is necessary depends on multiple factors regarding individual B12 absorption, transportation, and requirements (digestive health and diversified gut flora being one). Many people are unaware that healthy gut flora produces numerous B-vitamins, including B12. Fermented foods, drinks, and prebiotic foods help boost B12 status. The other major nutrient to be conscious of while transitioning a family to a vegan diet is iron. Be sure to include vitamin C rich food with iron rich plants to boost absorption because iron is poorly absorbed from the plant kingdom. Cooking in cast iron is another option.

      • Kim

        I appreciate your feedback so much, thank you!

  216. Marshall

    Hi Alex, Thank you for such an informative website. For an Athletic Supplement and choosing between the Pure Encapsulations Athletic Pure Pack and the Thorne Multi-Vitamin Elite which would you recommend over the other and/or what are your thoughts on the two vs other options? Thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Marshall,

      Here is a response I gave before regarding Elite:

      Elite is formulated very close to Basic Nutrients II, but with higher amounts and is more than double the price ($59.99). The Basic Nutrients is a potent formula to begin with. More may seem better, but you can go too high with certain vitamins and minerals. This combination contains 1,000mcg of folate, and this may be too high for certain people. It also contains choline (equivalent to about 2 eggs), green tea extract, curcumin and bark extracts. Since the magnesium target for most people (esp. athletes) is in the 400-600mg range, this formula falls short at 170mg. I would be more inclined to use the Basic Nutrients and buy extra magnesium, which would still be less than the price of Elite.

      Regarding the Athletic Pure Pack ($77.60), this packet includes 9 capsules versus 6 capsules in Elite. What makes this one different is that it includes fish oil and creatine (others as well, but these are standouts). Like Elite, it is also low in magnesium at 100mg.

      If I had to choose one, I would likely choose the Athletic Pure Pack. My own choice would be to purchase a multivitamin or multimineral, magnesium and fish oil to create my own combination with approximately 6-9 capsules.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Michelle,

      This article mentioned is promoting all products that use a process of feeding USP-vitamins to yeast in a nutrient rich broth and calling it whole food. So these companies are also mixing synthetics with food.

      Here is a response I gave to a reader with a similar question:

      I think the important thing to understand with the word “synthetic” and “synthesized” is that the source and the end product is what’s important. For example, synthetic beta-carotene is inferior to a natural synthesized beta-carotene from the seaweed D. Salinas. Methylfolate is the food form of folate that is synthesized, while folic acid is a synthetic form of folate that doesn’t exist in nature. Dl-alpha-tocopherol is a synthetic E that is inferior to the natural synthesized form from soy or rice bran oil which is d-alpha-tocopherol with mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols. All of vitamin C as ascorbic acid is synthetic, however, 100 percent L-ascorbate is superior to 50 percent D-ascorbate. And the list keeps going. Then you match up clinical research with the absorption, results, and safety of each one. Good multivitamins will be a blend of synthetic in the right bioavailable form, and natural forms synthesized from plants.

      I mention this in the introduction to Naturelo’s product because they recognized that stability and efficacy of certain vitamins and minerals are a problem when processing foods into a powder. Just like your vegetables wilting after a few days, certain vitamins diminish rapidly.

  217. Rebecca Fohrenkamm

    Do you think it’s necessary for someone with a slow Thyroid to take both a multivitamin and a Probiotic? I have recently used Plexus products but am thinking it get’s so expensive unless you recruit people under you, which I don’t want to do, but as I back away I wonder if everything I was taking is necessary? I have three kids and work out 5-6 days a week from 30-60 minutes but am tired and sometimes have trouble sleeping and I seem to never loose weight. I eat mostly Paleo but I still have a little cream in my coffee. Other than that most days are good. I don’t want to keep taking unnecessary things but can’t seem to nail down what exactly I do need.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Sergey,

      I wouldn’t recommend either formula because they both use synthetic folic acid.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Sergey,

      Same issue with folic acid and cyanocobalamin. You want to see one that says methylfolate and methylcobalamin for those two.

  218. Jen

    Thank you for the wealth of info. Been researching a multivitamin for MTHFR and Seeking Health Optimal Multivitamin seems promising although it shows aspartate form of magnesium. Online research info conflicts as to it being healthy and others dangerous for those with depression and other conditions. May you provide more info on this form if should be avoided… Thanks so much.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jen,

      Any multivitamin with riboflavin and methylfolate will support the MTHFR enzyme. Aspartate has research behind it in terms of performance, but when glutamic acid or aspartic acid are not protein bound, it raises levels of glutamate and aspartate in the body. You could argue that magnesium helps offset this elevation. My opinion is that these are excitatory, and therefore if someone is sensitive to elevated levels, it could potentially be a problem. I think malate and glycinate forms should be used instead of aspartate.

  219. Kelsey Stottlemyre

    What about Best Nest Men’s Multivitamins? It looks good for MTHFR. Is that correct?

  220. Samuel Stratton

    Hello, I was wondering what you thought of the perfect pack by nutrilite from Amway. this is the combination of the double x, fruit and vegetable concentrate and their fish oil product.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Samuel,

      The Perfect Pack is pretty comprehensive, but they took some shortcuts and used poor forms of certain vitamins including folic acid instead of methylfolate, cyanocobalamin instead of methylcobalamin, zinc oxide and magnesium oxide. The other ingredient section also contains sucrose and soy protein isolate.

  221. LANCE

    Hi Alex,

    I want to thank you for all you do here to help everyone.

    Alex are liquid multi’s the purest kind available? I want to take a liquid multi but one with zero synthetics. Is there anything on the market like this? Again, many thanks…

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Lance,

      Thank you for the appreciation, I’m happy to help.

      For liquid multi’s, the purest kind is going to be a liquid multimineral like Concentrace by Trace Minerals Research. Any liquid multivitamin is going to contain synthetics.

  222. Naomi

    Hi There,
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and articles. Very helpful.

    Could you comment on the quality of NBI’s supreme multivitamin?

    I have taken it with good success in the way I feel (more energy, stamina, etc…)…moreso than I notice on your Thorne Basic Nutrients 2 recommendation.

    Would appreciate your input. Thank you much!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Naomi,

      Thanks for taking the time to read the article and reach out! The NBI Supreme Multivitamin uses folic acid instead of methylfolate and has a very low level of iodine, so it wouldn’t be one I recommend. I couldn’t say why you felt more energy and stamina with that product in comparison to the Thorne product. My guess would be is that it is due to the higher level of magnesium (150mg) and vitamin C (1,000mg) in the NBI product. Magnesium and vitamin C are two of the most important nutrients to supplement in my opinion.

      • Naomi

        Thank you so much for responding Alex. Very helpful and insightful. It does occur to me that I have noticed increase energy levels with Vitamic C in the past. Perhaps I’ll increase the magnesium and Vit C with supplements in addition to the Thorne Basic and see. I do know my body definitely needs magnesium supplementation! So thankful for your informative advice and your efforts to educate us! 🙂

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Naomi,

          You’re very welcome! Happy to help anytime.

  223. Anna Vice

    What are your feelings on doterra vitamins?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Anna,

      Do you have any particular products you would like me to review from Doterra?

  224. William Simkiss

    Wonderful article! and very helpful,

    I was wondering if you could comment on Thorne Research’s multi compared to their “Al’s Formula”. I am well over 40.

    Thank you so very much for all of this!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi William,

      Thank you! Al’s Formula is stronger than the Basic Nutrients, I would say unnecessarily so with certain vitamins and minerals. Certain ones do make sense to have higher, like vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin C. The inclusion of saw palmetto is helpful for prostate health. Al’s Formula requires 4-8 capsules versus 2 capsules with Basic Nutrients. I would be more inclined to use the Basic Nutrients, and add in vitamin C, magnesium and saw palmetto (depending on your health needs) for the same pill count with a better ratio of vitamins and minerals.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Stefan,

      From what I can tell, most of it looks okay. It must be one big tablet. The only criticism I have is that the B6 is much higher than it should be. I’m not sure why they chose that dose.

      • Stefan

        Hi Alex,

        Thanks for your quick response!

        Unfortunately, today I received the message that I can not buy Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2 / Day in the Netherlands. The Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2 / Day is not allowed in Europe in connection with the use of certain mineral compounds.
        It’s also unfortunate that Naturelo is not for sale in the Netherlands 🙁
        I think I have to make a choice between the brand “Now Adam” or “Life Extension”.

        • Stefan

          Oops, the life extension two-day tablets have 75mg Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl, pyridoxal-5′-phosphate). The upper limit in Europe is 25mg and that will not be for nothing.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Stefan,

            Yes, Life Extension is notorious for having very strong formulas.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Stefan,

      The first two are solid. Great to see some better options in Europe. I would pass on the third one due to the use of folic acid.

      • Stefan

        Hi Alex,

        You have helped me super!
        Deep bow for you! 🙂

  225. Justin

    Through my research I also concluded that Naturelo is one of the best, before I found your site. I also like mykind and Dr. Fuhrman’s. I am thinking about alternating days between mykind and naturelo (whole food one), your thoughts on this…or just supplement with Naturleo?

    Lastly, Dr Fuhrman states that certain nutrients shouldnt be in multivitamins, he isnt alone in this thought process too.

    1. Pretty much beta carotene is harmful in isolated form, and I guess you cant get all the careotenoids from beta carotene food into a supplement. You need all those other factors, or else the beta carotene is more harmful than helpful.

    2. He doesnt include folic acid in his supplements, but also not folate either? Is the kind of folate in naturelo just as bad as folic acid?

    3. Vitamin E is harmful in supplement form, and should only be taken in food form; similar reasons as beta carotene I imagine.

    4. Doesnt like copper or selenium in adult formula’s. I agree with the copper, since we get so much from plants? Would the copper in naturelo’s formula be too much for someone who is vegan?

    5. Minerals compete for absorption, so wont some cancel each other out in Naturelo’s as well?

    He doesnt include these nutrients in his adult formula’s, because they are more harmful than helpful. Is he right for omitting any of these nutirents, should naturelo do as well?

    1st link is for more information on why omitted, 2nd is for product on amazon for wife.

    Thank You very much!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Justin,

      I see no issue with alternating products.

      1. I agree that beta-carotene should be full spectrum with all the carotenoids and not isolated.

      2. No, there is a major difference between folic acid and folate (methylfolate or folinic acid). See this article here:

      3. I think vitamin E should be in lower dosages in most cases, 30IU or less. It should also be full spectrum with tocopherols and tocotrienols, not isolated and not synthetic. Certain genetic variants in glutathione genes can show harm or help with vitamin E supplementation.

      4. I would agree with that reasoning for copper. However, zinc also comes packaged with copper in food and if you are supplementing higher amounts of zinc daily, this could cause copper levels to go too low. My thought is that copper has its place when zinc is 15mg or higher but at 1mg or lower. If you are vegan, that does change things a little bit and therefore it may be wise to avoid copper in supplements to make sure you are getting enough zinc. I disagree with selenium not being included. Selenium levels range quite a bit in the soil based on where you live and how much seafood you consume. Lower levels are preferred and he is correct that higher levels are toxic, most likely as you get above 200mcg. I have spoken to Thorne Research about this fact.

      5. There is a checks and balances system with minerals in food too. Calcium is a great example of this. I wouldn’t say many are canceling each other out. The levels are being tightly regulated.

      Let me know if you have any other questions.

      • Justin

        Thank You Alex, just a few more points for clarity:

        1. So I take it Dr. Fuhrmans supplement wouldn’t make a good choice to alternate with either Naturelo or mykind? Also they use Calcium absorbate I believe, which is unusual.

        2. The vitamins that Fuhrman warns about are pertaining more to synthetics? So Natuelo vitamin a and e would be fine, same with mykind to take daily?

        3. I see you never came to a conclusion on MaryRuth minerals, do you like them better than your recommendation?

        4. For your typical vegan, would I be better off alternating between natuerlo and mykind; or alternating between a multivitamin and a multimineral with b complex?

        5. I know iron, zinc, calcium, and I believe magnesium compete for the same absorption. So, any other minerals/vitamins that compete for bio-availability? You’re sure that minerals in these formula’s wont push each other out of the way for absorption, and deprive me of the RDA?

        6. Lastly, “I know, sorry” Naturelo seems like a good supplement. But it has mixed reviews on fakespot and reviewmeta. They also sent me a vegan certificate for authenticity via email, and the company is called Natural Products Analytics Group, owned by James Connaughton. This company has mixed/suspicious review too. Their certificate they sent me was dated the date of the inquiry, rather than the actual date it was certified. It also says certified vegan on the certificate, so why not display that on the supplement since they are paying for it? These just make the company seem odd. I also know there are numerous reports of supplement companies not containing the nutrients they claim to contain, since it isnt regulated. They put false ingredients in the bottle, in order to turn a profit. How do we know these companies are trustworthy? Its the reason why I want to alternate supplements.

        PS. Thiamine, Niacin, Riboflavin, B6, Pantothenic acid, B12,and Biotin are created via fermentation with probiotics for those wondering. This is straight from Naturelo.

        My wife and I will also use your recommendation via Nutrition Genome here in a few weeks.

        Thank You, and hopefully I’ll have a supplement decision for you in a day or two.


        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Justin,

          1. I think Dr. Fuhrman’s formula is okay, not great. My opinion is that it is overpriced for what you are getting and I know it didn’t cost very much to produce. I don’t like the aspartate forms of minerals because they are excitatory. Calcium ascorbate is a combination of vitamin C and calcium, making it buffered.

          2. In terms of beta-carotene and vitamin E, yes. Synthetic forms of these have continually performed badly in studies and should be avoided. Natural vitamin E and carotenoids are what you want.

          3. I didn’t see MaryRuth minerals mentioned in your post. I think the mineral form is fine. Vitamins in liquid tend not to be stable when exposed to oxygen and light but minerals are stable. You may also like ReMyte for a liquid mineral.

          4. Naturelo and MyKind would give you pretty sufficient coverage. As a vegan, you may want to also look at choline intake. This can be a crucial nutrient, especially for about half of women with variants in the PEMT gene that lowers choline production.

          5. This starts to get a little more in-depth than I can go into for a comment. If you were to break down your meal based on the mineral composition, you would numerous minerals in different ratios. As mentioned before, the tight regulations are in place for a reason. You can get in trouble when you start supplementing really high with an isolated mineral like zinc or copper, or a high amount of calcium. I go into it here with calcium:

          6. There are definitely many issues with certain supplement companies deceiving customers. Unfortunately, some review companies aren’t exactly trustworthy either. Based on what I’ve researched about Naturelo, the formulation, the manufacturing lab, and documents I’ve reviewed, I have no reason to believe what’s on Fakespot. I can’t address the questions regarding the vegan certification as this wasn’t something I looked into. Based on the formulation, I don’t see anything that would have any animal products. Vitamin D3 is usually the issue, but they use the vegan form of D3 from lichen.

          Awesome! I think you guys would really benefit from the analysis and help you fine tune your vitamin and mineral requirements.

          • Justin

            Thank you for your time and patience. Based on what you said, we’ll take the test to see what it says in a little bit. I’ll than use it to fine tune my decision for a supplement.

            Still deciding either between two multivitamins, or one multivitamin and a mutlimineral the next day. I’ll let you know when I do.

            Also, keep a tight eye on Garden of life. They were just bought out a week ago by Nestle. They say this will help them reach more people, but like many big purchases I see quality going down. Nestle, afterall, doesnt have the best track record.

            Thank You

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Justin,

            You are absolutely right regarding the buyout. I haven’t been a big fan of Garden of Life for a few reasons, and this definitely makes me more cautious.

  226. Kim Whitacre

    Hi.. I am 57 years old and am postmenopausal. Can you please recommend a multivitamin? Thank you.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kim,

      Could you give me a little more detail on your health and goals? At a base level for post-menopause, you want a multivitamin without iron and nutrients that support memory and bone health.

      • Cat bracken

        What are your thoughts on smarty pants women’s complete multivitamin?c

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Cat,

          I would put it in the “okay” category. The thiamin, zinc, riboflavin, niacin, choline and EPA/DHA are way too low to make much of a difference.

  227. Victoria

    Would you reccomend Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2/day for a 26 year old woman? The only information I can find on gender and age is thst it is popular amongst 30-40 year olds. Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Victoria,

      I think it can be a fit for a 26 year old, but you probably only need one capsule instead of two.

  228. Justin Lovell

    1. I just purchased vitamin b12 with folic acid from NOW brand. Now I am concerned that that was a bad decision after reading about the folic acid issues. We may be looking into having kids within the next year or 2 and I’d like to have a healthy child!

    2. I’m back and forth between ordering Natrelo or Now ADAM multivitamins. I am also looking for something to improve hair loss & improve memory.

    Can you advise on the benefits of the two brands to help me make the right choice? I’m 34, fairly active, snowboard coach, in good health. Hoping to stop my eyesight from getting worse for distance (it’s not bad, but I don’t want it to get worse, I’m a cinematographer). Low vitamin D (have to take 8000/day).

    Currently taking:
    1. Vitamin b-12 with folic acid (NOW brand) x1
    2. Multi-vitamin NU-LIFE The Ultimate one original formula for active men (just ran out) x1
    3. Vitamin D Carlson Super Daily (4000/drop) x2
    4. Vitamin C Kirkland with rose hips 1000mg time release x1.
    5. MCT oil teaspoon and a half Sports Research Brand
    6. Nutrasea Omega-3 lemon flavour Teaspoon and a half
    7. NFH Probio SAP-180

    Sometimes taking:
    1. Natural factors coenzyme q10 100mg
    2. Jamieson Zinc 50mg
    3. Ginko Bilboa Organika tincture

    For hair – peppermint, rosemary, coconut oil, castor oil, jojoba oil. (sometimes emu oil and pumkin seed oil)

    Thank you!!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Justin,

      1. Yes, I would avoid folic acid.

      2. I would recommend Naturelo because NOW ADAM uses folic acid.

      3. For your eyes, you want to focus on vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin and bilberry.

      Vitamin C is best taken twice a day. I would recommend a better quality vitamin C as found here. You want to be careful with zinc supplements over 40mg. You are likely too young and active for the CoQ10 to be doing much. Everything else looks okay.

      • Justin Lovell

        Hey Alex!

        Thanks for taking the time.

        1. Can you recommend a combined vitamin / product / brand to help improve eyesight?
        2. Can you recommend a brand of Lion’s Mane? (I think it was recommended for eyesight)
        3. Is ginko Bilobla worth taking for IMPROVING MEMORY or do you recommend something different (and what brand?)

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Justin,

          1. Macular Support by Pure Encapsulations is the closest product I have seen to what I listed.

          2. I like Fungi Perfecti, Mushroom Science and Oriveda.

          3. Yes, it can be worth taking. Lion’s Mane is very beneficial for memory.

  229. Kalua Rhody

    Hi Alex,
    I don’t see my question on True Hope vitamins. Maybe it didn’t go through for some reason, or there were lots of other questions before mine.
    Just wanted to make sure that you got it. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kalua,

      Maybe my response didn’t show up. I received two questions on True Hope vitamins and was wondering if you send me a link to a particular product you would like me to analyze?

      • Kalua Rhody

        Hi Alex,
        i hadn’t seen the response to my first post, Thanks for following up.
        Here’s the link to True Hope vitamins.

        The product I am thinking of is Empower plus—for myself (36 yr old female), my husband (40 yr old male) and our two sons aged 31/2 and 51/2.

        I have heard these products are good quality and help protect the brain.
        Thanks for looking into this product!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Kalua,

          I wouldn’t recommend this product due to the use of folic acid and cyanocobalamin. You want methylfolate or folinic acid for folate, and methylcoboalamin, hydroxocobalamin or adenosylcobalamin for B12.

          • Kalua Rhody

            Thank you!

          • Kalua Rhody


            Would your recommendation shift based on their methylated version of Empower plus?

            When I called them to glean more info On their product, the sales rep said the methylated version was only for people who had a gene variation? And people without this particular mutation might find methylated versions of the B vitamins and folic acid difficult to metabolize/unnecessary.

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Kalua,

            Yes, the methylated version is better. No, the sales rep is misinformed. He or she is thinking of the MTHFR gene, where homozygous variants increase the need for B2 and methylfolate. Methylfolate is a form of folate found in food while folic acid is a synthetic version that does not exist in food. People with a normal genotype of MTHFR do not have trouble with methylfolate, but some people may have trouble with higher amounts of it. People with variants in the DHFR gene have trouble breaking down folic acid, which can bottleneck and block folate receptors.

          • Kalua Rhody

            Wow, so helpful. Thank you very much ?

  230. Marko

    Hello, what do you think about Garden of Life, Vitamin Code for Man. At some websites they are ranked as top quality and the price seems to be fine. Would you recommend it? I need a multivitamin that would strenghten my immunity and that is good for nervous system and proper nerver function and regeneration.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Marko,

      I’m not a fan of Garden of Life’s Vitamin Code product because they simply feed synthetic vitamins to yeast and market the product as if it is whole food.

  231. Jeff Jamison

    Hi. Great site!
    I’m a 61 year old active male with bronchoual asthma. I take Singular and Flovent to control my asthma. I also had radiation treatment for Prostate cancer 2 years ago. PSA level is good now at 0.44. I just had some blood work done and have a slightly low white blood count(4.1), red blood count(4.37), hemoglobin level(13.3) and Vitamin D(34). My primary physician suggested a iron supplement and an increase to 5000 IU of Vitamin D.
    I’m using Mega Food Blood Builder for iron and Now D-3 5000 IU.
    Here are my daily supplements:
    1) Naturelo Whole Food multi for Men
    2) Nature Made CoQ10 200 mg (to much?)
    3) Solar Vitamin E 100 IU (necessary?)
    4) Thorne PolyResveratrol-SR(necessary?)
    5) Host Defense mushroom Breathe
    6) Mega Food Blood Builder (26 mg iron)
    7) Now Vitamin D-3 5000 IU
    8) Nature Made Fish Oil 1200 mg (Switching to Viva Omega 3 Fish Oil soon)

    What do you think of my regiment? Any suggestions?
    Thanks, Jeff

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jeff,

      Thanks! It would take a lot more information to give you educated feedback (including genetic testing), but I’ll give you my thoughts based on the information you provided.

      1) Good choice.
      2) 100-200mg is a standard dose for CoQ10.
      3) I don’t think higher amounts of vitamin E are necessary for most men, and may even have negative effects.
      4) Research has shown that resveratrol is most likely best in the small amounts found in food, not isolated in supplements.
      5) I’m a big supporter of medicinal mushrooms.
      6) Monitor levels with your doctor.
      7) Monitor levels with your doctor.
      8) Sounds good.

      I think the major missing piece here is vitamin C, especially for lung health and white blood cells. See this vitamin C article.

  232. Cat

    What do you think of smarty pants multivitamin gummies for women and Seeking Health multivitamin for kids? My son has mthfr and my other two have not yet been tested so I am looking for quality plus true folate not folic acid for all of us.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Cat,

      I think the Seeking Health multivitamin for kids is too strong of a formulation. I do genetic testing through my company Nutrition Genome, and I can tell you that even a homozygous MTHFR 677 (heterozygous doesn’t increase the need much) does not necessarily require high amounts of methylfolate. B2 and methylfolate, along with B6, B12 and choline all help keep the methylation cycle working in harmony. You do, however, want to avoid synthetic folic acid.

      • Cat

        What about Smarty Pants gummy Multivitamins for women? My 19 yr old and I just started taking them. Are they a good quality vitamin?

  233. May LW

    Hi Alex,

    I’m interested to get the Naturelo Whole Food multi for women. However I saw a review on Amazon saying there is a California Prop 65 warning on the top of the bottles the reviewer bought. Should I be concerned?

  234. Cat

    Are Smartypants gummy multivitamins for women a good quality vitamin in your opinion? Thanks so much!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Cat,

      I actually answered your previous question on this from January 6th. See the comment where I said they are in the “okay” category.

  235. Shannon R

    Hi Alex,

    I am taking a women’s multivitamin from vitamin code. I just came across your site and noticed they aren’t the best but I will finish out my new bottle and switch. I was wondering do I also need to take a b complex separately from the multi vitamin? Or can I buy a multivitamin that has a b complex in it? I’m wanting the b complex to possibly resolve heart palpitations… I read on a blog the other day that a woman resolved hers with that. I’ve had my heart checked so I know im healthy. Maybe you have another suggestion for that? Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Shannon,

      No, you most likely do not need to take an extra B-complex since it is included in a multivitamin. You may want to also consider magnesium. See this article. Check for anything stimulating in your diet like coffee, stress can induce it and poor sleep.

      • Shannon R

        Hi Alex,

        I’ve been researching your suggestion on magnesium. I want to take it but after reading some of the reviews from people I’m hesitant. Some people had the reverse effect of using the Taurate which caused them to get heart palpitations and/or difficulty breathing. That really kind of freaks me out. Can I take another magnesium supplement that will still be beneficial for palpitations that aren’t the Taurate? The other factors you listed as possible causes for palpitations have been eliminated over a period of time so I know it’s not that. Thanks again!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Shannon,

          Yes, you don’t have to use the Taurate. All the types of magnesium are beneficial. If there is any concern, it is best to run a supplement by your doctor first because he or she will have much more information about your health than I do.

  236. Jeff

    Hi Alex,

    What a great website! Thanks for all of the valuable information you make available.

    My fiancé and I are very active 24-year-olds looking into supplementation to aid performance and recovery (she also gets frequent headaches – the doctor suggested it might be due to a deficiency). We’re thinking of the Thorne 2/day with additional magnesium, vitamin C, and krill oil (from Mercola), but have a few questions:

    1. Is the multivitamin overkill? We are healthy, but our diet is far from perfect. Originally we considered B Complex Plus instead of the multivitamin, but Thorne 2/Day seems to cover B-vitamins and have additional “insurance.”

    2. Should a 24-year-old female take the full serving of Thorne 2/day, or would you recommend only 1/day?


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jeff,

      Glad you found it informative! That sounds like a well-rounded program.

      1. The multivitamin isn’t overkill. It is supplying B-vitamins, vitamin D, E and numerous minerals that are potentially low in your diet.

      2. She likely may only need one a day, but possibly may need two a day if the headaches do not subside. Headaches can occur from low riboflavin (B2), magnesium, electrolytes in general (so hydration with electrolytes is very important), low blood sugar, stress and poor sleep.

  237. Jeff M

    Hey Alex,

    I have a question would you recommend the Polar Power by North American Herb and Spice as a substitute for the cod liver oil or what would you say would be the best choice to take between the two?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jeff,

      I think Polar Power is an excellent substitute. It is actually the one I take. I think they are pretty comparable, but wild salmon oil has astaxanthin which cod liver oil does not.

      • Jeff M

        Ok thanks for the information 🙂 I was going to start taking the Polar Power and was deciding between that and the cod liver oil.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Cristal,

      New Chapter was bought by Proctor and Gamble a few years back. If you look at the label, you will see some very cheap and poorly absorbed forms of vitamins used in the culture (magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, cyanocobalamin and folic acid and pyridoxine hydrochloride). In regards to fermented options, synthetic USP vitamins are fed to yeast in a broth. There isn’t any research that I’m aware of that shows that fermenting synthetics through yeast is advantageous over other natural forms for absorption and utilization.

  238. Cristal

    Hello Alex,

    Truly appreciate your article on how to make your own multivitamin. In the meantime, I’ve been taking New Chapter Every Woman’s One Daily Multivitamin Fermented with Probiotics, Organic-GMO Ingredients. Kindly advise if this is one you would consider a “good one” as I’m not even sure if fermented is overrated since I don’t see many fermented multi-vitamins on the market as a viable option. Thank you so much.

  239. Cristal

    Thanks Alex! Please ignore my last comment. It wasnt visible until I sent the second one!

  240. Liz

    Hello. A customer of mine talked to me into purchasing Shaklee Life Strips with iron life. A total negative is the fact that it will cost me $170 per month. In making this purchase though it got me really interested in using natural vitamins instead of over the counter one a day or Centrum that I would pick up. Can you tell me why besides the price you would not recommend Shaklee Life Strips w/iron?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Liz,

      I think it is overpriced for what you are getting. Besides the price, they have not kept up with the research and are using poor forms of vitamins and minerals like folic acid, cyanocobalamin, magnesium oxide and zinc oxide. Also, it is missing K2. You could choose a high-quality multivitamin, fish oil and calcium/magnesium supplement separately for less cost and better quality.

      • Vicki

        It is crazy that you reference the very thing that Shaklee is known for – their research. Not sure any other brand has a science team as large as Shaklee’s that actually DO THE RESEARCH and not use other research as reference. Shaklee makes the nutrition your body needs and does not make what your body does not need. The other thing you have to look at is absorption. Shaklee puts the amount of probiotics your body needs and can absorb and no more. Compare this to a brand that might put twice the probiotics but people can only absorb 5% of them. The delivery system for absorption of nutrients is something that needs considered. Who wants to take vitamins and the body not be able to use them?

  241. Carolyn

    Hi Alex! My grandson was recently diagnosed with DMDD and ADHD. He and his mom have recently moved in with me so their eating habits are improving, but my grandson was put on Guanfacine extended release for these diagnosis. Since moving in I’ve started providing the supplements IntelligentLabs Kid’s Probiotics & Prebiotics with Sunfiber & FOS along with KidGenius Attention Focus Calm chewable brain supplement. My question is: Will should I discontinue any of the supplements if he’s taking this prescription? Any do you have any thoughts on the medication itself?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Carolyn,

      That question is better targeted for a pharmacist or doctor to know for sure. I’m not familiar with the depletions/interactions of Guanfacine except for drugs that inhibit the liver enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP3A5. From what I’ve read, the scientific research appears to show that Guanfacine is effective and it has a good safety record. I wish your family the best with the transition. Good eating habits and lots of exercise can do wonders.

  242. Kathy

    I have been reading your article and the comments, though I admit I have not read them ALL. I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer which was non-aggressive and not in lymph nodes and has been removed. I still face radiation and possibly ( if I decide to take them) aromotase inhibitors. I am trying to change my diet and lifestyle by adding exercise and improving nutrition. I have always loved processed, quick food and fast foods but am really making an effort to change things. It is all very overwhelming, though. So….I found out I am osteopenic at 50 yo in my spine and aromotase inhibitors would make that worse so looking for vitamins or supplements that would 1. make me healthier and help prevent cancer recurrence and 2. strengthen my bones along with exercise. I have a friend who has seen great improvements with Plexus and I am wondering what your thoughts are on xfactor plus. Of course she uses several of their products. Just want to spend my money wisely and get the best nutrition targeted as much as possible to my goals.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kathy,

      I will try to keep this brief and straight to the point for you without being overwhelming. I can get a little verbose when it comes to cancer prevention. We have a lot of people who are interested in cancer prevention do a genetic analysis through Nutrition Genome so you can know where your genetic weaknesses are, how to customize your diet by knowing which vitamin and mineral needs are higher, and where your highest dietary and environmental sensitivities are so you know what you really need to avoid.

      I have analyzed the Plexus XFactor before. Plexus XFactor uses methylfolate and methylcobalamin which is good. However, it doesn’t contain any minerals, beta-carotene, vitamin A or K. It just contains b-vitamins, C, D and E. So I wouldn’t qualify this as a multivitamin if you are looking to get the foundational amount of vitamins and minerals. The Plexus XFactor Plus is more complete and includes a polyphenol blend. Not sure why these are the same price? I would prefer it without the sunflower oil in the extra ingredients, but I think this one would be okay to try. I would also consider doing some research on the mushroom Turkey Tail.

      For bone health, my mom’s practice has had a lot of success with Bone Builder.

  243. Lance

    Hi Alex, Thanks so much for your great site.

    If I’m taking the Thorne 2/day, will adding ‘Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops’ to my regimen help also? Or could it hurt?


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Lance,

      Appreciate it! No, I think that would be a good synergy, especially for the trace amounts of lithium and extra magnesium.

  244. Romain

    Hi Alex! I am currently trying to find a good B complex for supplementation. Reading your article and the comments, I see you recommend Purefood B, which is fine (though where is the biotin?) but horribly expensive if you look for high doses of the order of 3-4 serves a day. I found the Synergy Super B complex quite interesting in that it provides satisfactory levels of B vitamins, remains affordable and pretends to be organic. However, from all the discussions about the company in the comments I understood that their vitamins are not whole-food, but rather produced from broth enriched with synthetic vitamins which are then metabolized and converted. So my questions are:
    1) Even though vitamins are originally synthetic, does the conversion process make them any more ‘natural’ (if that makes any sense), or do they remain cheap synthetic vitamins?
    2) Do you think it is a problem to use synthetic B vitamins for supplementation? I mean, it is clear for instance that vitamins A and E should never be taken as synthetic forms, but information in this respect is harder to find for the B group.
    3) Would you recommend any other highly dosed B complex?
    Thanks for your great job and for bringing all this information to us!!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Romain,

      You are right, PureFood is missing biotin and is more expensive. This one was just added last week after many requests for a true whole food B-vitamin. I’ve added back my other recommendation as an alternative, which is Pure Encapsulations B-Complex plus.

      1) That’s the question that really hasn’t been answered by research. In theory, it sounds better, but I’ve yet to see any evidence. The issue I’ve had with Synergy and other companies using this process is the lack of transparency, which doesn’t give more confidence.

      2) Excellent question. I think there are certain synthetic forms that should be avoided like folic acid and cyanocobalamin, and that methylfolate or folinic acid and methylcobalamin should be used in their place. B6 as P-5-P is the active form, whereas pyridoxine hydrochloride needs to be converted in the liver to P-5-P. So it really comes down to the final form.

      3) I’ve seen the B-Complex Plus by Pure Encapsulations used clinically with success over and over again for those who need a stronger B-complex formula.

      You are very welcome! Let me know if you have any more questions.

      • Romain

        Hi Alex,

        thanks for the prompt and very clear answer. As it is now, I share your view that Synergy products are not transparent enoug to be trusted. I think I will just go for the B-Complex Plus by Pure Encapsulations as it appears to be the best compromise so far. Hopefully research will soon provide more information about what is really obtained when producing vitamins from the yeast fermentation process. Intuitively, I’d say that if you fortify synthetic vitamins, you might still obtain synthetic vitamins in the end. But hopefully I am wrong about this.

        Thanks again for your time and all the useful information.

      • Romain

        Dear Alex,

        by taking a look at the non-organic B complexes, I found the Bio-Active Complete B-Complex by Life Extension. This one looks okay. Would you have any thought on this specific product?

        Thanks a lot.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Romain,

          If you are looking for a very strong B-complex formula, then Life Extension is the way to go. Personally, I wouldn’t be comfortable using that much B6, nor do I think it is necessary for results.

  245. Rosie

    Dear Alex,

    I am so excited I have found your web site.It so informative.I am 50 years old and I try to eat healthy organic fruit and veggie, turkey ,chicken and fish, rarely eat red meat.I am getting in menopause and I need something that help with the hot flashes.I am taking Nutri Gold triple Strength Omega 3 fish oil for the past 2 years which helped me a lot with my knee pain (overused in spin class)and Dr. Axe multi collagen protein powder which is helping me with my dry skin. Otherwise I am healthy, exercise regularly and don’t take any medications. Curious to know what is your opinion for IntraMAX® – Liquid Vitamin Supplement ? I use to take these but not anymore because they are too expensive . What would you recommend my active 14 years old daughter and myself. Thank you for your time ! Rosie

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Rosie,

      Welcome! For hot flashes, foods that are high in phytoestrogens help. Hops actually contain the most potent phytoestrogen known. The only thing that stands out to me with IntraMAX is the use of cyanocobalamin, and sodium benzoate as a preservative (combines with vitamin C to form benzene).

      It is difficult for me to say with accuracy, but I would consider Naturelo for your daughter, and the Basic Nutrients by Thorne Research for you.

  246. Kait

    Please advise . I have multiple allergies and would like a vitamin/ mineral supplement (s).
    Allergies are: gluten wheat iodine soy corn syrup shellfish sea salt and I’m Vegan.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kait,

      The only challenge is finding a multivitamin that doesn’t have iodine. The other requirements are pretty easy to find. The only one I am aware that follows all of those parameters would be Lifeguard by Perque, however it is also a very strong formula. Otherwise, you would need to purchase multiple products and create your own multivitamin and mineral combination.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      Lutein, zeaxanthin, bilberry and vitamin C are going to be the most helpful for your eyes. Lycopene has a lot of health benefits for the prostate and cell protection. The Jarrow product isn’t bad. I’m not excited that it uses corn and sunflower oil, but the corn oil is non-GMO and likey where the higher amounts of carotenoids are coming from. You could also combine the product with this one:

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Brian,

          Yes. I would recommend Greens Flush by North American Herb and Spice and BerriMax by the same company. Both are wild sourced. Dandelion greens are high in lutein and zeaxanthin, which is in the Greens Flush formula. I’m trying to get the company to do an analysis so that we know the exact amounts of everything. The Berrimax should have a high polyphenol count (what makes bilberry so effective). Since they are cold pressed and in liquid form, both should be excellent sources including all of the other benefits of the wild plants.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Brian,

          Sorry, I forgot to comment on the Doctor’s Best product. That one looks good. I would choose it over the Jarrow product.

  247. Brian

    Alex, How significant is difference between folic acid and folate? I know you make your recommendations, in part, due to the preferred folate but is the difference any more significant than products including copper, manganese, chromium (more and more research seems to be pointing to this one), or filler stuff like mag stearate? Some recommended products at least contain some of these; folic acid – not folate – seems to be listed on a lot of food labels so all of us probably get a lot of it regardless of what we supplement w

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      I would say there is a pretty significant difference between folic acid and folate. For starters, folic acid is a synthetic form of folate that does not exist in food. Methylfolate is the form of folate found in food. You can read more about what the research has found regarding folic acid here:

      Issues with copper, manganese, and chromium appear to be more linked getting too much of these, which I agree with. Magnesium stearate seems to be up for debate and I don’t have a clear answer on that one yet.

  248. Brian

    That is, copper, chromium, maganese, etc. being reported as toxic yet many products include these; is folic acid worse than these?

  249. Jolene Ton

    Hi Alex,
    This site is amazing, thank you so much for putting so much information out there for us to consider (and doing all the hard work!)
    My husband has been taking T432 by ATP Science and thinks it’s really working for him. He’s pushing me to take it and says they’re natural. Do you know anything about this brand and if they’re a good/trustworthy product/company?
    I looked into buying any of the top 3 you listed above but it’s either unavailable in Australia, or super expensive (after delivery fee and exchange rate).
    I really appreciate any help you can give me.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jolene,

      Thank you! I’m happy to help. I haven’t heard of ATP Science before. I wouldn’t categorize this as a multivitamin or multimineral. It is essentially a weight loss/thyroid formula, with caffeine from Yerba Mate, small amounts of iodine and selenium, some cinnamon is added for blood sugar, along with a few other ingredients. I’m not familiar with the use of orchid tree. Products like these typically rely on caffeine so people feel an effect and are priced high as a specialty product. If you are trying to improve thyroid health, caffeine can be counterproductive due to the effects on the adrenal glands. If you are looking for a multivitamin or multimineral, this wouldn’t be the product you would want.

      • Jolene

        Hmmm, interesting…I wasn’t aware about the caffeine! I metabolize caffeine quickly so I don’t feel the effects from coffee. I’ll let my husband know he doesn’t need his afternoon coffee anymore because his getting his caffeine in a capsule instead!
        I’ll be getting Thorne when it’s back in stock at Iherb.
        Thanks again 😀

  250. Jan

    I have a son diagnosed with down-syndrome; he is a year old. Please what multivitamins would you recommend for him?
    I am 42 years old lady. please what multivitamins would you recommend?
    I was taking pregnacare
    I have people that have approached with with usana and melaleuca multivitamin products.I want a value for money product.
    Your assistance would be appreciated.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Jan,

      For your son, it would be best to see a Pediatrician to give you guidance since there are many factors involved that I’m not able to assess.

      Pregnacare uses synthetic vitamin E (DL-Alpha Tocopherol) folic acid and cyanocobalamin. So this isn’t a product I would use. Are you able to get any of the products listed on this page in the UK?

  251. Brian

    Alex, Back in August 2016 you posted about MegaFood multi and indicated it might be decent option behind more potent Thorne Basic 2. A while back I piloted using; it has right forms of C, D, B6, B12, folate, offers mixed tocopherols for E, etc.; thoughts re: brown rice as well S. cerevisiae in the mix? some folks don’t like brown rice – arsenic – but not sure how real that concern is

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      Yes, I think this is still a decent option. I wouldn’t be concerned about the brown rice used because this company historically does strict testing on their products. You could probably request an analysis if you are concerned.

  252. Brian

    Alex, Thank you. I like the Megafood Men 40+ formula also has NSF cert; preferably I’d like it to have some additional B6 and B12; combining it with their seems ideal to me for B6, B12 and folate; one caution I had was that it includes beet root (I know beets are a good source for iron and as a man I don’t want to have additional iron); I contacted the company to see if they could tell me how much iron it contains but they said they do not analyze it for iron; what do you think? Should that be something to concerned about?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      One whole beet (82 grams) has 0.7mg of iron. Since that product only has 225mg (small amount) of beetroot and iron is poorly absorbed from plants, I wouldn’t be concerned taking this daily. Plus, you get the nitrates for optimal nitric oxide levels, which boosts your cardiovascular system.

  253. Futooun

    Hello, i have a question regarding really high doses of certain vitamins, like 3000 of b 12 in thorne’s! I was debating wether i should take a b complex alone or a multivitamin, but couldnt find good ones that didnt have folic acid and cyncocbalamin and ascorbic acid, but now that all the vitamins seem to exceed the limits , and that im sure im lacking a lot of vitamins since i have hypothalamic amenorrhea due to extrem weight loss, dull dry skin and scalp with eczema, anxiety , digestive problems,and on a gluten free vegan diet, im not sure what option should i go for ..

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Futooun,

      The dosing of B12 depends on certain factors like your current B12 levels, malabsorption issues, medications that deplete B12, age, a vegan diet, etc. Thorne Research makes stronger formulas, and you can dose down if you feel it is too strong for you. Based on what you outlined, you most likely would benefit more from a multivitamin than a B-complex. Other nutrients you should be conscious of are iron and choline.

  254. naico1945

    Hello Alex,

    Thank you very much for this article.
    I really Wonder why nobody asked this so far,
    but What do you think of this:

    Daily Biobasics
    from lifeplus (ingriendientlist at the bottom)

    would be really happy to hear your opinion.

    Greeting from germany

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Naico from Germany!

      The Daily Biobasics from Lifeplus uses synthetic folic acid, cyanocobalamin and magnesium oxide (only 4% absorbed). Despite some other parts of the formula that looks good, I can’t look past those.

      • naico1945

        Hello Alex thank you so much for you help.
        at the moment i am near to broke but as soon as money comes in again i will donate something to you.
        you are already on my to do list 😉

        My wife is
        24,chinese,chronic hepatitis b
        and we are expecting a baby in around on week.

        at the moment she takes
        omega 3 algae
        some ayurvedic herbs to fight hepatitis b

        but also around

        1.5 of the dose of daily biobasics (life plus)
        (regarding low magnesium i give her in the form of a spray so shuldnt be a problem)

        and 1x the dose of bodysmartsolutions.

        which means she has alot of overdoesed vitamin (as far as i can judge it)

        e.g the on you warn about:

        ~600ug(208% ri) folic acid ->Pteroylmonoglutamic acid
        ~ 12ug(500% ri) Vitamin b 12 ->Cyanocobalamin

        with protein it would even increas to
        775 ug(296% ri) folic acid ->Pteroylmonoglutamic acid
        14,5ug (600% ri)Vitamin b 12 ->Cyanocobalamin

        and also high levels of Vitamin A Beta-Carotene

        what do you suggest ? how “dangerous, bad” is this over dose of all these vitamin in pregnancy and the general use of folic acid,Cyanocobalamin, beta pregnancy.
        would you recomend to lower the dose and if yes to how much?

        in around 15 days the naturelo multivitamin can arrive
        so i am not sure because this will be after the birth would you reccomend to take

        1.Naturelo Prenatal or the normal formula for women ?
        2.switch algae omega 3 ?
        is there a big or any benefit to switch to your recomendation

        3. maybe you have some tips for her hepatitis B to ?
        were not even sure to give our new born emediate hepB injection or not a all. but we will ask a specialist tomorrow.

        4.and especially what to do with the lifplus dailybiobasics at the moment?

        again very greatfull for your help hope i am not to demanding to you.
        i really wish you a great day alex !

        greetings and many wishes from

        sophia & Nico

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Sophia and Nico,

          Not to worry! Take a look at the prenatal article regarding beta carotene, vitamin A, folic acid and cyanocobalamin:

          1. Naturelo Prenatal is best for during pregnancy and while nursing.

          2. This looks like a good omega-3 product at the 2 capsule dose.

          3. This is best answered by a specialist.

          4. Naturelo would take the place of the Daily Bio Basics.

      • Dee

        Hi Alex,
        It was recommended by a nutritionist that I take Thorne 2/day for a multi vitamin. I have been taking a Calcium/D vitamin at the recommendation of my Dr. because my Vitamin D levels are low. What’s your opinion of taking both a multi vitamin (Thorne) with an additional D and K made by Synergy Design for Health. Would that be too much D?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Dee,

          That would be 4,000IU of vitamin D total, which isn’t a problem and likely needed to increase your vitamin D levels.

  255. Archa

    Hi Alex,
    Hows this for an overall nutrition:
    Throrne basic nutrients
    Vit c
    concentrace mineral
    pure encapsulatione b complex
    And north american herb and spice polar power gel

    Is this a good balance or i am goin crazy.

    Also any vegetarian supplement for vitamin A D ,dha.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Archa,

      I think you are getting enough of the B-vitamins from the Thorne Basic Nutrients and most likely do not need the Pure Encapsulations B-Complex plus. However, some people do feel better with a second B-vitamin in the afternoon. It depends on your needs. There isn’t a vegetarian source of vitamin A (retinol), but you can get a vegetarian source of vitamin D from lichen, and DHA for algae.

  256. melody

    Hi, I’m a young 65+ that was told I need a little iron? What about Garden of Life my kind Organics Women’s Once Daily?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Melody,

      Did your doctor say how much iron? The Garden of Life product only has 2mg of iron, which isn’t going to increase your iron levels at all.

      • Melody

        Doctor never said. Sales lady at Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy mentioned it.

        I also been taking Vitamin C 1000 mg. Kirkland with Rose Hips & Citrus Bioflavonoid complex; and B-12 2500 under the tongue (Methylcobalamin) Nature’s Bounty with food.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Melody,

          I would only supplement iron post-menopause based on blood work and a doctor’s recommendation. If you are not eating any iron-rich animal foods, checking your iron levels is a good idea.

  257. Diane

    Have you ever rated Puritan’s Pride vitamins?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Diane,

      Do you have a particular product in mind?

  258. Brian

    Alex, like you I drink gerolsteiner liter usually per day; however should I (we) be concerned w over 300 mg calcium?; I avoid supplementing with calcium due to the related research and seek out multis without it; thoughts?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      No, I don’t think there is a concern with 300mg of calcium from a natural source with other minerals. Large amounts of isolated supplemental calcium can be problematic. For example, I take 500mg of magnesium, get an extra 100mg of magnesium from Gerolsteiner plus a little more from food, and likely get another 300mg on average of dietary calcium (although highly regulated based on the food). This puts me at approximately a 1:1 ratio of optimal levels of calcium and magnesium, or slightly higher in favor of magnesium. If you are already managing 600mg of calcium from your diet, and not supplementing with magnesium, then the extra 300mg of calcium from Gerolsteiner may be too much and throw off the ratio to magnesium.

  259. Nancy

    Thanks for sharing difference between best and worst multivitamins supplements and their effects on the health of individuals.

  260. Brian

    Alex, I wrote to you previously about Magnesium, Calcium, etc; I drink a liter of Gerolsteiner each day but I am mindful of the calcium intake given I am a male and generally speaking extra calcium is not recommended for us; I take 480 mg of Mag Glycinate per day in addition to the 100 mg I get from Gerolsteiner; between my multi (MegaFood Men 40+) and my omega supplement I get 2000 IU of Vit D. each day; my multi contains 60 mcg of VitK1/2; with calcium intake of 345 mg from Gerolsteiner and the above do you think extra Vit K is necessary? I know the above all work together ; thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      I don’t think more than 60mcg of vitamin K2 daily from supplements is necessary. If you look at the amounts found in food, that dose is about right. If you eat pastured eggs and gouda, you could be doubling or tripling that amount on some days.

  261. Candy

    Hi Alex,
    I have been taking Purity Products Perfect Liquid Multivitamin for a couple years.
    I used to think it was magical stuff and in a liquid form that is very palatable.
    I recently was in the hospital with a very bad pneumonia, spent 3 weeks getting better.
    I now wonder how effective is this multivitamin to my health? Am I paying top dollar for sugar water?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Candy,

      Sorry to hear you were in the hospital! Outside of minerals, I don’t put a lot of faith into liquid multivitamin formulas. I question the stability of the water-soluble vitamins and carotenoids. However, I also wouldn’t rely on a multivitamin to provide robust protection. I would take a look at this article for more proactive prevention against bacterial infections and viruses:

  262. Nanette

    I am new to your site and learned much. Due to my in-depth research on nutrition and supplements the last 6 years, I can see you know what your talking about. I went to purchase the NATURELO One Daily Multivitamin for Women – IRON FREE, but the one concerning vitamin for me was the Biotin. It contains 300mcg (1,000% DV). Do you know why they have added so much and is it safe? I would appreciate your knowledge about this. Thank you.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Nanette,

      I think that is an error on their updated label. 300mcg of biotin isn’t 1,000 percent of the DV. If you look at the Thorne Basic Nutrients label, it has 500mcg of biotin and is 167% of the DV.

      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        Hi Nanette,

        I did some more digging, and it turns out the FDA just made a lot of changes to the DV percentages. 300mcg use to be 100% of the DV and is now considered 1,000%. Thorne and other companies have not updated their labels yet. I reached out to Naturelo and they said they are planning on reducing the biotin based on the new DV.

      • Nanette

        I was hoping that was the case. Thank you so much for the quick response. Very much appreciated!

  263. Angelica

    Hello Alex,
    Do you still recommend the Naturelo line for the entire family? We are composed of a male and female adult, 16 year old athletic male, 12 female with learning disability,7 year old that can sleep for hours and 5 year old that is developing way faster than most.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Angelica,

      Yes, I would recommend it as a great option for the whole family. Naturelo has a children’s multi as well for the 5 and 7-year-old.

  264. Ann Chok

    Dear Alex,

    I m 55 this year , i think is the time for me to take a multivitamin and calcium supplement, any good recommendation ?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Ann,

      I think any recommendations on this page are good for a multivitamin. In terms of calcium, you will want a product that includes calcium, magnesium and possibly trace minerals depending on your multivitamin. Natural Vitality Natural Calm Plus Calcium looks like a good reasonably priced product.

      • Ann Chok

        Alex, Thanks for your advise.

      • Ann Chok

        Alex , thanks for your advise

        • Ann Chok

          Dear Alex , beside Natural Vitality Calm Plus calcium, any other brand because this product not available for international shipping

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Ann,

            If you send me some options based on your country, I would be happy to review them. Since I am in the U.S., it is harder for me to know what is available overseas.

  265. Kerry Knox

    I’m a 57 year old man, and have over the past 3 years started using Doterra LLV ( The cost is about 90 dollars US per month. Along with these supplements, I have begun to grow many of my own fruits and vegetables and increase the intake of ocean fish, shellfish and meat organs. I have no problem in switching supplement companies, but would like a review from you on the Doterra products.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Kerry,

      For these types of companies, it really depends on the product. Can you send me a link to the exact products with a label that you would like me to review? That is excellent that you are growing your own fruits and vegetables because it is one of the best things people can do.

  266. Aline Ramírez

    Hi Alex! Ver interesting analysis.

    About Methilfolate, I just have 3 available options:

    1. Methylcare (Metagenics)
    2. Optimized Folate (Life Extension)
    3. Methylfolate + (one elevated)

    Wich one is the best that you recommend previoud pregnancy?


  267. Cassidy

    Hi Alex,

    Thank you for this very informative article. I have been taking supplements for over ten years and it was about four years ago I began to take USANA supplements based on the recommendation from my chiropractors. I currently take their health pack, bio-mega, hepa-plus, extra Vitamin C, Vitamin D and the CoQ10 supplements. I am generally happy with their products but I have recently realized that Direct selling model makes products very pricy. Based on your recommendation, I have looked into Naturelo multi-vitamin for women, it looks good and price is reasonable (much cheaper than the USANA Health Pack). I have also look at Pure Encapsulation multivitamin for women which based on some websites is rated as the most trusted brand. Can you please offer some advice comparing USANA, Naturelo and Pure Encapsulation and their multivitamins? Based on the products that I am taking from USANA right now, if I switched to take Naturelo multivitamin for women, what other products would you recommend me to add on? Thank you so much for your help. Multivitamin industry is huge and information involved in getting to know about them and what products are the right ones for an individual is so complex. The more I research the more I feel uncertain and there’s no authoritative standard or guidelines. I would really appreciate your feedback.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Cassidy,

      It is extremely complex, especially when you start looking behind the scenes. You are correct that direct selling or multi-level marketing models make products more expensive, and actually often use cheaper forms of vitamins and minerals. The USANA products that I have reviewed use synthetic folic acid and cyanocobalamin, which I don’t recommend. Pure Encapsulations – along with Garden of Life – were recently bought by Nestle, which makes me a little more cautious about future operations and formulations. But they do currently have high quality products. Thorne Research is still independent and an excellent brand and Naturelo has done an incredible job as a younger company for making one of the best multivitamins. If you are trying to decide between Naturelo or Pure Encapsulations, I would put them side by side and see what is a better fit for you. For example, if you are looking for a stronger B-vitamin profile, Pure would be the better choice. If you want a more moderate multivitamin resembling the amounts found in food, Naturelo would be superior. It depends on your needs and requirements.

      This is also true of other supplements to go with a multivitamin. There are basic needs like omega-3’s, vitamin D, vitamin C and magnesium that generally may be required in higher amounts, but it changes person to person and diet to diet.

      • Cassidy

        Hi Alex,

        Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I am disappointed to learn that USANA uses synthetic ingredients in their products given the price they charge and the kinds of things that they claim. Naturelo seems like a trustworthy product that’s wroth looking into. I hope that the do not get bought by any other big companies in the future like Pure Encapsulation has. Naturelo has been ranked the most effective multivitamin by the Multivitamin Guide produced by Greg Marshall. My only question is what is the best way to determine my individual needs of different vitamins and minerals? Greg Marshall has a free test to help individuals determine what’s the best multivitamin for me, is this is kind of test I should rely on or should I go see my family physician for a test of what I’m lacking etc.? Thanks again. Really appreciate your advice.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Cassidy,

          Great question. My company – Nutrition Genome – does genetic testing with a saliva sample that can help show you which vitamins, minerals and compounds you have a higher need for. It also helps you assess protein, fat, fiber and carbohydrate ratios, which can point you in the direction of which diets will work best for you (plant-based, paleo, keto, Mediterranean etc.) This has been one of the best and most accurate ways to help determine dietary requirements when lined up with family health history, personal health history and blood work. You can learn more here:

  268. Swork

    Hi Alex,

    I could realize so many things thanks to your article. But your article is too impressive to understand all thing. I have some questions about Naturelo.

    1. Are they synthesize vitamin or minerals to natural form like full spectrum carotenoids, or extract natural vitamin from foods like carrot?
    2. Is natural vitamin just about form, regardless of acquisition method?
    3. You said myKind is the only real natural multivitamin. If so, do they extract vitamin from foods contrary to New Chapter or Megafood?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Swork,

      1. Naturelo uses either whole food extracts or creates them via fermentation. Both are considered to be “natural” according to their label.
      2. Great question. “Natural” is a term that has been overused to the point of losing meaning with supplement companies. I always look at the starting source and the final form.
      3. MyKind uses straight extracts and powders, whereas their Vitamin Code products use synthetic vitamins fed to yeast. Their process is proprietary, so it is hard to say exactly what they are doing. It is likely a low-heat extraction process but it also looks like there is some fermentation because methylcobalamin is listed. New Chapter feeds synthetic vitamins to yeast in a nutrient-rich broth. That’s what “culture media” means. MegaFood uses both whole food extracts and fermentation, depending on the product.

  269. Donnell

    Hi Alex,

    I’d like to know if I’m taking the right supplements. I am a 23-year-old male. I’m currently taking the following daily:

    1. Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin for Men
    2. Naturelo Turmeric w/ Ginger Extract
    3. Naturelo Omega-3 Triglyceride Fish Oil
    4. Magnesium Bisglycinate by Bio Schwartz

    I also take a probiotic three to four times per week. I’m taking mykind Organics Vegan D3 (2,000 IU) on and off sometimes, too.

    Am I taking the right supplements?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Donnell,

      Can you tell me if you are attempting to target anything specific regarding your health? Or is this just for a foundational program?

      • Donnell

        Hi Alex,

        I have suffered from depression on and off for some years. I began taking omega-3s and Vitamin D3 this past winter to help with my overall emotional outlook and for the added health benefits. I have noticed a significant difference in my mood and mental state with these supplements. (I do plan to end the extra Vitamin D3 supplementation this month. I’ll probably pick it up again in the wintertime.)

        Aside from that, just overall health maintenance. I plan to start exercising again and cut meat out of my diet as well. Lately, I’ve just been taking my multivitamin, omega-3s, turmeric, and magnesium each day.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Donnell,

          It can be extremely helpful to understand a baseline function of your neurotransmitters to see where susceptibility to depression can occur. For example, some people require higher amounts of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids for serotonin and BDNF modulation (turmeric also modulates both). Once you get a handle on understanding your own needs for serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, glutamate, GABA and even histamines levels, you start taking control. When I designed the Nutrition Genome Report, it was built around mental health because it finally gave me answers to anxiety and depression susceptibility that I couldn’t see before.

          I would say what you have outlined is great for general health maintenance. If you are ever interested in getting nutrigenomic testing done, it will help you customize your diet and supplementation program further.

          • Donnell


            Thank you so much for the response! I will explore nutrigenomic testing to better understand what I exactly need. I’m glad to know that I’m also taking good supplements as well.

  270. Holly

    Hi Alex,
    This is definitely going on a tangent…you mentioned hydrogenated palm oil in the article. Is all palm oil hydrogenated, even ‘pure palm oil’? We like Inca plantain chips as a snack because of the palm oil used… I’m hoping that’s somehow different. 🙂

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Holly,

      No, not all palm oil is hydrogenated. Like coconut oil, there is a hydrogenated form and a natural form of palm oil.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Matthias,

      Multi-Vitamin Elite is formulated very close to Basic Nutrients 2 a Day, but with higher amounts. More may seem better, but you can go too high with certain vitamins and minerals and Basic Nutrients is already a potent formula. This combination contains 1,000mcg of folate, and this may be too high for certain people and can push certain pathways too hard. It also contains choline (equivalent to about 2 eggs), green tea extract, curcumin and bark extracts. Since the magnesium target for most people (esp. athletes) is in the 400-600mg range, this formula falls short at 170mg. If you wanted to use this one, I would still take extra magnesium to hit the 500mg magnesium target found in studies to optimize testosterone.

      Life Extension makes very strong products. I think this one is unnecessarily high in certain vitamins and minerals.

  271. PT

    I’m looking for a basic multi vitamin for young teens and have used whole food vitamins in the past. I recently learne that vitamins like these may be high in heavy metals. Can you recommend a natural multi-vitamin that has been laboratory tested independently for heavy metals?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi PT,

      You can request a COA from Naturelo. I have reviewed their testing documents and they come back exceedingly low in heavy metals.

  272. Brian

    Alex, Have you seen new label for Innate coenzyme b Complex? I have used this formula for a while but just noticed new label….should we expect similar for other formulas on market? What do you think of Innate’s formula compare to Pure Encaps B Complex Plus?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      In terms of changes, are you referring to the new DV label that is being changed for all supplements due to new FDA guidelines?

      • brian

        Alex, Yes..thx; what do you think of Innate’s overall coenzyme B formula compared to Pure encaps B complex Plus?

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Brian,

          I would say if they combined folinic acid instead of folic acid with the 5-MTHF from broccoli, this would be a good product. I can’t stand behind the use of folic acid.

  273. Brian

    Alex, I drink a bottle of Gerolsteiner per day (thank you for turning me onto it); re: Concentrace Drops you recommend…use daily? how much? do you use it just in water? other? Do you say either/or Gerolsteiner and Concentrace but not both in same day? Thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      If you are drinking a bottle of Gerolsteiner each day, I don’t think Concentrace is necessary. I would just keep it on hand for days (per their directions added to water) you don’t drink Gerolsteiner.

  274. C. J. Attaway

    In response to, I would like to know if the formula takes into consideration
    that I am 83 and have a recurring infection in my left ankle that is not healing this year (5th year). I tried out a skin product (Dermatox) from Healthy Habits to improve the redness and
    poor circulation in my ankles. I applied the salve to my left ankle only & it poisoned my ankle by
    causing an effusion of clear hemoglobin to flow without stop. Each year it was treated with
    antibiotics & oonaboot wrap. The last 4 years worked out okay, but this year it hasn’t for four
    months. My naturopath thinks I have Lupus or an autoimmune problem. I’m still using bandage
    wraps on the leg. Can you suggest a good formula for me? Most are for 30-50 year olds.

  275. Brian

    Alex, I have been taking Megafood Mens 40+ Multi along w Innate’s Coenzyme B Complex; I like the levels with the combo; was wondering if switch to Thorne Basic 2 formula would be better (and maybe not need the extra B complex in that scenario); the only problem is that with taking Thorne’s formula I really only like to take 1 as 2 capsules too high in some areas…so Bs, too, get cut in half. So maybe Thorne + Innate’s Coenzyme B? Thoughts?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Brian,

      It depends on your specific vitamin and mineral targets, so it is hard for me to determine that for you.

      • Brian

        Alex, thx for all; I guess my approach is a process of elimination; I can’t spend a fortune trying to buy all individual formulas to make the perfect one; I really like Thorne’s basic 2 but only at the one capsule amount (chromium, selenium, folate all way too high with the suggested two caps); but as a male I do not like that it includes calcium and the copper amount is just unnecessary in my opinion; I like Megafood’s Multi 40+ formula but the Bs are so low

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Brian,

          Do you notice a difference when taking higher doses of B’s versus Megafood’s formula on its own?

          • Brian

            Alex, Yes I think the extra Bs seem to be good but would prefer to have in one formula rather than needing to combine two; Thornes Basic 2 with one cap per day is decent but I don’t like that it includes calcium and higher copper amount; two per day would be great if not for chromium, selenium and folate levels

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Brian,

            It sounds like the system you currently have with MegaFood and an extra B-complex is going to be as close as you can get to what you are looking for.

  276. Terence

    Alex, great info and expertise, thank you very much. Before I found your site I happened on these 6 supplements. 1) VIBE® Original – Daily Multi – Antioxidant, 2) intraMAX Liquid Nutrition, 3) Passion 4 Life multivitamin, 4) MaxiFocus™ Sublingual Liposomal Drops, 5) Source Naturals Life Force Multiple no iron, 6) RHP® Nerve Support Formula.
    I hope it is not too much to ask your opinion on these. Thank you for any advice.

    • Terence

      Alex, apologies. It seems that you have talked about IntraMAX and Source Naturals with other readers. Sorry for asking you to go over these agaain.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Terence,

      1. VIBE® Original – Daily Multi – Antioxidant: This product contains benzoic acid (preservative) and vitamin C, which when exposed to heat to create benzene, a known carcinogen. It also contains folic acid and cyanocobalamin, poor forms of folate and B12. I also question the stability of water-soluble vitamins and carotenoids in this liquid formulas. Liquid formulas are best for minerals that are stable. If you want a good one, I would check out ReMyte, which is listed on this article.

      2. IntraMAX Liquid Nutrition: Same issue regarding sodium benzoate. Sodium benzoate is benozic acid with a sodium salt.

      3. Passion 4 Life multivitamin: Also contains sodium benzoate.

      4. MaxiFocus™ Sublingual Liposomal Drop: Everything looks okay except for the use of synthetic folic acid and questionable natural flavors (can sometimes be MSG).

      5. Source Naturals Life Force Multiple no iron: Source Naturals is a good brand, but they use folic acid in this formula.

      6. RHP® Nerve Support Formula: Also uses folic acid, and I disagree with such a large dose of B12 which can deplete lithium.

      • Terence

        Alex, thank you very much for your insightful answers. It takes a lot of research, careful thought and knowledge to consider the mountain of options available on the market today. Thank you for the time you have put into this project. I will go with your recommendations.

  277. Cat Bracken

    I know you aren’t a fan of Garden of Life, but what about their probiotic for mood?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Cat,

      Probiotics, in general, will help mood by producing more serotonin and GABA. This product does stand out because it uses L.helveticus R0052 and B. longum RO175 that have been studied in clinical trials for mood. It also uses ashwagandha, prebiotics and wild blueberries. The AuroraBlue source of blueberries is the highest quality you can get. Polyphenols have also been shown to influence the microbiome. You are correct that I’m not a fan of Garden of Life, but I can’t argue with a good formula.

  278. Justin Lovell

    i am currently taking 1 time a day:
    mens multivitamin 1 a day (naturelo)
    vitamin d-3 10000ui (I am D deficient and need a high dose)
    vitamin b 5000mcg (natural factors)
    vitamin c 1000 time release (jamieson with rosehip)
    ginko biloIba (now brand)
    lions mane (host defence tincture)
    teaspoon nutrasea omega 3
    tablespoon MCT oil (sports research)

    Was considering adding or swapping in:
    Naturelo omega 3 1 a day
    Naturelo vitamin b complex

    My concern:
    The vitamin b complex has a very low 50mcg count in b12. My current b12 is sublingual (natural factors) 5000mcg And if i’m already taking a multivitamin, maythe complex isn’t necessary and I should get the b12 as a single source / not a complex.

    Can you advise on if these are good product choices or if I should swap or not add in certain items?

    I am 34, male and farily heathy and active. I eat clean, don’t drink or smoke.

    Thank you!

    Justin Lovell
    Associate Member, Canadian Society of Cinematographers


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Justin,

      I don’t believe that excess B12 above a multivitamin – especially if you eat animal foods – is necessary. My concern is that high levels of circulating B12 depletes lithium levels and may cause other issues. For fish oil, I would consider Polar Power by North American Herb and Spice. This naturally includes A, D, EPA, DHA and astaxanthin in their original ratios. This will also help you keep proper ratios of A and D due to taking extra D.

  279. Newton

    Thanks Alex for a thorough and extremely informative insights here. We have learnt so much.
    Please I recently purchased a product of Naturesbrands called Phytovitamins whole food multivitamin iron free, from their website
    Kindly give me your opinion about this product.

    • Newton

      Hello Alex, still expecting your response to my earlier two post. Thanks so much.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Newton,

      The formula is clean, using strictly whole foods. However, the levels of vitamins and minerals are so low that I question the value of it.

  280. Newton

    Alex thanks for all the insights, please also advice which is better for a man of 40 between Naturelo whole food multi and Whole earth & sea Men’s Multivitamin & Mineral and also Toouchstones Essentials.
    Please rate the 3 products and advice.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Newton,

      1. Whole Earth & Sea Men’s Multivitamin & Mineral: I like this company, and I would approve this formula if they didn’t add synthetic folic acid.

      2. Touchstone Essentials: This appears to be mainly an antioxidant/immunity blend. They have this labeled as a multivitamin, but it doesn’t have any of the vitamins and minerals listed. A good organic whole food blend, but I wouldn’t use this as a multivitamin.

      The Naturelo multivitamin would still be my top choice.

      • Newton

        Thanks so much Alex.As always your in-depth knowledge is legendary and I got it all. One more thing…Please can someone take this naturelo multi for men with a chlorophyll softgel

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Newton,

          No problem. I see no issue taking a chlorophyll softgel with the Naturelo multi.

          • Newton

            Thanks Alex.I am grateful.

  281. Jeffery Cornwell

    This is an amazing post, I like your post.
    Thank you for sharing us

  282. Maggie Branch

    Hello, It appears to be a long time since you’ve had action here I’m hoping you are still receiving emails. Emerald Supplements seem to be very good but I am open to change. It looks like Naturelo would be a good choice because I need to watch my heavy metals as I have tested high for lead. I wonder what you think of Algaecal for a mineral supplement. I have osteopenia and I’m only 54. It was due to excessive acid blocking drugs which I am now off of thank goodness.

    Second question. My kinds are late teens early 20’s and they take 1 Thorne 2 a day. They complain about the urine smell and the fact that it appears it’s all lost in unrination with 2 its even worse. They will take 1. Someone said that Thorne’s testing is all done in house and that that’s not optimal. A COA from a third party lab is what I understood to be the gold standard when making a good decision. This person also said that they did third party testing of their own on several Thorn products and they ran very high in Heavy Metals. Do you have any information on their heavy metals or have you seen COA’s. Do you know the Heavy metals Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic and Mercury of any of the listed products…. Thorne 2 per day or Naturelo products you recommend? Than you for your time. Please send me a copy of your response if you don’t mind. I’d really appreciate it. Thank you. Maggie

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Maggie,

      I had to take an extended break from answering comments due to my commitments at Nutrition Genome. However, I’ve opened up comments again, but I just may take a little longer to get back!

      In regards to Algaecal, Consumer Labs found that it tested high in lead in 2011 and 2017. So no, this isn’t one I would recommend.

      For heavy metal testing with Thorne Research, I haven’t seen any testing that showed high heavy metals. They actually do four rounds of testing for each product and use a third-party certified lab in Charleston, SC. Many products are also NSF certified for sport, which is a strict 3rd party testing lab. So that claim that all their testing is done in house is incorrect. The Thorne Basic Nutrients 2 a day has an NSF certified version for sport that is a few dollars more.

      You can request current COA’s from Thorne Research and Naturelo if there is any concern.

  283. James

    I was treated for pancreatitis 4 months ago and my doctor prescribed me 1 mg folic acid and 100 mg of B-1 ad also recommended a multi vitamin. Is there a specific brand/type multi vitamin that would work best for me? I am a 33 year old male. Any help would be greatly appreciated as the research I have been doing has been overwhelming.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi James,

      I completely understand and happy to help. I’m not aware of a multivitamin that hits both of those targets on its own. Stronger multivitamin formulations are typically going to have 600mcg to 1mg of methylfolate (this is better than folic acid) and at the most, 40-50mg of B-1. The best way not to break the bank would likely be to use the Seeking Health 50mg B-1 product, combined with the Thorne Basic Nutrients 2 a Day.

      This combination hits 100mg of B-1 and 680mcg of methylfolate. Folic acid has to convert to methylfolate, and certain people struggle with this conversion. Methylfolate is better absorbed, and therefore you shouldn’t require as much. I would check with your doctor if this combination would be sufficient since it minimizes the pills required to 3, and keeps the total cost to under $40 a month. If not, you could add 400mcg of methylfolate as well.

      • James

        Thanks Alex. I will follow your recommendation following a discussion with my doctor. Would you also suggest a multi-vitamin maybe with a probiotic for digestive support (or would that be covered with the Seeking health and Thorne, therefore not needed)? If so, which one would you recommend? Thank you so much for your prompt response. You are truly an insightful and helpful individual.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi James,

          Unless it is a multivitamin pack with a separate probiotic supplement, the amount and quality that companies use in a single pill alongside a multivitamin have questionable quality and efficacy. They are added for marketing purposes.

          I would recommend checking out this article on prebiotics and probiotics to see if this is necessary for you.

          • James

            Would you still recommend Thorne over Nutrello? I’m mostly concerned about the fact that I have had pancreatitis and liver support. I don’t know why my doctor prescribed me B-1 and folic acid for that. Any insight on that?

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi James,

            The pancreas requires B-1 (thiamin) to function correctly. For example, if the pancreatitis is related to heavy alcohol intake, it is to replete the depletion of B1 that has occurred. Folate (and B12) deficiency has also been found in pancreatitis patients. I’m assuming your doctor discovered B1 and folate to be imperative to assist your pancreas. I would ask your doctor whether Thorne or Naturelo should be used because it really comes down to the dosage he or she wants.

  284. Carol Burr

    Hi Alex,
    I’m a 61 yr old female who does not take any meds. Moderately active, usually workout 3 times a week. I have been diagnosed with osteopenia. Back in August I sustained a sternum fracture doing parallel bar dips. This is not a new exercise for me and Ihave been workouting for 20 years quite regularly. Have even done numerous powerlifting competitions. Have taken vitamins on and off. I have ordered Thorne Research 2 a day multi but would like some insight what to use for additional bone strength with Thorne. Of course my medical provider recommends a calcium/vit d supplement. I have read several of your articles and quite impressed with the information you have gathered for us readers. Thanks.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Carol,

      Oh wow, I am so sorry to hear about the fracture during parallel bar dips! That is an exercise I do quite a bit as well.

      I’ll share some research that isn’t common knowledge when it comes to bone health. It is a concept that makes much more sense to me than the standard advice of taking high amounts of calcium. Bone health requires vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, silicon, vitamin K1, K2, vitamin C, inositol, L-arginine and boron. These are all part of the equation, but not the whole equation.

      It is known that estrogen loss leads to bone loss, but the mechanism as to why is less known. One hypothesis is that estrogen acts as an antioxidant, and therefore the balance of inflammation becomes even more imperative for women after menopause. This hypothesis was tested in mice using N-acetylcysteine, which stimulated osteoblasts by increasing glutathione, while completely blocking bone loss associated with ovariectomy.

      Studies that show that beer increases bone density point towards the phytoestrogens in hops being a key player. Increasing phytoestrogens in the diet (flax seeds, fermented soy, hops, lentils) along with increasing antioxidant support and other inflammatory compounds like those found in tart cherry juice and turmeric, whey protein powder for the recovery and increasing glutathione, along with collagen powder (see the article here on how it can help bone health) would help round out a comprehensive program to protect against bone loss.

      In conjunction with this, I think 3mg of boron is key since the average intake is 1mg. Supplementation with 3 mg of boron per day for post-menopausal women has demonstrated improved calcium and magnesium retention by the kidneys, and research has shown that those consuming dried plums (rich in boron) had significantly higher bone mineral density in the ulna (one of two long bones in the forearm) and spine, in comparison with the group that ate dried apples.

      • Carol

        Hi Alex, thanks for the recommendations. I actually started using collagen powder by Peak Performance 11g per serving one month ago. I consume this every morning. I chose this brand due to its passing grade by Labdoor and before coming across your articles. I see Vital Proteins is listed in your article and is 20g per serving. Is 11g sufficient once daily? I’ll certainly add additional Boron with Thorne Research 2 a day multi. Tart cherry juice and turmeric didn’t cross my mind. How much turmeric is recommended in a supplement form.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Carol,

          I think 20g of collagen is better for athletes and when you are trying to correct a related issue, whereas the 11-12g range is good for maintenance. Typically, 500mg-1000mg of full-spectrum turmeric is recommended.

          • Carol

            Thanks, I appreciate your input.

    • James

      Hi Alex,

      Sorry. one last question. a few months ago following my pancreatitis episode I started taking GNC Mega Man daily multivitamin (along with 1mg Folic Acid and 100 B-1 my doctor prescribed me). I have noticed that my hair is considerably thinning. Is there any association between these vitamins and hair loss. I have always been known for my thick hair so it definitely has been noticeable over the past few months and these vitamins were the only change in my diet. Is there anything I can take that would reverse this? Should I start taking Biotin? Or is that a smoke screen like some people believe? I am going to start taking the Thorne multivitamin and the extra 50 mg of B1 you recommended. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks so much!

      • Alex Swanson M.S.

        Hi James,

        That’s a good question and definitely strange. While the GNC multivitamin is poor quality, I would imagine for it to cause hair loss there would need to be some kind of quality control issue where there is much more retinyl acetate or selenium in it than is stated. If that is indeed the cause, discontinuing the multivitamin alone should stop the thinning. I don’t think high doses of biotin is a good idea because it has been found to also cause DNA damage. The FDA recently made sweeping changes to lower the biotin RDA for all multivitamins. Perhaps before making any new changes, see if your hair thickens back up with the new multivitamin swap.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi John,

      This is one of the better formulas I’ve seen in Europe. My only critique is that they remove the magnesium oxide, but most are high-quality forms (from what I can make out in German from the label) of all the other vitamins and minerals.

  285. Aisha Robins

    Hi, Alex –
    The contributions you’re making to all of is is much appreciated! This site started me on an evening-long research session into developing the supplement cocktail I think might be best for me. I got into this because the eating program I’m on, Ideal Protein (IP), is healthy, but has me taking a multi-vitamin that your articles have exposed as having ingredient compositions that are woefully lacking. Into the garbage with that bottle!
    The first question I have concerns appetite. I have bipolar disorder (more about that in a bit), and at least two of the meds I’m on are appetite suppressants. In spite of that, in the six weeks I’ve been doing IP (which is also when I started taking the IP multi-vitamins), my appetite has been through the roof. I’ve never been a snacker, but I can eat a large dinner at 7:00 and be hungry at 9:00. Before starting IP, I wasn’t taking a multi-vitamin. This one has 67 mcg of B12 (as cyanocobalomin), which is a tiny amount compared to the lowest I’ve found in commercial brands (500 mcg), even though the recommended dose is 2.4 mcg. So my first question is in two parts: 1) is it possible even this small amount of B12 is stimulating my appetite; and 2) if so, would that change if I switch to a low dose (500 mcg commercial) of methylcobalomin B12?
    As for the bi-polar, your article also sent me looking at supplements/vitamins/minerals to help repair damage done by antidepressants that have made my life manageable for the past 15 years. I ordered some Double Wood 300 mg CDP-Choline (Citicoline) and I have high hopes for that.
    Thank you, again!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Aisha,

      Thank you very much! In regards to appetite, I am not aware of B12 stimulating it. Changes in appetite typically occur from new sleep patterns, changes in stress levels, exercise, medications, and eating patterns or macronutrient compositions. If you made any changes recently with medications that manipulate serotonin levels, it is possible that this can account for the change in appetite.

      Please keep me updated on your progress!

  286. William Ross

    Can you please tell me what multmineral supplements you would recommend? Also what are your thoughts on Zeolite Chelation? I’ve heard that there are some quality sprays that work well but this is a subject I know very little about but I’ve become very interested in detoxifying my body of heavy metals. Also do these products work the same for men and women? I would sincerely appreciate any knowledge that you can share. Thank you.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi William,

      You can find the multimineral recommendations under the header Best Multivitamins and Multiminerals for 2020.

      “The multimineral I recommend is ReMyte for a liquid or Biomins by Thorne Research for capsules.”

      I think Zeolite has potential and has been verified in research to be safe and effective in humans. Detoxification efforts can be different between men and women – especially pre-menopausal women – due to estrogen detoxification and diverse needs/sensitivities. This can also be true of anyone with different toxicities and requirements. It is best to tailor a detoxification program under a health care practitioner to prevent any bad reactions.

      • William Ross

        Thank you so much for the information.

        • Sarah

          Awesome article Alex! I’ve been researching for the best and worst multivitamins for an extremely long time. What are your thoughts on Progressive multivitamins?

          Also, I have a son and I read the article on the best vitamins for his age (4yrs old) and I’m thinking to try the Naturelo? Would you still reccomend this as a multivitamin for me and my son?
          I’ve tried ALOT of multivitamins and I often don’t like the way it makes me feel as in I get slightly light headed or my energy level goes sky rocket, which freaks me out. (If that makes sense).
          I did suffer from anxiety due to high stress levels. But now I’m looking to get a good multivitamin for me and my son.
          The only vitamin I take is cod liver oil and I give him a vitamin with DHA.
          Again, is Naturelo good for us to give a try?
          Thanks for your guidance and help!!!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Sarah,

            Thank you for the feedback! In regards to Progressive, they use folic acid and cyanocobalamin, which I don’t recommend.

            Yes, I think Naturelo makes an excellent product for children. The tricky part is the taste, which some struggle with.

            That completely makes sense. I’ve seen this happen. A lot of times, that feeling you are experiencing is due to the high dosages of B-vitamins. I advocate for lower B-vitamin dosages for most people unless there are issues with absorption, medication-induced deficiencies are occurring, certain cases in regards to mental health, and seniors.

            What you can try is just starting a lower dose B-vitamin multivitamin like Naturelo (you can even dose it lower in the beginning), or start with a multi-mineral (also listed on this article) and see how you feel.



    How about Nutrilite Double X and Usana Cellsentials ?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Dorothy,

      The Nutrilite Double X may be one of the most overpriced multivitamins I’ve seen with a very cheaply made formulation. At $81 for a 31-day supply, they are using folic acid, cyanocobalamin, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol), and there are a lot of additives in the other ingredient section like soybean oil, glucose syrup and sucrose. I’ll be sure to add this product to the worst list in this article.

      While Usana Cellsentials isn’t as bad as Nutrilite Double X, it still uses folic acid and cyanocobalamin, which I don’t recommend.

  288. Sarah

    Hi Alex,
    Sarah again. Thanks for your reply.

    Quick question – is MyKind organics womens once daily a good vitamin?

    I can’t seem to find Naturelo here in canada. I may have to order it online. Just wanted your take on MyKind.

    Thank You!!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Sarah,

      That is unfortunate you can’t find Naturelo in Canada because I think they are based in Vancouver.

      There are pros and cons to the Garden of Life myKind Organic. The pro is that it is one of the only true 100% whole food multivitamins. The con is that certain minerals in this form are harder to absorb (zinc and iron for example), and zinc in this product is also too low in my opinion. You just need to be aware that you may require extra calcium, magnesium, and zinc to better complete the formula.

      • Sarah

        Got it!!
        I’ve gone to a few health food stores and they don’t seem to sell it, unless I need to check others. I will order Naturelo from their direct site.

        Thanks for providing the lab test results, most helpful!!
        When I checked the reviews, a lot of people mentioned they were breaking out in hives. I guess I’ll listen to my gut and get Naturelo lol.


  289. David

    Thank you for such an amazing resource!

    I was wondering what your thoughts are on dedicated liver (and other organ pills) from

    Would you still supplement with a multivitamin, or do you think they provide enough of what’s needed? (Other than magnesium)

    Thank you for your time and expertise!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi David,

      Organ meats are some of the most nutrient-dense foods available. When it comes to powdered forms in capsules, I would ask the company for a nutritional analysis of the B-vitamins, iron, selenium, vitamin A, etc. Then you can understand dosages better of what you are getting and what you may lack. My approach with powdered organ meats would be to use them once a week or so vs. every day. This could be wise depending on the amount of iron (don’t want too much as a male), and I think it mimics the realistic intake of these organ meats vs. using them every day as a multivitamin.

    • Aura

      I was looking for information on MyKind prenatal Garden of life. I was reading through all questions and answers when I saw this. However, when I went to the link provided for analysis results, the page is down and in ‘’progress”. I tried to send an email and it came back as “address unfound”. Is there any other source where we can go to look? Thank you.

      • Alex Swanson

        Hi Aura,

        I can’t seem to find that link anymore either. I’m not sure if you saw our prenatal article, but it may give you more research that you are looking for with prenatal vitamins.

  290. Sheryl Henrickson

    Multivitamins and Multiminerals are needed in our times, especially there are lot’s of decease and viruses in our surrounding . Thank’s for The Best Multivitamins and Multiminerals for 2020 you introduce, I’m pretty sure it will help us to achieve strong immune system.

  291. Monika

    Hello Alex:

    What are your thoughts about Designs for Health TWICE DAILY MULTI™?

    Thank you!



    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Monika,

      This question actually came up recently. Here was my answer:

      I think the Twice Daily Multi by Designs for Health is a well-made product. I would prefer the B12 to be a lower dose (I have the same criticism for Thorne) and it is overpriced (in my opinion). What’s strange is that on their website, they show a full spectrum vitamin K2, which is my favorite part of the formula. But on Amazon, the K2 isn’t listed at all.

      • Monika

        Thank you very much Alex! I truly appreciate all your reviews and comments. Very helpful.

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Monika,

          Of course!

  292. Jamie Woodliff

    Hello. Are you familiar with Youngevity or Hardy Nutritionals? Thoughts on those products? Thanks!

  293. Charity

    I read through all the reply’s, I hope I have not missed something. I will have a follow up question, but my first question is in regards to trace mineral supplements. Can you tell me the difference between something like Concentrace Trace Minerals and Humic/Fulvic Acid that contains trace minerals? (I am being told Humic/Fulvic Acid is superior) Both are ionic in form and electrolyte. Concentrace comes from Great Salt Lake and this Humic/Fulvic comes from New Mexico Are you familiar with Humic/Fulvic minerals at all?

    Secondly, what do you think of either of these “multi vitamins” from Mother Earth labs (one is stronger than the other) scroll down for link to click on product label

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Charity,

      1. Great question! I am familiar with both. In regards to Concentrace vs. humic/fulvic Acid, I think there is evidence that humic/fulvic acid is superior for a number of reasons. Concentrace comes from the Great Salt Lake, while humic/fulvic acid comes from organic matter. Humic/fulvic acid products contain a lot more of just minerals, arguably better absorption, and is geared towards gut health.

      For the purpose of this article, Concentrace is listed to hit certain mineral targets, mainly the higher lithium content (and magnesium), which can be hard to get, beneficial for a lot of people who require more, and it is depleted in their water supply. Unless I’m wrong, I don’t believe fulvic/humic acid products contain much lithium or magnesium. The choice between the two products really depend on your goals.

      What people need to be aware of with humic/fulvic acid products, is that you want to see that is has been tested to be free of contaminants and you only use it with filtered water since it reacts with chlorine.

      2. In regards to the Mother Earth Lab products, the positive of the Core-Osteo and Comprehensive Core is that they are using the correct forms of everything. My criticism with these types of liquids is that there are so many blends, you end up with dosages that are not effective. It also just seems like information overload for your body as you would never consume that many compounds at once, so I question how much you absorb. Secondly, I disagree with the use of flaxseed oil because as soon as it is exposed to oxygen, rancidity starts setting in. The water-soluble vitamins (beta-carotene, B’s and vitamin C) also tend to lose their potency when exposed to air and light in liquid.

      • Charity

        Thank you so much for replying to my question, I really appreciate it! And now for the follow up question(s)… I am 45. I didn’t/don’t feel bad, but on labs have been dealing with Chronic Vit D deficiency (usually ranges of 8-20 without supplementation-“active D” labs are higher, likely VDR mutation?). That said I’m not a fan of Vit D supplementation, other than sunshine. Since it is a hormone, I feel very cautious, but understand my levels are low enough to warrant some supplementation anyway, most likely. I also have been having non optimal thyroid labs/borderline hypo. And lastly I have liver concerns (?) and possibly a sluggish lymphatic system (thermography scan)?

        My main goal is preventing serious chronic disease, bring thyroid labs into optimal range and get my lymph flushing properly.

        A year ago I started the following supplements, per my Dr. suggestion: Metagenics Phytomulti
        Metagenics Advaclear (for liver support)
        Vit D3 (currently switched to Seeking Health)
        Terry Naturally Tri-Iodine 12.5mg (yes mg)
        Terry Naturally Iodine Co-Factors: (Vit C as AA, B1, B2, Mag, Selenium, Manganese (product now discontinued) 

        I also added:  
        -Vit K2 (MK7 and 4) Innovix labs  
        -Extra Mag (Pure Encapsulations Mag Glyc and Jigsaw MagSRT)
        -Extra Vit C (currently Bronsons and NOW brand, but switching to C-salts when these are gone)
        -Cod Liver Oil, in the winter. (Started with Rosita, currently taking Carlsons CLO-will go back to Rosita or Virgin, when Carlsons is gone, as it didn’t seem preferred?)

        I would like to know what you think of Metagenics Phytomulti

        I’m not sure if the Metagenics AdvaClear (for detox/liver health) is good? I see you liked Herb Pharm Liver Health further up in the comments, but this other one is VERY popular in some of my groups, so curious what you think: (but maybe none of these would be necessary with just an increase of Mag/Vit C? to help support the liver?  

        Thyroid labs improved to optimal range withing 4 months on the above list of supplements, but I am not really comfortable taking that much Iodine (Dr. is a huge fan of high dose Iodine), and I’d rather scale back my supplement in general to the least amount that will get the job done!!!

        We had a “life event” and I have been off all supplements for 7 months. This weeks lab results showed thyroid down again (I run my own through, not as bad as before, within range, but not optimal. Liver enzymes AST and ALT were on the far high end of the range, so I think liver support is still warranted? (I know being hypo can effect the liver).

        I want to get my labs back on track. I run my own every 3-4 months (cheaper doing it myself) and do 1 annual app with my Dr. I want to experiment with the supplements that I’m taking, so I can see what exactly is helping and is worth it. 

        Over the last year or two, I have implemented IF, lost weight and maintained (currently about 140lbs) and moved our family to at least 80% whole foods, organic when possible, and I’m now adding rebounding, dry brushing and lymphatic facial massage, to increase lymphatic flow/cell health. 

        I have been considering just taking a trace mineral supplement (this one, depending on what you think or Concentrace or BOTH?!) with CLO, Vit D and Vit K2 (since it’s winter) for the next 3 months, and see where my labs stand, then go from there. I know minerals are SO important.

        If not optimal, I will add back in:
        Multi (Metagenics or Naturelo? with or without iron?)
        Additional Vit C (C-salts)
        Additional Mag (Pure Encapsulations Mag Glyc/Jigsaw MagSRT)

        and if needed, more:
        (Selenium?) (Thorne)
        (Iodine?) still haven’t decided at what dosage or brand

        I’m wondering if the Iodine contained in the multivitamin and trace mineral supplement above (while nowhere near 12.5mg) might be sufficient, so that I can drop the high dose Iodine and accompanying co-factors? Worse case scenario, i can always go back to it.  

        Ultimately though, I just don’t want to be on a whole list of supplements FOREVER, it’s not really sustainable long term, IMO. I’d like to take the bare minimum, that are MOST effective, that will get the job done!

        It’s frustrating to me that supplements can be a “bandaid” too, when you stop them, issues return. I want to permanently fix things! I feel like focusing on trace minerals and diet will do that. Thanks for any feedback you can give, incredibly helpful as I try to figure this out and move forward!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Charity,

          I may not be able to answer everything you listed here because your health practitioner will have much more information about your health to help you make these decisions. But I will try to answer what I can.

          1. My main goal is preventing serious chronic disease, bring thyroid labs into optimal range and get my lymph flushing properly.

          I have two articles related to thyroid health. One is a general overview, and one is from Nutrition Genome on how to use genetic testing to be more precise with nutrient targeting.

          Adrenal Fatigue and the Thyroid Connection
          Are Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease Genetic? A Nutrigenomic Approach

          2. I would like to know what you think of Metagenics Phytomulti

          My main criticism of Metagenics is that their formulations are often very strong and overpriced. For the phytomulti, there is an inherent issue I have with the formulation. They use an aspartate complex for a few minerals like selenium and zinc. I talked about this concern on the Best Electrolyte Drinks article regarding the product Ultima, and this concern was confirmed by a reader who’s child was using it daily. Essentially, when glutamic acid or aspartic acid are not protein-bound, it raises levels of glutamate and aspartate in the body. This may be an issue for those sensitive to excitatory effects.

          3. I’m not sure if the Metagenics AdvaClear (for detox/liver health) is good? I see you liked Herb Pharm Liver Health further up in the comments, but this other one is VERY popular in some of my groups, so curious what you think: Bioray (but maybe none of these would be necessary with just an increase of Mag/Vit C? to help support the liver?

          There are a lot of good liver/detox products out there beyond what I have listed. I believe in more of a gentle approach over a longer period of time when it comes to detoxification, which is why I like Herb Pharm.

          The Metagenics formula is designed like a strong multivitamin with detox compounds, so I wouldn’t take this and a multivitamin. which would put you at too high a level of numerous vitamins and minerals.

          The Bioray product looks very good. I’m not sure if you have seen how much I talk about mushrooms on this site, but let’s just say I’ve been a major advocate of medicinal mushrooms for almost 15 years now.

          4. Concentrace vs. Fulvic/Humic

          I would choose the Fulvic/Humic in your case. Although it would take a lot more lithium to suppress the thyroid, I would be conservative and get trace amounts instead of using Concentrace.

          5. Iodine Question

          Iodine is very detoxifying and influences the estrogen pathway. A doctor should really monitor you if taking higher doses of iodine and this approach is really case to case, so it isn’t something I can give a definitive answer on.

          I understand your frustration! Hopefully, you can get back on the right track soon with minimal intervention.

      • Kitwanie

        Hi, Alex what’s a good Womens Multivitamin that doesn’t have high levels of vitamins and minerals, less than 100% because I want to get my nutrients mostly from the food I eat . I keep searching and I can’t find one, the bad reviews give me anxiety.

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Kitwanie,

          My recommendation would be to just cut down the dosage of a women’s multivitamin to get less than 100% of the RDA. Are there any on this list that you are interested in where you could lower the dose?

  294. David

    Has HealthBeat tried My Kind Organics Men’s Once Daily? How does it stack up to the vitamins in this list? Thank you.

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi David,

      Yes, we have reviewed this one. My main criticism is that zinc is too low (5mg) and poorly absorbed from plants, and calcium (5mg) and magnesium (2mg) are also way too low. It would also benefit from boron. The combination of low zinc, low magnesium, and omitting boron isn’t a good combination for helping maintain healthy testosterone levels. For those over 40, saw palmetto would also be helpful.

      I also recently saw testing done on the Mykind prenatal that didn’t spark confidence for their other Mykind products.

  295. Alexandra Komp


    Where would Mary Ruth’s brand of supplements rank?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Alexandra,

      I think minerals in liquid are excellent because they are stable. Water-soluble vitamins, on the other hand, degrade when exposed to light and oxygen. If you look at the label, you will see very high amounts of the water-soluble B-vitamins (it also appears the product uses folic acid since it says non-methylated next to folate). My assumption is the high dosage is added to help offset the losses. I would like to see testing done so you know exactly how much is in there after opening it and storing it. I wouldn’t rely on this one for vitamin C since it is low in the formulation and likely degrades quickly. If you want to use liquid, I would recommend choosing a multimineral vs. a multivitamin.

  296. Alexandra


    Also have you looked into health masters? What do you think of that brand?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Alexandra,

      I reviewed their multivitamin, and it looks like they are using all the correct forms of the vitamins and minerals. My only criticism is that their ratio of the B-vitamins and dosages of a few minerals seems off. Biotin and B12 are too high, folate is arguably too low (depending on your diet), zinc and iodine are too low, calcium and magnesium are too low (though common is most multis), and vitamin E is too high (depending on your genes, this could even be inflammatory).

  297. Catherine

    Alex, thank you for all of your help! I’m interested in the Ancestral Supplements Beef Organs and Bone Marrow products. I reached out to the owner, who is very helpful, and here is what he said, ” The recommended serving for most of our products (6 capsules) is equivalent to about one ounce of fresh, raw organs / glands that you’d get from your local farmer (or) butcher. Some basic averages can be gleaned from the published literature for individual organs / glands.

    B12 — 6.5 mcg
    Folate — 25 mcg (this is real folate versus synthetic folic acid)
    Choline — 25 mg
    Niacin — 2.4 mg
    Potassium — 93 mg
    Selenium — 18 mcg
    Copper — 1 mg
    Iron — 5 mg
    Vitamin A — 1100 ius ”

    Additionally, I asked him what other supplements he and his family take and he stated, “Our supplements are a whole-food, natural source of vitamins, nutrients, cofactors, and enzymes that interact in harmony with nature as opposed to concentrated doses (and isolated compounds) that are manufactured. I suggest keeping a D3 supplement (or sensible sunshine), a K2 supplement (or eating fermented veggies) and Magnesium on board.”

    Would these be sufficient to cover all my bases or would you still suggest one of your recommended multis and/or other products? Thank you so much!!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Catherine,

      I think incorporating organ meats and bone marrow are excellent ideas. In addition to that recommended list, I would say that vitamin C is also an important consideration. I explain the reasoning for it here.

      I wrote an article titled How to Make Your Own Multivitamin with Your Diet that I highly recommend. Scroll down to the table I created, and you will be able to visually see all the vitamins and minerals, and where to do get them in your diet. This will help you fill in what may be missing based on where you live, and what other supplementation may be needed.

      • Catherine

        Thank you so much for your feedback. Here is my plan as far as far as daily”supplements” go: Beef Organ, Bone Marrow, Rosita Cod Liver Oil, magnesium glycinate, vitamin C, vitamin K2, Bio Kult probiotic, and Concentrace mineral drops. Does this sound like a good plan? Am I missing anything? Thank you so much!

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Catherine,

          This looks pretty good! If you want to ever consider nutrigenomic testing, this would really help you customize this. Just focus on all the B-vitamin, calcium, iodine, zinc, vitamin E, omega-3, and choline foods in the table to fill in the gaps and/or increased dosages. Regarding Bio-Kult, I’m not sure if you read my probiotic article, but I think it is important for people to know that probiotic supplementation may not be necessary unless you are trying to correct an imbalance. If your digestion is healthy, it could actually cause an imbalance, especially with stronger formulations.

          • Catherine

            Thank you! The probiotic article was very informative. I think I may stop using this everyday and try to use on an at needed basis.

            I actually had a custom nutrition plan done by My Gene Food. My methylation status came back as high risk with recommendation to take a moderate to high dose B multvitamin with methylated versions. Additionally, B12 and B6 were tagged as needing optimization.

            I may be interested in doing your nutrigenomic testing as well, especially if I can get a completely customized supplement plan. I’m definitely not a perfect eater and while I’m striving to be better, I want to make sure I’m covering all my bases. Do you think the nutrigenomic testing will give me more clarity?
            Thank you so much!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Catherine,

            The Nutrition Genome analysis is food-focused and does not recommend supplementation. However, you can use the custom grocery list of vitamins, minerals, and compounds to derive a supplement program to fill in the holes based on what you are getting from your diet.

            Many nutrigenomic analysis programs use terms like “high-risk,” which actually shows an incomplete understanding of genetic variants. Many of our gene variations are trade-offs or can be traced back to our ancestor’s migration routes. So a higher need for folate from a homozygous MTHFR gene, for example, points towards a warmer climate migration pattern (higher sun exposure also depletes folate) where more folate-rich plants grow and were consumed. Here is our MTHFR article for more information.

            Here is a sample of the report to give you a better idea of whether or not it will give you more clarity than what you have received (just scroll down to see the sample report link).

          • Catherine

            Thank you for all of your feedback! I’m definitely considering your nutrigenomic testing or using my 23andme data to obtain your report.

            I’ve refined my supplements a little due to cost and I’m focusing mostly on the following…I think:

            1) dessicated liver (about 1/2 – 1 oz per day)
            2) Beef Organs and Bone Marrow (not the full dosage)
            3) Cod liver oil (1 tsp)
            4) Black seed oil ( 1 tsp)
            5) Vitamin C (buffered C Salts)

            I was wondering if taking 1 capsule of Thorne Basic Nutrients or Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin would cover everything else? Or would this be too much of some vitamins?

            The other option I’m considering is taking Biomins Multi Mineral instead of the above vitamins. Should I take the one with iron and copper? If I go this route, do I need Concentrace Mineral Drops as well? If I decide to do the Multimineral, I would need to add K2 I’m assuming?

            Thank you so much for your feedback!!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Catherine,

            I appreciate your creativity! I think the bigger question here is, what are your health goals? I think one potential imbalance is your vitamin A to D ratio. If you are getting a lot of sun where you live or you eat a lot of fatty fish, this may not be an issue. Liver, organs, and cod liver oil put your vitamin A at a higher level on a daily basis, so you want to make sure your vitamin D isn’t too low (below 20 ng/ml). It is important for respiratory health that your vitamin D is in range when having a higher vitamin A intake.

            Also, it would be nice to know how much selenium you are getting with the organ products. The Biomins is higher in selenium, so you don’t want to go overboard there. There is also plenty of iron and copper in the organ products, so no need for more of those either since you don’t want to disrupt the zinc/copper ratio.

            Here is a simplified version for cost and effectiveness that I would consider:

            1. Desiccated liver (A, D, B12, iron, choline and this should also include some K2)
            2. Beef Organs and Bone Marrow (wide range, including more vitamin A, B12 and iron)
            3. Mineral water (this could be Gerolsteiner or mineral drops like Concentrace). Mineral water contains bicarbonate, which helps your body retain calcium better, lowering the requirement. If using Concentrace, you will want to focus your diet on more calcium.
            4. Vitamin C

            Get enough sun and/or fish like herring and wild salmon, or pastured lard for cooking to include more vitamin D.

          • Catherine

            Dear Alex,
            Thank you so much for your feedback. Regarding my health goals, I mainly want to maintain good health. I’m 47 and I’m fairly healthy. I am entering perimenopause and I’m dealing with hormonal acne and 20 lbs that I want to lose, and a little more energy would be nice too! I’m hoping that the Vitamin A will help with the acne.

            I did some digging and here’s what I discovered. If I take the full dosage of dessicated liver (about an ounce) and half the dosage of the organ/marrow supplements, I’m getting the following:

            Vitamin A = 9541 IU (409%)
            Vitamin D = 13.9 IU (2%)
            K2 = 75 mcg (is that enough?)
            Selenium = 11.1 ug
            B vitamins look pretty good, although maybe low in B1 (0.1 mg) and B6 (0.3).
            Folate = 84.2 ug.
            Copper is high at 4.5 mg
            Iron = 4.4 mg
            Zinc = 1.5 mg
            Phosphorus = 140.9 mg
            manganese = 0.1 mg
            potassium = 146.3

            Cod liver oil: Vitamin A = 3900 IU; 167%; Vitamin D = 395 IU; 66%

            Based on this, I’m fairly certain that I need to supplement with Vitamin D, whether or not I include cod liver oil. Do you agree? Up until recently, I’ve been taking 5000 IUS for years. Last year i had my Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy tested and it was 82.9 ng/mL. If I don’t take cod liver oil, I would need fish oil for omega 3’s, correct? I probably don’t get enough from diet alone.

            i really like the idea of the Gerolsteiner mineral water for the rest of my mineral needs. Do I need to worry about the fact that there is no lithium? Also, I would probably need more magnesium, correct?

            I don’t think I’m getting any Vitamin E or enough Vitamin K2 .I’m really open to your suggestions and changing my supplement regiment.
            Thank you so much!!!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Catherine,

            You are welcome. The information you offered is very helpful in narrowing it down. First, I would definitely get another baseline check for your vitamin D level. From what the research has shown, there isn’t a proven benefit over 50 ng/ml, and it may be problematic with calcium metabolism and vitamin A levels. If your D is still that high, vitamin A would be helpful to balance out the A/D ratio and I would avoid taking isolated vitamin D. I don’t see an issue now with adding cod liver oil for some vitamin D and the extra A. I’ve seen acne get eliminated with vitamin A and zinc. This is also why I would consider adding zinc to your protocol since it is too low based on those organ meat numbers and should be taken with extra vitamin A.

            All mineral water has traces of lithium at different levels. Gerolsteiner does have small amounts of lithium from data I’ve seen in the past. Extra magnesium wouldn’t hurt.

            I think you can get enough vitamin E from nuts and seeds, and vitamin C helps regenerate vitamin E. I also think 75mcg of K2 daily is sufficient. If you eat cheese, this is a good guide for vitamin K2.

          • Catherine

            Alex, I can’t thank you enough! I will be sure to test my Vitamin D levels at some point soon. Also, I will add a zinc supplement to this regiment.

            I hope you don’t mind weighing in on recommendations for my boys, ages 11 (90 lbs) and 13 (120 lbs). Here’s what I was thinking:

            1) Naturelo for Teens (2 capsules for 13 year old, 1 capsure for 11 year old)
            2) Cod liver oil (1 tsp)
            3) Magnesium glycinate (for nighttime)
            4) Concentrace mineral drops (although they aren’t very good about doing this)
            5) Vitamin C

            Do you think dessicated liver would be a good addition at a smaller amount? Or maybe dessicated liver a couple of times a week? I’m not sure if it’s necessary, but I think I notice more energy taking it. However, all of our vitamins/supplements are getting expensive! 🙂

            I appreciate everything!

          • Alex Swanson M.S.

            Hi Catherine,

            No problem! It definitely can get expensive. That looks like a pretty solid program to me. I think desiccated liver once a week would be a good addition. For the mineral drops, sometimes it helps to give each one a designated water bottle for the day with it added. Reduces glasses and mugs that need to be washed as well. Great job.

  298. Beth

    Have you researched Marine from Utah? Wondering as I’ve taken for many years off/on and wondering if any research has been done that you know of?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Beth,

      I believe this company sources the same minerals as Trace Minerals Research. I think the liquid minerals products from both companies are good.

  299. Debby

    Thank you so much for all of the great information. I follow a pretty clean diet but I feel like I need to make sure I’m getting all of the essential Micro nutrients as due to food sensitivities and autoimmune issues, my diet is pretty limited. The problem I am having with multivitamin and mineral supplements is that I am histamine and glutamate intolerant so that disqualifies some ingredients, and methylated vitamins make me really jittery and anxious. Do you know of any multis that would work in my situation? Thanks!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Debby,

      Have you tried using any liquid mineral products? When someone has a lot of food sensitivities, liquid minerals are typically easier to absorb and assimilate.

      I would recommend a product like Remyte to start. The only B-complex that I am aware of that would work in your situation is the Pranin B-Complex (all from food, but check if you are sensitive to any of the plants used)

      • Debby

        Thanks so much for your reply, I will definitely check them out!

  300. Mode Chuladul

    Hi, Alex

    I’ll be 53 this July, and my mom 82 this May.

    Mom has been taking one tablet of 10-mg Lipitor on a daily basis for her high Triglyceride and cholesterol about 10 years now. Her sinus infection has been treated with Seretide morning and before bedtime as a substitution of surgery for almost two years, and it seems to work really well, gradually. Also, she had a cataract removal surgery last December. Could you please recommend what seems best for her as supplementary products? For the time being, I only give her Blackmores B complex + Choline & Inositol once a day (breakfast) and 500 mg Blackmores Naturetime 500 mg buffered Vitamin C twice a day (breakfast and lunch). She can’t take Blackmores Omega Daily that I gave her because it makes her bleed more than usual when accidently wounded, as she told me.

    I myself have been prescribed with one tablet of Tragenta Duo (50/250) morning and evening on a daily basis since before New Year. Basically, I sit in front of a comp all day long .. all stressed and stiff. Again, could you please give me a recommendation about the supplementary products I should take beside the HOF Marigold Plus, Blackmores Omega Daily and the same B complex and Vitamin C my mom takes?

    Thank you so much in advance. I really appreciate what you’ve been doing for people.

    Kind regards,

    Mode Chuladul

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Mode,

      It is beyond my scope to make full supplement program recommendations since this really needs to be done by a practitioner with access to the entire health history of an individual. I am happy to review any supplements you are considering.

      1) The first note is that statins can deplete CoQ10, selenium, and K2. These may be important considerations.
      2) Blackmores B complex + Choline & Inositol: Could you provide a link? I couldn’t locate this.
      3) Blackmores Naturetime 500 mg: Could you provide a link? Couldn’t locate this one either.
      4) Buffered Vitamin C twice a day: Here is a list of the top vitamin C products I recommend if you are looking for another one.

      Could you narrow down what exactly you are looking to add to your supplement program? Is it something mainly to help with stress and stiffness? Glycemic control?

      • Mode

        Thank you so much, Alex. I really appreciate your quick reply! and will definitely take your suggestion of my mum’s supplementary options and the top vitamin C products.

        Here is the link to the Blackmores Multi B that my mum and I’ve been taking:

        and to the Blackmores Naturetime:

        I would like the supplementary products that give me energy, help with my stress & stiffness and my eye health (I’m a translator/writer who always work on a comp) but not necessarily with glycemic control.

        Thank you so much once again.


        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Mode,

          The Blackmores Multi B uses synthetic folic acid and cyanocobalamin. You want a formula that uses methylfolate for folate and methylcobalamin for B12.

          The Blackmores Naturetime buffered C looks great, keeping using that one.

          In regards to stress, energy and stiffness – as well as glycemic benefits as a bonus – I would consider magnesium. I’ve written about it here.

          For eye health, research points towards getting insulin and fasting blood sugar under control, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, bilberry, beta-carotene, and lycopene to name a few. There are many eye products out there that combine these ingredients. One option is Macular Support.

          • Mode Chuladul

            I can’t thank you enough, Alex. What you do here not only for me but for everyone is truly highly appreciated!

            Wish you and family the best health, for you so deserve that.

            Best regards,


      • Aamir S

        Hi Alex

        I’ve been looking for a new multivitamin, I used to use Wellteen Plus, I’m not sure if you are familiar it is made by the UK brand Vitabiotics. Anyhow Wellteen is for ages 13-19, since I am going to be 20 tomorrow I have been looking for a multivitamin for men and more imporantly a wholefood one. They are more expensive however, I have come across brands such as naturelo, new chapter etc. which would you recommend? and are wholefoods much better than synthetic multivitamins, also why do naturelo state once a day when they require you to take them 4 times a day. If wholefoods isnt that big of a deal I will look to using wellman plus which dont state whether theyre wholefood or not.

        sorry for the massive paragraph and multiple questions, I am just really confused.

        kind regards

        • Alex Swanson M.S.

          Hi Aamir,

          Happy birthday! You will find the following processes that are used to make a multivitamin: whole food, naturally derived and modified, synthesized from yeast or fermentation. Typically, there isn’t a multivitamin that doesn’t contain some synthesized or “scientifically formulated” nutrients since they cannot be reached to high enough levels from food to hit the target amounts.

          New Chapter uses a nutrient-rich broth, added synthetic vitamins and the yeast saccharomyces to metabolize and convert them, then use small amounts of fruit or vegetable blends as filler. There is no evidence that this process is superior.

          What you want are biologically active forms that are found in food, and you want to avoid synthetic forms like folic acid, cyanocobalamin, DL-alpha-tocopherol and synthetic beta carotene, all of which have performed poorly in studies and may even be harmful. You also want to look for superior forms for absorption. Magnesium oxide, for example, has only a 4% absorption rate.

          I think Naturelo is an excellent choice. They have a One Daily Men’s formula and a four capsule formula. The One Daily would be a good, economical choice for a young guy.

  301. Linus

    Hi Alex,

    What do you think about the European formulation of Life Extension’s Two-Per-Day (“”)? They reduced the amount of B6 (75 to 20 mg) and vitamin A (1500 to 600 mcg) but slightly increased the amount of vitamin E (67 to 69.5 mg). I’m planning to take one capsule instead of two, but my concerns are the following:

    1. Still too much vitamin E (~52 IU)
    2. Vitamin A dose is low (300 mcg) and it’s in synthetic form
    3. The unnecessarily high amount of B’s. I know that they are water-soluble and B12 is poorly absorbed, but still, doesn’t 25 mg of riboflavin, 37.5 mg of thiamine, or 150 mcg of biotin seem a bit excessive? Wouldn’t there be any problems with an always high amount of B’s because of daily supplementation (my body will get rid of it because of water solubility but I’ll overdose it again the very next day)?
    4. Magnesium oxide
    5. No copper, but is it needed if zinc dosage is 12.5 mg/day?
    6. Is dosing and forms of minerals correct (zinc 12.5 mg, selenium 100 mcg, manganese 1 mg, chromium 100 mcg, molybdenum 50 mcg, boron 1.5 mg)?
    7. Selenium as a mix of selenite, high selenium yeast and selenomethionine (in this order)

    I’ll take one capsule instead of two and will also supplement with magnesium malate (115 mg) and glycinate (100-200 mg), K2 (100 mcg of MK-7 but I’m also in search of capsules with 500-1000 mcg of MK-4) and EPA+DHA (375 mcg + 250 mcg, respectively).

    Are my concerns valid or am I comparing the multivitamin rated like 95/100 (VitaminIQ) and the one rated like 90/100 (Life Extension)?

    I like that it can be bought in Europe and from my research, it looks that Life Extension is a very trustable company and not afraid to sell its products in the EU despite the stricter regulations. Is it worth it to buy something better from the US or the abovementioned multivitamin is good enough? It’s probably also worth mentioning that it’s not so cheap here and costs ~$32 for 120 capsules (vs. ~$17 in the US).

    Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Linus,

      I think you did an excellent review! I think your concerns are valid, especially with the B-vitamins. There is variation between individuals which may require different strengths, however, for the general population, I error on the side of what would be found in food. Some people think that because B-vitamins are water-soluble, they are harmless and the extra amount is simply flushed out. Research doesn’t show that. High levels of riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and biotin have been found to cause DNA damage, high levels of B12 may deplete lithium, high levels of B6 can cause nerve damage, high levels of folic acid may block folate receptors, and high levels of methylfolate may cause anxiety. Life Extension has some good products, but some are way too strong in my opinion. I would choose a different product.

  302. Keyla

    Hi Alex,

    Thank you for the fabulous review. I’m slightly confused as to what supplements I should be looking into. I’m a 39 y.o. female healthcare worker. I work out 3x/week for about an hour each time focusing on cardio, strength training, and yoga. Apart from being diagnosed with thalassemia minor, I have no known health conditions. My health goals involve increasing energy levels, and improving skin and hair quality. I’m mostly vegetarian as I consume fish 2x/week.

    Should I be supplementing with a BComplex or a multivitamin/multimineral?

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Keyla,

      Thank you for your work in healthcare! Yes, B-vitamins would be a priority along with collagen protein for skin and hair health. A multivitamin would include the B-vitamins and minerals, so it typically a better buy if you are looking for simplicity. If you are in a high-exposure area of the coronavirus, I would also consider maintaining a higher vitamin C intake (vitamin C and collagen are also synergistic for skin). Here is an article on diet tips for hair health (which also benefits skin).

  303. Amy

    Hi Alex,

    First of all, I really appreciate the time you took to do such a thorough review!

    I hope you don’t mind sharing some more information in regards to how you arrived at the data regarding the Nutrilate DoubleX formula sold by Amway.

    I am considering being a distributor of Amway, and really want to make sure that I get my facts straight before determining if they are a company I wish to get behind.

    Are you able to tell me how your able to determine that their vitamin and mineral formulation costs as little to make as possible?

    I’m also trying to figure out what you mean when you say, the company uses a source of beta-carotene (amongst others) that is not listed. What exactly does listed mean?

    You had mentioned alot of work had went into the plant/concentrate section, but the work that went into the vitamin/mineral portion was not on par.

    I’m trying to figure out how to determine what is the “plant” section on the label. I had assumed it was the plants that contained the vitamins and minerals. Can I ask how you came to the conclusion, that superior research and processing only go into the “plant” side of things.

    This information would be very appreciated!

    Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Amy,

      Sure, I’d be happy to help. To confirm, I am looking at the Nutrilite™ Double X™ Vitamin/Mineral/Phytonutrient Supplement – 31-Day Refill. This looks different in some ways from the last time I reviewed it.

      Synthetic ingredients and poorly absorbed forms are the cheapest vitamins and minerals for a formulation. Folic acid (synthetic, methylfolate is the food form), cyanocobalamin (cheap form with potential issues, methylcobolamin is superior), magnesium oxide (only 4% is absorbed), and zinc oxide (poorly absorbed). When beta-carotene is isolated and the source is not listed, it may be synthetic vs. it saying next to it “D. Salina” for example. However, it looks like the ingredient list has been updated since I last reviewed it: Vitamin A (as beta carotene and Vitamin A acetate) (74% as natural beta carotene). The other ingredients section includes soybean oil, soy protein concentrate, sucrose, corn starch and others that are unnecessary, and not something I would want to take every day.

      The plant section starts at lycopene and are extracts. These extracts concentrate plant compounds but contribute little if any to the vitamin and mineral profile. Maybe I am wrong, but I remember a more robust plant profile from this formulation. This looks pretty standard now.

  304. Ellen

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for your article. I started taking Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/Day a few months ago, and since then, my LDL levels shot up considerably. The only change I made since the last time I had my cholesterol checked was taking the vitamins –I have had no changes in diet or exercise (I eat healthy and exercise daily). Is there any way the vitamin could be a cause of increased LDL levels?


    • Alex Swanson M.S.

      Hi Ellen,

      No, that is the first time I’ve ever heard that. Did you happen to be sick, have any kind of infection, or experience chronic stress during that time? If not, I would ask your doctor who would be better equipped to answer that question with your medical records.

  305. Amy

    Hi Alex,

    What are your thoughts on Shaklee supplements? My husband just purchased their Multi+ Men, +B Boost, +C Boost & Vita-D3. I enjoyed your article and see some of what you don’t recommend in these. I take several Designs for Health and Metagenics supplements, which is what I recommended to my husband. Do you like those brands?

    Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Amy,

      Shaklee has a pretty large product line, so it really depends on the product. Something I haven’t liked is that they use some low-quality, poorly absorbed forms of vitamins and minerals in their multivitamins including folic acid, cyanocobalamin, magnesium oxide, pyridoxine hydrochloride. There are also some questionable additives in certain products usually derived from soy.

      The +B Boost has the same B-vitamin forms as the multivitamin.

      The +C Boost is fine.

      Designs for Health and Metagenics are also large companies, and it depends on which product. I think both do make some good products.

      • Amy

        Thank you so much! I’m ordering the VitaminIQ Multi for Men for him that you recommended. Appreciate your article, very thorough and so helpful.

        • Alex Swanson

          Of course!

  306. Imy

    Hi there,

    Great article. I stumbled upon this when researching two different brands for multivitamins and I know you have looked into both (after reading other comments) but never addressed them together so was wondering if you could do a little comparison between Whole Earth & Sea’s Multivitamin for Women, Garden of Life’s “mykind Organics Women’s Once Daily” and Garden of Life’s “Vitamin Code Raw One For Women”. I find the more natural focused supplements much more appealing, but of course I’m after something that works (which I’m mentioning because you made a point in a previous comment that sometimes natural vitamins aren’t the way to go) so even if you have any other suggestions, that would be very much appreciated! (Preferably Vegan but it’s not a must)

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Imy,

      The Whole Earth & Sea’s Multivitamin for Women is an overall good formula. Something to highlight here is that it is a higher dose of folate and B12. Some people are sensitive to higher doses of methyl B’s in the form of anxiety. There is also a small amount of aspartate in the magnesium, which some can also be sensitive to for excitatory effects. It is low in calcium and magnesium.

      mykind Organics Women’s Once Daily is a lower-dose multivitamin. If you eat vegetarian or vegan, this one is going to fall short of calcium, magnesium, copper, boron, zinc, and iron (if pre-menopausal).

      Vitamin Code Raw One For Women uses undesignated synthetic vitamins fed to yeast plus a broth to reach levels of different vitamins and minerals. I think this process is deceiving to the customer and there is no evidence that there is an advantage in regards to digestion, metabolism, and utilization.

      All formulas here are vegan from what I can see. If you want something that is entirely food-based, low-dose, and you are hitting your calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, boron, and zinc targets outside of this formula (or you are post-menopausal in regards to iron), then myKind would be a good fit.

      If you need higher doses of vitamins and minerals including zinc and iron, need more boron for bone health, and you are ok with a blend of food-based and synthesized, Whole Earth and Sea will be a better fit.

  307. Fahad Ali

    Before I explain my questions before you, I want to sincerely thank you for the contribution that you have made in our lives by easing and guiding us (Readers) in this whole vitamins (Supplements) industry. I strongly pray and hope for you all guys (very working hard to give readers and those who want to seek truth in this arena) that may your lives be full of prosperity, harmony and success.
    The scenario I am facing is something like this, I live in a third world developing country, agriculture is littered with pesticides, insecticides, and poor hybrid seeds, all types of pollution, water problems and so on. The need of a good source supplement is vital to say the least in this situation. As guided by your impressive articles on multivitamins and supplements: I have read the specifications of almost every multivitamin and mineral supplements I can get my hands on sold by either a multinational or a national company in our locale and have been unable to find a good product that match those standards or complements our systems so as to improve the quality of life and work. I am a medical student myself and felt like if I am unable to keep myself optimized how can I do that for my future patients and for more than a year I have been searching and ultimately failing while following this pursuit. I loved your top recommended multivitamins and other products in different categories but purchasing a product with the ongoing severe inflation around here and product in dollars, that is a feat I am currently unable to achieve. That doesn’t mean I want these companies to downgrade the products or give special discounts whatsoever. I will definitely buy them in the future.
    As my current health needs them
    Q; What is your advice on how should I complement myself with respect to the scenario I presented before you?
    Q: Should I proceed with using these synthetic or semisynthetic supplements until I am able to buy a REAL product?
    Q: Can you briefly guide me about the major risks these substandard multivitamins carry?
    My mail exceeded normal limits, But I will very grateful and much thankful to you for taking the time to give your opinion and advice on this matter.
    Love You Guys…

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Fahad,

      Thank you for taking the time to express gratitude for the website and the information we provide. We really appreciate it.

      I admire your drive as a medical student to want to keep yourself optimized as well as your future patients. I understand the challenges of finding something affordable that is also high-quality and will give you the benefits needed in your environment.

      My advice would be to use a company that has rigorous testing procedures and uses the correct forms of vitamins and minerals. Synthesized vitamins in the correct forms, as outlined in this article, can be beneficial. I would also recommend adaptogens, if available, to help your body withstand both environmental toxins and the psychological stressors of school.

      If you want to link to potential products that are available to you, I would be happy to review them and help you choose the best option.

    • Alex Swanson

      To answer your question regarding the major risks that substandard multivitamins carry, I would say that companies that do not do extensive testing can contain high levels of heavy metals and other contaminants. There’s also the danger that the amounts on the label do not accurately reflect what is in the product. Finally, certain forms of vitamins and minerals have been shown to carry health risks in research.

  308. Patrick

    Hello Alex!

    I wanted to know your opinion on the best organic multivitamin/s. I would love to know why you think they might be the best! One of my biggest concerns is the level of heavy metals in the vitamins. I am currently looking at potentially taking the Smartypants Organic Multivitamin. If you have any recomendations (or criticism on that specific multivitamin) other than that company I would greatly appreciate it as I would like to see my options!

    If you see this, thank you so much for considering this question!

    • Patrick

      Hello again,

      I am also curious as to if any of the multivitamins you might reccomend might be safe for my teenager. Going with that, what might be a good reccomendation for them by what I aforementioned?

      Thank you!

      • Alex Swanson

        Hi Patrick,

        Generally, teenagers can use the same micronutrient formulas as adults. The only real difference is if herbs and adaptogens are used, in which case, many times I think it is better to wait until age 18 or older. Naturelo Whole Food Vitamin for Teens is good choice.

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Patrick,

      When it comes to supplements, it gets a lot more complicated with organic when reviewing for purity compared to foods. For example, heavy metals can still be elevated in organic supplements based on the soil (Garden of Life has had this issue multiple times). This is why I also ask to see the COA (certificate of analysis) proving exceedingly low levels of heavy metals from a company before I make a recommendation. Mycotoxins can be also an issue with organic due to storage conditions and lack of mold inhibitors used, which will continue to become more and more of a problem with humid temperatures. I try to encourage companies to do mycotoxin testing as well.

      Some products may contain many if not all organic ingredients along with wild ingredients and not have the certification. I prefer when a company goes above and beyond with testing to show purity. For example, Primitive Scientific has testing done that showed that its formulas were exceeding low in heavy metals, aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, oxchratoxin A, pesticide residue and glyphosate. Glyophosate is an expensive test, and I think one of the most important ones. So this testing is another major reason why this formula is at the top.

      I think Smartypants is a reputable company, and they make gummy products that are much better than most out there. The issue I have with the Men’s formula has to do with the use of flax seed oil, with is notorious for going rancid.

  309. Virginia

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you so much for your thorough research and for making it available to others. I have been trying to sort through the maze of supplements for years…
    What do you think of Green Vibrance Daily Superfood?
    Thank you…

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Virginia,

      You are very welcome! Green Vibrance Daily Superfood uses a lot of cereal grasses, which I disagree with using. I have a list of the best green’s powders found here (and an explanation why I don’t think cereal grasses should be used): The Best Greens Powders without Cereal Grasses

      • Virginia

        Got it. And again, thank you 🙂

        • virginia

          I have begun taking the Primitive Scientific Multivitamin for Women and really like it so far. Would you recommend taking any type of Essential Fatty Acid supplement along with it? And if so, which ones?

          • Alex Swanson

            Hi Virginia,

            Glad you like the multivitamin! I would recommend it if your seafood intake is low. The way I approach EFA supplementation is through regular fish oil or phospholipid fish oil (krill or fish roe). The way to choose is actually based on genetics with your APOE genotype. You can read more about that here. I like Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega and Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Phospholipids.

  310. Christa

    Hi Alex,

    Sorry me again, what do you think of these folks? They say they are the only proven way to get vitamins absorbed correctly. Is the liposome truly a miracle way to absorb the correct amount of a vitamin. Two studies just came out, one from Northwestern that says vitamins are not needed and likely harmful and the one that came out today that said vitamins helped improve cognitive function in folks over 60. So much conflicting info. But if you don’t eat a correct diet……….but I get the point about how much do you actually need. Which I guess is why I should try to get as much through food and supplement with small amounts. I give up.

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Christa,

      You have to be careful with claims coming from companies selling the product who have also funded the research for a published study. It can be hard to find independent studies done with branded supplements. Vitamin C is a good example of working very well as ascorbic acid in thousands of studies, but you will get claims only liposomal or whole food vitamin C is effective from a supplement company selling their differentiating product. It’s simply not true. However, it make sense that liposomal glutathione would be a superior choice based on the metabolism of the compound.

      There is a ton of conflicting information and that is what I’ve tried to tackle at The Health Beat and with PhytoVest. If you haven’t taken the PhytoVest quiz yet (it’s free) I recommend it. This is exactly why I made the software. You can get an accurate estimate of what you are getting from your diet and supplementation combined to simplify your approach.

      • Christa

        Hi Alex,
        Sorry, me again, but I’m putting together my own multi vitamin and have a ton of questions. Yes, I am trying that quiz, lots of math for me to figure the best amounts and which foods etc. My question this time, why do so many good vitamins (Thorne, etc.) use such high amounts of B vitamins? Seems like that is the only vitamin group that companies will put 25000% in it. Is it that hard to be utilized by the body? I’m having a difficult time getting calcium from food as well, and it never seems to be in a multi in a decent amount. Size, I guess, but I really dislike milk, and I’d be eating cheese up the wazoo to get the rest. And then I wouldn’t have anything coming out of the wazoo, sorry, couldn’t resist. Would mineral drops be a good solution for calcium? Thanks for all your resource material, this site is the best.

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Christa,

          Not a problem! For the quiz, the beauty is that you can just make estimates. It is designed to get you in the ballpark so you can spot any major blind spots. Thorne Research is a company designed for physicians, who often see people with poor absorption, over 65, or are clinically treating a disorder that requires higher doses. You used to only be able to buy their products through a practitioner, but now are mainstream. For the general population, these high doses are not necessary and could potentially cause harm.

          You have many options for calcium. People are always surprised at how much calcium they are actually getting in their diet. If you are not consuming dairy – or do not want to consume much dairy – there are many plant options. I also recommend Gerolsteiner mineral water due to its high calcium cotent and sodium bicoarbonate. Fruits and vegetables are metabolized to sodium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate helps reduce calcium loss. Yes, calcium drops or calcium citrate powder can be helpful.

          If you are interested in all the ways to support bone health, I highly recommend an article I wrote called Is Your Ancestry Increasing Your Risk for Osteoporosis?

  311. G. Packer

    I use a combination of many nutritional supplements. By doing so, (as long as nothing runs out!) I manage to stay completely free of ALL internal illness (not counting periodontal). But, certain multis are a base. I’ll use either Earth Source Multi-Nutrient, from Solgar, or, preferably, when available (because it’s cheaper!) Green Source from Puritan’s Pride. I add Country Life Total Mins (120 tabs), and Lindberg Organic Greens & Fruits +. Would like to add Puritan’s Pride product # 19835, Biorganic Life, but, they’ve stopped making it!!! I assume these, plus my other supplements are doing the job, but, would appreciate any comments about any of these specific ones, anyway! Thanks Very Much.

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi G. Packer,

      Glad hear you are keeping well! Sure, I would be happy to give my opinion.

      1) Earth Source Multi-Nutrient by Solgar: It was challenging to find a clear label on this one. This product uses folic acid and cyanocoboalmin, which are poorly absorbed forms of folate and B12. Methylfolate, folinic acid, and methylcobalmin are all superior forms. It also uses less quality forms of other vitamins and minerals including B6 (P5P is the better absorbed version), magnesium (oxide is only 4% absorbed), and D2 (should be D3). It also uses dry flaxseed oil (risk of rancidity) and wheat grass powder, which I explain why I think cereal grasses are best avoided here.

      2) Green Source from Puritan’s Pride: Same issue as the previous supplement. Many cost-cutting, poorly absorbed forms are used.

      3) Country Life Total Mins: This one uses D2 when D3 is better absorbed, aspartate forms of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium which I recommend avoiding due to a risk of being excitoxic, and free l-glutammic acid that could be excitatory with a genetically slow conversion to GABA.

      4. Lindberg Organic Greens & Fruits +: This product uses many cereal grasses. Please see why I recommend greens powder products without cereal grasses here.

  312. Veronica

    I’m a 38 yr old female who had a tummy tuck & breast lift/reduction 3 weeks ago. I’m currently taking 1 Centrum Adults, 3 Naturewise Turmeric Curcumin, 1 Walgreens Ultra Probiotic, & 2 5000 mg up&up Biotin daily. I am on a very healthy high protein diet, but I cannot seem to get my potassium daily value. I would like to get on a better multivitamin/mineral that semi affordable and increase my potassium. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Any opinions on Nature Made Multi for her, Nature Made Potassium Glutamate or Country Life Calcium Magnesium Potassium? Thank you.

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Veronica,

      Did you take the PhytoVest quiz? How far off are you with your potassium goals? I do not recommend the Nature Made Multi for her due to the use of synthetic vitamin E (you can tell when it starts with “dl”) which has been found to be harmful in studies, and the use of folic acid, cyanocobalamin, and zinc oxide, which are all inferior forms of these vitamins. Did you mean Potassium “gluconate?” I think you would be better off paying for food that contains potassium since each capsule only contains 90mg. For the Country Life Calcium Magnesium Potassium, I also wouldn’t recommend this product due to the use of aspartate forms, which can be excitatory. If you are looking for a similar price point but higher quality forms of vitamins and minerals, Naturelo would be a good brand to check out.

      • Veronica

        Thank you for your reply. I actually ordered the Thorne basis 2/day for starters. So altogether I am taking 1 Thorne, 1 Naturewise Turmeric Curcumin plus Organic Ginger & BioPerine, Naturemade Elderberry Syrup 15 mL, & temporarily 2 Walgreens probiotics to correspond with the 2 daily antibiotics I am temporarily taking. I completed the quiz and I think it looks okay as far as I can understand it. I need to eat more strawberries and sweet potatoes.

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Veronica,

          Ok, great! Adding some strawberries and sweet potatoes would be an easy fix.

  313. Catherine

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you again for all of your feedback! I’ve switched my supplement routine to include Primitive Scientific 2/Day Essentials, along with Polar Power (Wild Alaskan Source), and additional magnesium and Vitamin C. I was also taking Naturelo Bone Strength but realized that this might be overkill with the multivitamin. So instead I’m considering taking Pure Encapsulation Calcium and Magnesium 1:1.

    I also recently started using a supplement called Miami MD Total Beauty Matrix ( to help with some thinning hair (approaching age 50). My mom gave it to me to try. I’ve noticed a difference in taking it. However, I’m concerned that with the multivitamin, I may be getting too much selenium and manganese. I appreciate your feedback! Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Catherine,

      Of course! Sounds like a solid program. In regards to Miami MD Total Beauty Matrix, they don’t say how much selenium is in their proprietary mix. I would ask them if they would disclose the amount so that you can ensure you are not getting too much when combined with your multivitamin. I don’t see manganese in this product.

      • Catherine

        Thank you Alex! I reached out to the company and Miami MD has 120 micrograms of selenium. So with the 70 mcg of selenium in the Primitive Scientific multivitamin, that is 190 mcg. Is that okay? Thank you!

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Catherine,

          That is a lot of selenium, and I don’t see the reason for adding so much to that product. The RDA for selenium is 55mcg. When you also add in selenium from your diet, that becomes too high, in my opinion. I can also show you how to mimic the results of this product for less money. A lot of these products try to differentiate in this space, but the truth is that the main ingredients that work for hair, skin, and nails include a high dose of biotin and the use of collagen peptides. You can simply buy biotin and collagen peptides on their own.

          • Catherine

            Thank you Alex! I would love your advice on how to mimic the results of this product, especially for hair thickness/growth. Which biotin and collagen peptides do you recommend and how much of each do you suggest? Thank you!

          • Alex Swanson

            Hi Catherine,

            Sure. This product uses 5,000mcg of biotin, which is a standard amount used in a single biotin product. NOW makes a 5,000mcg biotin for $13.90. For collagen peptides, I like Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides with Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C ($24.30). So that saves you $30.80 right there.

          • Catherine

            Alex, thank you so much! I’m going to give this a try instead! Love the savings too! Thank you!

  314. DeeDee Reese

    I have a question…. I just purchased Bio Avail multi $58.67 and the Bio Avail Organ for 54.42 as suggested for my blood work up.. but it’s so expensive and between the two I need to take 10 capsules a day… I’m a 70 year old women and I KNOW I need these…. But I really can’t afford this every month…. Is there a brand out there with the quality of this brand ADAPT NATURALS that I can change to without going broke?

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi DeeDee,

      Do you know exactly what is being targeted by supplementation based on your blood work? This will help narrow down what exactly you need.

      • DeeDee Reese

        I’m shown I’m slightly anemic and thyroid need a little change which I was told I can stay on what I’m on and take the multi from them

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi DeeDee,

          It sounds like the recommendations are targeting iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D, iodine, zinc, magnesium and selenium. The Bio Avail actually not does have iron, so I’m assuming they are using the Bio Avail Organ for a small amount. I don’t see anything about the Bio Avail multi that makes it stand out over more affordable options based on your needs. I would ask if you can switch to the Primitive Scientific Adults and Seniors 2 a day. It is only 2 capsules and currently 26.99 for a 30-day supply, which is about half the cost.

          As for the Bio Aval Organ product ($54.42), these tend to be more expensive on average. The Grass-Fed Organ Complex from PaleoValley is equal quality at $44.99, plus 15% off if you click on the link I provided for a total of $38.25. So these two changes would save you $47.85 a month.

  315. Deedee


  316. Matt

    I read online that including magnesium and zinc in a multi-vitamin can cause a situation where they interfere with other vitamin/mineral absorption. These same sources recommend a separate dosage for magnesium/zinc to be taken at night before bed w/o food.

    Is this right/wrong?

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Matt,

      There’s a checks and balances system going on with numerous vitamins and minerals in regards to absorption. This doesn’t necessarily mean vitamins and minerals should be separated. For example, if you had a steak and spinach, you would be getting zinc and magnesium together in food. Meanwhile, the iron absorption is getting a boost from the vitamin C in the spinach, the b-vitamins from each are complementing each other, the zinc and copper are competing for absorption, the calcium absorption is getting reduced by oxalic acid, but the higher amount of magnesium is increasing the absorption of calcium, and the list goes on. So no, I don’t think would should be separating them out. These mechanisms are in place for a reason to provide balance.

  317. Ayan Lee

    Great resource with multiple opinions…Thanks for sharing.

    Pls, share your reviews on Athletic Nutrients by Pure Encapsulations, a comprehensive multivitamin supplement designed for athletes that provides the essential nutrients to enhance athletic performance and training.

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Ayan,

      From a formulation standpoint, it uses all the correct forms of vitamins and minerals with higher dosages for athletes training at an intense level. In regards to the Energize ATP Factors, Muscle Restore Complex, and PowerProtect Antioxidants, I’m not sure the higher price is justified for what you get. I would prefer to use a solid multivitamin at a lower price and spend the difference on whey protein, adaptogens, or fish oil.

  318. Susan E Harrington

    I’m 68 yo woman, celiac & allergic to potatoes & corn. I slipped on ice & have multi breaks in wrist & ankle. Lots of healing ahead. Can you make suggestions for multi and/or supplement to speed process?

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Susan,

      I’m so sorry to hear about your fall! The ice has been really bad this year. The combination that helps speed the process includes protein, collagen, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, boron, silica and K2. With an allergy to corn, you might be sensitive to formulations that use ascorbic acid, which is derived from corn. That could make a multivitamin tricky. You could use Naturelo Bone Strength as your base which has vitamin C as acerola cherry extract, but I would ask them to make sure no corn is used in the formula, and Great Lakes Collagen. Then make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet, and lots of rest!

  319. Therese

    Thank you for the information and answering all these questions which are so informative as well. I’m about to undergo Superficial Radiotherapy for recurring Basal and Squamous Cell of my nose. I’m learning supplementing with selenium isn’t advised with nonmelanoma skin cancer. Can you recommend a multi that doesn’t contain selenium. I’ve just started taking a hair support for my thinning female pattern hair loss and the multi I’ve been taking for years, Performance Lab Multi Women’s, contain 175 mcg combined selenium. One caveat is no animal ingredients please. I read the above question/answer on hair loss and biotin and collagen and don’t believe a plant “collagen” would be effective, though I’ve been taking Thorne biotin. I’m thinking if all else fails I should take less than the recommended dosage to bring down the selenium. Any suggestions are appreciated!

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Therese,

      Of course! Unfortunately, I’m not aware of a multivitamin that does not have selenium. Yes, 175mcg is a high amount of combined selenium, so you may want to consider lowering the dosage.

  320. Jim

    My brother has been taking (and suggested I take) xtendlife “Total Balance Men’s Premium”. Its on the expensive side. Do you have any thoughts on this brand or formula?

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Jim,

      I remember doing an early review for XtendLife from a few readers and I was able to find it. I took a look at the review and the formula now, and it looks like they re-formulated with a few things I was originally critical about, including the use of folic acid instead of methylfolate, and high doses of vitamin E which is now set to 15mg.

      Overall, it is a good formula that I would categorize in the high-dose range, with one of the longest ingredient lists out there. The question of if it is right for you really depends on your needs. Since you are taking 7 capsules and it is an expensive product, you are probably wanting to make sure you are getting everything you could ever need from it. If your focus is on prostate health, eye health and liver health, the formula does a good job of hitting those needs.

      If your vitamin D levels are low, the dose (25mcg) isn’t going to be enough to help move your levels up. If you are requiring more calcium or magnesium, both are going to fall short in this formula. I personally recommend people supplement with more magnesium (400-500mg) due to low levels in the soil and food. If you do not get enough omega-3’s in your diet, this formula does not provide any EPA and DHA.

      If you are able to narrow down what your health goals are and where you might be falling short nutritionally, that will help you decide on the right fit.

  321. Christopher Donaldson

    Any thoughts regarding Naturelo adding Maltodextrin to their formulas? I asked them about it and they said the following:

    “NATURELO does not add maltodextrin to any products. We have a unique approach to formulating our supplements—we always use the cleanest most bioavailable ingredients whenever possible so that you can get the most benefit from each supplement. Our products are complex, and this may mean we have to make adjustments. There is a miniscule amount of Maltodextrin found in some of the raw materials during testing. The Maltodextrin in this supplement is trace amounts derived from Organic Carrot, Black Currant, Cranberry, Pomegranate. ”

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Christopher,

      Maltodextrin or silicon dioxide is actually added in small amounts to a lot of individual fruit and vegetable powders as a flow agent to prevent clumping. So technically, Naturelo is not adding maltodextrin to any of their products, but it is going to be found in certain raw materials.

  322. Eric

    seeing as almost everyone has sold out to big corporations like p&g, nestle, otsuka, etc)
    can you recommend a brand for a mens multivitamin that is truly organic, non gmo, whole food based etc ?
    one that doesn’t use yeast that is fed isolated, synthetic vitamins that then produce vitamins that are synthesized etc – price is not an issue
    thanks in advance

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Eric,

      I try to find companies that have stayed small and focus producing the highest quality formula. What happens a lot of times is that when a large corporation buys the company, the formula gets changed to reduce costs. When you are choosing a supplement, you want to focus on the formulation integrity of the forms of vitamins and minerals being used, then the extent of testing that is being done. For example, Primitive Scientific is a top recommendation for many reasons above the superior formulation that does not use yeast-fed synthetic vitamins. They test to be exceeding low in heavy metals, aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A, pesticide residue and glyphosate. That goes beyond the majority of companies because it is not required of them and they do not want to pay for that expense.

      In regards to organic, it is more complicated for supplements than it is for food. Here is an explanation from Primitive Scientific that sheds light on the topic. “It is very difficult have a certified organic multivitamin if substantial herb, botanical, mushroom and biotic blends are included. To claim the product being organic (and not just claiming “contains organic ingredients”), requires that 95% of the ingredients (usually by quantity) are certified Organic. Most Individual vitamins and minerals cannot be obtained as organic. And anything wild (which is superior to organic), is typically not certified organic. Moreover, the manufacturer need to have certified organic processing, encapsulation or it is not possible. Lastly, it tends to be cost prohibitive for smaller brands which is similar to what smaller farmers struggle with if they want to be certified organic. For non-GMO, we
      use conscience sourcing to avoid main culprits of GMO like beets, and then test for glyphosphate.

      Nonetheless, if you want to broaden your options you can pick brands that test for exceedingly low levels of these compounds you are trying to avoid. organic ingredients tend to still have pesticides etc. present; they just are not allowed to exceed a certain level to qualify as organic. We test for pesticides and use the organic standard as the threshold we aim to be under.”

      • Eric

        even though Garden of Life was bought out, their MYKIND line of organic vitamins says they are made from whole foods that are spray dried and then vitamins/minerals are extracted from that.
        In your opinion , is the MYKIND line of vitamins/minerals a good choice ?

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Eric,

          The MyKind product has come a long way from a formulation standpoint. You may have read some of my earlier comments on this, but they made numerous adjustments in the formulation where I was critical. I still don’t like that there’s so many fillers in the other ingredients section, but I think it has become an overall good multivitamin choice compared to many products out there.

  323. Stel

    Thank you so much for another comprehensive review-extremely helpful! really enjoying all of healthbeat’s articles!
    I wanted to ask: I am 40 years old and working out 5 days/week (resistance training) and having a high stress job.
    my nutritiongenome is showing a1298c (normal c677t), higher need for magnesium+ boron for normal SAMe levels, reduced PEMT, and reduced conversion of beta carotene to vitamin A
    I am eating approx 2200 calories (150-180g protein) following the nutritiongenome recommendations
    taking the naturelo whole food multi for men (2 capsules with breakfast and 2 with dinner), 2x Pure One Omega (one with breakfast and one with dinner) and 2x 200mg magnesium citrate (one with breakfast and one with dinner)
    I wanted to ask 1) do you think 300mg magnesium from naturelo + 400mg from citrate = 700mg is reasonable (I dont eat too many veggies or other high magnesium foods) and 2) since naturelo has beta-carotene which I cannot convert to VitA , I wanted to start taking the liquid Rosita Cod Liver Oil. Should I stop (or reduce) the Pure One Omega before I add Rosita Cod Liver Oil? I was thinking to have 1 serving of Rosita and one of the Pure One Omega, based on your advice. 3) in naturelos page on amazon for the whole food multi they say that each serving of 4 capsules includes less than 1mg of boron. since my nutritiongenome recommended more boron, could you suggest any products to add boron to my stack?
    thank you!

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Stel,

      1) I would recommend using magnesium malate instead of citrate because it has a higher absorption level, so you can get more with less supplementation. You could probably taken an extra 200-300mg of magnesium malate instead of 400mg of magnesium citrate. Unless there is a reason you want to use citrate.

      2) Rosita can take the place of your Pure One Omega. No need to take both because cod liver oil has high levels of DHA and EPA. My recommendation would be to use cod liver oil during the winter and spring, then switch back to Pure One Omega in the summer and fall. This helps even out the ratios of vitamin A and D in your body throughout the year.

      3) Yes, that is enough boron. Boron works well at lower levels, and my opinion is that 1-3 milligrams per day is sufficient. You will also get some in your diet. Those needing more are typically females with bone loss issues.

      • Claudia

        thank you for clarifying so many doubts, and keeping this wonderful site, I would like to know what do you think about this supplement?
        Paradise Herbs, Earth’s Blend, One Daily Superfood Multi-Vitamin

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Claudia,

          I appreciate that! I think that there are many positive parts about this formulation, however, I don’t agree with the use of aspartate forms of minerals or the use of cereal grasses (I talk about why I prefer other greens here). Aspartate forms can be excitatory, and I’ve actually had people comment on this experience with certain formulations.

  324. Claudia

    Thank you so much Alex, you do a wonderful job, and you still help people, very grateful!

    • Alex Swanson

      You are very welcome!

  325. Lisa Jones

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful research and insights into the world of multivitamins. Have you reviewed Lifepak from Nu Skin or Life Extension’s Two-per-day? I have been taking them for awhile, but am unsure whether they are any good.

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Lisa,

      Happy to hear you found the research useful! Which specific Lifepak product do you use? The Nano? Life Extension is known for making very strong formulas, so typically I think that is only necessary for the elderly, those taking medications that deplete certain vitamins or minerals, or those with very poor absorption. For example, the B12 is 300mcg, which is 12,500% of the DV. The magnesium form is oxide, which I don’t recommend using because only 4% is absorbed. Otherwise, the type of other vitamins and minerals are the correct forms.

      • Lisa Jones

        Thanks for your prompt response! I am referring to just the regular Lifepak.

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Lisa,

          Can you send me a direct link to the one you are taking?

          • Alex Swanson

            Hi Lisa,

            Thanks! I wouldn’t recommend this one due to the use of folic acid, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, and magnesium oxide.

  326. Lisa

    I am also taking Now’s Red Mineral Algae as I read that Aquamin is a good source for calcium and magnesium. I am 50+ years old and am concerned with my bone & joint health as I do not consume much dairy products.

  327. Victoria

    Hello, what do you think of the product ag1, or athletic greens?

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Victoria,

      I had this question previously and I’ll post my answer again here:

      Athletic Greens is probably the most promoted greens powder on the market. It’s hard to avoid an ad for it during many podcasts. There is quite a bit to break down in this formulation.

      From the multivitamin standpoint, the positives include using superior forms of folate, B12, zinc, and magnesium. The negatives would be that beta carotene appears to be a synthetic isolate, the poorly absorbed form of B6, a high dose of isolated alpha-tocopherol that can be inflammatory for those with certain genetic variants, and a 4.5:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium (I prefer 1:1 or 2:1 magnesium to calcium) outside of pregnancy and post-menopausal.

      For the blends, I would prefer these didn’t have wheatgrass juice powder or barley leaf powder as outlined in this article. The other change I would make is that hot water extracts should be used for reishi and maitake. Straight powders can include lots of starch and are ineffective at these lower doses.

      Overall, it is better than a lot of formulas out there, but I wouldn’t fully endorse it over the products I have listed unless they make some changes.

  328. Bob

    First, thanks for your time and effort. Second, I have just started to read about vitamins. I do not understand some “dosage” recommendations. For example, Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/Day – Comprehensive Daily Multivitamin includes 500mcg Biotin (1,667%) and 12mcg (923%) Riboflavin. Isn’t that too much? At the same time I see this in the B-vitamin section ” … whereas three others (riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and biotin) are associated with an increase in DNA damage …”. What am I missing? Thanks.

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Bob,

      Good question. The study you are referencing was looking at diets where there was in imbalance in nutrients. In this case it was a diet high in riboflavin, biotin and B5, but low in folate, vitamin B12, niacin, vitamin E, retinol, and calcium. Good multivitamins will have a balanced ratio between these and negate the risk of DNA damage.

      Products like Thorne that use higher doses used to only be available through health practitioners, but now are available to anyone. While they are all in balance ratios with each other (except for calcium, which is true of a lot of multivitamins because they take up a lot of room in the capsule), these type of dosages are typically only used when someone is taking medications that deplete certain vitamins and minerals, seniors, those who have poor absorption, or require therapeutic doses for treating a certain disorder. I made a note in the first bullet point on the Thorne Basic Nutrients about seniors and digestive disorders, but I’ll expand on it to bring more clarity. Even then, I think cutting the dose in half is very likely sufficient. You will find different opinions on optimal dosing, but I tend to be very conservative with doses.

  329. David K

    What is your opinion of the mindbodygreen ultimate multivitamin as saw your listed their veggies product in your greens article?

    Also Do you anticipate (or can you preview) any updates/new recommendations to the best multivitamin based on your submissions to date for your supplement ranking forthcoming page?

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi David,

      Overall, the formula looks pretty good. It’s higher in folate and B12 than I prefer, but the correct forms are used. I wouldn’t advise it for men due to the inclusion of iron. I don’t recommend men supplementing daily with iron (or at all unless there are dietary restrictions or chronic issues leading to low iron levels).

      So far, I haven’t seen any standouts that would bump the current top recommendations I have listed. However, the list will be much longer for each category, include more top recommendations, and give people more options. I think it will be easier to scroll through and find your fit.

  330. Rich

    Any thoughts on Mercola’s multivitamin?

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Rich,

      The Mercola Multivitamin uses all the correct forms of vitamins and minerals. I think it is unnecessarily high in B12, (100mcg), biotin (900mcg), vitamin E (134mg), and selenium (200mcg). For men, I think this formulation could be problematic for those susceptible to prostate cancer based on what has been found with high doses of vitamin E and selenium. High doses of vitamin E have also been found to be inflammatory for those with certain genetic variants.

      • Rich

        Thank you for your input!

  331. harry

    Hi Alex

    I have been reading through your posts and answers to questions and feel safe and confident to ask your
    advice. you confirm alot of truth.

    I like to narrow down my choices of vitamins to just a few good ones and couldnt decide if you for eg endorsed naturelo because of the right balance of multi vitamins over others or cos it was a cleaner purer brand?

    I am not looking for a multi vitamin.

    I am looking for a wholefood vitamin d3 that is suitable for adults and for children and thats absorbable.

    till now i used the mykind vitamin d3 but i want to stop as it has other ing like dextrose which i dont like.

    so i was looking at whole earth and sea, naturelo and then there is thorne research, seeking, health, pure encapsulation.

    the last 3 i understood were synthetic so how can they be so clean and pure – i dont know how they work together? wouldnt vitamin code and pure synergy who do part whole food and part synthetic be more absorbable? (btw thanks for bringing awareness of pure synergy vitamins – i honestly thought i was getting like a mykind blend of blended vitamin c fruits and nothing more)

    anyway i hope you can help me find the cleanest purest and most absorbable d3 for me and my kids age 8, 13, ad 16

    thanks ever so much in advance

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Harry,

      I’ve endorsed certain Naturelo products for using the correct forms of vitamins and minerals, appropriate dosages, and 3rd party testing. However, the company was purchased a few years ago and changes were made to some of the formulations that I don’t agree with and I’ve been vocal about. I still think many of their products are good, especially at their price point.

      For vitamin D, a whole food supplement option is really only going to come from smaller amounts found in unadulterated cod liver oil or wild salmon oil. As a supplement, it has to be synthesized from lanolin or algae.

      When the words “clean and pure” or used, that really could be described as anything purified and tested. Pure Synergy synthesizes vitamin D from algae, and Vitamin Code is a little more ambiguous because they are saying yeast to call it “raw” (which is meaningless for vitamin D). But they have to be feeding the yeast vitamin D to get that dosage, most likely from algae or possibly vitamin D2 from mushrooms. They may not disclose that and say it is proprietary.

      When the words “clean and pure” or used, that really could be described as anything purified and tested. Absorbability comes from taking vitamin D with fat, and there doesn’t appear to be any difference in absorbability between lanolin vs. algae except for cost. The important thing to remember to to balance vitamin D with vitamin A, K2, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Issues with vitamin D arise from taking larger doses and pushing levels too high.

      So it comes down to what you feel most comfortable with from a formulation standpoint, with the vitamin D you and your kids are storing up during the summer and fall from the sun, and if anyone has clinically low levels of vitamin D that requires supplementation.

  332. harry

    Thanks Alex for responding.

    I understand that naturello vitamin d3 is made from wild lichen.

    I hear your concerns about the company but is whole food lichen supp a good source of vitamin d3 ?

    I give my kids rosita cod liver oil but i like to supplement with 1000 iu d3, cos i dont give too much cod liver as there is so much
    controvosy about clo i like to play it safe. i think weston price himself said not to give long term? i dont know why though?

    i also give thorne research mk-4. the dose is 15,000 mcg 3 times a day -dont know why the massive dose. i give 5,000 mcg as they are very deficient in mk-4 – we have no grass fed butter, meat or organs, cheese etc. i hope 5,000mcg isnt too much. they have cavities so i am trying that with clo.

    going back to vit d3 would whole earth sea whole lichen d3 be good or maybe i should go back to garden of life mykind d3 even if it has sugar as its a whole food vitamin. how would whole earth and sea compare? is there any whole food vitamin d3 out there? any brand you particularly endorse?

    thanks ever so much again.

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Harry,

      Yes, wild lichen is a good source and that is probably as close as you are going to get for a whole food vitamin D. I don’t think there is really a difference between those brands. I don’t know of any other source of supplemental vitamin D than those listed.

      I’m not sure what Weston Price’s thought was regarding long term use, but my thinking is that cod liver oil should be used in the fall and winter, then taken a break from in the spring and summer. This is to follow the natural progression of storing vitamin A when natural vitamin D is low, then store vitamin D from the sun and lower vitamin A intake to allow vitamin D levels to rise.

  333. Catherine

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you again for all of your research! I was wondering if you are familiar with Ari Whitten of the Energy Blueprint and his new products. He has a multivitamin/multimineral called “Energy Essentials & Superfoods,” but also Energenesis (mitochondria and energy support), Ultrabrain (brain supplement), Longenesis (formula designed to slow down aging at a cellular level.) There is also molecular hydrogen and a sleep formula. It’s kind of expensive, but I would love to try some of these if not all of them. Just wondering if you have any thoughts.
    Thank you!

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Catherine,

      Of course, thank you for saying so! I’m not familiar with the brand but I just reviewed the supplement line. I think their general philosophy of many companies not putting meaningful amounts of certain compounds is correct, and making a powder allows this ability over pills. For multivitamins, my conclusion is that the dosages should reflect what is naturally found in the diet unless there is an issue with absorption, nutrient depletions caused by medications, or there’s a specific health issue that requires higher dosages. The Energy Essentials & Superfoods uses high dosages of B-vitamins, while the minerals and superfoods are dosed correctly. My argument against this is that there’s been a long standing belief that B-vitamins are harmless because they are water soluble. We know now this is not true. You can upset the methylation balance with a high intake of isolated folate or B12 (niacin does help balance this), decrease minerals like lithium with high levels of B12, cause nerve damage with high levels of B6 in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride, and cause genomic damage with very high levels of B2, B5, and biotin. So I tend to lean towards lower doses of B-vitamins.

      For the other products, let me know if you have any specific questions about them so I don’t write a very long review here!

      • Catherine

        THAnk you Alex! I appreciate that feedback and that makes sense. I will let you know of any specific questions regarding the other supplements. They all sound great to me, but not sure they warrant the price. 🙂

        I have an unrelated question. What should the ratio of zinc to copper be? Sometimes I supplement my son with zinc for acne and I’m wondering if I should be adding copper?

        Thank you!

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Catherine,

          Sounds good! For the ratio of zinc to copper, it’s estimated to be between 8-15mg of zinc to 1mg of copper. I think 12mg to 15mg of zinc to 1mg of copper makes the most sense. If you are using zinc for acne, I would recommend using vitamin A with it as well. Not only does it increase zinc absorption (decreasing the total needed for results), but it is very effective for acne as well. Instead of using synthetic vitamin A, natural vitamin A can be used in the form of cod liver oil – which also provides omega-3’s that help skin health – or from freeze-dried liver.

  334. Michelle

    Hello! I recently had a hysterectomy, but ovaries remain. Although I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise I have trying to research supplements to take in an effort to support hormone balance. I found so many recommendations it’s overwhelming. Vitamin B and D, magnesium, calcium, and fish oil were all on my list. At what point do you recommend just taking a multi vitamin. I’m wondering if you have any recommendations!

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Michelle,

      I completely understand how it can be overwhelming. For supporting hormone balance in your situation, you will most likely have the best results from seeing a Naturopath that specializes in hormones using herbal formulations and transdermal creams (if needed). While it’s good to have a foundation of vitamins, minerals and omega-3’s (a multivitamin would be fine in your case), there may not be much of a modifying effect on your hormones.

  335. Jayson

    4. Naturelo Multivitamin: In 2021, the State of California issued a notice that Naturelo products, including this one, exceeded prop 65 guidelines for lead.

    Hi, in all objectivity, I am surprised that the product still deserves its 4th position in the table of the best vitamins despite its controversy and non-compliance with a Government regulation (Notice of violation of California Health & Safety Code Section 25249.5 AND SEQ (Proposition 65). August 12, 2021

    Should a company with bad practices position itself in the best vitamins? Am I just asking? Thank you for enlightening us.

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Jayson,

      Prop 65 is very tricky to navigate when it comes to what trace level of a heavy metal is normal, and what is too high. When supplements contain whole foods, there’s a higher probability of trace amounts of certain metals from the soil. Of course, the level shouldn’t exceed what is considered safe per day. Prop 65 sets lead at an exceedingly low level that whole foods like a sweet potato, spinach or collard greens would exceed in 1 cup. While the Naturelo multivitamin is not on the list in that document, I would reserve my judgement on the other supplements they have listed until I saw the heavy metal testing myself to see if it was in normal limits outside of Prop 65. Since 2021, Naturelo has also reformulated many of their products. Seeking Health did a good article on outlining Prop 65, the required limits of lead compared to the FDA limits, and the transparency of heavy metals in our diet compared to supplements.

      • Jayson

        Thank you for the additional information. Have a nice day

  336. Michael Smith

    What do you think of Life Extension vitamins ( ?

    I have read your various articles and they are all very interesting.

    I have not seen any article that deals with the subject of high blood pressure. Do you plan to write an article on the subject soon? My girlfriend (who is 31 years old) goes to the gym 5-6 times a week but always has high blood pressure (high blood pressure for several years now). So, we would be happy to read an article on this subject and inform ourselves about possible solutions.

    Thank you for your work and educating people to make good health choices : )

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Michael,

      I think it really depends on the supplement when it comes to Life Extension. They have some really good products – like the Zinc Acetate lozenges for helping prevent you from getting sick when you start to feel the tickle in you throat. Many of their products are very strongly formulated, and sometimes use forms I don’t agree with.

      Yes, I could put together an article on high blood pressure. Do you want anything specifically covered outside of the normal recommendations?

      Thank you, I appreciate that.

      • Michael Smith

        Thank you for reply, yes for example what vitamins and minerals can influence high blood pressure. My girlfriend does sports regularly and she has a normal body weight but she has high blood pressure since her adult life. Maybe the problem is genetic ?

        • Alex Swanson

          Hi Michael,

          Got it. Yes, there are genetic predispositions to high blood pressure. I’ll make a note to add the genetic research in the article.

          • Alex Swanson

            Hi Michael,

            I put together an article on high blood pressure with some more unique angles here. Hope it helps!

  337. Dave j

    How does xtend life total balance premium mens compare to primitive scientific whole for men?

    Looking for support for overall health, hair and skin, Maintain good sugar and cholesterol #s, longevity, stress.

    Thought about the tot bal premium mens, omega 3 and kiwi along with cx8 package from xtend life. Or am I missing the mark completely and consider something else?

    Separately, Any update on the supplement rankings promised last year?

    I’ve tried primitive scientific but may try again. My issue has been batch to batch hasn’t been consistent and also the omega 3s are never sealed when opened upon delivery. They said it’s because the paper tears off when opened but have never seen that before. So always fear rancid fish oil w primitive. Especially with stock from Amazon

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi Dave,

      The Xtend Total Balance Premium Men’s product uses the correct forms of vitamins and minerals, but is a much stronger formulation (mainly from the B-vitamins) than the Primitive Scientific product. I don’t recommend very high doses of B-vitamins unless there are issues with absorption and clinically low levels of Bs, medications are being used that deplete vitamins or minerals, or a specific health issue is being targeted. This product also has a very long list of extracts and isolates at very low doses. I prefer shorter ingredient lists with more effective dosages, or synergistic whole food blends. I wouldn’t say you are missing the mark, but Xtend may be overkill.

      There’s a couple of articles you may not have seen that might help customize your program based on your goals.
      How to Make a Whole Food Vitamin Stack
      Proven Research for Hair Growth, Thickness and Health

      That’s unfortunate about the Primitive Scientific sealing issue. Hopefully they solve it because I like their fish oil product.

      For the supplement rankings page, I have unfortunately had many issues with developers being available to complete the project. So I may need to finish it myself and start with just the multivitamin rankings, and add other categories month over month.

  338. DJ

    what do you think of Abundant Earth Whole Food Multi Elite? See they also have Minding Down Sleep Support which looks interesting and simple.

    Do you recommend guys supplement with saw palmetto or similarly normally after middle age as in should guys take regular multi or specific mens multi after certain age? I’ve read some things that testerone inducing supplements may do more damage in long run from aging standpoint.

    • Alex Swanson

      Hi DJ,

      For the Abundant Earth Whole Food Multi Elite, I have a few critiques. I think the B1, B2, B12 and biotin are dosed too high. The B6 as pyridoxine hydrochloride would be better as P-5-P. I would argue the calcium and magnesium ratio should be closer to 1:1, not 2:1. While small, choline bitartrate is an inferior form of choline and should be phosphatidylcholine. For the greens blend, cereal grasses are a cheap and inferior form of greens. I explain why I don’t recommend them here. If the vegan blend uses ground flaxseed, there’s a good chance of rancidity if using vegetable capsules. The mushroom blend looks to be very small, and likely insignificant as a powder when hot water and alcohol extracts yield the best benefits.

      While there is a shift for men after age 40, I wouldn’t say someone who is generally healthy needs to make any dramatic shifts from a regular multivitamin. You may find yourself more making dietary shifts with your caloric intake to stay lean, and making adjustments in your exercise routine to reduce injury risk and to maintain mobility. Saw Palmetto does have benefits for prostate health and hair. If you notice issues with urination, saw palmetto can be beneficial. Due to being a natural 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, there are also proven benefits for hair loss. I have an article on that here if you are interested.

      For testosterone, I take more of a natural approach. I think that vitamin A, magnesium, zinc, medicinal mushrooms, and strength training can go a long way as you age. You can read more about this here.



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